Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dairy of a Timid Tiger Princess ❯ A Night of Emotions: "Boundless emotions rushed throughout my body like a cascading waterfall..." ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It was atleast 8:52 pm as Maruu was typing away on her laptop. She had set the mood just right too: she dimmed the lights, lit up some cinnmin scented candles, and had but a canope over her burgany queen-sized bed which was slight covered with rose pedals. Why did she do this? Well, she was expecting company coming over tonight--a certain Echidna *hint, hint*--so they could hangout.
"...and he makes me feel so speacial, and when I'm near him, my heart it just...I felt like it was about to pop out of my cheast--glad it didn't--and I get this wonder sensation like boundless emotions rushed thoughout my body like a cascading waterfall as I see him. Ooh, what I would do for him...what I would do if he would make my his," she sighed blissfully.
"Maybe tonight I will have some luck; he's coming over tonight! I'm so excited I wanna scream with joy! Well, I gotta prepare the food and things. Please wish me luck my dear diary." She saved it and closed her laptop.
Maruu was alone for the night--her Sister Marii and her Foster child Purri were out of town and wouldn't be back till tomarrow. Maruu grew a bit worried about her child and wonder if she would be okay, but she knew that Marii wouldn't let anything happen to her.
A knock came to the door and Maruu sat up and got out of the bed a dusted off some rose petals that were on her. She walked door the stairs and approched the door and put the safety lock of just in case.
"Um, how is it?," She asked timidly.
"Maruu, it's me Knuckles. Can I come in?"
Maruu had paused for a moment and had imagined heself doing a lil' victory dance. She squealed in delight and giggled to herself.
"Maruu, you there? Hello?" Knuckles thought that something might've happened to her.
Maruu had snapped back into reality and took off the safety lock.
"Um, hello Knuckles-senpa--Ah...oh? You brought the others with you?" Maruu's voice seem to faded in dissapointment.
"Yeah, you said you wanted to hangout tonight right? Knuckles said.
", yeah. I-I guess I did say that huh?" She said and she looked away from him, trying not cry.
'Yeah I said I wanted you hangout with you...but not like this, I wanted to be with YOU and only you, Knuckles-senpai...'Maruu thought to herself as she was heading back upto the stairs.
"Hey Maruu, why ya goin' back to your room for?" Sonic asked as he was putting the snacks and drinks on the table.
"I...I'm fine, please do not worry about me Mr. Sonic, i'm just going to be in my room. Please enjoy yourselves and relax as if you were at home." She said as she went back up the stairs.
"She seemed pretty sad about something, did we come at a bad time?" Sonic said.
"Not sure..." Knuckles responded as he went over to the sofa and sat down.
"Geez, you guys are dumb--its so obvilous!!" Amy said
"Yeah, shiiit...I mean me and Melody are only like, 8 years old and we even know its oblivous--ain't that right Melody?" LaTesha said as she look at the young Siamese Kitten.
"Yeah, very obvilous: I mean didn't you get the 'hint-hint' signs she was giving you?" Melody said as she took a sip of Fruit Punch soda.
"Whaddya talkin' about you three?" Knuckles said.
"What did Maruu say when she called you earlier?" Asked Melody.
"Hmm...yeah, I remembered what she said. It wasn't really a call--we talked on AIM." Knuckles said as he put his hands behind his head.
*Flash Back*
MaruuTora369: Knuckles-senpai, you there?
StoneFist785: Yeah, what is it?
MaruuTora369: Um...I was wondering if you would, um, um...y-you know, come over to my place tonight? ^^U
StoneFist785: Sure.
MarruTora369: REALLY?! =^W^=
StoneFirst785: Yeah...0_0
MaruuTora369: I'm so happy! Thank you so much. I'll be waiting tonight.
-MaruuTora369 has logged off-
*End Flash Back*
Everyone but Knuckles had slapped their foreheads.
"You Knucklehead!!" everyone yelled.
"Su baka! She wanted you to take her!" Melody yelled.
"Take her where? She never mention that in the chat." Knuckles said.
"Boy, did the term 'bang-bang-bang' first come to your mind when you were chatting with her?" LaTesha said as she put her hands on her hips.
"What?! I-I can't do that!" Knuckles yelled at her as he felt himself blushing.
"I know Maruu, she's asking for this." Amy said.
"How do you know Amy?" Sonic said looking at her.
"Maruu talks to me about these things and asks for advice." Amy giggled.
"...God knows what advice you gave her." Sonic said as he gave a skeptical look.
Well this is all I'mma write for now. Please R&R.