Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dairy of a Timid Tiger Princess ❯ Maruu Knows How to Get Venom--Part 1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Maruu had looked left and right about the living room for Knuckles, but he was nowhere to be found. It was quiet and the place seem just a bit messy.
"...Where is he? Hmm...maybe he's busy or something. I guess I will sit down until he get's back," she sat down for a moment, but looked around the room and got up again and said, " but then again, this place could use a bit of cleaning."
A few hours later, Maruu layed collapsed on the sofa.
" to rest..." Maruu said breathless. Just then, the sound of a door unlocking was heard. As the door creaked slowly, footsteps could be heard.
"Maruu? Why are you on the sofa?" Said a familar voice.
"K...K-Knuckles-senpai?..." Maruu whispered.
Maruu sat up as Knuckles sat down next to her. Just then Knuckles felt something on his lap.
"...Can I rest on your lap just a bit Knuckles-senpai?" Maruu said as closed her eyes.
"Uh...I-I...y-yeah I guess...I mean I don't mind, Maruu..." Knuckles chuckled nervously and felt a blush come across his face.
''s really not a good place to lay down...' Knuckles thought to himself as he felt Maruu cuddling up against his lap. He suddenly felt himself getting turned on and moaned softly.
"You okay Knuckles-senpai?" Maruu asked as she looked up at him.
"Y-yeah I'm o-okay just relax." He said as he covered his mouth, trying to keep the moans quiet.
Maruu had softly began to fall asleep until she felt something poking her.
"H-huh? S...something's poking me in the ear." Maruu sat up to find out what was poking her. Her eyes widen at what she saw.
"Uh...uh...I-I can explain--" Knuckles tried to explain but Maruu suddenly sat up and looked at him.
"W-why didn't you tell me that you hurt yourself Knuckles-senpai?! L-look: you're swollen!!" Maruu exclaimed, which made Knuckles almost fall off of the couch when Maruu thought he was "swollen."
"D-don't worry Knuckles-senpai, on my home planet--people get bitten by snakes all the time; I-I'll just suck out the venom and you'll live! Now please just relax, I got it" Maruu said as she sat down in front of him and touched the "swollen" area.
"Maruu there's no need f-fo--....O-okay, okay I-I'll relax--I'll relax" Knuckles was a bit shocked--I mean he couldn't belive what Maruu was doing, but then again Maruu doesn't know much when it came to sexual things.
All Knuckles could do was sit back on the couch, as Maruu try to suck the "venom" out of him. He'd shivered and make groans and moans as Maruu did her job, but Maruu didn't really take notice--all she wanted to do was help him out. She wouldn't know what to do if something fatal had happen to Knuckles, so she got an idea on what might get the "venom" out quickly: she decided to take more of him into her mouth seeing if that would help.
'Ugh...something salty-like's in my mouth--it tastes kinda yucky...well better out than in I suppose' Maruu had thought to herself.
"...M-Maruu, I-I think you should st...stop--Aaaah!!" Knuckles was trying to hold it back, but sadly failed and released the "venom".
Maruu, being stunned had kinda...well....she accidently swallowed the venom.
To be continued...

It isn't the end of the story, it's just I don't have time and stuff and decided to post this now before you guys are at each others throat wonderin' when the hell would this be posted. XD Anyway's R&R Cuz now I'm workin' on chap 9 now so wish me luck meow!!