Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ First Wave ❯ Chapter 3: Changes ( Chapter 4 )

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"I think his finally, waking up," a soft female voice said "go get the doctor"

"Right" replied another voice; some soft footsteps left the room.

"Uh, huh"

"How are you feel?" asked another voice, but this one was male.

"Where am I"?

A female soft voice spoke "your in Icewind city's hospital"

"Hospital" two red eyes shot open to see a light pink chameleon and a pal blue fox; he had a doctor's white coat on, standing in front of him.

"Nurse, can you get a drink for our patient" the doctor turned back to the person on the bed.

"Can I ask for your name?" the doctor asked, looked at the hedgehog lying on the bed.

"Seraph, just Seraph"

Max remember what happened to Scar in the underground base, he started to panic "where's Scar" the nurse and Doctor looked at each other.

"Who's Scar?" the Doctor asked

"My best friend, he's my teacher, were is he"

"You're the only one here" the Doctor replied "can you please clam down" the Doctor looked at the panicked hedgehog "can you tell me how long you've been a prison by the Drakons"

"what are you talking about I was not prison, I've lived with them for over 9 years and I was never a prison" Max said confused "they're my family"

The doctor turned to the nurse and whispered in her ear "call the guards".

Max readied their minds, {so I'm alone} he through, he narrowed his eyes on the door to the room, as 5 guards came in, then Max looked at the window and he got an idea, he jumped out of the bed and grabbed the sword, which was on the side of a table in the room, he ran for the window and used his psychic abilities to smashed the window and he jumped out of the window with all the shattering glass.

Max landed on the ground, crouch on the floor he turned his head over his shoulder to see how far up he had fallen, it was 6 floors, {not bad} he through, he then pulled the I.V. tube out of the back of his hand and dropped it to the floor, {now to find a way of this stupid planet and back to Drak} he stood up and ran into the dark alleyway.


A year had past by and Max was slowly adjusting to a normal life, he didn't know why, he didn't want to go back to Drak, but he through that they would blame him for failing them, so for the past year he had been living in a city called Memphis, he had apartment in the darker part of the city and the neighbourhood he lived in was not nice place to be in lowlifes and murders lived there, strangely Max had been living with a female white dog by the name of Sybil Silas, but she always calls herself Sugar.

The two had meet shortly after Max had escaped from Icewind city Hospital.

He saw that some criminals were holding her at gunpoint, she had been beaten up badly too, Max turned up in time to help her, after that the two had been friends.

The two were sat at a table having breakfast, Max was sat in one of the chairs striating into space.

"Max, are you ok" Sugar finally asked, she broke the long silences.

"Hmm," Max shock his head and looked at her, "Yes, thanks"

"Max, I've known you for a year now, come on Max, you call tell me" she said, Sugar watched him; he just turned his head and looked out the window.

"Sugar, I would love to tell you about my past, but I can't, well, not yet" he looked back at her; she put her hand on his.

She felt a sudden sharp pain in her mind, Max held her hand tighter "it's ok Sugar, it's ok", she then squeezed his hand harder.

"Max, make it stop" she yelled, the vision stopped as Max took his hand away.

She then looked into his red eyes and she saw lost pain and a forgotten fear.

"One of your visors again" Max asked.

"Max, please promise me, you'll be the person I remember now always," Sugar said calmly.

Max looked up at her confused and said, "for course I will"

Sugar through {was that Max's future}.

Later that day Max and Sugar were walking down the main high street, when both of them saw blackish grey smoke rising up from behind some buildings.

"Come on, Sugar" Max said to Sugar, she looked at him as the two ran.

They ran around the corner of the street, the two stopped running as they saw the building that was owned by PIX Corporation, it was one of the most highly technologic laboratories in the area and it was in flames.

Max saw a female yellow chameleon, she was one of the scientist, she was stood outside of the building screaming, "someone help" Max ran over to the female scientists, she turned to see Max and Sugar running over to her.

"What's the matter?" Max asked her

"The others scientists are still trapped inside" she yelled.

Sugar looked at Max then replied "Max the fire serve's, aren't going to get here in time"

Max looked at the building, having a small fear to fire; he approached the inferno, but was stopped by Sugar's hand on his shoulder.

"Max, no don't go" she asked him remembering her vision.

"I'll be ok" Max continued into the building.

Max entered the building, it was so hot because of the inferno around him, but thanks to his psychic abilities, he had created a shield of psychic energy that was pushing's the fire away from him as he walked down the corridor.

"Hello is anyone here" Max yelled, he turned a corner to see a wall of fire, {no, not this way} he through, he turned to walk another way.

"Help, help" a voice called.

Max turned sharply to the cry, he then started to run, and he called "I'm coming".

As he ran past a room that he had past a while ago, it suddenly without warning exploded in his face, which sending him flying into lab that was already an inferno, he hit the side of one lab's walls, the equipment on top of the table fell on him and he soon became unconscious.


Outside Sugar was getting have worried, "Max" she muttered, she turned her head to the right to see in the shadows two cats not far away from her, one she could tell was white and black male the other was white with red hair, the white and black one was about 7 foot high and the other one was 6 foot high, Sugar through to herself {fate has brought them here, but why?}, she quietly looked back at the labs; seconds later part of the lab's exploded, "MAX" she screamed.


Inside the burning building Max was starting to come conscious again, he slowly sat up, trying to holding his head with both hands, but he soon found that he had broke his left arm, his right leg and 4 of his rips were also broken, he didn't known it but he also was bleeding internally all his injuries were coursed by the back draft of the fire that had sent hi into this room.

The pain was unbeliever able, he screamed out in pain, he was about lost conscious again; he was using more of his strength to fighting to stay awake, he hared the cries for help from the other scientists.

{I'm sorry} Max tried to block their calls out of his mind; he used his telekinesis abilities to help him stand, even with his psychic abilities it still hurt.

He slowly and painfully made his way out of the build, thought a fire exit, out of the build into the fresh air; he collapsed into unconscious again on the wet floor in the side alley.

The black and white cat ran down the side alley with Sugar at his side and he picked Max up and took him to a near by hospital.

The doctors did their tests on Max, Max was put on one of the beds in a private room, and Sugar had come with the two cats.

The three doctors walked in, one of the 3 doctors walked up to Sugar and sat her down and started to tell her his injures, the doctor was about finish "it's a miracle that your friend, is still alive, that blast should have killed him"

Sugar stood up and screamed at the doctor "what is worry with my friend"

"He's in a coma " another doctor replied

"No you don't know Max, like I do" she turn to Max lying on the bed, he looked so peaceful, "Max buddy, you'll be ok" Sugar's voice was full of pain, she sat back on her chair, she was holding his hand, the doctors left the room to give her sometime alone with him.

Sugar cried "Max, please tell me you can hear me"
