Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ First Wave ❯ Chapter 4: The birth of the Neo Crew ( Chapter 5 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Weeks past then those weeks turned into mouths then after about 8 mouths, Sugar who had been visiting everyday, she had got to know all of the nurses that looked after Max.

"Hello, Sugar" one of the nurses said "nice morning"

"Yes it is, June" Sugar replied to the happy Crocodiles.

Suddenly 4 doctors ran past Sugar and June, Sugar and June looked at each other wondering what was going on, so they started to run too, they found the doctors had ran into Max's room.

Max was up and walking around in the room, Sugar was shocked to the point of fainting on the spot, she ran into the room to see him stood next to the window.

"MAX, your ok" Sugar said, running past the doctors, she hugged him.

He stepped back with a confused look on his face; she started to get a bit worried and asked, "are you ok aren't you, you do remember me don't you"

He nodded his head then looked down at the floor.

She moved closer again, then she hugged him and he returned the hug back.

"Sugar" Max groaned, she stepped back again, he slowly opened his eyes to look into Sugar's flaming blue eyes "Sugar" he slowly replied again, she smiled.

"Nice to see your awake" Sugar said, with a bigger smile on her face.

One of the doctors walked up to Max and Sugar "Sir, there is something I need to tell you," Max looked at the doctor "firstly it's been 8 mouths since that build you were in explosion"

Max's face froze "8 mouths" he said.

"Yes you've been in a coma for long time" the information that Max was suddenly hit with wasn't getting to him fast enough "and secondly you were exposed to some experimental nanites that have entered your body, the scientists in the building that explosion had been working on them."

One of the other doctors spoke "plus the blast that hit you was made up of a new type energy which is very unable, in other words if you didn't have those nanites in you now" the doctor stopped then contained "you shouldn't be standing here now"

Max shot a look at the doctors "So am I not going to die" he asked.

"No" Sugar replied hugging him again "these nanites help save your life Max"

Max looked at her in surprise and he suddenly remembered something that happened to him in the lab, he closed his eye and said, "that blast that hit me help save my life" he then open his eyes.

"I can see your confused, come here and look at yourself" Sugar said, she walked over to a mirror.

He followed her over to a mirror and saw himself in the reflection, "is this me, I look" he was no longer light brown hedgehog, he now had white fur with red and black lines down his spikes, {so this is the new me} he smiled, at his new form.

"Sugar thanks for helping me out of the building" Max finally said he looked at her

she then said, "I didn't".

Max faced her "if you didn't who did"

"I did" a voice spoke

Max turned to the door to see a male black and white cat and with him was a female white cat, both of them stood in the doorway, behind the doctors.

"Hi, I'm Fearcat and this is Sonnet," replied the male cat.

Max walked over to them and shock Fearcat's hand "thanks" then he turned to Sugar "and thank you"

"For what" Sugar asked confused.

"For being my light, that I used to find my way back" Max smiled at her, she smiled at him, Sugar then put her hand on Max's shoulder "Max let's go" he nodded.

After the doctors made sure Max was ok the four started to walk out of the hospital just as Max did he felt this new power awaken within him, he could sense thing a whole lot more stronger now, he turned his head down the street, "the red car" he said.

"What red car" Sonnet asked.

Sugar, Sonnet and Fearcat looked at each with a confused look, suddenly the three watched as a red car when speeded by them, they then looked at Max in surprise.

"What?" was Max's replied; he turned his head to follow the car, suddenly Max heard a voice shout {my child}.

At a crossing further down the street a young child was crossing the road when she fell, the child's mother screamed at her daughter to get up, Sugar, Sonnet and Fearcat started to ran as fast they could.

Max shock his head the walked to the middle of the road he stopped and just stood there, he striated at the red car, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter scarlet red, {STOP NOW} he cried.

Sugar, stop and turned to see Max's body glowing a pure zinc white and his eyes glowing a bright scarlet red.

She then whispered, "What has happen to you"

"Sugar, look the car" Fearcat called.

Sugar turn back to see the red car had completely stopped dead with no chance of it starting again, the child's mother ran over to her daughter and hugged her, then stood up and she said thank you then she walked off.

Sugar looked back at Max who was making his way over to side alley, Sugar ran over to were he had gone.

"Max, are you alright" she asked, he had his back to her.

"Yes" his voice was weak; he staggered to the wall of the alleyway and fell to the floor unable to stand anymore, "Sugar, I remember what you said to me earlier about remembering who I am, well I remember, I have a older brother and a sister I would like to find them".

"We'll help" Sonnet's voice said.

Max turned his head to Fearcat and Sonnet standing next to Sugar, Max's head dropped and he replied in a soft voice to Fearcat "you've already helped me"

"It's no trouble" Fearcat started to walk over to Max, he helped the hedgehog to stand, "I know what it feels like to lose someone"

Max looked at Fearcat in the eyes then saw what the cat meant it, {Fearcat had lost his father and brother} Max then spoke to Fearcat "Thanks again"


Ivy-Thunder was a member of the High Dephian Psychic Council she never truly trusted the Drakon Empire, but she was the one who started the first peace talks between the two Empires, after mouths of talking the Drakon Empire finally agreed to the peace talks, the 5 leaders of Psychic Council deicide to form a group to keep the peace between the two Empires, the Dephian High Council chose Max Evelyn to lead the new team, the Team's name was called the Neo Crew, the reason why the High Council chose Max to be the leader was that he had been trained by the Drakon Empire.

Max wanted to forget his past with the Drakon Empire but the High Council didn't.


So far the Neo Crew had only four members and they still did not have a base, but the Dephian High Council had found a perfect location for the base in a city called 'Nimbius', Sugar, Fearcat and Sonnet were checking the new base out.

Meanwhile Max was looking around the city's sites, when he was walking in one of the city's many parks in heard voices shouted, he didn't need to constraint to hard to hear that the C.O.R.E. police were after someone, so he continued to walk, "Another one on the run" he replied to himself.

Soon Max was stood next to a lake when he finally turned to leave he instead bumped into someone, "I'm sorry" Max said, he looked at the person he had bumped into the person was a red bat and she had light grey wings that rose up out of her back, she was looking annoyed at him.

"Get out of my way" the female bat said.

The two heard the cops running up to them, she turned her head to behind her, "great the cops"

"No problem" Max replied, she looked at him as the cop ran at them.

Max drew his sword from its sheath, he stood ready to fight, but sensed that the bat wasn't tell him something, he turned to face her, "excuse me, miss, but why are the police after you"

The red bat looked into his red eyes, but he knew what she was going to say, "I am the Queen of the threats"

"I through so" Max said, he looked at her Aquamarine eyes, she saw the design of the sword.

"You're that one who was trained by Drakons, I've heard about," the bat said, "your that traitor," the bat said again "letting yourself be one of them"

"I am not a traitor" Max growled at her, his hands tighten around the hilt.

She watched him, she saw as his eyes started to change, "Hay clam down"

Max stepped forwards to the bat and continued past her to the police, she watched as Max lost total control, he smashed the police cars with his psychic abilities.

He was about to kill one of the police officers, when the bat hit him over the head with a bin, that was in the park, all that did was make Max more mad, the bat opened her wings and took to the air, she through that hedgehogs couldn't fly, this hedgehog was not a normal hedgehog.

Max looked up at the bat and he smirked at her, she was now looking concerned from herself again, Max was using his telekinesis to making him self-float above the ground.

"MAX" three voices called.

The floating Max looked down that them, {Sugar} he replied in his mind, he slowly floated back down the ground, he then collapsed on the ground and the police ran over and stood over him holding their guns at him.

Max turned his head to look at the police; one of the officers nodded to him.

"Well, we could sure use your help" the officer said, the surprised Max looked back at his friends then back at the red bat that was being put in the back of a police van, the police officers turned and walked away, the bat sat down and looked at the floor of the van.

Max sighed heavily, "Hay, that bat you're arresting is one of my team"

The officer turned to looked at Max and the officer then said "oh and I bet your now going to say that you're the leader of the Neo Crew"

Max looked at the officer and said "er, Yes I am"

The red bat sat in the van looked up, she turned to Max out side, and she was totally surprised by what he had said.

The officer turned back to the van then back to Max and finally said "fine".

"I can't wait to see what the chief says about this, he's not going to be happy about letting the Queen of the threats out of my hands" the officer looked over at the bat, she was stood not far away.

"Hay, Queen could you come here please" Max asked nice, she walked up to him.

"Yes" she replied, how stood right next to them.

"Can I ask for your name" Max asked her.

"My name is Selina Scarlet " said the red bat she then looked at him.

"Well Scarlet, I have just said to this nice officer here, that you're a member of my team" Max turned back to the officer.

Scarlet looked at the officer then back at Max, "what's the catch"?

The officer spoke to her "No catch, if you and your guild help us, we'll help you, and we'll give you information and protection"

"Hmm, sound nice, but I don't thing the other guilds will like this, I'm in" Scarlet shock Max's hand and then the officers hand.



5 years have past and the Neo crew had grown a lot in a very short time, they now have eight members, Max is the leader of the team, Fearcat the second in command, Sonnet the base's top computer engineers, Sugar's vision helps the crew, Scarlet is the Queen of the threats and three new members to the crew are Elk a mysterious green echidna, Elykai a 5 year old Etecain and the last member is Max's sister Rene the two were reunited by C.O.R.E. and are now trying to find there older brother


Well, this is the first of the Fear Act series, I hope you like it, they are more adventures to come yet so set back and wait.