Star Ocean (All Series) Fan Fiction ❯ Far From a Fairytale ❯ One Year ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three: 3.1556926x1010Milliseconds-31,556 ,926 Seconds-525,948.766 Minutes-8,765.81277 Hours-365 Days-12 Months= 1 Year
A/N: Hello everyone! ::Looks up at the title:: I know, it has a lot of numbers in it, but I wanted to try something a little different, and make it seem like Albel and Sophia have been away from each other for more than just one year. Anyway, I don't have that much to say, so…Enjoy the chapter. :D
Concentrate, build up the spell, and release the spell. Concentrate, build up the spell, and release the spell. Move left, move right, strike quickly with the staff. Such thoughts as those filtered through Sophia's head as she moved her body, so filled with grace, across the green interior of the game simulator. It was such thoughts that lead to the defeat of monster after monster. And, even though, said monsters were “not real”-death now surrounded Sophia-and she didn't know if she should embrace such a thing or despise it.
Her long hair, which was now to the very small of her back, swung around her at every move she made. Her body stopped its movement in the center of the room, sweat seemed to have formed on her slightly pale skin and her cheeks were painted a light red (due to the physical exertion). She waited for the new round of creatures to appear, but such a thing never came. At that point confusion had taken over her mind. Where are they?
“Thank you for your time. I hope you have enjoyed yourself, you may now exit the gaming system.” The electric voice of the game simulator met Sophia's ears and only enhanced her weary state of mind.
“What are you talking about? I didn't die! I didn't hit any button to say that I was done! What's going on?” Her voice was loud and panicked.
“You're right, Sophia. You didn't do all that, but I did.” She felt her body twist around and see the blue hair and green eyes of Fayt. His eyes held concern and his hand was held out for her to grasp.
Sophia's small frame shook in anger and her eyes became a blazed. “Why! Why did you do that Fayt? I didn't ask you to do that! How could you?” Her anger came out of her body as she banged her fists against his chest, though, not hard enough to do any physical damage.
“Stop it! Sophia, this isn't like you at all.” His voice was calm, yet the unasked question of, “What has gotten into you?” was easily identifiable. Effortlessly Fayt grabbed the fists that were flung at him. “Calm down, Sophia, and tell me what's wrong with you. Why have you been acting like this? You've been in here more than I have, and I thought I was suppose to be the one addicted to video games.” By the end, Fayt's voice sounded tired, and his body was strained from the force, with which, he held onto Sophia.
“Let me go! Let me go, Fayt, I have to continue playing this game! I have to get…” Her voice started off strong, but soon died away into a fit of tears, as her body crumbled down to the ground. Her brown hair swept past her face and hid any emotions. The soft sound of sobs could be heard and the nearly silent sound of large tears as they hit the green floor.
Fayt bent down next to her, “What do you have to get Sophia?” His voice was quiet and sympathetic.
Her body lunged forward and she wrapped her arms around Fayt, she needed to grasp some form in her arms, it did not matter who or what it was, just as long as it was a thing she could hold. “I have to get stronger!” The blue-tinted tears glided down her fragile flesh, and with each new bout, the more red the sensitive skin around her eyes became, and the more salt she tasted upon her tongue. The water flowed from her eyes until her throat was sore.
“Why do you have to get stronger? Sophia, we don't have to fight anymore, we did our part in history…we don't have to do anything.” Sorrow claimed his face as he looked down at the, seemingly, broken girl.
She just looked up at him, green eyes dull and blank, lips parted slightly. “I have to get stronger…for him.”
At first Fayt had no idea who he was, that was, until he thought about it, and came to the conclusion that the person Sophia wanted to get stronger for was…Albel. At such a muse made its way into his mind, Fayt felt jealousy surge through him, just like he had felt all those months ago, in that desert…Next to that fire…The fire, which burned with such a passion, such an untouchable desire. Why did Albel have to get close to her like that? Why didn't he just stay away like he was meant to? Why…Why did he have to go and make such a lively girl look so dead? The last question formed in his brain as he looked down at the despaired girl below. Why Albel?
Yet, while such emotions of hate and jealousy brewed deep within Fayt, Sophia only longed to see him again. She wanted to prove to him that she was worth whatever pain she seemed to have caused Albel. That she wouldn't be pushed away again. Albel, she had to get stronger for Albel.
“You don't have to do anything thing for anyone besides yourself, Sophia.” Fayt's words were harsh and his eyes seemed almost cold, but Sophia knew that the only thing that kept them that way, were uncontrolled and unacknowledged emotions.
Thus, Sophia shook her head, and her fog filled mind, now cleared, helped her get herself back together. With that, she stood up and wiped away any stray tears and flattened out the front of the skirt she wore. “I'm sorry, Fayt, I didn't mean to get like that with you. I've just had a lot of things on my mind lately and, well, you can just forget everything that I've said here.” She put on one of her fake smiles, though; Fayt could not tell and reached out for his hand. “Thanks for putting up with me like that; you're such a great friend, Fayt.”
As they headed out of the dark room of the game system and into the light of the video arcade that was in their hometown, Fayt began to blabber on about some such thing or another, yet Sophia did not fully listen to a word he spoke. Instead, the pretend smile that had graced her lips faltered, and her eyelids slid down, as if a heavy emotion lain upon them. She trailed, only just, behind Fayt and as she looked at his back and his short blue hair-a grief ridden smile controlled her facial muscles. She would get stronger for Albel, for herself. She would prove her strength to Albel. She would prove her worth to Albel. She wanted to see him…Tomorrow; she would see him tomorrow, at the reunion.
The thoughts in her mind soothed her heart, which ached, and a true smile came upon her face. “Oh, that's right; I wanted to show you this really old 21st century video game I found Sophia!”
A giggle left her pink lips, “Okay, okay, what's so great about this thing anyway?”
He turned around and faced her, “What's so great about it? Are you kidding me, Sophia, this is the very last 21st century game left!” Fayt ended his sentence in such excitement that he sounded like a child who had just received a whole bag filled with sugar induced candy.
Sophia just laughed.
Silence, it had been one of the few things he had lived for, at least, a year or more ago it had been. At the moment, though, he wasn't so sure. Over the year since he had made battle with “God” and won, he had much to think about and much to regret. Yet, such a thing was unknown to anyone besides himself.
The icy cold air that blew throughout Airyglyph and seeped in through the penetrable walls of the castle; such chills as those no longer fazed him, and, for the longest time, he had felt as if he deserved the ice breeze. As if he needed to feel so numb and frozen. That year changed it all.
His human hand smoothly and slowly moved to his katana, the place was were he kept that stuffed cat, so secretly. No one was to know. Yet, such a small and idiotic item gave him strength in battle and made the wait less painful. A whole year, and yet, not a single thing of his appearance had changed. He wondered if any of the other maggots had changed or if any of them became more moronic.
His unasked question was given an answer sooner than he had expected, a day sooner. “ALBEL! Heyyy, Albel, it's good to see you, you big meanie!” The hyper yell came from somewhere off to his left. And out of the corner of his blood colored eyes, Albel saw a flash of blonde colored hair and fabric that flowed without any effort around the young girl, who came ever nearer. A soft sigh escaped his thin lips.
What was she doing here? The thought was valid, for, the reunion was not until the next day and, if he remembered correctly, was to be held on the girl's planet-Earth. So, why was the little brat here of all places and a day early of the reunion?
The child was right beside him now and he could feel her smile on the left side of his body. He had almost forgotten just how energetic she was…he didn't miss that aspect of her at all. “You must be wondering why I'm here, right, Albel.” He gave a sharp nod of the head in response.
“Well, last year, before everyone left to go their separate ways, we performed here. It was an instant hit, though; I doubt you would know that, even though you live here. So, the Troupe and I decided to do another performance in Peterny. I told Fayt and the other's about this, so, their going to pick up me, you, and Nel tomorrow. We have to meet them in the town square. From there, they are going to bring us to Earth for the reunion, like planned.” Her smile turned into a grin and she grabbed Albel's left arm, his claw arm.
He made no violent movements, for, he knew that it was pointless to try to get out of this whole ordeal, and…he wanted to see her. He wanted to see the girl, Sophia. After all, even when he pushed her away so fiercely only a year ago, she haunted his mind. While he may be strong physically, mentally he was weak, thus, he was unable to push her away from his mind. Unable to get his heart to ice over and no matter how much he fooled himself into the want of loneliness…he abhorred it. He didn't want to be alone…
As they made their way out of the city, Peppita to the right of him, she sneakily caught Albel's hand in her own. A cheeky smile lit up her face and, at that moment, Albel hadn't felt up to a fight with her, so he didn't say a word. Nevertheless, he held her hand for mere minutes before he roughly released the grasp, because-in order to reach Peterny in time-they found themselves upon a dragon. As they flew among the clouds, the young teenager seemed to have found no fear; instead she just talked about senseless things, ones of no real importance to him.
It had been when they rode upon the back of the dragon that he noticed how she had changed over the year absence. It was a slight change, yet it was still there. While she still looked as if she were eight or nine, it seemed as if her hair had grown longer and had gotten darker, only just so, and her eyes didn't seem as big as they use to be. Other than that-she was the same-outfit included.
This observation led to another. If she had changed (even only a little) then the others must have as well. So, would he be the only one who stayed exactly the same in both physical and mental appearances? Would he be forever unchanged for the rest of his life? Was that what he wanted or did he want and long for change both around and inside himself? His thoughts were cut short as they landed just outside the town of Peterny. To be honest with himself, he wanted to hear the noise of a performance. He wanted to be submerged in a group of people, but, such a thing would never and could never be him. A thought he had, without his own knowledge, turned into a fact.
Colors and sounds bombarded his senses and it all made Albel seem a little light headed. The past year he had kept himself away from others, had kept to himself and tried to refreeze his heart…but now, now he got forced into the suffocation of social life, and the young brat that had brought him to the said place was, now, nowhere to be found. What annoyances! “Bah.” The short sound came from his impatient lips.
“What are you doing here, Nox? You never came off as the type to like social gatherings.”
“Well, you don't seem like the type to like social gatherings either, Zelpher. You're to busy with the love of your life-work.” He made his tone have a hint of sarcasm and let his semi-evil smirk slip across his features.
“At least I have a life, Nox. I don't waste it sulking and pushing people away.” Her tone was harsh and her expression unknown, for she stood behind him.
The words made Albel snap and in seconds he stood right beside the red headed woman, whose appearance only changed by the length of her hair. “Don't speak as if you know everything, when you know nothing, Zelpher. And know this; if it wasn't for that petty treaty and the common awareness of having once been allies against the gods…I wouldn't give a second thought to slitting your soft and petite throat.” A twisted smile crawled onto Albel's face as his eyes darkened into a dangerous red. Nel held in her breath, scared to breathe, as she felt the cool metal of Albel's clawed fingers rest quite comfortably upon the flesh of her neck.
The tension was thick in the air, yet, with all the commotion over the Rossetti Troupe, no one noticed the two former enemies. That was, except for, Peppita.
“Oh, Albel, you jerk! I left you alone for a second and you're already trying to kill poor Nel.” Her hands were on her hips as she spoke and her eyes glinted with irritation.
“She started it.” was the childish reply given.
Peppita sighed, “That's not a good enough reason to try and practically kill someone. It makes you seem more childish than me and I'm the younger one.” She rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and then laughed.
Albel felt his eyes narrow, “As if that isn't childish, hypocritical brat.” He turned around, as if he was about to leave, yet, all three former allies knew that he had no where to go, at the moment. “Worms.” His human hand paused, wavered over the top of the Crimson Scourge, and then tightened, but the sword never left its sheath. His hand relaxed.
“Well, now that you are back into your usual grumpy attitude, I've got to show you guys to your seats.” And so, the night passed Albel by in a hateful blur-filled with joyful noises and an over abundance of extremely colorful colors. So, when night settled down around the town and most residents found sleep, Albel closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. That whole terror was over and done with and, with an optimist thought, he would never have to go to one of those things again in his life.
“Alright you guys. Let's head to the inn and get a good night sleep; after all, we don't want to be asleep when the rest of the gang comes to pick us up.” The younger female pumped her arm up into the air, her hand in the shape of a fist, and her red fabric glided down her dark skin.
He just stalked past her and continued his gait toward the inn, sleep would be most welcomed. Maybe a good nights rest would rid him of the headache that had some how been created in such a few-rather long-hours. The moon highlighted the stone roads and the wooden buildings. The illumination from above shone bright off of his metal made claw and made the forgotten shadows in the irises of his crimson eyes become highlighted. A wicked one, he looked, with the night wrapped around him like a blanket. Protective of his inner most thoughts and his inner most emotions, for the night-the blackness-was the only thing a blind person could see.
At last, he reached the inn, and paid for his own room. He didn't even bother with the other two females that were still far behind him, they could take care of their rooms themselves, this he was certain. Thus, with an area all his, Albel's body fell onto the bed in a tired slump. Tonight, as he situated himself onto the bed, he thought of how he would let sleep take him. He told his mind that he would get a restful sleep, that he would not let himself be haunted by old and dead nightmares. That the next day he would see her again, that he would see Sophia.
So, with his body curled up in the multiple sheets and blanket, he felt his good hand reach for the secret he kept so close. He felt the tip of the handle of one of his swords, and dipped his hand further downward, until he touched the soft material of the stuffed cat. He pulled it out of the safe place where he stored it and held it firmly in his hand, his fingers curled protectively around it, the creation (which was so filled with cuteness it sometimes made him sick) seemed to be the only thing that locked his nightmares away-was the sole thing that gave him a sleep filled with no nightmares-just peace.
Before sleep overtook his mind, Albel let one final thought snake its way through to consciousness, I wonder if she has changed, I wonder if Sophia…is still Sophia.
The woman in question eyes flickered open, they took in the night. A reason unknown to her caused her heart to hammer so loudly and soundly in her chest. With the wish of sleep on her clouded mind, the excuse that the reunion was tomorrow was given for her restless heart. Yes, her eyelids began to lower over her light green orbs, she would see him tomorrow. Sophia slept, her heart went back to its normal pace, and peace lain over her soul.
A/N: Well, that's it. I hope everyone liked it, please tell me what you think in a review. This chapter wasn't suppose to be as long as it was, just meant to be a filler and transition chapter, but I had fun with it and couldn't help but to put Fayt, Nel, and Peppita into the story. Also, as if you guys probably haven't noticed already, Peppita is going to be one of the main characters. One, because she doesn't get enough recognition in fanfiction (being overshadowed by the fanfiction hogging prince Albel), and two, because I'm going to need her to develop the relationship with Albel and Sophia further. Wow, this is a really long author's note, so, I'm going to stop now. Thanks for reading. : )