Suikoden Fan Fiction ❯ Suikoden - The Dunan Wars ❯ The Stage is set ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 6 - The Stage is set

The air in the Throne Room seemed to tense as Ruka stormed in. He marched straight up to King Agares. "Well?" He snarled. "You asked for me?"

"I have asked you to come, to give you your orders." Agares replied. "In addition to the destruction of the Mercenary Fort, I have reason to suspect that Jillia will be held there. You will find her, free her and return her to L'Renouille. Understand?"

"How can you trust me not to kill Jillia?" Ruka snapped. "How can you trust me not to kill her, like I did all those pigs in Toto and Ryube?"

Agares smiled faintly. "Because I'm sending Galen, my Military strategist to make sure you follow your orders. And if you do kill Jillia, Galen will have you arrested, Prince or not."

Ruka snorted. "I'll have my White Wolves back me up!"

"I'm giving him the power to step in and take over should your command abilities falter, in any way, shape or form." He clapped once and Galen, a stocky man with steel grey hair and beard, a cold smile on his face.

"Prince Ruka, may I say fighting alongside you will be an…interesting…experience."

Ruka sneered. Agares chuckled. "Now run along. I have important tasks to perform, because I'm King of Highland, something you'll never be, Ruka."

"This isn't over, Old man!" Ruka snarled before storming out of the Throne Room.

Durimal nodded to his King and marched out, following Ruka.

That was interesting listening Durimal thought to himself as he stood outside the Throne Room and then following Ruka. Ruka was storming down the hallway looking furious. I'm surprised that old fool didn't ask me to keep an eye on Ruka; he's sending Galen to keep him in line, ha! He is a problem that can be remedied or better still used to our advantage. "Now, my prince, you shouldn't be too aggravated. Your father is looking out for the best interest of the country," Galen noted to the prince.

"I will burn down that fort and neither you nor him will stop me. It doesn't matter if my sister is in that fort, I shall burn it down. After all, accidents do happen." Ruka replied.

Galen looked into the eye of the beast, he seemed to be intimidated by it but showed no signs of fear and he even cracked a smile.

"I'm sure they do, and that's why I'm going to be there with you. To make sure no accidents occur."

Ruka looked deep and hard into Durimal and he too must have saw it. Ruka was smiling Galen looked perplexed and Durimal barely noticed a sweat trickling from his forehead. Durimal knew that Ruka is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Ruka laughed and turned.

"Well then, at least you're confident. That's a good quality I would like to have with the men by my side. It assures victory." He walked out of the hallway and into his own quarters. Galen returns to the Throne Room while Durimal went to Ruka's quarters and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?!" Ruka demanded

"I believe we have something to discuss about the King's orders."

Ruka opened the door and ushered Durimal inside.

"What is there to discuss?" Ruka asked.

"Mainly about Galen," Durimal replied "I believe he could well be a problem and we both want Jillia out of our way."

"The old fool doesn't have as much control over the army as he thinks." Ruka snorted.

"I know that but I also know the authority the King has given him, I overheard the exchange in the Throne Room." Durimal then smiled "But don't worry I'll personally take care of him and then you can deal with Jillia at your leisure and then I will enter with you and I can help you cover up Jillia's death?"

"How are you going to take care of Galen?" Ruka asked

Durimal continued to smile…

Viktor looked up from his desk as Makoto knocked on the doorframe. "Eh? Oh, Makoto. What's up?"

"It's the princess, sir," Makoto began, with such a grim expression on his face that Viktor immediately assumed the worst.

"Don't tell me she's escaped?!" Viktor roared, but the shock on Makoto's face cut him off.

"Sir?!" Makoto asked. He shook his head, his expression clearing. "No, sir…but I think you should come down and talk to her. Sir Flik, too. As odd as it may seem, sir, I think she's on our side."

That took some explaining: Makoto did just that as the two collected Flik and headed down to the cells and he handed Flik a cape that had somehow appeared in Makoto's room - it seemed to belong to the Blue Lightning…though how it go to his room Makoto wasn't sure.

"So what do you plan on doing with her?" Viktor asked Flik as they headed down the stairs and into the basement.

"I have no idea. If we keep her here, she's a threat. If we let her go, she's a threat." Flik explained to him. "Any move we make could possibly bounce back against us."

"Let's cut off her head!" Viktor bellowed deeply and started to laugh.

Flik stopped and glared at Viktor until he awkwardly stopped. "This is no matter to joke about." Flik responded, continuing to head towards the cell. Makoto was glaring at Viktor too. Even the Highland boy has more sense then Viktor sometimes.

"Unlock it." Flik ordered the guard. The guard did so and Flik, Viktor and Makoto went into the cell.

"Princess Jillia, you'll have to forgive these crude surroundings." Flik explained to the princess "We're not exactly sure what to do with you at this point."

"I understand." She said softly.

"I'm Flik, the leader of this bunch of mercenaries and this is Viktor." Flik indicated Viktor who grinned and waved as if she was 50 miles away.

"Hello Flik…Viktor."

Flik exhaled and rubbed his forehead. "Do you understand why you were taken prisoner?"

"I have no idea. Do you?"

Flik was taken back by the question, stopped rubbing his forehead and looked at her.

"Don't talk to him that way!" Viktor bellowed.

"Calm down, Viktor. It's alright." Flik put his hand down from my face and started to gaze at her. "Why were you crossing Jowston territory?"

"To get back to Highland. I can't get back to Highland without crossing Jowston territory."

Well, ask a stupid question I guess. I'm not exactly the best interrogator Flik thought.

"Let me try and explain my situation to you." Flik stood up straight. "If I let you go, you go back to Highland, say something about you were held prisoner at this fort, Jowston and Highland go into all out war." Flik paused briefly. "If I keep you prisoner, it's only a matter of time before Highland attacks anyway."

"That's not true!" Makoto blurted out. "If you let her go, she won't say anything!"

"I expect you to say that, Makoto, you're a Highlander as well." Flik retorted. "There was a companion with Jillia anyway. It's a matter of time before he rats us out if he's not caught. Leave us alone for a while."

"The hell are you talking about Flik?" Viktor asked.

"I said leave us alone."

Viktor and Makoto looked at each other and shrugged. They walked out, talking the jail guard with them.

Flik looked at Jillia directly. She definitely sticks out like a sore thumb in this place. A princess did not belong with a bunch of unruly mercenaries. "What do you want from us?"

Jillia blinked in mild surprise. From them? What could she possibly want of these mercenaries? Revenge? Freedom? "Peace," she answered shortly, looking him in the eyes, gauging his reaction. It was quite…different then anything she might have expected. Had he spaced out? Testing that idea, she added. "And a pet goat."

Half a second later, "Uh…Okay, thank you." He then left.

As Flik left the room, he thought of Jillia, her long hair, her innocent eyes, her subtle smile…I hadn't noticed such features since… Flik shook his head and sighed Jillia is someone to be admired, I see the same courage Odessa possessed in Jillia…

Makoto entered the room just ahead of Viktor. "Sorry, Princess…I don't know what Flik so upset! He's usually so levelheaded…" the boy commented.

Viktor snorted. "Only sometimes, kid. You ain't known him that long," he noted, then looked to Jillia. "So, princess, our problem is what to do with you and how…"

Jillia sighed. "Logically, I'd think that would be up to you and Flik. I don't have any plans of running away as soon I'm left alone, if you're wondering, unlike some," she finished, glancing at Makoto as she did. Makoto blushed.

Viktor burst out laughing, then controlled himself. "Well, he ain't planning to run anymore anyway, but I get your point. We keep you and Ruka has the perfect excuse to storm the fort, he can put you away and claim we did stuff to you. What we need is a way to turn this around…" the big man sighed.

Makoto blinked, then sat up in sudden inspiration. "Maybe we have one."

Viktor shook his head "Huh?"

Makoto seemed about to burst from this idea. "Don't you get it? She and I solve each other's problems! If you can get us through the pass into Highland, she and I can reveal the truth about what Ruka did…" he trailed off, looking at the princess.

Jillia shook her head in denial of the notion. "I thought of that a little. There are a bunch of problems thought. Ruka and my cousin Durimal don't like me much, so they'd have no problem branding me traitor in some way or another. And you haven't seen Highland since what happened in the Unicorn Brigade. Everyone I saw was crying for war." Her thoughts strayed back to the time in Kyaro for a moment latched onto the image of one angry girl calling for war, to avenge her brother. Suddenly her eyes went wide as she realized the girl's likely identity.

Makoto noticed. "Jillia? What's wrong?" he asked.

Viktor did a doubletake. "Jillia!? Not `Princess!?" Realizing his slip, Makoto returned to blushing.

Jillia bit her lip. "I…I was at Kyaro right after everything happened. I was the one who had to tell everyone that the camp had been wiped out. And there was a girl who was one of the first to demand war. I think…I think she must have been your…sister…" she told her childhood friend.

Makoto blinked and slapped a hand on his face. "Huh? Oh, no, not Nanami!" she cried.

Viktor looked from one to the other. "Huh? Nanami? Who the hell?" he asked.

Over the next few minutes, the situation was explained - Viktor learned about Nanami and Makoto came to understand the odds against his idea a bit better. "OK, so I guess return is out for now. But we have to get Jillia OUT of here, Viktor," the crestfallen boy stated.

Viktor grinned. "There you go with the `Jillia' again! `Mr. Jillia."

Makoto blushed but pressed on. "I'm serious!! Not just `cause of us, either - Ruka will want her dead if he finds out she's been talking to us!!" he protested, then turned to the princess. "That reminds me - your companion, the man who was with you. Who was he? I mean, would he help us if we found him?"

Jillia remembered who her companion had been and what he had done to the boy in front of her, and paled slightly. "I…don't think so…"

Makoto blinked at her reaction. "Huh? Why? I mean, was he one of Ruka's men?" Pausing, he shook his head. "Never mind. Viktor, do you think we could her safe passage to Greenhill or somewhere? I can't see the war coming there unless the whole City-State is in trouble…"

Viktor thought for a moment. "Not a bad idea. Any contributions, princess?" he asked, bowing mockingly and ignoring Makoto's annoyed yelp.

Jillia sighed. "Moving me won't help you any, you know. Unless you act like the sort of mercenaries I've heard stories of…" She frowned.

Makoto sheepishly replied, "Well, yeah, but you'd be in less danger, at least…and I don't want to see you hurt," he finished, scuffing his toe in the dirt.

"Aww, how sweet," Viktor said with a huge grin on his face.

Makoto scowled at him "Shut Up!" he cried, hitting the bear on the head. Viktor headlocked him in reply and the two scuffled for a moment.

Jillia struggled with her laughter, then cleared her throat, causing the two to separate. "I know you don't want me in any danger, but the possibilities could easily get ugly. Ruka and Gregore wouldn't even need the inspiration of a few dozen teenage martyrs. I'm fairly sure when that I when I left Highland, Ruka didn't intend for me to come back. After all would he send me with Highland's most incompetent general? If Alen hadn't come along after Gregminster, I probably wouldn't have made it this far." She looked levelly at Viktor. "I doubt he would mind if you did `lop off my head."

"`Highland's most incompetent general??'" Makoto quoted. "I didn't think King Agares had any incompetent generals."

At the same time, Viktor said, "You were with Alen? Where is he? We could sure use his help!"

Jillia had to look back and forth between the two for a second to sort out the comments. "You know Alen? Well, the last time I saw him was on the crossroads to the south of here. He was going back to Gregminster," Turning to Makoto, she stated flatly, "The other Highlander with me was Rowd, okay?" and struggled to maintain her composure.

Makoto's face darkened, as he struggled to maintain his own composure at the mention of the man who betrayed him and the others in the Unicorn Brigade.

Viktor sighed. "Look this is getting us nowhere. Princess Jillia, I hope we can keep you as a guest for a few more days. When we can arrange for an escort, we'll get you to safety in Greenhill, where hopefully you and Lady Teresa will get along fine." He paused. "If anyone has a problem with this, say so now…"

Jillia nodded. "All right. I have no arguments."

Makoto replied "All right, I'd like to volunteer for the escort party…if that's okay, of course…" he added with a shy glance at Jillia.

Jillia simply nodded and the two mercenaries took their leave.

"Who said anything about you being heir, Marco?" Marcel Atreides, head of the Atreides clan snapped.

Marco jumped up in shock and disbelief. "Bu-but father…"

"No buts!" Marcel growled. "As unworthy as Jowy is still my heir. And that's final!"

The head Atreides marched into the house, slamming the door behind him. Marco quickly pursued, calling to his father in protest.

Standing in the silence, Jowy wiped away some newly formed tears. It was embarrassing should anyone see him cry. What a shame he thought, shaking his head.

Jowy went inside. The house seemed busier than usual. Maids, butlers, various household servants, ran around in a frenzy. I wonder what's going on Jowy thought to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted once again as red-faced Marco ran to him "Jowy! This is all your fault!" he cried in a huff. His voice was slightly hoarse from yelling too much.

"What are you talking about Marco?" Jowy asked, though he knew pretty well what Marco was angry about. He just wanted to hear the words from his younger brother's mouth.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about idiotic peasant. Father still wants to give headship of the Atreides clan to you. I don't know what drove him insane to make him do that. But whatever the case it will be mine!" Marco pointed a finger at Jowy's chest. "Make no mistake I will use any means possible!"

Jowy smiled just to annoy him. "You do as you like, Marco. You know neither can change father's mind."

Snarling, Marco stormed off.

With nothing else to do, Jowy walked straight to his room and unloaded his belongings; he slipped under the covers of his bed and took a nap.

Barely an hour passed before a maid knocked on the door.

"Master Jowy, excuse my interruption, but I was concerned about your brother. I saw him walking towards Lord Marcel's room. The look in his eyes told me he was not in the best of moods."

He's never in a good mood.

"The look was quite frightening…that of a wild animal…maybe it's nothing…"

Jowy's eyes flew open…don't tell me he's trying to…

"It's all right." He spoke calmly, betraying his frantic thoughts. "Don't worry yourself. I'll take care of things."

That night, Marcel retired to his room. I can't think clearly what with unworthy Jowy gallivanting off as he pleases and insolent Marco being the disobedient child he is. Perhaps a good nights will soothe my nerves.

He slipped under the covers and closed his eyes but then a light breeze blew from the window to his face. He sat up puzzled and angry.

Did I not specifically instruct the servants not to open the windows without my permission? He thought angrily. What is the window doing open?

Another breeze blew, brushing the curtains aside. A dark silhouette behind the light fabric revealed itself to be Marco.

"Marco! How dare you-"

Marco leapt at his father, drawing a knife to his father's neck. His eyes were wide open like a crazed madman. "No, father. How dare you?" he accused through jagged breaths. I am your one true son. I am the one related to you by blood. Why can you not recognize that? Why must you allow an outsider like Jowy to inherit headship of the clan? Why?"

Marcel narrowed his eyes. "See here, Marco-"

"Shut up!" the younger Atreides snapped, shoving the knife dangerously close to his father's neck. His crazed eyes neared his father, each breath closer, louder. "Give me my blood right. Otherwise I will slash your throat!"

"Disobedient…child…" Marcel spat.

"Give it to me or else!" Marco roared raising the knife.

"Marco, that's enough!" commanded the last person Marco wanted to hear. Marco slowly turned his head towards the door, his grin growing wider with each anticipating moment. Jowy stood on guard at the door armed with his staff.

"Marco, I will not stand here while you threaten father. If wanted leadership of the clan so badly, you should have realized that killing the current heir is the only way." Jowy stated. "Don't be a fool, please get down from there."

Brandishing his knife Marco lunged towards his older brother, swinging his knife-wielding arm as hard as he could. The older Atreides single handedly deflected the attack with a minimal effort and shoved his brother on the floor. The knife fell out of Marco's hands and it slid in a far corner. Marco clenched his teeth as he winced in pain.

"Marco" Jowy gazed at his brother sadly, "I've known for a long time how you felt about the inheritance. I'm sorry, but both of us must respect father's wishes whether we want to or not. Don't hurt yourself like this. You don't deserve this pain."

"Shut your mouth, peasant!" Marco snapped. "You don't mean that. You're only saying that because father's in the room. Because you're father's favourite. He only wanted you as heir to respect our mother's wishes, leaving nothing for me, his one true son."

Marco charged at his brother taking another knife hidden in his pocket.

"That's enough!"

The Atreides brothers watched in horror as Marcel lunged in front of Jowy. Marco's knife plunged into Marcel's chest. The head of the Atreides clan coughed and slowly tumbled down on the floor.

Using the last of his strength, Marcel narrowed his eyes to Marco "Jowy…is…my…heir…"

"W-wha...what have I done...?" Marco stuttered. His shaking knees grew increasingly weak and he fell on the floor. Bloody hands slowly made their way to his blood stained face. "... I couldn't have..."

A dark shadow loomed over Marco. He turned his head to see Jowy standing over him with a chair held over his head. The Jowy Atreides' eyes - cold as ice and as blank as a clean slate - Marco read as total anger. He winced as the chair was raised back, then thrown forward at his direction. The younger Atreides flung his hands over his eyes and screamed...


The chair shattered a nearby window. Jowy ran towards the broken glass and stopped in an urgent battle stance holding his staff outstretched. Almost immediately, a nearby butler ran into the room. He gasped at the dead body lying in blood and the shattered window. "By the True Runes, what happened here?"

Jowy turned around, panting in false alarm. "An intruder was here! An assassin...a man in black... I managed to fight him off before he hurt Marco but he escaped through the window. However..."

"I understand!" the butler cried. "Guards! Search the grounds for a man in black! And hurry!" He quickly left the room to spread the news.


Marco was still on the floor shaking like a leaf. His trembling arms could barely support his weight. "Why did you do that? You could have turned me in like a common criminal. But defended me. I don't understand. Why did you defend me? Why?"


"Shut up!" Marco cried. "I don't want to hear you anymore! I don't want to hear any more of you traitorous murderer! Get away from me!"

Tears springing from his eyes, Marco tore out of the room. Jowy called after him but in vain. He did not pursue his younger brother. He only gazed sadly in realization Marco will never listen to him. Numerous servants came in to gather Marcel's dead body as well as dote on Jowy's welfare. Jowy neither heard their voices nor felt the maids brush the broken glass from his clothing. Marcel's last words still haunted him.


Why... Why me?