Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ A New Hope ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Huh…what? What's…what's going on…?
The dull light that shone above him hurt his eyes as Craven half-opened them. A groggy sensation washed over him; the drugs were still in effect in his system.
When his eyesight adjusted, he looked around him. His wrists and ankles were strapped down, and he was lying on a metal table. Another light bulb illuminated a section to his left- in a glass tube, staring at him through scared eyes, was Angel.
And off to his right- Ruby and Scarlett stood together, smirking at the sight of them both.
The odd thing was, both of them had only a bra and pair of underpants on.
Scarlett approached him on the table. Looking down, he saw his pants were down around his feet. Why hadn't he noticed before?
Her shadow loomed over him as he felt another prick in the neck. His vision blurred.
The last thing Craven remembered seeing was Angel's face- confusion, sadness, and worst of all-betrayal.
The first thing Craven remembered when he woke up was the look on Angel's face exactly as he remembered it.
But that was all.
Somehow, he was back in his room at the Tower. Someone had thrown his shirt onto the floor, and he noticed a little white note sticking out of his pocket.
Removing the covers from his body, he walked over to his discarded shirt and picked up the note.
“You have served your purpose well. Bear in mind that in nine months' time, you will be a father to the bringer of your death. Don't even try to find us- we'll remain hidden until your child is old enough to destroy you.”
Oh God no…we…I…didn't…it's not possible, is it? I, she, no…
Craven hastily reread the letter from Scarlett.
You've gotta be…oh no-Angel…what'd they do to Angel? If they hurt her…
Still shirtless, Craven burst from his room and down the hall, then into the living room area of the Tower.
A quick scan set his heart at rest a moment. Angel sat next to Fire and BeastGirl at the table. He walked as calmly as he could to her.
“Uh…hey, Angel. What're you doing here?”
She looked up towards him, but never actually looked at him.
“Hello, Craven. I believe we need to talk.”
He nodded. Angel stood, and together they walked back to his room.
Shutting the door, and making sure it was locked, Craven followed Angel and sat on the bed.
“So, what exactly…happened?”
She sighed. “Well…”
It took about ten minutes to tell the short version of the story.
They had drugged him and then Scarlett had her way with him, making sure he had gotten pregnant. Then Ruby knocked her out also and left them in a back alley in one of the worse districts of the city. Angel woke up first, and brought him back to the Tower.
“And that's pretty much it.”
Craven sighed. How could he let this happen?
“But Craven…that's the bad news. I have good news, too.”
“Well, I guess I should hear it.”
She leaned over and whispered into his ear.
“She's not the only one expecting…”