Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Things Change & The End? ❯ In love and Danger ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Three days had passed since Beast-Boy had left, and since the Titans had had that sickening feeling of something really bad happening to him. So far nothing had gone right that week…
Beast-Boy left. The Titans wondered if Terra was really alive, but couldn't find her anywhere… because neither of them even though of searching the Murakami school, as it wasn't one of Terra's usual hangouts…
Now they had something more to worry about. Raven was in near panic for the first time her life. “Gone?” asked Robin, “Are you sure…?”
Raven was positive. She didn't know how, but the Dark Prognosticus was missing from her white chest, and she knew that she didn't take it out, and that no one else had been in her room… just as she liked it.
Cyborg ran a check of the security cameras, and so far there had been no indication of any intruders. Not even any invisible ones.
Starfire then foolishly asked, “Beast-Boy… do you know-- oops.” She had quite forgotten that Beast-Boy was gone. She felt really embarrassed, but it quickly faded as the others knew how she felt…
“Isn't it amazing…?” Raven said.
“What is?” asked Cyborg.
“That we actually miss him.”
The others stared at her as if she hadn't said the right thing, “What? It's the truth…”
The Titans let it go, “I just hope things don't get any worse.” Robin said, and that was the exact moment the alarm went off. “Ya' had to say it, didn't ya?” said Cyborg.
Robin sighed, and checked the computer. “Titans-- Move out!” and the Titans dashed out the door.
It was simple day in the park, and where a lot people went for in the afternoon, particularly after school. Some of the guys from Murakami high finally got to take the pretty girls on hot dates.
Terra was in the park too, alone. She hadn't spoken to Jackie or Jillian in days, because for one thing: she was still mad at them, and two: she was still worrying about Beast-Boy.
“What's the matter with me…?” she asked herself as she wandered into the woods alone. “I shouldn't be thinking about him. I want to move on… don't I?”
Suddenly she realized maybe she wasn't fighting with her head anymore. She was fighting with her heart. While she didn't want to be a Titan or a hero ever again, did she really want to shun Beast-Boy from it too…?
After all, he made her laugh… he was willing to forgive her when the other Titans weren't, and even when he turned her down himself he STILL believed in her.
“Ohh… this is terrible.” she sighed as she sat on a bench near the pavement
(Music cue)
If there's a prize for wanting change
guess I've already won that
is worth the aggravation
that's ancient history, been there, done that!

-Who'd I think I'm kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to
Try to keep it hidden
but can folks see right through me
Yet, should conceal it
Is this how I feel and
What… am I thinking of

-No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no
If I swoon and
I must defy it so
It's too cliche
just can't be in love

-I thought my heart had learned its lesson
Some times its best to leave it out
My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Nut now my heart says… you can't believe it out

-I'm keep denying
Forget about this feeling
No way I'll be buying
I'll mark it on the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
I really have to own up
I may have done it bad…

-No chance, now way
I won't say it, no, no

Give up, give in
Chase away that cute dove
the scene should not play,
I just can't be in love

-It's way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it…
At least out loud
I won't say I'm in
Terra stretched out over the bench in a soft daze, maybe she could fight what was in her head, but not her heart. Still, her mind was made up. She chose her path and was planning to stick to it…
Her mood and chain of thought was suddenly shattered when the ground starting rumbling and screams erupted from the park; people running amuck in fright.
Terra dashed to the park just in team to see nearly half the people fleeing, “What's going on…” she cried. Then suddenly, the ground began to rumble beneath her feet. She jumped out of the way as the ground erupted with such force as something HUGE burst up…
A giant armored creature, with horns and tools, and very sharp teeth, and a deathly growling. Terra was so frightened she couldn't even scream. She ran for it only to have more of these creatures burst up and began to terrorize the park.
Terra finally ran by the shrubs where one of her fellow school-mates had taken cover. “You okay?” he asked her. Terra nodded, “What are those things?”
“I didn't have the time to ask… the look like giants!”
Terra had never seen anything like those guys before. Then as the giants cleared the area all spread out all over. Three other creatures appeared on the scene. One looked like a witch from the middle-ages, and she seemed to speak in rhyme.
“This is such a wonderful place.
A pity for soon there won't be a trace.”
The second one looked like a Medieval Knight with dark armor, and purple skin. “Be still my friend… our task hath been made clear. We must joust with honor.” he hissed.
The third looked like a pompous blonde-bimbo. She seemed to speak in normal sweet teenage voice. “Oohoo… I don't think hurting these people is good thing.” Then she suddenly transformed, kind of like Jekyll and Hyde. Now she looked wicked, and spoke louder, modulated voice, “I think it's a great thing. Heh-ha!”
“Think again!” called a voice. The three creatures turned round and saw the four Titans staring at them. The knight raised the visor on his helmet, “Who art thou…?” he asked sternly.
“Who are we…?” Cyborg answered as he prepared his cannon, “We're your worst nightmare.”
Robin got out his staff, “Titans, attack!” and the fight was on. Starfire and Raven went after the witch. Starfire shot her star-bolts, and Raven picked up rocks with her powers and threw them.
“Oh please…
Anyone feel like shooting the breeze.” The witch hissed and she drew in a huge breath and breathed a stream of fire burning the bolts and rocks to ash. She cackled endlessly at the girls which annoyed them furiously.
Cyborg didn't have it so good either as he faced off with the knight who was seemly just as mighty as he was. Catching his punches, hardly taking any damage for attacks due to his armor, and used powerful lightning-attacks which damaged Cyborg hard.
“Gah, ha, ha, ah, ah, ah… So Much'th I enjoy this. Yah, ha, ah, ah, ah!”
Cyborg, weak, but not defeated was still up for more. “That all ya' got?”
As for Robin, he had it the worst. He was chasing after the pompous girl, and tripped her up using his disc-bombs. Then he left up high, and the girl let out a scream of fright forcing Robin to stop… as if he couldn't hit a sweet teenage-girl. “You… you didn't hit me?” she asked him sweetly.
“Uh…” Robin stuttered, “No, I didn't…”
That's when the girl changed into her evil-self. “Well… too bad.” And she socked Robin hard in the chin. “ARGH…!”
These villains, whoever they were unlike anything the titans had ever faced before. They out numbered them four to three, but it was almost as if it were the other way around. “Man… these guys pack quite a punch.” cried Cyborg.
“Tell me what I don't know…!” snapped Raven.
As they continued to battle, Terra stepped out from the shrubs. Her schoolmate begged for her, “Terra! Terra come back…” he called, but Terra kept walking slowly out there, and had completely forgotten about the giants… which had bust through the ground catching her by surprise. “WHA-AA-AAH…!”
Her schoolmate began to dash for the hills, but Terra was running for her life through the woods with three angry against following her, and the titans were so busy in their own fights they didn't notice.
Terra was on her own, and she couldn't use her powers to escape on a flying rock or people would see her and her cover would be blown…
Suddenly she went left when she should've went right, and founder herself at a dead-end near the bridge that had no tunnel and was just a brick wall. She couldn't shatter it to get through for that would also lead to breaking her cover, but those angry giants were now in front of her, and they looked ready to use their sharp-teeth and tools to rip her to shreds.
Terra realized she was all alone, and knew she could at least try and defend herself by using her powers to smack boulders at the giants, but the seven-foot monsters were too tall, and thick with armor to really get hurt like that.
She finally created a wall around herself to keep the giants out… but it wasn't working as the giants were armed with drills in their claws, and began to chew threw the rock. Terra finally SCREAMED in fight. “HELP…! SOMEONE HELP ME…!”
POW! The giants shattered the wall and were just a few feet away from her, when suddenly… a mysterious figure appeared to the side of them all. The giants turned to face this stranger…
He was wearing a full black burglar suit and a full golden mask with only eyes; his entire face was hidden completely, even his ears were covered by the head bit of the burglar outfit. He also had on a white top-hat, and a matching white cape with shredded linings at the bottom; this covered his body entirely until he flapped it outward, revealing silver armor, and he stuck out his arms. wielding a cane with a blue diamond on-top…
Above his right shoulder, a dark book floated in midair. Terra had no idea who this guy was, but something about him seemed rather strange…
The next thing she knew, the stranger had raised his cane and had zapped the giants away. POOF! POOF! POOF! They were gone. Then the stranger poised his cane upwards and shot a beam of blue light at the sky…
In the park, the titans were still fighting the villains, when everyone got a glimpse of blue light. The villains realized, “We much exithit… only to joust again.” Cried the knight, and he vanished in a static-shock.
“Ye who fights and runs away…
Lives to fight another day… GLARGH…!” and the witch vanished in a flame.
As for the Hyde girl, “See ya, Titans… I'm not through with you yet.” She growled and flew away in a small red-sphere of light. Then they were all gone. “Okay… what was that?” Raven asked.
“I don't know… but I think we should find out.” Robin said and he urged the team to check out where the blue light had come from… so they dashed into the woods.
Terra watched as the stranger ceased the light, and then gazed at Terra. He backed up a few paces, then tipped his hat downward over his mask, and vanished without a trace.
Terra still felt really amazed and confused. “Who was that guy?” she wondered. She also wondered what it was that felt so strange about him, but she didn't have time to stand there and think as she heard the Titans coming.
She ran for it, into the woods and out of sight just in time…
“There is… nothing here.” cried Starfire.
The Titans looked all round, but absolutely nothing was out of place, at least nothing they couldn't recognize. “So… who were those guys, and what were they after?” asked Cyborg.
“Whoever they are… I'm sure they'll be back.” said Robin.
In a dark, deathly looking castle, who knew where it was… the three villains were debating over why they were forced to retreat, then suddenly. The stranger in the top-hat appeared causing the villains to fall silent.
He spoke in an odd, yet familiar voice that some would recognize. “I… Count Logan am gratefully displeased in you… Medeva… Sir. Vile… and Jacquelyn Hyde.”
The three minions didn't know what to say. That's when the Count opened the book, and magically viewed them an image of Terra, “See into the Dark Prognosticus… I had told you not to harm this girl, and your giants almost destroyed her!”
Sir. Vile bowed, “Forgive us, Excellency.” he said, “We had only but to gain'th the energy you required. We will not let it happen again.”
The Count growled softly behind his mask, “See to it that you don't.” he sneered, “DOCTOR BELJAR…?” he then called.
Two large doors to the chamber opened wide, and inside came what looked like a man who was half a cyborg, but not like the Teen Titans Cyborg. He looked more like a geek, and he sometimes malfunctioned when he spoke. “You… c-c-c-called, your majesty…?”
“Yes…” hissed Logan. “I a trust we have gathered the energy enough we need to begin our scheme?”
Beljar nodded, “Yes, indeed… everything is going according to plan.” he cried with joy, “My calculations as well as my latest invention, the energy machine… even now as we spe-spe-spe-speak… the energy is being channeled and ready for you to being. Nyah, ah-haa, ah-haa, ah…”
Logan twiddled his fingers on his cane wickedly. “Good…! Now at long last, after these many centuries, the greatest, final prophecy of the Dark Prognosticus will be fulfilled…” he hissed as he creased the book with his hand. “The end of all worlds is near, and the reign of Count Logan now begins!”
He began to laugh manically, and his minions too as the book began to glow, and create something so incredibly fiendish… you'd die of shock.
Back on Earth…
It was late, and a little boy was staring up at the night sky through his telescope. His mom had just come in and told him it was time for bed. The boy agreed, but suddenly, he saw something in the sky… something very strange that he had never seen before.
He looked closer, and closer. “Wow!” he exclaimed, “A miniature black hole!”