Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Things Change & The End? ❯ Raging Starfire ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The laughing had quelled, and Count Logan stroked his Dark Prognosticus as if it were a cat. “Who's my greatest treasure? Who is?” he cooed playful at it. Then he vanished and was gone from the chamber.
This left his four minions to quarrel over who the count favored the most, all except Jacquelyn. “I don't think the count really cares about how powerful we are.” She said in her sweet forum, and then changed into her evil-self, “It's about how much butt we kick!”
Sir. Ville raised his visor, “A… the lady make a good point, now we must high thee hence, to exterminate pestilence.”
Medeva agreed…
“I shall take my battle to Earth,”
“I'll show those titans what I'm worth. GLARGH…!” and she vanished instantly before the others could argue. “Fool… I hope she realizeth what she must not do. The count will be furious.”
“Oh, Boo-hoo… it's her loss.” Jacquelyn mocked, “I'm outta' here.” Then she vanished too. Leaving Sir. Ville to close his visor and head off himself. Their plans of destruction had only just begun…
Back on Earth, Elisti-Girl was laying in bed, hooked-up to a respirator while she gained her strength back. “Do you think she'll be okay…?” Raven asked.
Mento nodded, “I've seen worse… she'll be fine.” He then sighed, “But whatever those creatures were, they certainly were tough.”
Cyborg couldn't believe he almost lost to a geek like Dr. Beljar. “If I ever find that creep again, I'll bust him.” He swore, “Lawnmower parts, me? Hah!”
Robin came into the sick-bay. “How is, Starfire…?” Negative-man asked. Robin slowly and sadly shook his head. Starfire hadn't come out of her room since they got home last night. “Well you can't blame her…?” Robot-man said, “She just watched her entire planet go up in flames.”
Nobody said a thing. It almost felt as if talking or trying to do anything about it was nothing. The planet was gone, and believed nothing they could say or do would restore it, or its inhabitance.
There was at least one thing they could do, “We have to figure out how all this started, and who's doing it, and why.”
“Whoever it is… they also must be who sent those minions, and the giants.” said Raven, “But where do we start looking…?”
Robin could only suggest the black-hole that destroyed Tameran. “I've been listening to the news reports. All this seemed to have started when that thing appeared…”
Cyborg had an idea, “It's a long shot, but it might get us what we need.” He said, and then he walked off to the garage to begin his work. In the meantime, the rest of the team had to keep a sharp eye out for more trouble.
In another part of town it was another school day, and Terra's grades were starting to slide. It was bad enough she was already an average student, now she could barely concentrate…
The reason for this was because of all the stress, fear, and anguish. Mostly due to the death of Beast-Boy, and more of which consisted of what she had heard on the news about planet Tameran being destroyed…
She was beginning to wonder if maybe this was all her fault. After all, ever since Beast-Boy had left the city, nothing had been going right. Her new life that she had struggled to build was falling to shambles, and she wondered if maybe it was the wrong choice after all…
She did have powers, and most people who had powers were always meant to be putting them to good use, not giving them up unless they had real good reason to, but the Earth was under attack from giants and monsters. Even with the Doom Patrol now aiding the Titans… she had her doubts if they would able to do much.
Above all, her greatest concern was that stranger she had met in the park. The man in the top-hat and mask. He didn't appear to be any hero, but he did keep the giants from attacking her, but why? More importantly why did she continue to sense something odd about that character…?
Who was he…?
What Terra didn't realize was that she was being observed by someone else…
A strange figure in a cloak similar to Raven's, but red, had been observing her, and the Titans and Doom Patrol for some time now. He was starting to believe these creatures were in even greater danger, than he had first anticipated…
Whoever he was, he flew off.
In his castle, Count Logan was sitting in his bed-chambers with the door open a crack. Jacquelyn Hyde, in her sweet forum, passed right by and caught a glimpse through the crack in the door. The count was gazing at images of that blonde Earth-girl again, the one that he had instructed his minions not to bring harm to.
She wondered what was so important about this girl to the count, and why he did not want her harmed. Only Count Logan himself knew some of the answers, but in actuality, he too was confused to why he was doing this…
He already knew one reason why he was keeping her alive and well, “But why is it that I feel as strange as if I know this girl? he wondered. Regardless, he had a prophecy to fulfill...
Speaking of which, the diamond on his cane began to shimmer, and showed him images of more worlds being destroyed and the black-hole growing larger with every passing moment.
Logan then gazed through his mask at the Earth, far, far away. “You're fighting a losing battle, heroes.” He thought sinisterly at the Titans and the Doom Patrol, “Soon you bright little world, will be as dark as mine.”
Then gazed at his Dark Prognosticus, and stroked it again. “Hmm, mm, mm…!” He then watched as more worlds, not just planets in the Universe, but other worldly dimensions as well were destroyed; drawn into the void and left as empty sights of ruin.
Jacquelyn was starting to wonder if there was more to her master than meets the eye.
Over the next few days, the whole Earth began to panic. The black-hole that was discovered had grown so large; one could see it off in the distance in the daytime skies. Astronomers had even seen through their own eyes as more stars and planets were sucked into that thing and spit out in ruins.
It was greatly believed that this black-hole would continue to grow in size, and eventually swallow the Earth and the entire Solar-system as well.
Starfire had finally come from her room, but she was much too frightened to think about her lost planet now. “It is not possible…!” she cried.
“How can a simple black-hole just keep drawing things into it like that?” asked Elasti-girl.
“We'll find out soon enough…” Cyborg said as he came into the lounge for a soda. The past few days he had been working hard at, who knew what, “I'm just about done.”
Just then, the alarm went off, “Looks like it'll have to wait.” Robin said, “It's Medeva, she's sent her Giants to attack the city-district.”
Mento gazed over Robin's shoulder. “Witches! Why can't they just home and be nasty?”
Nevertheless, the teams had to run for it. The city needed them.
The giants were off causing trouble, scaring the citizens, making the police look weak and powerless to stop them… and Medeva, she just couldn't stop cackling.
“Hee, hee, hee… All this trouble, screams and fears…
it's all music to my ears.”
(Music cue)
I'm a mean witch. It's how I get my kicks.
I'm always up to really mean tricks.
I snatch the stars right out of the sky
Oh, won't that make the children cry.
“GLARGH…Hee, hee, hee!”
-Oh gloom, and doom, every day.
When a mean witch comes out to play.
I close my eyes and wave my hand.
And Poof… Ice-cream cones turn to sand.
“Heh, heh, heh…!”
I steal the ting-a-ling from bells.
I love to work my evil spells.
Oh gloom, and doom, every day.
When a mean witch comes out to play.
-Oh gloom, and doom, every day.
When a mean witch comes out to play.
The giants raised their tools and claws, growling and roaring in a cheer-like manner. “That's right boys… don't wear it thin…
Now lets trash this city, out and then in.”
“Not so fast!” called voice from behind. Medeva turned and saw the teams, “What a pain… it's you again.”
“You're not going anywhere Medeva!” sneered Robin.
Cyborg cocked his cannon, “Except down, that is…”
Starfire's eyes were glowing angrily, “You and your kind shall pay dearly for the destruction of my planet, Tameran.”
“Oh, boo-hoo, cry about it…
“Me go down? I doubt it.”
Medeva extended her fingernail claws, and lunged to attack. “Spread out!” cried Mento, and everyone scattered in different directions. Medeva whistled for her giants to attack.
Starfire, however, just wanted to get at the witch. “I will make you suffer!” she thundered as she fire her eye-beam energy. Medeva dodged and the blast had hit one of the buildings instead.
The other Titans gasped in shock, and other building got hit when Starfire carelessly began to fire her star-bolts in many directions. She almost even hit her own teammates and the Doom Patrol…
“Hey!” cried Robot-man, “Watch it!”
“Starfire! Stop!” cried Robin, but Starfire was completely rage-driven, as she had became and Incredible Beast of her own. She wouldn't stop until she had avenged her planet and her people…!
“It's no good, man… the girl's lost it.” cried Cyborg.
More star-bolts and energy-beams flew all over the place. “I got her…” Elasti-girl called a she changed into her giant-self, and GRABBED the raging alien in both hands, trying to hold her back.
“Release me Release me at once!” Starfire screamed. “Not… until you… UGH…!! Calm down!” cried Elasti-Girl.
“Keep he still, Rita…!” Mento called, “Don't let her loose.”
Still, even with Starfire out of the way from doing any more damage, the battle was not as good, and the Titans and the Patrol were still barely able to keep-up. The giants were stronger than ever now, and Medeva… not having used up much of her energy, she was tough too.
Two Patrol members, and two Titans against her alone, and Medeva surrounded herself in flames. “Try and touch me, and in turn…
I'll watch you and your bodies burn!”
She was right, thanks to those flames, no one could get near here, not even their powers. Raven couldn't even try to break through…
As for the others, the giants were starting to prove to be too much, always able to regenerate, and repair themselves if damaged.
From around a corner in an alley, Terra, who was walking home from school, and was forced to stay where she was due to the battle, she saw everything. “They're losing…” she cried to herself.
No one else was around to help her, and the giants were still attacking. She was also trapped in a dead-end alley with no way to get out without being seen. “What am I going to do?”