Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Things Change & The End? ❯ Here we come! ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Upon arriving in the village, before setting out to face their enemies they decided to take a chance and study the Light Prognosticus. Unfortunately, no one was able to read it. Like the Dark Prgonosticus, the text was written in a strange language… which would only become readable if certain expectations were met within those who wielded the book…
If the Dark Prognosticus required someone who never found happiness, what did this book require? Sadly, even Copy-Cat had no clue. He just knew that they needed this book if they had any hopes of defeating Count Logan and restoring the Universe to its former glory…
“So what are we supposed to do now?” asked Mento. “We can't read the book, so how can we use it?”
Cyborg tried running it through the automatic-translator one more time. “Nothin'! Whatever this chicken-scratch is, I can't figure it out.”
Robin sighed, “At this rate it could take us weeks to figure it out.”
“Well, I hate to state the obvious, but we haven't got weeks…” said Robot-Man. He motioned for everyone to look up at the sky, where the Dark-Void was growing large by the hour, slowly but surely.
Many of the stars in the night sky were already being pulled into its vortex, and spit back out again as empty-ruin. “All right… Copy-Cat, get your spaceship ready.” Robin said, “We're going!”
“What, now…?” asked Raven.
“But… we're not ready yet.” added Elasti-girl.
Mento and Copy-Cat however agreed with Robin's terms. “We have no time left, we must leave now or it shall become too late.” said Copy-Cat.
Mento nodded in agreement, “It's high time we made that creep pay. The Doom Patrol and the Titans don't give up, remember?”
As much as everyone still thought it was a bad idea, they realized that the guys were right. The Universe was already more than halfway swallowed up and destroyed, and quite defiantly their planet Earth had been destroyed as well…
Count Logan had taken so many lives, and destroyed so many civilizations with them. It was time for him to answer up to what he had done. The team agreed and Copy-Cat brought them all aboard his giant spaceship…
It was shaped like a flying saucer, and consisted of two levels. Control-consoles and systems and all that stuff on the upper-level, and living quarters, state-room and gala on the lower level.
Some of the heroes took their seats, and strapped in down below, while others helped Copy-Cat on the upper-level prepare the ship for takeoff. It was still so complicated to think that such a primitive race was in possession of a highly advanced-version of space-travel… nevertheless…
(Music cue)
“Boot up all computers!” Copy-Cat ordered.
“Computers, activated.” Answered Cyborg.
Copy-Cat nodded, “Power up the Dark-Mater engines!”
The engines were powering up nicely. Raven even used a little of her powers to jump-start things as her magic was dark. The ship began to quiver and slowly ascended up into the sky, then it speeded up to break free from Psyconia's gravity, and once they were in space…
“We have cleared the gravitational pull of my planet.” said Copy-Cat. “Course plotted and intersected. Look out Count Logan… here we come!”
Then he pulled hard on the steering-gear, and the ship zoomed off for the Dark-Void. The brave heroes were now heading directly into the jaws of the enemy…
We're on the case,
And we're fighting to save everything.
Teen Titan. Doom Patrol.
Vile villains. Beat it all.
Our beliefs within they will help us defeat him
And restore the universe to its rightful place and time.
We are off… in space…to go and get Count Logan.
Stop his crime, and we'll do anything.
We are off… in space…to go and get Count Logan.
We're on the case,
And we're fighting to save everything.
Time is running. Run we must.
Fight the bad guys. Evil bust!
We can never give up; we know we must live up,
To bind on the evil foes, and shake them on a dime.
We are off… in space…to go and get Count Logan.
Stop his crime, and we'll do anything.
We are off… in space…to go and get Count Logan.
We're on the case,
And we're fighting to save everything.
“Approaching destination…!” Copy-Cat announced a while later. Everyone gathered by the view-port. The void had grown so incredibly big, the whole thing just couldn't see all at once no matter where you looked.
“It's as big as the whole Milky Way Galaxy.” cried Elasti-girl.
“Really? I'd say it was even bigger.” said Negative-man.
The ship flew directly into the void, and what they saw was exactly what Cyborg had recorded from his camera-ship; Darkness, violent forces, as well as bits and pieces of debris from all the worlds and dimensions that were destroyed. “Look at this place…!” cried Starfire. “It is so terrible, and frightening.”
It was always dark and creepy inside the Dark-Void, just how Count Logan liked it as it resembled what was in his heart; emptiness and wickedness. At least there was oxygen so they could breathe and solid-ground so they could walk and set down… and that was exactly what Copy-Cat did with his ship…
He was setting her down at a safe halfway point, halfway away from the entrance of the void, and halfway away from--
“There it is…” cried Robin. “The castle of Count Logan.”
There was no turning back now, “Let's go… and be careful.” said Copy-Cat. “We no not if Count Logan is aware that we are here.”
Everyone moved closer and closer to the castle. Their spines were rigged with chills, and butterflies in their stomachs, and not the good kind…! The closer they got to the castle, the harder it felt to keep going… then suddenly… the defense lasers were activated; intruders were detected.
“They've spotted us!” cried Mento.
“Quick… we can hide by those rocks.” said Raven.
Carefully dashing past those burning-beams, many of the heroes reached the safety of the rocks by the main-gate of the castle. After-all… the castle would never be able to shoot at itself…
Almost all the heroes made it over to the safe zone. “Rita, come on! Hurry…!” cried Mento. His wife nodded, and she began to dash for the rocks, when suddenly…
POW! The beams fire from a different angle and, “AA-AAH…!” she was hit, and fell to the ground as he got shocked and burned. “RITA…!”
“STEVE, HELP… ME…!” she screamed. “IT HURTS…! IT HURTS…!”
Mento, Copy-Cat and Cyborg dashed over to try and help her, but they couldn't seem to pull her out. “I… CAN'T… BREATHE…! UHN…! UGH…!”
“Man, that stuff's hot!” cried Cyborg. “I can't get close…!”
Suddenly, Copy-Cat had an idea, and held the Light-Prognosticus directly into the beam. The beam bounced off the diamond on the book's cover and fire it right back up towards the source-points on the castle towers…
It kept going, and going, until he lasers were so overloaded from their own energy… KA-BLAM!! Large sparkling explosions burst from the castle-top as the beams destructed on themselves, “ARGH…!” Elasti-girl gasped for air in such huge relief. Her husband hugged her tightly, “You okay…?” he asked her softly.
His wife only needed to catch her breath, but was okay. “The book… it saved me.” she said. Copy-Cat didn't understand it much either, but he was now aware that Count Logan would defiantly know of their intrusion now.
The heroes all stood together. Copy-Cat cloned himself into Raven, and everyone held hands as the two Raven's used their powers to teleport through the large keyhole in the main-gate…
“We're in…!” said Robin. “All right, everyone stay close.”
Deep in the castle, Count Logan felt the tremors from the explosions he had heard. “What's happened…?” he demanded to know. Dr. Beljar came from his lab in panic. “The beams…!” he cried “They've des-des-des-destroyed the beams!”
The Count clenched his cane angrily, “Fix it!” he snarled.
The inside of the castle was pitch black. You could barley see your hand in front of your face. Even when Starfire and Cyborg shone their lights to illuminate things. “This place looked so much smaller on the outside…” said Negative-man.
Cyborg tried to scan for any possible routes the team could take, but his computer was being blocked out, and Raven and Copy-Cat we're unable to use their psychic powers to sense anything that big either. “It's got to be the work of the Dark Prognosticus.” Raven suggested.
“It can be nothing more…” agreed Copy-Cat. “Count Logan is well aware of our intrusion now. There may be traps and surprises waiting round every corner.”
Starfire shivered in fear, “Ooh-oo-oo…! I am feeling the bumps of goose.” Robin placed a warm hand on her shoulder, “Easy Starfire, that's just how Logan wants us to feel.”
Starfire agreed, and knew she had to be brave, but who could blame her? This was the most frightening task any of them had been presented with, even scarier than when Trigon appeared.
Trigon only wanted to rule the universe… not actually destroy it!
Suddenly, there was trouble ahead. There were five different doorways and paths. “Which way do we go now?” asked Robot-man.
Nobody had a clue, and Raven and Copy-Cat still couldn't sense anything. “Maybe we should split up.” Cyborg suggested, but then he immediately realized, “Bad idea, huh?”
A very bad idea! The Light-Prognosticus was the only thing that could protect them, provided they knew what it could do. So far, they only knew it could reflect light and energy… but that was hardly enough.
Suddenly, it began to glow. “What is happening?” asked Starfire. Copy-Cat opened the book and gasped softly. A phrase of the text was becoming readable. “What does it say?” asked Mento.
Copy-Cat read the text…:
When you come to doors scattered round.
Only two will lead you to where you are bound.
A prisoner below awaits to be freed,
To find the enemy, go up you will need.
That was all the book said, nobody knew what that meant entirely, but at least now they had a clue. “So, where should we go?” asked Elasti-girl, “We still don't know where these doors lead.
Robin began to walk up one of the flights of stairs. “Look, the only way to figure this out is to try one. He continued to walk up the stairs towards a door, “Robin, wait…” Elasti-girl called as she ran up to try and persuade him to wait, but as soon as Robin touched the doorknob, the door opened wide and sucked both him and Starfire in.
“HEY…!” cried Mento. “Where'd they go…?” but just then, he and Starfire felt themselves being lifted up and thrown into another door. Then each member, or two sets were thrown into other doors…
Raven and Copy-Cat…
Cyborg, and Robot-man.
Finally Negative man was thrown into the last door.
They were all split up now, and with no idea where they were going…