Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Things Change & The End? ❯ In the heart of us all ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Beast-Boy!” cried Elasti-girl.
“What have you done to him, Beljar?” Copy-Cat snarled.
Beljar leapt up onto the Dragon's huge head, “I've simply turned the tables.” he answered cheekily, “Now he answers to me, and me alone. I'm going to destroy the rest of the filthy Universe, and then rebuild it in my own image. Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah…!
The dragon roared at everyone down below again, and breathed a huge burst of energy from his mouth which blew a crater wide enough to become an underground city, but the force of the impact had knocked everyone off their feet with such force…!
The dragon began to take off into space, snarling and breathing more power to whatever it ran into. “We can't let him go…!” cried Robot-man, “Who knows what that thing is capable of?”
“Yo' man…!” said Cyborg, “How can we follow that thing? It's heading out into space, and in case you haven't noticed…” he pointed at Copy-Cat's damaged ship, “Our ride ain't goin' nowhere soon.”
So far, Starfire was the only one who could breathe in space, and Copy-Cat could at least copy her, but there was no way they could beat that huge monster, even if they managed to get near it… and one of Copy-Cat's flaws with his copying power was he could only copy actual shapes, but not sizes. He could copy the dragon's body, but he'd still remain small.
Robin socked his hand with his fist in frustration, “This is not good!” he cried. “There's got to be something we can do?”
Everyone was too confused and stress out to think, it made them feel worse when they could see up into the sky as the dragon flew round breathing his energy, and blowing stars and planets into dust within milliseconds…
The Dark Void was growing larger, and more deadly than ever, so were the millions of smaller one all over. Opening wide, and strike the rest of the Universe. The heroes had to do something, and FAST…!
Terra sat down on a rock to try and think, and that's when she felt something poking at her back. “Hmm…?” she reached behind, “Hey! I still have this!” she called to everyone else as she held up the Light Prognositcus.
Smiles of hope began to show on everyone's faces. Maybe the book would be able to help them solve this problem. “Uh… I hate to dash everyone's hopes…” said Negative-man, “But we don't know a thing about this book. We can't even read it.”
“But… surely Terra can read it.” said Starfire. “What does it say?”
Terra opened the book, but to her shock, “I can't understand any of this!” she regretted to say. “What do you mean?” asked Copy-Cat. “You were able to unleash its power before, were you not?”
“Yeah, but… I don't remember how.” replied Terra. She remembered feeling dreadfully powerful before when she fought Beast-Boy, but now so incredibly much was happening all at once, she had quite forgotten… for that matter, so did the others.
“Now what are we going to do?” asked Raven.
KABLAM! There went a star.
KAPOW! A planet exploded.
The Dragon continued to soar through space, with Beljar riding on his head. “Soon this wretched Universe shall be no more… and then the glorious reign of the brilliant Beljar will commence!”
The dragon growled anxiously. “You want to destroy more?” Beljar asked his pet, “Let's go!” and off they went. Things to do. Places to destroy, and people to kill! With the other vortexes and the Dark-Void still out there as well, it would only be a matter of hours before the entire universe was completely wiped out!
The poor heroes, even Copy-Cat couldn't remember, but the minions did. “You must believe…” said Sir. Vile.
The heroes turned, “Pardon…?” asked Robin.
“You must believe what is in your heart. What is it'th that you desperately desire to do above all.” replied the knight.
The minions explained that they had witnessed the first battle in the castle, and they remembered that Terra was able to unleash the power of the Light Prognositcus, because she cared for the Count, and wanted to save him, not destroy him.
Copy-Cat slapped his forehead, “Of all the prize fools, now I remember.” He said. “If we can all believe in wanted to save Beast-Boy, perhaps we can unlock a way to make it so.”
The heroes were gleeful to know this, but also confused by the minions, “Why are you telling us this?” asked Mento. “Aren't you supposed to be against us?”
The minions agreed that, but they too cared deeply for Count Logan, even though they had only just found out what he was truly planning, to kill everyone, including himself and leave it that way, they still harbored deep loyalties, and kindness towards him… as well as being aware that he was driven by a broken-heart.
Jacquelyn-Hyde, changed into her sweet-self, and said, “We can all do this… and we must. All our lives depend on it, no matter what our actions or differences may be.”
Even Medeva was willing to lend herself to help, “We all wish for this battle to be won.”
“Even if we must owe up for what we've done”
Copy-Cat could read their minds, and sense that they were being truthful. “All right. It is time.” he said. He grabbed the Light Prognosticus. “Everyone, come close… close your eyes, and start to believe!”
(Music cue)
Everyone huddled close near the book, even the minions, and concentrated hard.
Who will start the final brawl?
Make the move
The answer lies in
us all
And whether you win or lose
Hangs in the balance with
path you choose

(Trust) trust in the heart
Don't let down your guard
The heart of
us all
Don't battle too hard
Remember to trust in the heart of
us all
The Teen Titans: they all remembered that Beast-Boy was their friend, and even though they hadn't all shown him care and respect… but they were willing to do anything to have another chance to help him lift the hate from his heart.
The Doom-Patrol: His surrogate family, the people who raised him and helped him control his anima powers. Except for Elasti-girl, everyone of them were slime and badly criticized him for his actions which really discouraged him… but he was still their surrogate son/brother, and they weren't going to let anyone harm him again.
There's a presence deep within
Search your soul take control
You will win
Two forces intertwine
Just need the guidance of
An old friend of mine

There's a power that
's all around
It descends from the friends who won't let you down
And when you come undone
They stand by your side till the
battle is won

(Trust) trust in the heart
Don't let down your guard
The heart of
us all
Don't battle too hard
Remember to trust in the heart of
us all
The Minions: Always loyal to their master, no matter what he was like, or what he was planning. Now that things were so creepy, even for them, they couldn't allow Dr. Beljar to betray them all. They had to save their master.
And Terra: A girl of mystery. Once a hero, then a villain's servant, then an attempted civilian. She had caused Beast-Boy so much trouble, and tried to cover it up through lies and change, but it only made things far worse…
Now she knew where she belonged, and why she did what she did. She just had to save him now. “Beast-Boy! I love you… and I won't give up until your saved from all this hatred.”
(Trust) trust in the heart
Don't let down your guard
The heart of
us all
Don't battle too hard
Remember to trust in the heart of
us all
… in the heart of us all!
The Light Prognosticus began to sense the power of everyone's heart, and began to glow with the same mystical glow, and bathe the heroes and minions in it as well.
The light dimmed out, but had not vanished. Now all their bodies were glowing with an outer layer of light. Everyone was just amazed, they never felt anything like this before. “Look's we're ready.” said Robin.
“Agreed…” added Mento. “We all have a job to do. Let's move out!”
The heroes, and the minions all then grabbed the Light Prognosticus and leapt up, up, up into the skies. Their new powers gave them the ability to fly and breathe in space without worry, so long as the book was not damaged.
Then, they were off… off to fight the final most deadliest battle they would ever have. The fate of the universe depended on it.