Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ Dreaming Alone ❯ Graceful Fingers ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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<b>Dreaming Alone<br>
-</b>Chapter 5-<i><b><br>
</b></i><b><u>Graceful Fingers</u></b><p>The girls were sitting in an
extremely ornate ballroom with a sort of stage where a woman was singing
opera. Many high-classed people were sitting there with extremely
oh-what-a-delightful-way-to-spend-the-day faces when deep down they were
extremely bored. There were large velvety curtains drawn back to reveal
elaborate stained glass windows, the ceiling was extremely high and
decorated with enchanting chandeliers, each one with large crystals shaped
as raindrops put together in an extremely classy fashion. However
breathtaking the ballroom looked, the actual atmosphere was quite dreary.
Everybody thought themselves far too sophisticated to actually take any
action, the only people that were moving were the waiters. They wore smart
black trousers with knife-edge creases, there shirts looked ironed from the
inside and outside and their tailcoats and bows just finished the waiter
look, they had expressionless dull faces however if anyone was even
considering to look at them you could somehow tell they too were bored.<br>
&quot;Oh god, this party is so boring!&quot; Xiaoyu complained. Her childish face was
looking more dreary against her black gown adorned with sequins around the
front which the straps led up towards her neck leaving her shoulders bare.<br>
&quot;Hmm...yes,&quot; Nina agreed rather bored playing with the fork and looking at
Anna towards the knife and the fork, which one would hurt more? She was
wearing a plain turquoise gown with her blonde hair done up into an elegant
&quot;I'd already said earlier, the party would be boring!&quot; Anna said sounding
sophisticated not taking much notice of Nina's plans, she was wearing an
identical gown to Nina much to Nina's dismay, however it was a subtle shade
of pink, and her make up followed the pink.<br>
&quot;Oh yes, and you also said that the train would crash, this hall would catch
fire and we will all die from the food!&quot; Julia smiled sarcastically. She was
wearing a frilly modest pink gown which was tight at the top and then got
more free at the waist and had small ruffled sleeves. She was at first
absorbed within the menu card and her gloved fingers were going through
which courses the girls would take, until Anna tried to sound a bit too much
of a know-it-all, Julia could've continued until Xiaoyu patted her gently to
get attention.<br>
&quot;Look, boys!&quot; Xiaoyu smiled. All the girls followed her gaze and their sight
met two well dressed boys in full suit, while the blonde one looked
something from the street.<br>
&quot;Oh god! He's the same one!&quot; Julia said covering her face with the elaborate
menu card.<br>
&quot;He's so cute!&quot; Anna cooed.<br>
Meanwhile Jin was arguing with Law.<br>
&quot;Where have we came?&quot; Jin said utterly uncomfortable at the atmosphere.
&quot;This was all your idea!&quot;<br>
Then Jin's eyes met Xiaoyu's while she waved and smiled sweetly. Jin waved
&quot;Is she calling us or gesturing the waiter?&quot; Paul asked looking at her.<br>
&quot;She's calling me, &quot; Jin said coolly. &quot; Follow me, Law shut your mouth!&quot;<br>
His hands went through his hair and he walked towards their beautiful dinner
&quot;Why did you have to call him here?&quot; Julia hissed.<br>
&quot;Come on Julia grow up!&quot; Xiaoyu sighed.<br>
&quot;Hi!&quot; Jin said, with his friends right behind him.<br>
&quot;Why don't you join us?&quot; Xiaoyu asked politely.<br>
&quot;No actual-&quot; Law began until Jin thumped him unseen by all.<br>
&quot;Uh, sure!&quot; Jin replied in the same tone of voice he used for girls.<br>
The friends were happily absorbed within each other easily, Law was teaching
Nina some fork tricks while Paul and Anna were talking quite happily even
though Anna's eyes were on a waiter and Jin was talking with Xiaoyu. Julia
was the only one not in conversation, she found the menu more interesting.<br>
&quot;You know Xiaoyu?&quot; Jin said his hands cupped on his chin.<br>
&quot;Hmm, &quot; Xiaoyu said melting into his almond-coloured eyes whilst drinking
&quot;I think I've seen you somewhere!&quot; Jin said flirting with her captured her
gaze. Julia's eyes lifted above the menu while Xiaoyu put her juice down.<br>
&quot;Me? Really? Where?&quot; Xiaoyu asked entranced by his gaze.<br>
&quot;Robbie's Party!&quot; Jin exclaimed.<br>
&quot;Err...&quot; Xiaoyu said trying to open the window of her mind to Robbie's
Party. She gave up though, &quot;must've, I go to so many parties!&quot;<br>
They laughed while Julia's eyes were craning above the menu.<br>
&quot;You know Xiaoyu? You're eyes remind of someone,&quot; Jin said his hands once
again on his chin, Julia glared at the two once more.<br>
&quot;My eyes? Really? who's?&quot; Xiaoyu asked completely taken by Jin's charm.<br>
&quot;My grandmothers,&quot; Jin said innocently.<br>
&quot;Aww, how sweet!&quot; Xiaoyu laughed. '<i>Another point to me'</i> Jin made a
mental note.<br>
The opera was still going on and the lady sang out not once giving the hint
of it all to end, Xiaoyu turned once again to Jin.<br>
&quot;This music is so boring,&quot; She sighed shaking her head.<br>
&quot;Yes,&quot; Jin agreed truthfully, and laughed. &quot;I don't even know if she's
singing or crying! And I surely can play the piano WAY better than that old
man! &quot;<br>
&quot;You know how to play the piano?&quot; Xiaoyu sounded impressed, &quot; I <i>love</i>
the piano!&quot;<br>
&quot;Urm...I was born on the piano!&quot; Jin said spinning his lies again. &quot;Since
childhood I've just been playing and playing...&quot;<br>
Julia glared, how many more lies could he come up with? The boy who cried
wolf needed to learn a lesson, she snapped the menu shut and sat listening
unaware by Xiaoyu and Jin.<br>
&quot;Really?&quot; Xiaoyu said completely engaged by Jin.<br>
&quot;Yes! You know, there is a sort of magic in my hands! As I touch the keys,
they start to play by themselves!&quot; Jin said taking Xiaoyu's hand, &quot; I love
your fingers!&quot;<br>
&quot;Hehe, thank you!&quot; Xiaoyu giggled completely lost in his eyes.<br>
Jin took her hand and kissed it gently, everyone was clapping for the end of
the opera had come.<br>
&quot;Ladies and Gentlemen,&quot; Julia announced, as she had silently went onto the
&quot;Hmm, that voice sounds familiar,&quot; Jin said, Xiaoyu also agreed with a nod.<br>
&quot;We have amongst us tonight, a very great piano player and he would like to
play something for us! Please welcome Mr. Kazama!&quot; Julia finished off the
Jin was still holding onto Xiaoyu's hand and as the spotlight fell on him,
he was a bit more than surprised. He let go of Xiaoyu's hands and everyone
clapped. Then he realised what was happening and clapped as well and waved
at all the people, his face was pale. He made his way slowly onto the stage
saying a thanks to the people.<br>
&quot;Why did you have to do this?&quot; Jin said between the corner of his mouth with
a smile plastered to his face.<br>
&quot;Why? You're fingers have magic, as they touch the piano it starts playing
by itself!&quot; Julia smiled motioning with her fingers.<br>
The spotlight fell upon the Piano and there was silence, Xiaoyu waved a
thumbs up and Julia waved for him to begin. Both of his hands fell upon the
piano pressing about 8 keys at once, not making a very pleasant sound. Then
he did this in different poses, he rose onto the piano, sitting on top and
started making the exact same note which spelled '<i>Migraine</i>' with a
capital M. He was exhausted from moving in different positions and made his
final blow. Everyone just stared at him aghast, Xiaoyu's mouth hung open and
his friends buried there faces in their hands, the only one satisfied was
Julia. She stared at him an eyebrow raised and rose her hands and clapped,
Jin stared sourly at her. She completed the final clap and turned her back
towards him to walk. She hadn't gone very far until the most beautiful
opening was heard, she turned around slowly and saw Jin playing calmly onto
the piano, his fingers seemed to move as if on thin air, he played a lonely
yet romantic tune and finished it off. Julia stared at him through the eyes
of defeat. Jin ran into the center of the stage with the spotlight and
welcomed all the applause as the saxo-phoners started to catch onto his
tune. Another man took over the piano. He walked on while the whole crowd
was jeering excitedly and Julia was staring at the floor walking away. Law
and Paul high-fived and all of Julia's friends were laughing and clapping,
even Nina. The waiters even smiled and shook their drinks to his name. Jin
was on the stage surrounded by beautiful French dancers, they all emerged
doing a sort of skip around him. They had knee-high black heeled boots on
and small red mini dresses as well as red bandana's, their eyes shielded by
black stylish glasses. Jin turned around blowing kisses to them all. Julia
looked at him once more, rose her head and turned again. </p>