Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ Hwoarang's little sister: The lessons of a big brother ❯ Lesson 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Where's the ketchup?" Alexis asked looking around.

"I didn't get any." Hwoarang said looking at her "You didn't tell me to get it."

"Well I thought ebery kid had ketchup!" Alexis said looking at him oddly.

"Not me, what about mustard?" He said handing it to her.

"No, I only want ketchup!" She said angrily "Mustard is gross, like lima beans!"

"So eat your macaroni." He said trying to find a solution.

"Already done!" She said happily showing the empty bowl "See?"

"Good." After a few moments of silence Alexis said very clearly

" What about the ketchup ?" She smiled.

"We have none. If not are you done?" he asked.

"I guess." Alexis sighed "If there's no ketchup."

"God, of all things I ask for, why this one?"

~flash back~

Hwoarang walked around "So… bored… suffering…

GOD, CAN I HAVE SOME THING TO DO?" Hwoarang then heard a knocking on the door … "Grrr if it's another sales-person I will grind them into dust" He said as he came to his intercom system, after jumping up and down for a couple minutes, he grabbed a chair. "Hello. How may I assist you?"

"Well, you might want to open the door Hwoarang."

Doesn't sound like a salesperson. He thought opening the door. "Hello."

"It says here you're only eleven & you own this house, How is that?" The lady asked.

"I am a very… persuasive Eleven year old." He said looking for the reason she was her, Hwoarang then spotted the little girl holding on to the lady's hand. "Who's The little girl?" The little girl looked at the woman and Hwoarang heard her whisper to the lady:

"He seems mean, why can't stay with grandma and grandpa?"

"I told you they're very sick."


As there conversation ended, he saw the little girl make a face at him.

"What does she have to do with me?" He said the little snot. He added in his head.

"She's your sister. You have to look after her."

~End of flashback~

"Oy! Next time I'll be more specific ."

"Why'd you say that?"

"No reason."

"Oh… I like kitties."

"Why'd you say that?"

"No reason, just like you!"


Alexis looked at Hwoarang and copied his movement "owl!"

"Close enough."

~ Lesson #3 ~

Hwoarang learned that you should be VERY specific while asking for something from God.