Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Choices and Consequences ❯ Reconciliation ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenchi Muyo: Choices & Consequences: Reconciliation
I do not own Tenchi Muyo, or any of its characters or ideas, but I wish I did. As for this story, it was written as a sort of what if, while I wait for OVA 3 and GXP to be released stateside. I started on this after wondering, what if he actually did make a choice? For those that have read the “True Tenchi Novels” that detail the backgrounds on the characters, I have not read those. I guess you could say that this is an AU as I have made certain decisions on their backgrounds to fit my story. And if the Character appear OOC, there is a good reason.
I want to send a very BIG THANKS out to Doug Dennis and Ring Princess for helping me with this story's plot. Also I would like to thank Johnny G., Rob F. j_hawk46 and Kirk P for all the help with the grammar and spelling. With so many mistakes I needed a hell of a crew to fix them.
From Last time:
“How do I do those other things? Phasing and Teleporting…”
“Well, to go from one place to the other all you have to do is picture where you want to go." She told him with her head resting on his shoulder.
“Ok, but what if I can't see where I am going?”
She raised her head and looked at him, “If you port blind it could… hurt.”
“Like that tree,” she said pointing to one of the nearby trees. “If you were to port into it, you could just be in a lot of pain as part of the tree is absorbed into you or if it is too much then you become a part of it.”
“Become a part?” He asked confused, “You mean I could die?”
Sadly, she nodded her head, this was something that she did not want to think about, it was too painful to think of. Kagato had forced her to port into different things to test to see what happened. None of the things was enough to kill her, but they all hurt. Some were worse than others were. The sudden shudder that went through her alerted her love.
When he felt Ryoko shake like that he pulled her closer wrapping his arm around her. But that was not enough; he felt he needed to protect her. Somewhere inside him an unspoken wish to be behind her came to his mind and he began picturing himself behind her with both his arms around her. It was in that instant that he found himself in that same position. Smiling he pulled her back against him as his arms surrounded his love and he pulled her back against him and he held her there by the stream whispering the words he knew she longed to hear when her memories came back to haunt her. “I love you, Ryoko Masaki.”
And now
Tenchi Muyo: Choices & Consequences: Reconciliation
The two lovers sat in relative silence for a while enjoying the calm serenity surrounding them. This is until a painful shriek was heard echoing through the valley. Jumping to their feet and slightly floating in the air, both Ryoko and Tenchi looked towards the house, then at each other. “Ayeka” they said in unison before flying towards the house. When a second scream was heard Tenchi closed his eyes and upon opening them he was just outside their house. Ryoko soon joined him, and just inside the house on the couch they found her. Ayeka had Mihoshi, Sasami and Ryo-Ohki near her. The blonde and the cabbit both were holding their ears while Sasami was trying to calm her sister down. In less than a blink of an eye both Tenchi and Ryoko were on either sides of Ayeka who was holding her stomach.
“It hurts!” she shouted before screaming in pain again.
Ryoko did not have time to hold her ears though she did not care about that. Calling to her mother mentally she told the scientist to have a medical bed ready as she and her husband carried the pregnant Ayeka into the lab.
Washu was not happy about being disturbed, but considering the circumstances she understood. Leaving Nobuyuki she rushed to get things ready and not for the first time in her 20,000 years had she been thankful for being able to phase into her clothes.
“What's going on?”
“Mother Washu! Tenchi yelped when she appeared suddenly.
”Mom, Ayeka's…”
“IT HURTS!” She screamed again forcing them all to cover their ears.
“Now let me take a look,” she said as she pulled her hands away from her ears. Several minutes and several screams later, Washu had not only been able to identify the problem, but also eased Ayeka's pain.
“What's wrong with her?” He asked as he held his wife's hand caressing it tenderly as Ayeka seemed to be feeling much better though she was worried.
“Luckily this was only false labor and not the real thing….”
“False labor?” Ayeka blinked even as she said it.
“Yea, if this had been the real thing it would of hurt more, and…”
“HURT MORE!” She screamed and began crying.
“MOM! Why'd you make her cry?” Though Ryoko tried to hide it her nervousness and fear was transferred to Washu through her link to her mom.
For once, Washu looked rather sheepish as she looked at the three of them. “I didn't mean to make her cry,” she told them then deciding on changing the subject. “Sometimes this happens when someone over works… what have you been doing today?”
Getting herself under control Ayeka thought about it for a moment. “Well, I helped Sasami clean up the kitchen… and then I cleaned the living room… and the bedroom… and I took over washing the clothes when Mihoshi tried to put everything in one load. And then I…”
“That's enough,” Washu told her then she looked at Ryoko.
“Hay I was up at the shrine with the old man and Tenchi, I help out around here,” her daughter answered without even being asked the question.
“She's right Miss… I mean Mother Washu.” Ayeka added
“Well, until this kid is born you need to be on bed rest, so that means you,” she said pointing to her daughter, “need to do more of her chores.”
“Not a problem,” Ryoko responded flippantly.
“You do chores? Since when?” Washu retorted hotly.
Ryoko wanted to scream; instead, she informed her mother that, “I've been doing them for almost five years!”
“Five years? Oh in there…”
“Yea in there.”
“And she's pretty good at them too,” Tenchi added.
“Especially since she had to do them for a month on her own.” Ayeka laughed then suddenly blushed.
“What? Why?” Their mother Washu asked intrigued. Ryoko suddenly went a bright red, as did Tenchi which only served to make the scientist want to know more. Looking at them a grin slowly appeared on her face. “Tenchi, did the girls make a bet over you?”
“Well… not really over me…”
“I knew it!” Washu crowed. “What was the bet?”
“I'm not telling you!” Her daughter replied.
“Why not… if you lost then I need to know why.”
“No you don't! And I wouldn't have lost if the princess here wouldn't have made me….” Even as she said the words all three of them turned very scarlet and Tenchi tried to whistle with his head turned to the side.
Her mom really wanted to know what Ayeka made her do, and more importantly what they had done to Tenchi to make his so red. The poor boy looked like he was about to explode from blushing. But his face still held a strange smile that she had never seen on him. But she recognized that smile… it was the same one Nobuyuki got when she did certain things to him. “Oh you didn't!” She suddenly shouted pointing her fingers at the three.
“Didn't what?” Ryoko asked before she realized her mistake. Washu laughed so hard it looked like she was going to die from laughter which only made Ryoko more nervous. Growling Ryoko address her mom, “Can we go now?”
Barely able to contain her laughter Washu nodded to them, though she tried to tell them many things, not one intelligible word came out and so she sent her mental commands to her daughter as she had begun crying from laughing so hard.
`Little Ryoko?' Her mom asked mentally as her ability to ask verbally was still impossible.
`What mom?'
`Make sure she doesn't work that hard… it might cause more problems.'
`Sure mom.'
“Oh and Ryoko…”
“Keep practicing,” she told her daughter and burst into laughter so hard that she could not communicate verbally or mentally.
Ayeka blushed and began giggling at her new mothers antics and she knew that life would never be dull with the mothers she has now. Tenchi too tried to keep from laughing, but for him it was much easier since he was the reason for Ryoko's obvious ribbing.
As soon as they stepped outside the lab Ryoko could take no more and she turned towards Ayeka. “All right that's enough! Double or nothing princess.”
“Or nothing?” She asked confused.
“I bet I can last longer than you and go farther!”
“Go farther…” Tenchi stuttered out with a strange grin.
Ayeka growled at her playfully causing them both to laugh. "You can be such a tramp."
"Tramp?" Ryoko looked at her old rival feigning innocence. "If I remember right wasn't it you that took Tenchi on the dining room table?"
"You saw us!" Ayeka shrieked then covered her mouth, "I mean we didn't do that…"
"Uh huh, and that was what, about seven, eight months ago now?" Ryoko teased and Ayeka blushed.
A new voice from the door shocked them; "I'll never look at he table the same way again." Both turned to see a slightly blushing Sasami standing in the doorway.
Ayeka just blushed that much redder as Ryoko began to laugh; glad the tables were turned. "It's not funny!" Ayeka shrieked.
Tenchi moved closer to his wife and held her as she stared daggers at Ryoko. "Don't worry Ayeka, I enjoyed that meal," she heard him say softly in her ear while he grinned mischievously.
Sasami looked at him and blinked hard, "I never thought I'd hear you say something like that Tenchi!"
He blushed hard and realized that he had just spoken just slightly too loud. He tried to stutter out a response before finally telling her, "Well, being married to these two, and being inside that thing with them for several years has, um, changed me a little."
"A little?" the younger princess asked.
Grabbing the back of his head, he laughed nervously as both his wives nudged him in the ribs. “Yea… I guess a lot then.” He added as he looked back and forth between them. A sudden thought dawned on him and he whispered in Ryoko's ear. “Can you help Sasami with dinner tonight?”
“Why?” She asked slightly hurt.
He nodded to Ayeka and told her, “Remember your promise, if we get to spend time alone then…”
“I know…” she groused before he kissed her tenderly.
“I will make it up to you… I always do.”
Ryoko grinned wickedly at him, “You know, now that we're out… we can actually go a mile up…"
"What are you talking about?" His other wife asked him.
"Oh Tenchi and I have our own mile high club…" She was going to say more, but his hand over her mouth stopped her. Once he stopped her from saying anything she realized what she had said and she turned very red.
"Oh my…" Sasami gasped and blushed.
“Um… Sasami…. Lets…. Get dinner ready, ok?” The ex-pirate asked as she shepherded the smaller girl into the kitchen.
“What was that about?” Ayeka asked him warily.
Placing his arms around her he guided his wife out side. “Well Ryoko and I had some time alone for a while, so I…”
“Wanted some time with me?”
He just grinned, “Yes, I told you both that I love you, and while its fun being together…”
“I know, my husband,” she told him softly as she kissed him. Breaking the kiss she looked down at her feet and noticed she had left her shoes inside. “Shouldn't I get my shoes?”
“No, I'll carry you.” He then picked her up and with a startled yelp from her he rose into the air. “I learned how to fly today,” he told her with a sheepish grin. With her holding on to him and his arms holding her close to his body, Tenchi flew off the porch towards the stairs and to a spot that they had not been to in a long time.
Landing outside the small shed by the field Ayeka suddenly understood. The two of them had spent several moments in this shed waiting out a storm shortly after she had arrived on Earth. At the time she was not sure what she felt for him, nor was he sure how he felt towards her. But the time they shared had set things in motion that has culminated in their current marital status. Leaning against her husband just inside the door she could not help placing her hands on his chest just as she had before, even though now he was still wearing his shirt.
“Yes Ayeka?” he asked lifting her chin slightly to look her in the eyes.
“I love you,” she cried out and threw her arms around his neck holding him close.
He picked her up and floated over to the bench inside while lowering them to the floor. “I know; I love you too.” The two just held each other close as they listened to the oncoming night.
Outside the sky began to darken and the noises of the forest became more acute and quiet before exploding into a symphony of noises. The sound of the wind through the trees providing a calming backdrop to the various insects and other nocturnal animals that made the night their playground.
The two of them sat there for a while before his stomach began to growl causing her to laugh. “I think we need to get back,” she giggled as his stomach apparently agreed with her.
“Um, yea…” Using his new found powers, he levitated the two of them up and onto their feet. Stepping outside he closed the door behind her and then scooped her up into his arms again.
“I could get used to this,” his wife told him sweetly.
Laughing, he lifted them both into the air and took her home. That night after the Masaki Clan ate and drank their fill; Tenchi did a little showing off of his new powers before he and his two wives returned to their room for the night. Upon entering the room there were aware of one thing, this was not his room.
Granted his things were around the room in various places, but this room was easily twice the size of his old room. “Washu,” all three of them said as one then they looked back and forth at each other snickering slightly.
“What you don't like it?” the scientist said as she entered the room too.
“It's very nice Miss… I mean mother Washu,” Ayeka told her politely though she had a sinking feeling that this was because of Sasami's teasing this morning.
“Of the three of you I thought that you'd appreciate this the most,” Washu told the elder princess who just hid her face in her hands as she blushed.
Ryoko looked between them and knew she was being left out again, “Ok, what's going on here?”
Snickering Washu told them, “I think I'll let his wife explain it.”
“What's wrong?” He asked.
“Well you see… Last night… and well…”
“Spit it princess!”
Ayeka glared at Ryoko and then said very shyly, “Sasami heard us last night.”
“She what!” Ryoko screamed then blushed as well, as she had not been very quiet about things last night.
Washu reveled in the sudden embarrassment of the three, “Since our little conversation this morning Ayeka…” Washu said smoothly while letting Ayeka become even more embarrassed from the memory, “I though that you three would need someplace where you could have your little night time activities without anyone hearing.”
To the surprise of them all, Tenchi spoke up next, “Thanks mother Washu.” He turned towards her and she noticed a strange look on his face. “B-But I want to ask you something…”
“Oh and that is?” She asked truly surprised that he was taking this better than the two girls were.
“I want you to turn off and remove your cameras and monitors.”
“Huh? What? How did you… I mean what cameras?” She tried to play innocent, but she failed and both of the girls picked up on it.
“Damn it MOM! You just want to watch us!”
“Oh Miss Washu, that's not very nice.” Ayeka added unconsciously covering herself even though she was fully clothed still.
Shooting Tenchi a scathing glare, Washu folded her arms in front of her as he tried to calm his wives before addressing her again. “Miss Washu,” he said in a calm voice, she noticed the little, and mother was missing from it. “I-I appreciate you wanting to help, but please do not dishonor my family by treating them like this.”
`Dishonor,' she mentally shouted! `What the hell?'
“You said you wanted to be a mother to us… and to have Ryoko want to be your daughter…” Tenchi said as Washu nodded not quite seeing where this was going at first but Ryoko picked up on it right away.
“If you want me to call you mom and mean it, then you had better give us our privacy!” Her daughter told her sternly. At first Washu thought it was rather cute how Ryoko and Tenchi were adamant about this.
It was then that Ayeka caught on to what they were meaning so she stepped in as well. “I do not think that I could ever love anyone that spied on me all the time.”
“What?” Washu retorted.
“Well,” the princess said calmly, “if I would hope that someone I loved would love me enough to respect my privacy.” Tenchi looked to his wife with a thankful smile; he had been thinking along the same lines but trying to say it was another thing entirely.
Understanding came over the scientist and she looked between the three of them only to see that that all had the same look. “Fine,” she huffed. Bringing up her keyboard she removed all the listening devices and cameras. “There, it's done.” She was not too happy with turning everything off, as most of the devices were used to monitor the health and well being of them, but to make them happy she turned those off as well.
“You mean you did it? You turned the all off, for me?” Ryoko asked her mom to which she just nodded yes. “Thank you!” Ryoko crowed and gave her mom a big hug.
`If that was all it took to get her to hug me I would have done this a long time ago,' Washu said to herself as she returned the hug. Tenchi and Ayeka just held hands as they watched mother and daughter hug.
Later that night, as the rest of residents of the valley slept. Tenchi and Ryoko did just as he had suggested earlier, and with the aid of his new abilities the two of them created their own mile high club, though they did not need the plane. Washu watched them for as long as she thought she should, then placing a shield around them she made sure that no one else could see them, before she returned to her bed, and the one that waited on her there.
Several times she had stopped to think about it, and each time it felt rather surreal when it came to the way things had changed around the house. Ayeka and Ryoko were getting along, at least for the most part. And when they did fight it was not over Tenchi per say. However, she shuddered at the thought of them two sharing a bed, even if Tenchi was in it too, as she would have hated to be him. Yet he did it every night, and not just since they returned from their training. But he had spent five years with only them in her time chamber. Even though all three of them thanked her for the time together, she still said a silent apology to them for it every time she thought about it. When she turned to go into her room a smile appeared on her face as she remembered how she and Nobuyuki had started sharing a room.
As the night passed Tsunami watched over her family. She did not want to wake up Sasami, but she decided to awaken the girls' consciousness. “Sasami?”
“Yes?' She responded as an image of her appeared before the goddess even as her body slept in the house.
“I wanted to know what you thought, about Tenchi, and Ryoko and Ayeka.”
“Well, we were connected I thought, so can't you tell?”
The goddess smiled. “In a sense, but I want to hear it in your own words.”
“Well, I'm happy for them. Sister has finally got what she always wanted.”
“Even though it was not how she wanted it?” Tsunami asked.
Sasami smiled, “I think she always wanted Ryoko around too, even though they fight. She would be sad if Ryoko left.”
“You may be right,” the goddess laughed as she thought about it. “Are you happy as well?” Sasami just looked down and did not say a word. “I see. What do you want?” Tsunami knew already but she asked anyway to get the princess to say more.
“I want… I want to… I wish someone like him would love me.”
“That can be a very dangerous thing, are you sure you want that?” Tsunami asked gently.
“I… I think so.” Sasami told her. “Tenchi's so nice, and kind and I want someone like him too.”
To be Continued…
I could always use help with pre-reading the story before the next chapter is posted. If you would like to help please go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ffru/
I have the next several chapters posted there for my beta readers to help me on.