Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Musings ❯ Yosho ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N Tenchi Muyo! is owned by AIC and Pioneer and not by me. (ending dry and dull disclaimer)

The ideas in this story are mine though and if you'd like to use or borrow them, contact me first at ring_princess@hotmail.com or ring_princess2001@yahoo.com

By RingPrincess

I know there is one thing that I do not want, to return to Jurai. I have taken great pains to keep from returning. Using each and every excuse I could think of to stay here on Earth.

Does this make me a coward? Running from my homeland, from a title and heritage that I did not ask for or want. Running from a marriage to my sister, who could not understand that while I loved her, I loved her only as a sister. If this makes me a coward, well I've had 700 years to come to terms with it. It no longer bothers me.

I've orchestrated all this mayhem in some manner by the choices I have made and choices others have made because of my actions. The choice to go after Ryoko was the turning point in my life and the choice that once I had caught her to imprison her and not kill her. And the choice to let Tenchi my grandson, release her from her imprisonment, I test him too harshly perhaps. I knew that once he had those keys, he'd go to the cave set Ryoko free and I knew the true culprit behind the attack on Jurai would come. Who knew that it would be Kagato? And that by defeating Kagato that more chaos would come into our lives?

And how could I have known that Ayeka had come after me? Then I orchestrated events so that even before she knew I was still alive she would turn her heart towards Tenchi. Even though I knew Ryoko loved my grandson with all her heart.

Tenchi, you and I have something in common, more than just memories and fighting ability. We hurt those we love, whether it is in the past, present or future. Whether it is intentional or unintentional we cause pain to those around us no matter how hard we try not to.

My sins, they are many. My excuses are weak, but I wouldn't change any one of them.



Questions and comments should be sent to one of the emails below! Check out my websites... and tell me what you think please.

ring_prince ss2001@yahoo.com
http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/ringprincess/index.html http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tenchimuyofanfiction/
http://www.thete nchireviewer.net