Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Princess ❯ Ch. 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
So many people say
this life I live,
is a fairy tale dream;
with princes and parties -
not a care in the world,
this princess life I live

Castles and carriages
Fancy dresses and perfect manners
make a perfect princess

I have the best life, they say
I'll always be taken care of,
They always think I am happy;
that I have this fairy-tale life

What they don't see
is the sadness inside
from the pressure and the pain
I only let them see
another person, another life

No one can -wants-
to see, this sad little part of me
that screams as a scared little child
longing to be free

They only see what they wish
a perfect princess
They do not see who I am
because I do not let them
For when I do, I'm only hurt more

So I'll hide behind this mask
of princess perfection
I'll bow and curtsy
polite and perfect
I'll take on the duty that is one day
expected of me
And hide this scared little part of my soul
that longs to be free

- "Perfect Princess"
Lady Sapphire