Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Connection ❯ Author's Note ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Connection
A Note to Readers
By RingPrincess

The Connection is a side story to What Should Have Been (WSHB) and is set between chapters one and the first side story to WSHB; The Engagement. I wasn't going to originally write anything in this time period and when I started this story I deliberately skipped over it.

Now, I think I am more ready and mature enough to write this section of time where Tenchi and Ryoko changed so much. My thanks go out to Crion. He made me stop and think with his ever so honest review of WSHB at his review site and his assumptions within that review of what was actually happening to my main characters during this period. In effect he gave me motivation where I had none before.

I also wish to thank everyone for their patience in waiting for this section of the story. I have had others ask questions about this time and have never answered them. I hope this story will help put things into perspective.

WARNING: The Connection is rated R and contains graphic violence, disturbing images and sexual situations. It is recommended that parents pre-read this before allowing children to read.

WARNING: The Connection has very little dramatic or chronological order. Chapters are of no predetermined length and are written to stand alone. Chapters shall be posted as they are written. If the situation presented in the chapter is overly long, the chapter will be split up into a series of chapters and shall be indicated as such.

WARNING: The Connection is meant to be confusing, frustrating and at times strange.

Any questions or comments regarding this author's note should be directed to ring_princess@hotmail.com or ring_princess2001@yahoo.com. Thank You
