Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Tough Ones ❯ Re-live ( Prologue )

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Chapter One:

This story is my first attempt to write so please e mail me if you like or don't like and I would like you to tell me if it was good.

And if you have a direct suggestion on what I should do in my story I would really like to know this is a crossover a will be romantic in future chapters, but it will mostly be action.

And now the story begins......


Our story begins in the happy house of the Masaki shrine at night.

"I cant believe he chose her,"Ryoko whispered to herself. The scene she just saw with her eyes minutes ago made her crumble like a piece of paper.


Ryoko heard some noises coming from Aeka's bedroom, and thought something was wrong, so she phased through the her bedroom and landed in Aeka's bedroom and what she saw was heartbreaking.

Tenchi was kissing Aeka, and Aeka noticed Ryoko standing their looking at them like she was about to kill them.

"Ryoko please wait I'm sorry give me a chance to explain," said Tenchi.

"But he chose me and we are to be engaged," boasted Aeka, in her "I'm better than you voice."

Tenchi turned to look at Ryoko and all he did was stare. He couldn't even look her in the eye, which nearly made Ryoko break down and cry.

"Don't give me that look. If you cared about me Tenchi, you would have told me instead of me catching you like this. You never cared about me! I hope you two have a nice life together," said Ryoko.

With tears rolling down her eyes, in shame, she phased out of their room leaving the Masaki house forever.

She flew off recklessly in any direction. All she could think about was that back stabbing princess, the scum she had once loved, and watched for all his life.

End flashback

"I can't change the fact he chose her over me. There is not other reason for me to live there anymore. Tenchi doesn't return the love I once felt for him. This is good-bye forever," said Ryoko said to herself.


Nighttime at the Son's residence

Goku had just been revived seven years after his son killed Cell. The legendary warrior was given his life back, because he had won the world tournament in the other world.

*I can't wait to come home and have Chi Chi cook for me again. Its been so long since I've had a home cooked meal and missed them all so much, I can't wait to see Chi Chi again, I've missed her so much. I hope she can forgive me for leaving her pregnant when I died* thought Goku.

Goku landed at the front of his home, only to find Chi Chi in bed with another man.

"Chi Chi I can't believe you did this to me. After everything I've ever done was for you and our children," Goku said sadly.

"I thought you were dead Goku," Chi Chi said running up to him and giving him a hug and a kiss. "Goku what cant you believe Goku? Did you think I was in bed with another man?" asked Chi Chi.

"Well, yeah you weren't?" asked Goku. Chi Chi was really in bed with another man but Goku was too dense to understand the situation.

"No you see I I wasinheretriengtofigureoutwhosbedisbigger," Chi Chi blurted out.

"Thank you Paul, but I can handle it from here now!" Chi Chi screamed in a voice that told Paul to get out, and since he knew that Goku was far more than human, he wisely ran out of the house leaving Goku and Chi Chi to talk things out, and settle things for their "future."

"Where is Gohan at?" asked Goku.

"He's asleep right now. Do you want to talk to him? Don't you want to know about your other son you know, the one we conceived before you left to fight?" Chi Chi said in a tone that told Goku she was very pissed off when he left.

"Chi Chi I'm sorry. You see I didn't want to come back because it wouldn't be safe for the world I have to many enemies and I don't want to cause any more harm than I already have. So please forgive me." begged Goku.

*Good I got him feeling guilty, I can't believe I got away with that. I'll make him feel sorry that he ever left, * Chi Chi thought with a smirk on her face.

"I'm sorry. Will you forgive me for leaving you? I promise I won't ever do that again," Goku pleaded.

"Do you want to meet your sons now or in the morning?"she said in a victorious tone. "Yes, now please. I want to make it up for them by saying I'm sorry."

"Mom what is going on?" asked Gohan wiping the sleep from his eyes with Goten behind him. Gohan looked up and saw the one person he thought that he'd never see again.


Disclaimers to Dragon Ball Z and Tenchi Muyo!