Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy: Tenchi Style ❯ Sasami ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I own myself, and that's about all I can afford.
A/N: Well, the reviews have been mixed thus far. But after rereading what I have posted, I have decided to leave this story the way it is. I have gotten exactly what I had been aiming for so far in every chapter I have written. So, I hope since you've gotten this far that you're enjoying this at least somewhat.
Have I ever mentioned before how much I detest school? Of course, I had homework and a lot of it. Not only that, but thanks to the slut I had found hanging on him that morning, I had dumped my boyfriend. Bummer, eh?
Entering my home, I slammed the door a little harder than I had intended, courtesy of my aggravation.
Without even turning from the computer screen before her, Mom called out, “That much homework?”
Sighing, I dropped my backpack and purse beside the front door and moved to sit on the couch beside my mother. “Worse than that. I dumped him today.”
Placing the four of hearts on top of the five of spades, Mom nodded understandingly. “Wanna talk?”
“No,” I sighed again. “I want to strangle him! Jerk, can't keep his hands of ugly chicks!” Pausing for a moment, I shrugged. “Oh well. His loss.”
“That's right.” With the immediate threat of an impending crisis past, Mom began to give me the normal amount of attention.
Feeling a little better with everything off my chest, I rose and went into the kitchen to rummage through the refrigerator for an apple or some appetizing left-overs.
Green Granny Smith in hand, I started toward my room. Glancing at Mom's game of FreeCell along the way, I hinted, “Nine of diamonds to the top and jack of clubs on queen of hearts.”
Frowning as she always did when I gave her a tip, Mom made the moves while I gathered my belongings.
“You had a call today,” there was more than a hint of a smirk in Mom's tone.
“Oh?” I slung my purse over my right shoulder.
“Yeah, someone named Sesame should be here in about,” Mom glanced at the kitchen clock, “now.”
“What?!” I cried. “You know I never do same day appointments!” I wanted a nap!
Mother simply shrugged her reply. “She sounded urgent. It's about her sister or something.”
Not knowing whether to sigh or growl, I chose to stomp all the way down the hall and to my room where I fairly threw my backpack into a corner and began digging through my bookcase to find an unused spiral notebook, grumbling all the time to myself about how much the situation sucked.
“Is this a bad time?” a sweet voice asked from my now open doorway. I had been so caught up in my anger I hadn't even heard it open.
Shaking my head, I gave a sigh. “No, of course not.” I forced a smile to my lips as I looked over to see a small girl of about nine standing in my doorway. She was simply precious with her pretty little face, adorable clothing and long, blue pigtails. Her most striking feature was her magenta eyes. To this day, I have never seen a more adorable child!
Standing, a new notebook in hand, I felt my smile become genuine as I addressed the girl. “Hi. What's your name?” I knew Mom simply could not have been correct when she said “Sesame”.
“My name's Sasami!” she grinned cheerfully. “I made an appointment today.”
Nodding, I answered, “Yes, I heard. Why don't we sit here on the floor and chat?”
Sasami grinned brightly as we sat facing one another.
“Well, Sasami, why don't you tell me a little about yourself?” I readied my notebook and pencil.
“Well, I used to live far, far away on another planet. I'm a princess from there, ya know,” the girl began happily talking. “My brother left long ago and my sister, Ayeka went looking for him and to capture the evil space pirate, Ryoko. But we ended up crash landing here instead where I now live with Tenchi, his father and grandfather, Ryoko, Washu, Rio-ohki my best friend, Kiyone and Mihoshi, and my sister.”
“Wow.” I finished jotting down a few notes and looked up at the girl. “Sounds like a full household indeed.”
Sasami nodded. “It's two households, but it sure is!”
I couldn't keep from chuckling. “Sasami, why don't you tell me about how you fit in with everyone?” I wanted to know more about the dynamics of this group. Maybe then I would know why everyone of them seemed so eager to speak with me.
“Hmm,” Sasami thought for a moment. “Well, I'm a good cook, so I cook for everyone. I also like cleaning, and since everyone else is always so busy, I take care of that.” The girl continued in her nonchalant manner, “Oh, and I'm Ayeka's [bleep!].”
My eyes flew wide! Had I really heard what I thought, or was it nothing more than a figment of my imagination? “Excuse me?” I questioned for clarification.
“My sister, Ayeka, I'm nothing more than her [bleep]. I make her [bleep] food, clean up after her [bleep] royal [bleep], and act as her [bleep] counselor when she wants to [bleep] about [bleeping] Tenchi.”
I almost had to literally push my jaw closed after hearing such language from the girl. “All right, I realize you have a need to feel comfortable and express yourself during sessions, but not only is such language unbecoming of a beautiful young lady, such as yourself, but it takes away from what you're trying to say,” I finally decided to correct the child.
Sasami had dropped her eyes at my criticisms. “I apologize,” she spoke submissively.
“I'm not angry and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings,” I clarified slightly. “Now, why don't you tell me why you're angry with your sister?”
“Well.” Sasami slowly lifted her eyes toward mine. “MY sister bosses me around a lot. It makes me really angry because I'm not her slave. That's why I spoke like I did.”
I nodded acknowledgement. “I understand. Have you ever told your sister how you feel?”
Sasami shook her pretty blue locks. “No. If I did, she'd only get angry at me. Besides, she's the grown up.”
“I understand that, but you really need to tell her how you feel. If you always take whatever she dishes out to you, she'll continue to do so. But, if you politely explain to her your feelings, things can possibly get better.” I gave the girl a smile. “Besides, I doubt she'll get as angry as you think so long as you don't cuss her out. And that's coming from a big sister.”
Blinking, Sasami asked, “You really think so?”
I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I do.”
“Then I guess that's what I'll do.” Sasami grinned from ear to ear as she sprang lithely to her feet. Youth is wasted on the young.
“Well,” I struggled to my feet, “I'm glad I could help.”
Facing me, Sasami gave a gracious bow. “Thank you.”
“Don't worry about it,” I smiled just before the child wrapped her arms around my waist in a firm embrace.
A little off guard, I simply smiled and hugged her back.
“I should be heading before everyone begins to worry,” my patient released me and took a few steps back. “I'll be seeing ya!” she called happily as she left the room skipping.
Who knew such young ones could know such language?! Not only that, but she actually cooked and cleaned! Is it wrong to ask where I could find a little sister like that?
Glad I could help, I filed Sasami's book and crawled beneath the covers for my nap.
My eyes were closed for all of about five seconds before my door flew open, and I was pounced by my baby brother. But that's another story.
A/N: As always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and leave me some little note of a review to let me know what you thought. I have appreciated everyone's honesty. ^^ Also, the next session will be with Ayeka. I thought I'd give you something to look forward to. ^_^