Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ In the Hands of an Uncaring God ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: An evil cult is trying to get its hands on anyone with power. Kamui is the next victim. Subaru has to race against time to stop him from getting sacrificed. AU

Disclaimer: All characters that belong to CLAMP belong to CLAMP. I don't own them. I just love writing about them. Arimi Yuki and Ikeda Ran are mine.

Rating: PG-13 for violence and quite a bit of shounen-ai (tough to avoid when writing an X fic!)

Pairings: Subaru/Seishirou, Kamui/Fuuma, Fuuma/Kakyou, Sorata/Arashi, a little bit of Karen and Aoki near the end of the story.

Spoilers: Bits and pieces of X. This fic is very AU.

Chapter 1

There is something about a crime scene that draws crowds. Everyone gathers and stands about gossiping with each other about the gory details, whether true or made up. It's times like this that rumors fly as the tale grows ever more outrageous. The swarms of police and barricades are really more to keep the curious crowds at bay rather than actually involved in catching the perpetrator. So it was no surprise that one diligent constable moved quickly to block the way of a slim young man as he walked briskly towards the barriers.

"Sorry sir, you cannot cross here," the uniformed policeman intoned with the long-suffering air of one who had been repeating himself for hours.

The young man paused and looked at the constable without rancor, apparently used to this sort of treatment. He was dressed in a neat navy suit and matching overcoat. His dark hair was at shoulder length, bangs falling gracefully over forest green eyes. "I'm Arimi Yuki. I'm with Kekkai Shimbun. Could you tell Detective Inspector Ikeda Ran I'm here please?" He asked politely.

The constable looked disgruntled at having to play errand boy, but decided to go hunt for his superior. After all Detective Inspector Ikeda was the one in charge of this investigation. Yuki remained standing patiently by the barrier, eyes darting about as he scanned the onlookers. He started when he saw a familiar figure in the crowd and made as if to go to him. But the figure shook his head and Yuki remained where he was.

Detective Inspector Ikeda Ran soon strolled out accompanied by the constable. He appeared too young to be the one in overall charge of this case, which meant that he was either very good or very well connected or as was in this case, both. Ikeda was looking harassed and a little rumpled, the sleeves of his white jacket rolled back. His collar length silver hair was mussed as if he'd been pulling at it. Behind rimless glasses, his dark violent eyes were focused distantly as if deep in thought but his expression changed when he saw Yuki. "Hey, I should have figured you'd show up to pump me for information," he said.

Yuki smiled. "Of course, what are old friends for."

"Be glad that I like you so much, Yuki." Ikeda grinned. People around found themselves straining to hear the gentle timbre of his voice.

"So Ran, what's the deal here? Do I have a scoop?"

Ikeda moved away from the barrier and the crowds, gesturing at Yuki to follow. The constable obediently let Yuki through, disconcerted by the familiar way the two men acted.

After walking some distance, Ikeda said, "Well it looks like a murder. Or at least we're currently treating this as a murder. Spontaneous explosion looks like a far stretch. But you can quote me as saying the police are leaving all their options open." The silver haired detective paused to make sure Yuki understood.

Yuki nodded.

"Victim's name was Magami Tokiko. She was apparently a friend of the Monou family living here at the Togakushi Shrine. No one knows why she was here alone. The elder Monou, the father, is in hospital for some heart problems. His two kids were visiting him. A third kid, who's Magami's nephew, was with them but they weren't expecting her to show up at the shrine today. The three found her when they got back. Poor things." Ikeda said.

"How was she killed?"

"Ah, that's the bad part. She appeared to have exploded or been chopped to pieces. Very messy. You better watch out for your shoes, there's blood all over the place." Ikeda said practically.

Yuki looked about him. The two men had come to the main hall of the shrine. Messy was an understatement. The place looked like a charnel house. The smell of fresh blood was overpowering. Yuki didn't think he'd be able to step anywhere without getting bodily fluids on himself, even though he was sure forensics had probably already taken as much of the evidence that they needed. Two teenagers were standing outside by a tree, looking dazed. The taller one had his arm around the shorter dark-haired boy. He was murmuring something into his ear.

Yuki didn't really want to go nearer to the crime scene but there was no choice against it. He took a few deep breaths and stalled for time by studying the teenagers.

Ikeda's eyes followed the direction of Yuki's gaze. "The short one's the nephew, Shirou Kamui. He's an orphan. I don't think he's got any other relatives now. Looks like I'll have to get family services here soon," he said informatively.

Yuki felt sorry for him. "So what can I do to help?"

"That's the thing, this case is weird. No motive, no witnesses, no weapon even." Ikeda paused. Then he added in a low voice, "I know about your abilities. Can you see if you can sense anything that will give us a lead?"

Yuki nodded. This was why Ran had allowed him to come through the police barriers. It was his abilities. He could see dead people. His mother had told him it was in his blood. It wasn't something he advertised about much though. Ran was probably one of the few people not related to him who knew.

Yuki took another deep breath and began walking slowly into the hall. He carefully slipped a white talisman paper from an inner pocket and placed it near the door, though it was hard to find one unbloodied spot. Softly, so as not to attract any attention, he murmured a chant. Trying to sense what happened at a murder site was chancy and dangerous. Traumatic spirits often didn't care about innocent bystanders, all they cared about was vengeance. And anyone with power was usually a beacon for attack.

So it was with some relief for Yuki to realise that whoever she was, Magami Tokiko's spirit had departed. But there was something else in the room that left an odd aftertaste to Yuki's senses. Then suddenly the blow came, not from the spirit he was expecting but from someone alive. Someone with enough psychic power to make him hurt and signal in big bright neon letters to Yuki, "KEEP OUT."

Yuki reeled and would have collapsed if Ran hadn't been beside him to catch him. For a moment, he worked on his barriers, blindly pushing whatever was hurting him away. Ten heartbeats later, the pain stopped. Yuki heaved a sigh of relief. He remained leaning with almost his full weight on Ran, trembling slightly. Slowly he became aware of Ran holding him tightly, calling his name and asking if he was all right.

Yuki tried to stop hyperventilating. A few seconds later he managed to pull himself together. Feeling some strength restored to him, he carefully moved himself away from Ikeda's embrace. "Oh god that was awful," Yuki said as he lifted a trembling hand to his head.

Ran appeared reluctant to let him go. "What happened? I thought you set protections against the spirit."

"It wasn't the victim's spirit. She's gone."

"Then what the hell happened?" Ran was looking about wildly, hoping to see something solid he could shoot.

"It was something very powerful." Yuki frowned, trying to put his feelings into words. "If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it was someone or something involved in the killing. It felt me probing and decided to give me a big slap for interfering. If it was the killer, you're not dealing with an ordinary person. Whoever can do this is very strong, psychically. And he or she can kill without being here. I can't tell you any more than that."

"This is weird mumbo jumbo. How am I supposed to find a killer who can kill without being present?" Ikeda looked really upset.

Yuki's thoughts were flying. He turned to Ikeda and said, "Ran, can you give me a bit of time to check with someone I know about this? Someone with more oomph in the magic department? I think he might be able to give me a lead as to who did this. Someone this powerful would probably be well known in certain circles. You might be able to catch your killer yet." Or if not, then perhaps I can try to get help and at least put a stop to him, he added silently.

Ikeda sighed. "Okay, but keep this quiet. I don't want it known that we're consulting psychics, especially if nothing pans out. The public wouldn't stand for it. But you be careful. I don't want to come onto a crime scene and find you in pieces like Magami."

Yuki totally agreed with that sentiment. Removing the ofuda that he had placed by the doorway, he walked out of the hall. As he emerged into the late afternoon sunshine, he noticed he was being observed by the two teenagers. With his senses heightened, he suddenly realised that their auras were very strong. He also noted that a strange white bird was perched on a branch of a tree next to them. Taking a chance, he walked over and introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Arimi Yuki."

The shorter kid turned his violet eyes at him. "Are you all right?"

Yuki nodded. He didn't know how but he was pretty sure violet eyes had felt the psychic attack in the shrine yet now. "You're Shirou Kamui?"

"Yes. I'm sorry but I didn't know what to do when the bad thing came just now." Kamui's eyes were growing wider in distress.

"You can sense things." Yuki was aware he was stating the obvious. Then he got worried. "Look, if you feel anything like it in the future, will you contact me? Please? This is not something for someone to handle alone." Yuki hurriedly found his business card and scribbled his private cell phone number on it. "You can get me anytime at this number. Call me, okay?"

Kamui's violet eyes grew even wider he took the card from him. "Okay," he agreed hesitantly.

"Where are you going to stay?" Yuki couldn't help but feel a little protective of the kid. He just looked so vulnerable.

The taller teenager spoke up for the first time. "He will stay with us. We're as close as family to Kamui. We will take care of him. My dad will be out of hospital soon."

Yuki looked questioningly at the boy who was still standing with a possessive arm around Kamui. He was also fairly radiating power.

"I'm Monou Fuuma." He said to Yuki's silent question.

Yuki thought to himself that this was one tough kid. But he reminded himself that tough or not, he was still a kid. "Okay Fuuma, what I said to Kamui goes for you too. Call me if anything else happens."

Fuuma looked scornful. "We know as much about these things as you, I'd think. My father's the head spiritual priest of this shrine."

Knowing he could say nothing else to change their minds, Yuki decided to leave. He leaned forward and patted Kamui's shoulder. Then he looked up to give the white bird a hard glare.

Yuki's thoughts were in turmoil as he walked out, ducking under the police barriers. He began scanning the crowds for the familiar figure he'd seen earlier. But there were just too many people and he could not see very far beyond the first row of the throng. Sighing in defeat, Yuki looked about for a quiet corner. After moving there, he pulled out his notebook and began scribbling. When he was ready, he dug out his phone and called his editor to file the story of the killing. A bloody death was news and one had to earn one's pay.

Upon hanging up, Yuki realised he was not alone. A figure was leaning against the wall next to him.

"Subaru," Yuki gasped surprised. "I thought I saw you earlier."

Sumeragi Subaru, 13th clan head of the Sumeragis, looked at Yuki fondly. "How's my favorite cousin?"

Yuki reached up to rub his weary eyes. "As well as can be after what I've been through today."

Subaru nodded.

Then realization struck. Yuki direct Subaru a flinty glare.. "Hey you knew what was happening at that shrine! It was your shikigami. You let me get smacked by that thing!"

Subaru winced and actually looked contrite. "Sorry, didn't think it was still there. I thought I'd let you find out everything first then come talk to you. Ikeda Ran's your friend. I didn't think the police would have let me pass those barriers. But I noticed you handled that thing very well."

Yuki felt a surge of pride at his cousin's praise but was realistic enough to own up to the truth. "Well it would have been better if you'd been there. You could have got a trace on that thing. You know my skills at onmyoujitsu aren't as strong as yours. It could have squashed me like a bug if that's what it wanted," he grumbled.

Subaru acknowledged the truth for what it was and said, "So why don't you fill me in on everything that happened."

Yuki was about to obediently tell him when he stopped. "Wait a minute, you know something about all this. Why that woman was killed at that shrine." Yuki's dark green eyes narrowed.

"I know some things and I don't know others," came Subaru's cryptic reply.

"Well you're not going to keep me in the dark. So spill." Yuki demanded.

Subaru could see he wasn't going to get anything out of Yuki until he did. He sighed theatrically in defeat. "Okay. But this is big and I hope you don't get hurt. Your mother may not forgive me if you get yourself in trouble."

"Well she's a Sumeragi so she ought to know about the dangers. But I don't plan on getting hurt. You're the one who rushes into things without a thought for your own safety." Yuki pointed out. "Come on, you can buy me dinner, I'm hungry."

Subaru mouth made a small quirk that could have passed for a smile. "Why do I have to buy you dinner?"

"You're the clan head with the independent income and vast estates. I'm only a lowly paid journalist," Yuki joked, thinking it had been a long time since he saw Subaru smile properly.

Subaru capitulated. "Hai, hai, let's go. There's a nice eatery nearby where we can fill your stomach and exchange notes."

The two cousins cheerfully clasped each other's shoulders and went on their way. Unknown to them, a pair of large red eyes was watching their every move. In a dreamscape, a lone figure smiled.


Notes: Well foreshadowing, foreshadowing. Sorry for hanging with Yuki for so long. He appeared and ran off with the story. No this is not going to be Mary Sue fic, though Yuki will have a decent part in it. He's here merely to link all the players together. Think of him as a supporting cast character. To get the relationship between Yuki and Subaru clear, Yuki's mom is a Sumeragi cousin of Subaru's father. So that makes them what, second, third cousins? He's not as strong as Subaru which sucks but Subaru IS clan head and the strongest of his generation. No getting around that. Subaru IS the main star of this story.Yuki is 27, 2 years older than Subaru which makes his relationship a bit of an older brother type to Subaru. As for his relationship with Ikeda Ran, well Ran is definitely interested but I'm not too sure about whether Yuki is or not yet. You can make of it whatever you will. But if reading about two men in that way bothers you, then please just pretend they are super good friends.

Ran, if you're interested, looks like Sasame from the so far little known anime Pretear. Yuki by the way is dedicated to my cat, of the same name. She got really sick while I was writing this story and I've been spending way too much time bring her to and from the veterinarian. Hope she recovers soon.

Anyways more on Subaru coming up. As for the other Angels and Seals, they'll slowly get introduced. Watch out for the utterly cool Seishirou-san.


Here's a little extra in the tradition of many animes.

A super-deformed Subaru runs out with Fuuma, Kamui, Yuki and Ran holding placards. They run around and rearrange themselves to form a word while shouting, "Omake, Omake, Omake!" Fireworks and confetti fall.

(Subaru and Yuki are talking to each other in a quiet corner of the busy street.)

Subaru: "Okay. But this is big and I hope you don't get hurt. Your mother may not forgive me if you get yourself in trouble."

(Suddenly a cloud of sakura petals rain down on the two as they are pulled into an illusion.)

Subaru (startled): Seishirou-san!

Yuki (question marks appearing around his head): What's he doing here?

Seishirou (wearing his trademark dark suit and smirk): I'm here because I can't stay away from you, my Subaru-kun!

Director Xandra (fierce look on face): You're not supposed to be in this scene! Get back into your trailer now!

Seishirou (shoulders drooping): Yes ma'am.

Subaru (laughing and pointing): Ha ha ha, you may look super-seme but you're sooooo hen-pecked!

Director Xandra (shoots electric glares at Subaru and zaps him)

Subaru (gulps and sweatdrops): Help!

Yuki (tries to disappear under the gathering piles of sakura petals): ...