Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ In the Hands of an Uncaring God ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: An evil cult is trying to get its hands on anyone with power. Kamui is the next victim. Subaru has to race against time to stop him from getting sacrificed. AU

Disclaimer: All copyright to Clamp characters belong to them. I just love writing about them and am glad to be inspired to write this fic. Arimi Yuki and Ikeda Ran are mine.

Rating: PG-13 for violence and quite a bit of shounen-ai (tough to avoid when writing an X fic!)

Pairings: Subaru/Seishirou, Kamui/Fuuma, Fuuma/Kakyou, Sorata/Arashi, a little bit of Karen and Aoki near the end of the story.

Spoilers: Bits and pieces of X. This fic is very AU.

Chapter 3

The newsroom was already filled with his co-workers when Arimi Yuki walked in the next morning. He perfunctorily returned the chorus of Ohayos and smiles from his colleagues as he made his way to his desk. But even before he was able to sit down, the phone at his desk rang.

"Moshi Moshi."

It was Ran. "You okay? I called your place rather late last night and you still weren't in."

Yuki remembered he had stayed out till way past midnight talking to Subaru. Then he had taken a slow walk home. "Oh sorry, I was consulting an expert about what happened yesterday. I was just going to call you."

"Well we're still pretty much stuck with no evidence." Ran sounded hopeful for a break.

"I'm not sure I have any better news. I'm afraid I can't tell you anything you can actually act on. And I can't talk on the phone, can we meet?" Yuki asked.

Ran perked up at the thought of meeting Yuki, "Sure, dinner tonight?"

"Okay, give me a call before you come by then." Yuki said. Meeting Ran would be nice though he wasn't too sure about how to interpret the oddly intimate touches and gestures his friend had been giving him lately. Like his sudden fondness in wiping his lips whenever they had a meal together.

"I have some bad news. You remember that priest at the Togakushi shrine? He died last night. Looks like his heart gave out." Ran said.

"Oh dear." Yuki was concerned. "What's to become of the children?"

"From what I understand social services is helping them arrange a funeral. And I hear they might get lucky and be able to stay together. Some lady was by earlier inquiring about taking them in."

Alarm bells rang in Yuki's head. "Lady? I thought they had no living relatives?"

"Nah don't think she was related. A real looker too from what my staff tells me. Hang on, let me check the file." There was a moment of shuffling on the other end of the phone as Ran looked up the information. "Ah Mrs Kigai Kanoe. She's apparently some big shot's secretary. Claims to have been a long lost friend of Kamui's mom. Everything looks on the up and up."

Yuki smelt a major rat. "Look Ran, please do me a favour. All I can tell you is that those kids are special. Please don't let them out of official custody without telling me okay?"

"Okay, but you better explain everything to me tonight."

Yuki sighed. "All right, I'll see you then."

Yuki was troubled when he hung up. Things were moving too fast for his liking. He and Subaru had figured they would have a few days to set up a plan for keeping an eye on the kids, counting on Japanese bureaucracy to keep Kamui out of the cult's clutches. But it looked like red tape wasn't on their side this time. For now, he thought he'd better run a check on this Mrs Kigai Kanoe.

Suddenly a voice roused him out of his reverie. "Arimi-san, have you got an update on that bizarre death you reported on last night?"

Yuki looked up to see the face of his harassed editor, Aoki Seiichiro. He stood up and bowed. "Aoki-san, so far the police have no leads. But I have a profile of the victim. She was a school nurse and well liked. I'm also working on a follow-up human interest story on her nephew, who's now an orphan."

Aoki Seiichiro nodded. "That sounds good. You can work the sob story, readers will eat it up."

Yuki thought that would be an excellent excuse for him to go talk to Kamui again. Then as Aoki was about to walk away, he ventured, "Um, Aoki-san, could I discuss with you a story I'd like to check up on?"

Aoki turned back and raised an eyebrow.

Yuki continued. "There's this group I've been hearing about wanting to get the government to proclaim them a religion. They're called the Order of the Promised Day..."

Aoki whipped to attention. "What did you say?"

"The Order of the Promised Day?"

The editor's tone was hard. "What do you know about them?"

"Well, I have some sources that say they may not be engaged in exactly legal doings. Can I have time to check on them?" Yuki had been hopeful he could sell the idea. He needed the newroom's resources to do a complete check but Aoki-san's reaction appeared to be too strong for it not to be personal.

Aoki came to a decision. "You're right," he said softly. "I've known about them for a while now, but you might not be able to dig up any dirt on them."

Yuki was growing more curious. "How do you know of them?"

"My nephew Daisuke recently joined them. The family doesn't like it, but we can't stop him as he's of legal age and able to do what he wants. But I had my suspicions that this group is more like a cult than anything else. They've made him cut off all ties to us and nobody knows what's going on in that compound of theirs." Aoki Seiichiro took off his glasses to rub at his eyes. "Arimi-kun, I'm going to give you the go ahead to look into them. Take all the time you need. I just have one thing to ask of you..."

"Anything," Yuki promised.

"If you can get my nephew out safely, I'd owe you a huge debt." Aoki's eyes were concerned.

"I'll do my best."

Yuki stared after his editor as the man walked away. Now that had been a surprising revelation and piece of good luck. At least he could now devote all his time to this without being assigned some other job. Then with a sigh, he turned to begin the long tedious process of digging up information.


Sumeragi Subaru was being jostled as he traveled on the subway. Tokyo's public transport system might be convenient and extensive but was always a hassle to take. But Subaru supposed it was only natural given the 12 million people squashed together in this city.

Emerging from the station, Subaru strode forward confidently, catching the admiring eyes of passers-by. He made a pretty picture, a delicate face framed by dark silky hair combined with flawless emerald eyes intent with purpose. Arriving at his destination, he entered the large hospital and made his way up to the wards for long term stay. The nurses at the station all knew him, calling out cheerful greetings, "Konnichiwa, Sumeragi-san."

Subaru politely inclined his head and walked into the private room. There on the bed a pale thin form lay. A panel of machines lined-up to one side of the room, wires and tubes connected to the body every which way. Subaru moved to the lone chair by the bedside and sat down. Looking at his watch he calculated he had a couple of hours before someone came in to check. He reached out to take the hand of the comatose patient and was immediately transported into a dreamscape.

In the dreamscape, Subaru found himself standing on a wide beach, looking at waves crashing onto rocks nearby. The day was bright and warm. Little clouds scuttled across the brilliant blue sky and gulls winging their way about made the scene a perfect little paradise. Subaru walked toward the only person on the beach. "Hi Kakyou."

Kakyou was lounging on a comfortable beach chair, letting the wind run through his flowing gold hair. He looked at Subaru. "Thanks for visiting," he said, and magically produced a similar chair for Subaru.

Subaru decided he was oddly overdressed in his tan trenchcoat and slipped it off before settling himself down beside Kakyou. The two sat side by side for a while in companionable silence.

After a while, Kakyou turned to Subaru and said, "Nice though it is to see you, I don't think you came by for a mere visit today."

"No but I thought I'd just keep you company for a bit before I got down to unpleasant things," Subaru answered. He paused for a moment before continuing. "You remember I had told you I was looking into that cult, The Order of the Promised Day?"

Kakyou made a small murmur of acknowledgment.

"Looks like they're getting ready for another big sacrifice." Subaru informed him.

"I'm not surprised, what with the coming of the new millennium. I get the feeling you know who's the unfortunate 'Chosen One'." Kakyou stated.

"Hmmm, my best guess is that it's a young boy, 'bout 16, orphan. Name of Shirou Kamui. Violet eyes, messy dark hair. Have you Seen him?" Subaru queried.

"Ahh, yes. It'd be hard not to have noticed him. He's broadcasting his power all over the city. No control whatsoever. Can't get a decent night's rest lately without him popping up all over the place in my dreamscapes." Kakyou pouted.

Subaru was amused. He knew Kakyou wasn't the hard hearted fellow he was trying to pretend to be. "Well, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to keep a closer eye on him. I think the group's about to make a move soon."

Kakyou nodded grimly. He studied Subaru with his pale golden eyes. "I think no matter what, we're going to be able to get our closure soon."

Subaru eyes were downcast. "It's been a long journey for both of us, hasn't it. I'm sorry, it's probably been harder going for you than for me."

"Being stuck in a coma hasn't been fun, but you've had it just as bad. Being locked up in an insane asylum because nobody would believe you when you said your twin had been murdered... I don't think I could have withstood it." Kakyou pointed out.

Subaru shivered, the memories of that terrible time still fresh in his mind, despite it having been nine years ago. He remembered the needles full of drugs poking into him to keep him quiet. He remembered the restraints and the padded walls and the loss of control. In the end, it was only his determination to get out that he let the doctors win, pretending to agree with everything they said. Pretending to be 'cured'. It had cost him a large part of his soul to pretend to agree with them that Hokuto had merely run away and was not murdered in foulest way possible. Still he couldn't help apologising to the only other person in the world who had loved his sister as deeply. To the one who had sacrificed so much. "I'm sorry for not being there when they shot you, for not being able to convince anyone you didn't try to kill yourself."

Kakyou waved a hand in dismissal. "Ancient history. Those people planted all the evidence, there was no way the authorities would have believed you, not when I wasn't around to back you up. Besides the shooting triggered my power as a yumemi. So now at least I can control my dreamscapes. And this isn't bad huh?" Kakyou looked about his creation proudly.

Subaru wasn't in the mood to be placated. "Do you still miss Hokuto?"

Kakyou was silent for a full minute. Then he said simply, "Everyday."

Subaru closed his eyes in grief. He said quietly, "I miss her every day too."

Kakyou was nearly overwhelmed by Subaru's sorrow. Wordlessly he reached over and clasped Subaru's hand. Subaru's hand tightened in acknowledgment of the comfort offered. Kakyou reflected that they were two brothers in spirit, united by pain.

Kakyou raised his golden eyes to meet Subaru's green ones in a direct gaze. "We can't let them win this time."

"I know. I've sworn they would not sacrifice anyone else to their twisted beliefs. These people must be stopped," Subaru pledged.

Kakyou agreed. "I guess that's what makes them so diabolical. They had the power and connections to make one teenager disappear and the accusations of two others go away. We will have to be more careful this time."

"Have you been able to sense who is behind all this?"

"It's not a clear picture, but yes I can sense the leader. It's a woman and she is powerful. But I'm doing my best to block her vision of the future. But what it means is that neither of us will know much about what is going to happen," Kakyou said. "We will both still be able to view the present though, so if you want to make any secret plans with people, I'd suggest you continue setting up your kekkais. That's the best I can do."

"It's more than enough." Subaru wished he didn't have to involve Kakyou in such a dangerous endeavour.

Kakyou sensed Subaru's anxiety for his safety. He had seen a little ahead into the future and knew just what was to come but there was only so much he could say to Subaru that would console him. "Don't worry about me. Just do what you have to do and I will do what I have to. And remember this, no matter what happens, it's not your fault."

Subaru looked even more disturbed at this.

Suddenly Kakyou turned to him and said, "I think you had better be getting back to reality. Someone is trying to contact you."

The two men got up. Subaru was reluctant to leave Kakyou like this. On impulse, he pulled Kakyou into a tight hug.

Kakyou's arms crept around him in response to the rare contact. He whispered into Subaru's ear, "Be safe."

Subaru nodded and left the dreamscape. His phone was ringing. "Sumeragi desu," he answered.

"Subaru," Yuki's voice sounded over the speaker. "Kamui just called me. He said someone was trying to take him away from social services. I checked it out and it appears to be someone connected to the Order of the Promised Day. I'm going to try to get to him. Can you come as well?"

"I'm on my way," Subaru replied, already striding out the door.


Notes: Okay, pretend Yuki is like Yami no Matsuei's Tsuzuki, pretty oblivious to Tatsumi's touches. That's what Ran is doing to him. Also while I have no idea of police procedure, I'm pretty sure Ran is committing a no-no telling Yuki about Kamui's case. On the other hand, Ran could have listed Yuki as an expert consultant and so would have "need-to-know." I'm sorry I thought I was going to get to Subaru's meeting with Seishirou but this chapter just got too long. I promise they will get to meet in the next one. I hope I got the characterization of Subaru and Kakyou correct. I couldn't resist putting two of X's most pretty men together and not have them angst. I hope everyone is following the plot. Does anyone know Kanoe's full name? I've not been able to find a family name for her. Another point, I can't stress enough that people in Tokyo take trains to get around, especially Subaru. Evidence: in TB, the second OVA has him witnessing an attack on the subway. Then in X episode 9 of the anime, he takes the train to Kamakura. Then of course Yuuto, Nataku, Aoki and Karen have their fights at train stations too! Tokyo's train system is fantastic. Your thoughts, comments please?

Coming up... Sei-chan and Subaru-kun meet! Are they going to let unresolved issues get in their way of happiness? Will our two star-crossed lovers be forced to duke it out? And Yuki runs into his own problems trying to get to Kamui in time. Who will rescue him? Plus Kamui meets Kanoe, will he be able to avoid her attempts to clasp him to her bosom? Yeech!


A super-deformed Subaru runs out with Fuuma, Kamui, Yuki and Ran holding placards. They run around and rearrange themselves to form a word while shouting, "Omake, Omake, Omake!" Fireworks and confetti fall.

(Subaru appears standing in Kakyou's dreamscape)

Subaru (looks down at himself and screams): Arrrrgh!

Kakyou: Do you like my present?

Subaru (speaking through gritted teeth): WHY AM I WEARING A DRESS???!!

Kakyou (pouting): It's not a dress, it's a kimono. I'm tired of being the only male in X to wear girly clothes.

Subaru: No you're not! They made me wear that white robe thing in X the movie before they killed me off!

Kakyou (growls): Don't mention X the movie to me!

Director Xandra (nods at Subaru): Hey you look awfully cute. Excellent idea Kakyou.

Everyone else on set: KAWAII!!!!

Subaru (runs towards Director Xandra and tries to choke the life out of her): You've been making me cross-dress ever since Living for You. What is it with you, Woman?! Are you channelling Hokuto?

D-X (trying to get a breath): Aack!

Seishirou (pops up and wraggles eyebrow at Subaru): I see definite possibilities here!