Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Adam and Eve ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is my first Trigun fic so be gentle.


"Donuts!" Vash exclaimed, gobbling up the fried rings as fast as he got his hands on them.

"Vash, don't eat so fast, you'll make yourself sick!" Meryl grabbed the end of the donut hanging from the plant's mouth pulling at it. So began a game of tug-a-war between the now dating couple.

Millie tried to hide her giggles behind her hand at the two but stilled from a glared sent from the blond on the other side of the table. His ice blue eyes narrowed at them all. `Stupid spiders…" He thought, taking a drink.

It had been six months since Vash had come back from fighting his brother. Meryl had found them in her house, Vash tending to his brother's wounds when she'd come in and had smacked him upside the head for bringing Knives back with him.

After much pleading and a few nights on the couch, Meryl had allowed the mass murderer to stay so long as he promised not to cause too much trouble. Come to think of it he never really gave her an answer on that one.

As for Millie, she stayed in small house next door took Meryl from killing anyone by keeping the boy's busy. Who knew Vash the Stampede was such a good carpenter? Knives helped only as long as he wasn't bothered. He still despised humans, but kept his opinions to himself since Meryl was his meal ticket.

As of recently, the foursome had grown accustomed to going out on Friday nights and having a little fun. Tonight was one of those nights. Tonight was also karaoke night.

"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down…" A couple of drunks were already up on stage singing as Meryl continued to play tug-a-war with Vash's donut as Millie clapped along with the song. Knives rolled his eyes, wishing to be anywhere but here.

That's when the door open onto a shadowed figure, a cold breeze rushing in with it as a woman in a blood red trench coat walked into the light (picture a female Van Hellsing). Taking off her hat, Dark brown curls fell down her back as her ocean blue eyes traced the figures in the room, finally landing on their table.

"Hello Millie." She smiled, her voice hypnotic.

Millie turned and nearly fell out of her chair. "Naobi?"