Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You Rem ❯ The Search Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I Love You Rem

Chapter 1: The Search Begins

"Come on we have to get to the escape pods now or we will crash!" Knives yelled to Rem and Vash, "Rowen must of changed the coarse of the ship let's go now!"

"What do we do Rem?" Vash asked.

"We have to go to the pods," Rem replied.

"Hurry they are just up ahead," Knives said as they ran.

"You two go on ahead," Rem said.

"What? Rem you have to come with us," Vash said begging to cry, "Rem come with us please," he cried.

"I'm sorry Vash I have to try and change the course to save the others who are still in hyper sleep," Rem said to them.

"No Rem please! Please don't go Rem stay with us!" Vash sobbed.

"I'm sorry Vash I have to try and save them," Rem replied.

"Rem No Please Stay With Us!" Vash sobbed, "Vash take care of Knives," Rem said as the door to the pod was closing, "Don't worry Vash," Rem said.

"Rem!" Vash yelled as the door closed and the last thing he saw of Rem was a single tear roll down her cheek. "Rem no!" Vash yelled as the pod took off without Rem on it. "Please Rem," Vash said watching through the window of the pod still crying. "No Rem," he sobbed, as he saw their ship explode. "No Rem come back come back Rem don't leave us please," Vash cried.

"That wench actually did it," Knives said, "Oh well at least she is dead."

"Are you saying you planned this!?" Vash asked still sobbing.

"That's right and it would have worked if it wasn't for Rem. The only reason I let her live is because of how much you liked her now I see how imperfect she really was it's a good thing she died," Knives told him.

"Ahhh nooo, bring her back you bastard," Vash yelled grabbing Knives and knocking him to the floor.

"Get off me Vash," Knives said and pushed Vash off of him sending Vash flying to the other end of the pod.

"I'm sorry Rem," Vash cried.

"That was all such a long time ago," Rem said, "And that man, if he hadn't of saved me I would of died. I remember he grabbed me after I left Vash and Knives and ran to the control room, he took me to the remaining escape pods while his friends changed the coarse. He saved me but died from his injuries before I knew how he and his friends had woken up and who he was. I didn't even know his name."

"Oh my Lord," a nurse said, "Doctor, Doctor Rem Saverem has woken up, she is up," the nurse told the doctor.

"Well let's get her out of there," the doctor said opening the sleep chamber they had kept Rem in. "Rem, Rem are you alright Rem?"

"Yes I'm fine but where am I?" she asked.

"Your in a sleep chamber, you had a terrible accident a long time ago we put you in here until we could help you," he said.

"How long ago was this accident?" Rem asked.

"About 100 years ago," he replied.

"But how? How could you work on me that long? You would of died by now," she said.

"Well of coarse lots of different doctors took care of you there is no way only one doctor could take care of you," he told her.

"Oh I see. Oh dear Vash and Knives," she said looking worried.

"Hmmm….. What Vash? Knives? What are you talking about Rem?" he asked.

"On the ship project SEEDS two boys, Vash and Knives where with me they left in an escape pod," Rem said.

"Well that was a long time ago dear I'm sure they have passed on by now," he said.

"No I don't think so, you don't know these two they are different than most people they would stay alive no matter what," she replied, "Now I must find them, something could happen to them."

"But Rem you need more rest," the doctor said trying to make her stay.

"No I'm fine I've been resting for 100 years. Do you have clothes I could change into? I really don't think this hospital gown will work very well," she said looking at what she was wearing.

"Yes we have your clothes the ones you where wearing when we found you, they are in the top shelf over there, we fixed them up for you they weren't in good condition when we first found you," he said as she got her clothes.

"I see thank you very much umm… can you leave for a minute so I can change?" Rem asked.

"Oh yes of course," he said and left.

"I know Vash and Knives are still alive they have to be and Ill find them," she said putting on her clothes. "There much better, this is a lot better than a hospital gown," she said staring at herself in the mirror, she looked just like she always did, white t-shirt, light colored blue jeans, long black hair that went down to her waist. "I don't look at all different I wonder what Vash and Knives look like now? Probably just as handsome as I dreamed they would," she said with a sad smile, "I do really miss them. "I wonder if they miss me or even remember me. Of curse they remember me don't think silly thoughts or at least Vash would remember me I should find him first," she said and went to find the doctor. "I'm leaving now," Rem said, "To find Vash and Knives."

"My dear please you must still be a little under, the medicine we gave you makes you think things that aren't true. Vash and Knives can't still be living that was over 100 years ago," he said.

"I don't care what you say I'm going I have to."

"Rem I can't stop you but I can say this if you ever realize you can't find them and want to come back you can," he said.

"Thank you, but I don't think that will be necessary," Rem said heading out of the hospital, once in daylight she stopped and soaked it all in. "How wonderful the sun feels upon my skin, and the breeze it smells of rain. Is this new world how I'd imagined it? Did everything turn out right?" Rem thought to herself. "What happened?" she asked herself as she opened her eyes it wasn't at all what she imagined, "How did this happen where are all the flowers all this is, is sand. "How did this happen? Where is Vash? Knives?" she thought and began her journey into the world she'd awoken to. "What is this?" she asked herself, she didn't understand what had happened to the world they'd so carefully planned out. "Huh? I was so busy thinking I didn't notice it was night," she said as she looked into the sky and saw the bright moon, just before a cloud rolled in and blocked the light; she saw it a hole in the moon. "What in the world is that? Something made a hole in the fifth moon," Rem thought to herself. "Well I can't worry about that now I have to find Vash," she said and began to walk not even knowing where to start looking.

"I need something to eat," she heard a man say.

"Yeah let's go to the saloon," another man replied.

"Food sounds good," she thought and followed the men. "That must be it," she said as she watched the men walk in.

"What can I do for you Miss?" the bartender asked as Rem sat at the bar.

"Well…" she began, "Could you please just give me something, you see I have been gone a long time and don't have any money."

"Money?" the bartender replied, "Oh you must mean double dollars, well if you need some I know how you can get a bunch 60 billion to be exact."

"60 billion, wow that's a lot what do I have to do?" she asked.

"All you have to do is catch him," the bartender said.

"Him?" Rem asked, "Who is him?"

"The Humanoid Typhoon. Vash the Stampede. He is a gunman, it is said that he is unbeatable. He wears a red coat and has blonde spiky hair," he said, "But he is very dangerous people say he put the hole in the fifth moon and destroyed the cities called July and Augusta. They say his arm has some sort of power, they say he calls it an Angel Arm."

"An Angel Arm," Rem said with surprise in her voice, "Do you know where he is now?"

"I heard he was somewhere in Warren. He's traveling with some friends I heard he is with a priest and two women. I hear the people there are doing all they can not to make him mad they fear if they do he will destroy their city just like he did Augusta and July."

"You don't think he would really hurt them do you?" Rem asked.

"I bet he would he's a man who's full of evil," the bartender said.

"I see well I must be going now thank you for your help," Rem said and turned to leave.

"Oh Miss," the bartender called after her.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Here," he said and threw her a bag.

"Oh thank you," she said as she looked inside and saw a hamburger.

"You be careful ok," he said.

"Yeah I will," Rem replied and left the saloon. "No way Vash how could you, how could kill like that, please tell me it's not true please. Is all this my fault, was it something I did to make you this way?" Rem asked herself as she walked out of the town and into the desert trying to find the town Warren where she would hopefully find Vash.