Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Trigun Poetry ❯ Upon the Death of My Best Friend ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

[If you hadn't noticed by the other poem that these are done in Vash's point of view… They're done in Vash's point of view. This is the one I'm actually going to present in class on Thursday. Heh, heh… They have no idea where the heck I got this idea from. Hopefully, this won't only surprise you, but move you too. I know I moved myself… but I'm just weird that way. Another Trigun poem coming your way!!! By the way…I know this one comes first (alphabetically "Death" before "Destruction") but you should read the other one first before this one. So go back and then come back!!! \\// ^_^. \\// Love and Peace minna!!!]

Upon the Death of My Best Friend

When he walked past me that hot, dry day;

I did not think of the price I would soon pay,

For not staying by his side,

Until I found him inside

Before the altar, on his knees,

As dead as dead could be.

My heart screamed in agony as I gazed

At his still form, I completely dazed;

My companion… my friend…

He who a willing hand would always lend.

His black suit rumpled,

His legs crumpled;

Blood pooling at his feet…

And that…that stopped my heartbeat.

I bellowed his name and held him close to me,

My tears flowing from my eyes incessantly.

With a clang his giant cross fell to the floor,

As I clasped his lifeless form to me with roar.

Blood still seeped from his open wounds,

Even as the sun set o'er the sandy dunes.

It was then that the two women came in;

The one who loved me, and the one who loved him.

The dark haired girl covered her mouth and her gasp,

While my friend's love caught him in her grasp;

They wept tears that could span a mile,

While I shook my head with my denial.

No, no, no, no! It cannot be!

He could not be dead because of me!

He had lived, he had laughed, he had loved, he had fought,

He could not be dead, I repeatedly thought.

But the truth lay before me, an image of pain,

Here at the altar where he had lain.

He could not go! He could not go…

No, no, no, no, NO!

But no matter how long I prayed to the Almighty Quack;

My friend…would not be coming back.

So instead of denying and hating…

I began to start praying.

Please, O God, in which my friend the preacher had believed,

Give me strength as I grieve.

I want my friend, his laugh, his smile, his gentleness,

His kind eyes, his serious and silliness.

Give me the strength to cope with his passing,

So my hope can begin amassing;

So I can live, as he wanted me to,

To do, what he wanted me to do…

Searching for love and for peace,

So my pain can finally cease.