Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ i would follow you into forever ❯ happiness in darkened times ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

title. happiness in darkened times
fandom. twilight series
pairing. marcus x seth clearwater
prompt. o91. birthday
words. 100 words
disclaimer. i don't own the twilight series, it's the property of stephanie meyer.
. happiness in darkened times .
Marcus was facing a dilemma. He had no idea what to get his lover for his birthday, which was fast approaching in just a few short weeks. Asking anyone else was out of the question, they wouldn't understand the human sentiment involved.
He'd turned over every idea, even spied on humans to get an idea, but he still had nothing. And asking Seth would be a dead give-away that he was planning something. One thing he'd learned, birthdays were supposed to be spent with family and friends.
Which then gave Marcus an idea. First, though, he would need Aro's consent.