Uglies Fan Fiction ❯ Afterwards ❯ After Pretties ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter two: After PRETTIES
Tally was fast asleep... She didn't know what was going on, but she knew that something was.
"Okay, I think she's ready, Dr. Cable," said a familiar voice; it was Shay.
"No, Shay, we still have to add the 'special' ingredient."
Tally sensed her bones being switched around and being turned what was called 'special'
Special?! wait a minute, thought Tally, I don't want to be special. Hmm... she thought about that again. Maybe this way though, I can save Zane. With all this power in body and mind, I might find a way without any medicine or cures.
"Shay, where are those flash tattoos?"
Tally heard footsteps... she wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't.
"Okay, Shay, it's time."
Tally physically felt something in her brain being changed... "Oww," she said. It hurt her mind, big time. She had to get up, but her mind wouldn't let her. This made her hurt even worse.
"Okay, Dr. Cable, I think it's time to wake her."
Dr. Cable walked up to Tally and said, "Wake up Tally!"
Tally blinked. Her body was reacting to the voice. Which was... good. She saw tons of faces... they all seemed... familiar. They looked like Cutters. She remembered sneaking up and spying on them with Zane as pretties. She then closed her eyes and got up, feeling a little woozy. She spun from side to side, trying to get her balance.
"Tally," said Dr. Cable, walking up to her. "Here, take this."
She gave her a glass of some kind of medicine. She stopped spinning. It made her open her eyes. She then looked in the mirror, and then at Shay.
"Yes, Tally-wa, it's true, you're a Special now... you're a Cutter," said Shay. Tally ran back and forth three times... she was fast... she tried lifting a heavy couch, it worked... she was strong.
"Okay, okay," laughed Dr. Cable, "save it for two months."
"What happens then?" asked Tally.
"The real mission begins," said Dr. Cable.
"Yeah," said Shay, "don't you remember?"
"Remember what?" asked Tally.
"That Ugly Holiday," said Shay.
"I do now." She thought back to her Ugly days when she celebrated the holiday too.
"Everything's already planned out," said Dr. Cable in a secretive way. She had a very big smirk was on her face, and Tally could tell she was deep in thought... what could she be thinking about? Tally wondered...
"Okay, Cutters," said Dr. Cable, interrupting Tally's thoughts. "In a couple of minutes we are going to meet with the regular Specials. In the meanwhile, you are going to see me for sneak suit fittings."
"Why, Dr. Cable?" asked Tally. "We already know our sneak suit sizes."
"Right, Tally-wa," said Shay, who was right next to her. "As bubbleheads. Remember?"
"Oh, right," she said. Then, them and the other Cutters went to get their sneak suits fitted and several minutes later, they went outside to have a meeting with the regular Specials...
Shay and Dr. Cable were having a discussion, but the only words Tally could hear were "cut", "special", and "br-".
"Tally!" yelled Shay, her loud Special vocals breaking some window panes. (Tally didn't understand why the Special Circumstances headquarters weren't Special-sound proof, especially with the new Cutters. Maybe Dr. Cable didn't like to waste money on it.) Tally came running, like a Littlie running after a balloon that was blowing away.
"Yes, Shay," said Tally.
"Tally-wa, please don't call me Shay, call me Boss."
"Okay, Boss," she said, addressing Shay by her new name. "Now what is it you want me for?"
"We need you," said Shay. "To make this mission an icy process we need you to test all the materials we're going to use."
"What do you mean 'test' all the stuff?" asked Tally.
"Like make sure the crash bracelets and Cutter hoverboards work," said Shay "and make sure all Cutters have their knives in their pockets. You know, the usual stuff."
"Not to sound rude, boss," said Tally "but why can't you do all that stuff?" Tally wondered why Shay was the boss. She remembered back to the Bubblehead days when Tally was a Crim with Zane. She remembered that night. She remembered watching the Cutters trying to find a 'cure'. Now, they were a whole new species of specials. "And I'm one of them," Tally said to herself.
"Because Dr. Cable needs me for other, more important details that need to be taken care of immediately before we can focus on the testing of the materials, we have more important things to focus on," she explained. "Do I need to have you cut to understand what I'm trying to say?" Shay had the sharpest knife because she was the boss.
"If that would help," Tally said, unsure. Now that she brings it up, thought Tally, yeah, I am thoughtless on her words, I have no idea what she's talking about. What could be more "important" than the testing of the materials? Besides, even if there is, why do I have to do it?
Shay sniffed.
"You smell..." Shay said, taking another whiff, "confused."
"Well," said Tally, trying to feel what Shay felt, "give me a cut, and we'll see."
Shay got out the knife and started to press the blade into her skin.
"Ouch," said Tally, beginning to feel the pain.
"That's right," said Shay, "feel the pain." Now Tally could feel and think clearly.
Later, Dr. Cable and Shay had a meeting... alone?
Tally looked at them, not seeing anybody else but the two of them.
Why are Shay and Dr. Cable having a meeting without the rest of us cutters? She thought. This was the second time today they had been talking alone. What were they talking about anyway?
"Boss," she said when Shay was done with her meeting. "Why do you and 'the doctor' have so many conversations without us nowadays?" she began to look a little sad.
Shay began to smell again "you smell left out," she said. Tally nodded. "Oh, don't be," said Shay. "It's just that some of the things we talk about aren't 'right' to talk about with you guys, not yet, anyway."
"Okay," said Tally, watching her walk off to Dr. Cable's office. Then, Tally walked off to do her 'assigned jobs' to help them 'get ready' for the mission.................................................................... ................
Tally and all other Cutters were asleep...... all though specials barely needed any sleep, Dr. Cable and Shay also known as the two 'bosses' thought that it was best for them to do so because Dr. Cable was giving a mission to the regular specials and Shay was planning out with her help the mission plan for the cutters, who would need lots of special energy tomorrow, so they both agreed that for once the first specials to ever sleep in would. Tally was dreaming about Zane..... oh, how she missed him....... being with him as a crim...... first seeing his pretty face after the bubblehead operation...... watching Shay and the bubblehead cutters..... going to the smoke..... sharing the pills.... every bubbly bubblehead moment with him...... every kiss...... every party...... so many bubblehead memories..... now they may not be as clear..... and yet she still just loved thinking of all of those wonderful things and hoping deep, deep, deep inside that he was alright. That was just when she started to dream......
"Tally.........." called a voice in the wind.
"Boss, did you hear that?" she asked
"hear what, Tally-wa?" asked Shay.
"I don't hear anything, Tally-wa," said Shay.
"Can't anybody else hear that?"
"No," said Fausto, then he turned around and looked at all the other cutters.
"No," they all said, but right as Fausto turned back around, Tally was gone, specials could see really far away.... so if they couldn't see somebody, they must definitely be really far away. Then again, specials could also move at top speed............. Tally was following the voice................ where was it coming from?
"Tally.............................................." that voice, she thought, it sounds so................familiar. It sounded like a boy from her bubblehead days. Soon though, the sound was so loud and clear that it made her fall off her hoverboard. She realized where she was: new pretty town where all the new bubbleheads were.
She was unconscious now and couldn't feel, so she got out her knife and cut herself.
Now she could feel... she felt... hurt.
So hurt that it couldn't have just come from the cut.
Tally opened up her eyes and she realized who the voice was coming from, for there he was, trying to help her up; it was Zane.
"Hello, Zane-la," she said.
"Hello, Tally-wa," said Zane.
Even though his image was unclear their lips met and they kissed.
"Tally!" said Shay, noticing where she was..................
Tally struggled in bed, her flash tattoos spinning out of control "Tally!" said Shay "TALL-Y!" Tally woke up.
"wooooo-aaa-hhh, Tally-wa," said Shay "if there was a record for most sleep from a special, you'd win it. Now, though, you have to wake up, all the other cutters are out waiting to get started and Dr. Cable is growing to be impatient, we only have one month left so come on." So Tally did just that..........................................
"well," said Shay. "Let's get started. Today's the day, so Dr. Cable wants you cutters to do last minute warm-up exercises."
"Boss," said Tally "no offense but why do we have to do warm-up exercises? we're not uglies in school doing P.E."
"True," said Shay "but even specials need exercise like littlies doing swimming or gymnastics." Tally cut herself do think about what Shay had said.
"Ouch!" she cried. "Uh... what do you mean specials need exercise?" she asked, feeling confused again. "Our muscles are self-repairing and we are faster than earth's rotation, we don't even need that much sleep to repair our energy..... so why do we need exercise?" Shay was the boss of the cutters so most of the time she didn't try to think about what her cutters were saying but Tally could tell this time she was trying to, because she saw her cutting herself with the extra-sharp cutter knife.
"Ow!" the other cutters were also surprised, Tally could tell. Nobody had seen Shay cut herself before now except for as a bubblehead when she first started the cutters. Tally remembered watching them with Zane. Returning to reality, Tally looked up at Shay. Her cut was over.
"Well?" asked Tally.
"The reason is because, once, the second special there was didn't do exercise except for running at special speed and hoverboarding for missions, so what happened was right as he reached the place he was supposed to be going to, he reached bubblehead speed," Shay said, then continued. "Then, by the time he landed his hoverboard he reached ugly speed and then, littlie speed." Tally and the other cutters exchanged looks. Shay took a whiff.... "you all smell.... amazed."
"Yes we are, boss," said Tally. "What happened to him?" again, Shay cut herself so she could think about that .
"Ouch!" Shay said. "Okay, well some say he was turned back into a bubblehead, others say he died, but Dr. Cable thinks after seeing The Smoke he went there to live, then, eventually his specialness was tattered back into ugliness."
Tally and the cutters exchanged looks again, this time though they couldn't think, even when they tried cutting themselves they didn't have any feelings on what their boss had just said. Wow, thought Tally, his specialness tattered back into ugliness.
Either the special parts of his body were not working anymore and malfunctioned or he got a special cure from some Smokie.
"Well, cutters," said Shay. "Time to warm-up, the ugly holiday is starting in a couple of hours unless you want your specialness tattered back into ugliness."
"Hey, boss," said Tally.
"Yes, Tally-wa?"
"how long can a special last without that happening to them?"
Shay sniffed, "you smell..... worried."
"I am boss and I might not be after you answer the question."
"Oh, yes, well, um... the cutters are more improved specials so you have nothing to worry about," said Shay, reassuringly. "This will be your first and last special work-out except for running, hoverboarding, etc., your ugly P.E., dances from bubblehead parties, and today will have you covered for as long as you live, okay?"
"Okay, thank you boss." The cutters did 5 curl-ups, 3 push-ups, and 7 jumping jacks until the timer rang and they got dressed and were on their way to uglyville and then SPECIALS started........................................