Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Stay With Me? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1
It had been 5 years. 5 years since Yuki Cross had seen Zero Kiryu. Ever since the incident with both him and her brother Kaname Kuran, she had not once forgot about him. As every year went by, he faded out of her memory. The only thing she remembered was her brother and other friends and vampires from Cross Academy. Now, at the age of 20, she was standing outside of the village, enjoying the fresh air. She watched little kids run through street while adults bought and sold items. She began to walk and look around. In a few days was the Fireworks Festival. Yuki was really excited. But when she turned, her body froze.
It was a young man who looked 21. Silver short hair and bangs over his eyes. He wore a long black jacket and pants to match. Flashes of the boy went through Yuki's mind. She finally got the name. "Zero...."she whispered still staring at him.
Zero turned and also stared at Yuki. He too was surprised. He started to pull something out of his jacket. It was Bloody Rose. The gun that was used to kill vampires. He started to point the gun at Yuki. Why was he pointing it at her? Then, a flash memory went through her. The next time we meet, I will kill you, Zero's words echoed through her mind.
She shook her head and looked back. He was gone. She ran in the direction and stopped where he was standing. She looked to the left and the right. He was gone.
* * * * *
Yuki returned home to find Kaname playing chess once again. He turned and smiled at Yuki as she sat down across from him. “Ready for our rematch?” he asked.
She nodded and they fixed the board. After she left Cross Academy, Kaname had spent much time with her as possible. Not to mention teaching her chess. He had beaten her twice already. He was sure to beat her this time.
As pieces moved left and right, Kaname used his secret moved. “Checkmate,” he said.
Yuki looked down at the board. It was true. He had the king cornered. “I guess you win our bet,” she replied. “What do you want me to do?”
In one quick motion, he picked up Yuki and walked her to the couch. He laid her down and was about to bite into her neck when she pushed him away. “No, Kaname,” she said. “Not this. Though you and I are family, I will not let you suck my blood.”
She moved off the couch to the front door. “I'm going to take a walk,” she told him. “I might go visit Ruka and stay the night and whatnot. I'll call.”
With that, she shut door.