Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Stay With Me? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3
There was a knock at the door. Something's not right, Yuki thought. “Yori,” she whispered handing her the Artemis rod. “I know you know about vampires, right?”
Yori nodded. “Then go upstairs,” Yuki told her.
Yori nodded and ran upstairs. Yuki went over to the door and opened it. “Hello, Aido. Akatsuki,” she said, sounding surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“Would you come out please?” Aido asked.
She stepped out and shut the door. “Your brother asked us to get you,” said Akatsuki.
“And if I refuse?” she asked.
“Then, your precious Zero gets killed and we take you by force,” replied Aido grabbing her wrist.
“I hate to be of bad news to you, Aido. But I won't be going with you.”
All of a sudden, Yori jumped out of the window and hit Aido with the rod, knocking him out. Yuki shot out dark smoke at Akatsuki. It swirled around him, causing him to black out as well.
“Nice job, Yori,” Yuki told her. “Now you have to get home.”
Yori nodded and they ran off in different directions. Yuki smelled Zero and Kaname's blood. They must be fighting, she thought. I'm coming, Zero.
* * * * *
“At least you're better than I thought, Zero,” said Kaname touching the tip of his blade and tasting Zero's blood.
Zero was sitting by the tree covered in blood, gasping. If only I could bring Bloody Rose out, he thought. But shooting him won't work. He snapped out of thought to see Kaname walking towards him. He was hardly covered in blood.
“But not good enough,” Kaname finished, pointing the tip of the blade at Zero's chest. “I pity you. Yuki has talked about you in her sleep. She misses you and you won't see her again.” He brought up the blade, but was blown back by a dark smoke.
The smoke stopped in front of Zero and started revealing a person. “That's enough, Kaname,” Yuki said from the smoke. Her eyes were bloodlust.
“Yuki,” replied Kaname. “He turned on me.”
Yuki looked at Zero. She half-smiled at him and he did the same. Then, she turned to her brother. “I don't believe it. Zero may hate vampires and may want to kill them, but he wouldn't attack them unless he had to.”
“Yuki,” Zero whispered.
“It's okay, Zero,” she told him. “He wouldn't hurt me.” She gave Kaname a smirk. “Would you, Kaname?”
Now, Kaname was in shock, but he didn't show it. He raised his sword again. “I'm sorry,” he whispered. He tossed the sword at Yuki.
“No!” shouted Zero.
Yuki screamed but couldn't move. She closed her eyes and heard the sword cut. No pain. She opened her eyes and looked up. “Zero,” she said. “Why?”
“I didn't want you killed,” he said and fell onto her.
Yuki dropped to her knees with him. She looked up at Kaname. He stood there looking at Zero then left. “Yuki,” whispered Zero again.
She looked back down at him. “Hold still,” she told him. She pulled the sword out and closed her eyes. Her body surrounded in a white glow and Zero's wounds healed. He looked at her and she smiled. “That's another one of my powers,” she told him.
He sat up on his own knees. “I'm happy you're safe,” she said before passing out and fell on him. He looked in the direction where Kaname went and back at her. “Rest now, Yuki,” he said.
He picked her up and carried her home.
* * * * *
Yuki woke up in the guest bedroom of Zero's house. She hopped out of bed and went to the door. Before she opened it, the door opened and Yori stood there. “Zero told me to give this to you,” she said handing her a piece of paper and walking down the hall.
Yuki sat on the bed and opened the piece of paper.
Dear Yuki,
I am sorry for causing you so much trouble ever since you first saw me. I told Master that I shouldn't have come here. What I'm here to tell you is that I'm giving this house to you. You deserve it more and I don't want you living at Kaname's. I asked Yori to stay with you and keep you company. After putting you in that much danger, I decided to leave and not come back. I want to let you know that you'll be in my heart and I am happy to meet a girl like you.
Tears weld up in Yuki's eyes. She ran out of her room and out the house. Once outside, she smelled his blood. It was in the woods. No! she shouted in her thoughts. He's doing it again!
She entered the woods and kept going. She saw her silver-haired boy walking. “Zero!” she shouted.
He turned and she ran into him, hugging tight. “You can't leave!” she shouted through her tears. “There's so much I want to do with you. Stuff that Kaname doesn't like. Go on trips. Talking and enjoying each other. He would always play chess or read. He would never chat with me like he used to. But you're different, Zero. You taught me things. How to rife a horse. We even talked about things. You say you're going to leave because you got in the way? Well, you can't. I love you!”
Zero was shocked. He looked down at her. She was right. He knew he couldn't go. He fought for her and yet he was walking away? He placed a hand on top of her head. “Yuki,” he started. “How can you know about me?”
Yuki looked up at him and smiled. “Because I've known how you have felt,” she told him.”
Zero smiled and kissed her forehead. “Then I guess I have no reason to leave now, do I? Since I also love you.”
So, they kissed. Zero took Yuki's hand and they walked out of the woods but were stopped by Kaname. Zero stepped in front of Yuki. “I'm not here to fight,” he said.
Kaname turned to Yuki. “I am sorry for what I did 5 years ago. I erased your memories, hoping you would forget him. When I watched you sleep, you mentioned his name a couple times, but you said you had no dream at all. All I'm saying is, if you love him, then be with him.”
Yuki watched her brother leave. Would this be the last time she would see him? “We'll see him again,” Zero said. “My instincts are telling me so.”
“Your vampire instincts?” she asked slapping him on the chest.
Zero grunted and ruffled her hair. “Shall we go see Headmaster?” she asked him.
He let out a sigh. “He still acts weird,” he replied.
Yuki smiled and tugged Zero behind her. And Zero smiled; glad he had Yuki in his life again.