Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Ashes and Remembrance ❯ Chapter Twenty-Eight ( Chapter 28 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Folken felt as if his lungs would burst. The pain in his chest was almost unbearable as ran. Gods . . . Coren . . . Marco and Juri -- damn them to the nine hells -- they knew it all along. They knew it! Gasping for air, he felt a stitch in his side as he ran. Clutching his side, he winced as his fingers dug into bruised flesh. C'mon Folken . . . you're half way there.

He had fled the hangar at a dead run, not even stopping for the guard at the tower gate. As the man had yelled for him to halt and tried to block his way, Folken had merely barreled into him and knocked him aside. He didn't even feel the pain from the impact. The only thing that mattered to him, the only thought in his mind was Jindra. He knew that she would be utterly devastated and he wanted to be there to hold her and comfort her. That dream . . . she was calling to me . . . I could feel her sorrow. Folken felt the tears welling in his eyes again. Heedless of the crowded sidewalks, he ran on.

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Anton Lefebvre sat on the bed in his quarters, holding his head in his hands. Like many other cadets at the academy, he had been stunned by the news of Coren Roh's death. A profound sense of grief and loss had settled over the entire campus. Coren had been very popular and had many friends, both among the students and the faculty. Commandant Varada himself had almost broken down as the announcement had been made. Seeing tears in the eyes of more than one cadet, Anton had swallowed his masculine pride and allowed himself to cry as he retreated to the solace of his room.

Coren . . . Coren, my friend . . . it wasn't supposed to be like this . . . I didn't know . . . Anton choked back a sob . . . what have I done? This isn't what I wanted . . . I've damned myself for eternity . . . it wasn't supposed to be this way . . . His voice was hoarse as he cried out, "Gods, what have I done?"

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As Folken stumbled up to the front door of Jindra's house, he paused and tried to catch his breath. The stitch in his side had not faded and he felt a bit lightheaded. Leaning against the cool brick wall, he closed his eyes and gulped in air. Wincing at every breath, he could feel his heart racing and perspiration dripping down his face. After several minutes, he straightened up and quickly wiped at his face with the sleeve of his shirt. Folken ran a quick hand through his hair and smoothed and straightened his clothes as best he could. He noticed that the front doorway had been draped in black and the curtains in the windows had been drawn closed. Taking one last deep breath, Folken raised his hand and banged the brass door knocker.

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Doreena Roh was sitting in the front parlor with Petra Kaberle when they were interrupted by the footman, "Excuse me, madam. But there's a gentleman here, he -- he wants to see Miss Jindra."

"My daughter isn't receiving visitors."

The man nodded, "Yes ma'am. I tried to tell him that, but -- but -- he's quite insistent."

"Who is he? Did he give his name?" Doreena had a sinking feeling that she knew who the man was.

The footman nodded, "Yes ma'am. He's the gentleman that called on Miss Jindra before, Master Lacour."

Doreena sighed and rubbed her eyes with her fingers. "Please tell him that Miss Roh is not well enough to see anyone at this time . . . that our family is not receiving anyone right now."

"Yes, ma'am." The man bowed and quietly left.

Petra Kaberle looked at her friend, "You look upset Doreena. Who is he?"

Doreena shook her head, "Trouble, that's who he is."

The other woman's eyes went wide. "Is he dangerous? Do you want me to send for Simon?"

Doreena reached out her hand and touched Petra's arm. "No, he's not dangerous . . . at least not in the way that you mean. But I just wish he had not come here."

"Who is he?"

"A man that my daughter fancies she's in love with."

"But maybe he should see Jindra then. She's been sitting up there alone . . . not speaking . . . as if she were in some kind of trance. Perhaps he can help."

"No! I don't want him in my house. Jindra needs her family right now, not that -- that -- " Doreena's voice was cold with anger and she broke off speaking. Petra drew back from her friend a little.

The two were interrupted when the door opened once again. "Madam, I tried to stop him --" The footman was pushed out of the way and Folken stepped into the room. "Jin?" Folken quickly looked around the small parlor and saw Doreena Roh sitting with a small blond woman.

"Madam, I'll send for the constable . . ." the footman said as he retreated from the room.

Doreena was on her feet in an instant. "How dare you? Have you no sense of propriety at all? Can't you see that our house is in mourning?"

Petra stood and clutched Doreena's arm as she looked at the tall, pale-haired man. Taking in Folken's wind-blown hair, his overly-bright eyes, his split lip and labored breathing, she thought that he looked a bit wild and yes, perhaps even dangerous.

Folken swallowed and stepped towards the two women. "Yes ma'am, I know. I came as soon as I heard. Believe me, my heart goes out to you and your husband. Coren was a good friend to me and I feel his loss no less than you." His voice shook with grief and he quickly swallowed again. "But please, I came to see Jin. I can only guess how she must be feeling right now. I know that she's hurting . . . I can feel it in my heart. Please, let me see her."

Doreena squeezed her eyes shut as Folken finished speaking. With a weary sigh, she looked at him. "My daughter doesn't want to see anyone right now . . . she doesn't even want to see me. Her grief is too deep . . ." Doreena took a breath, "This is not a good time. If you have any respect for my family at all, you'll leave - please just leave us alone!"

Folken shook his head, "No! I can't . . . I can't walk out of here knowing that Jin needs me . . . I know that she does, I can feel it. I can feel her pain calling out to me." Folken felt tears in his eyes and he tried to blink them away. "Please Mrs. Roh . . . I know how you feel about me . . . I know how much you despise me, but think of Jindra. You know how much I love her . . . please, please let me see her."

Doreena felt tears in her own eyes as Folken pleaded with her; but she also felt her angry growing as well. "Why? Why can't you leave my family in peace?" Folken opened his mouth, but Doreena continued on before he had a chance to speak. "Why do you insist on ruining my daughter's life? Don't you understand? I don't want you in my house . . . I don't want your sympathy. All I want is for you to leave us alone!"

Petra Kaberle was startled by the venomous tone in Doreena's voice and she began to feel afraid. Putting her arm around Doreena's shoulders, she looked at Folken. "Please sir. Can't you see that Mrs. Roh is distraught with grief. Have you no feelings at all? Please go . . . Collins has gone for the constable. Do you want to be dragged out of here and locked up?"

There were voices in the hall and then the footman, Collins, appeared with two other men behind him. "Madam, I've brought the constable."

Folken gave Doreena a pleading look, "Please Mrs. Roh . . . just a few minutes. Just let me see that she's alright." Doreena shook her head.

The young man gave her a cold look and almost cried out as one of the men grabbed his bruised left arm. "Alright lad, I think it's time you do as the lady asks." Pinning Folken's arm behind his back, he roughly turned him around and pushed him towards the door.

Folken cried out, "Please don't do this. Jin needs me . . . I know she does. Please . . ."

Doreena let out a sob as Folken was pushed through the door. She felt Petra's arm tighten around her shoulders and she allowed the other woman to embrace her. The two were startled when Erich Roh's voice roared in the hall. "What the bloody hell is going on here?"

Breaking away, Doreena rushed out into the hall. Erich was blocking the front door, with a puzzled expression on his face. He looked up and saw her, "Reena? What's going on?"

Doreena bit her lip and dropped her eyes. "It's alright Erich. There's no harm done."

"Like hell! Why is the constable here?" He looked at the young, pale-haired man being held. "And who are you? What's going on here?" Looking more closely at the man before him, Erich thought that he looked familiar; but he couldn't quite place him.

Folken straightened up a bit and his voice was soft, "Please sir. My name is Folken . . . Folken Lacour. I was a friend of Coren's -- Coren and Jindra -- I only wanted . . . "

Doreena hurried to her husband's side. "He pushed his way in here and demanded to see Jindra. He wouldn't leave . . . Collins had to bring the constable. But it's all under control now." At the mention of his daughter's name, Erich suddenly remembered where he had seen the young man's face before. "You -- you were the one in the drawing. I saw your portrait -- Jindra did your portrait."

"Folken?" A hoarse voice sounded from above.

Twisting in the constable's hold, Folken looked up to see Jindra at the top of the stairs. He could feel his heartbreaking as he looked at her. She was still wearing her travel stained clothing and her hair was a tangled mess; but it was her eyes that brought a lump to his throat. Her eyes were hollow and empty looking; they held no life at all. With a small cry he twisted and managed to break the hold on his arm. Pushing the man aside, he rushed past a startled Collins and the other constable to the stairs. Jindra had started down and he was on the small landing dividing them when she stumbled a little and he caught her in his arms before she fell.

He could feel the tears coursing down his face as she wrapped her arms around his mid-section and buried her face in his chest; whispering his name over and over like a mantra. His bruised torso cried out from Jindra's fierce embrace, but Folken bit back the pain and pushed it away.

Clutching her tighter, the two sank to their knees and Folken could feel Jindra's tears as they soaked through the fabric of his shirt. Cupping her head with his right hand, he absently kissed the top of her head as he murmured to her. "I'm here . . . it's alright . . . I'm here . . . I'm here . . ."

Folken didn't hear the gasp that escaped from Petra Kaberle at the sight of his metallic hand. Nor did he hear Erich Roh's exclamation or Doreena Roh's sob.

Recovering from their earlier startlement, the two constables moved towards the steps, but Erich's voice stopped them. "No! Leave him be."

One of the men looked up at the couple on the landing and then back at Erich. "Are you sure, sir?"

Erich shook his head and moved away from the door, "Yes. It's alright . . . you can go. I'm sorry for any inconvenience." The man merely nodded and pulling his partner along, he opened the door and the two left.

Going towards his wife and her friend, Erich put his hand under Doreena's elbow and guided her back into the parlor. Numbly, Petra Kaberle followed.

Closing the door, Erich turned towards his wife. "Judging from Jindra's reaction, I'm pretty sure I guess who he is . . . "

Doreena twisted her handkerchief in her hands, "Erich you can't leave him -- them -- alone like that."

"Why Reena? He's the one isn't he? I thought I recognized his name. He's the one that Coren was teaching before he left, isn't he? The sorcerer."

Petra let out an involuntary gasp. Coloring, she felt Erich and Doreena's eyes on her. "Perhaps I should go . . . this is something between the two of you."

Erich stepped towards his friend's wife and took her hands in his. "I'm sorry Petra . . . sorry that you were put into the middle of this." He let out a bitter laugh, " Never a dull moment in the Roh household, is there." Petra managed a grim smile and squeezed his hands, "Let me know if you need anything. Simon will probably stop by later, he said he wanted to look in on Jindra." She blushed a bit. Erich gave her a peck on the cheek and released her hands.

Petra went to Doreena and embraced her friend. "I know this is none of my business Doreena, but -- but I think that boy really does care for her. I don't understand half of what's going on -- and I don't think that I want to -- but he may be what she needs right now. I know you don't like it -- but you saw the look on her face - on his. If she won't open up to you, I know that she will to him." Petra looked at her friend for several seconds and then embraced her once more. "Send for me if you need me." Picking up her wrap from the loveseat, she saw herself out.

Doreena stood like a statue in the middle of the room, her eyes focused on nothing. She almost jumped when Erich touched her arm. Looking up at him, she felt tears in her eyes. Erich put his arms around her and held her in a tight embrace. His wife's voice was a whisper, "Are you mad at me? Are you mad at me for not telling you about this?"

Erich brushed the top of her head with a kiss, "Mad might be too mild of a word, Reena. But there's not a whole lot I can do about it, is there?"

Doreena sniffed back her tears. "I tried Erich . . . I tried to get her to see reason. I tried to discourage it, but you know how she is -- how stubborn she can be."

Erich smiled to himself, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. "Oh yes . . . she gets it from her mother's side of the family, you know."

He felt Doreena stiffen a bit and he smiled again, there's my fiery Reena. Loosening his hold a little, he looked down at her face. "We have to make her see reason. She's put us -- not to mention herself -- in a very dangerous position. A sorcerer . . . I always thought Jindra had more sense than this."

Doreena nodded, "Yes . . . but -- but what are we going to do about -- about him?"

"We have to put a stop to it if we can -- but I have a bad feeling that it may be too late for that. I can't believe he's even here . . . a sorcerer . . . that metal hand -- it's just too bizarre . . ." Erich dropped his arms and let out a weary sigh, "As if we didn't have enough to deal with . . . I don't know Reena . . . one more thing and I just might crack . . . "

Doreena felt tears in her eyes once again and she hugged her husband tightly. "You can't Erich -- I won't let you. We've weathered some bad storms. I know we'll get through all of this, too. I have to believe it . . . because I know that I couldn't live without you."

Erich cupped his wife's chin and raised her face up. "I love you Reena . . . although sometimes I want to throttle you . . . but you mean more to me than my own life. Don't worry, I won't go around the bend and leave you." Giving her a mischievous smile he continued, "Besides, you're too stubborn to let me go." Bending his head he kissed her.

Letting Doreena out of his embrace, Erich reached for her hand and held it. "If we can't get Jindra to see reason, then we'll have to try with him. Maybe we just need to put a little fear of the gods into him . . . scare him a little."

"I don't know Erich, it just might make matters worse. He's very determined . . . he won't give up easily."

"They never do." Looking down at her, Erich gave his wife a small sad smile. Now I know how your father felt Reena, and I can't say that I like it at all.