Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ I hate you ... My love .. ❯ In death I shall still love you! ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! Surprise, surprise! Yes, I'm back ... so soon! :p (not like me at all)

I just want so much to finish this one as soon as possible. Because than I'll only have to finish one! YES! Then I can start writing CCS fanfics, that have been on my mind for months, but I knew that if I started writing them I would completely forget to finish my Escaflowne fanfics. I hope that you like this final chapter! And now I give my thanks to all of you who reviewed this. You were very nice with me, and I never received a flame, only constructive criticism, which I think is very good. The only one who did something stupid was booo, who was a complete idiot, in my opinion. I already said why in previous chapters. To everybody else, thank you so much and read my other fics too, please. And by the way, don't forget to REVIEW!

Disclaimer - I don't own any of the original characters from the series or mangas, but I own the ones I created and everything else.

"…" - Dialogue

«…» - Thoughts

'…' - Whispers, or words with double meaning

(…) - Author notes

[…] - Explanation or translation of a word, or expression.

# Italic # - Flashback

«*«*»*» - Scene change

I hate you … My love

*By: NighAngel*

Chapter 14: "In death I shall still love you!"

[Last Chapter]

"Your majesty!" - they all got up respectfully and bowed. Van stopped where he was.

"Sit down please!" - they did as told and then directed their looks to him and his company. - "I have reasons to believe you were discussing who is to be my future Queen. Am I correct?" - they all nodded in agreement. - "Well, I've got news for you! Very good news!"

[Last Chapter]

All the men in the council stood silent and waited patiently for their King's news. Maybe he had decided whom to marry.

"You don't need to seek anymore!" - they all smiled and exchanged words. The once silent room was now full of whispers. - "I'm not finished!" - the dialogue seized. Van smiled. - "Nor do I need an heir anymore!" - all mouths hang out in surprise.

"Your majesty! Must I remember you that you gave your word to the council about this matter?" - Kokato yelled, and all the others nodded.

"What I meant to say Kokato, was that I already have an heir and a wife-to-be!" - Van told Hume and Maboroshi to give two steps forward, and they did so. - "These two are my children, and my wife will be coming today or maybe tomorrow!" - no word was said, for they were all too surprise. One of the eldest included fainted. Van had to fought back his laugh.

"Your majesty, this is no time for a joke! This is serious matter!" - one of the youngest spoke.

"I' not kidding! These are my children and I am top marry their mother whether you like it or not!" - Van yelled back. They all shivered. - "This is my son, Hume …" - he said while pointing at the boy with jet-black-hair. - "And this is my daughter, Maboroshi!" - e said while aiming at the little girl, who was looking down at her feet, embarrassed. - "And my wife shall be announced to you in short time! For now, I wont tell you nothing more! If you dare defy me, I swear I'll make you pay! Did I made myself clear?" - Van asked as he gave his hands to the children.

All at the council nodded. (Except for the one who had fainted. :p) Van smiled and left without any other word. The members of the council exchanged confused looks and then decided to leave. Somewhat relieved because they didn't have to find a wife for their king anymore.


Memientes walked around the fortress, trying desperately to stop her eyelids from falling and the sleep to take over. She had not even slept an hour last night. As she passed by Akai, he said something silently, and she nodded. Everything was going according to plan.


In the afternoon, Van was told that Kamatary was better, and could now talk with him.

He walked up to her room, with his face full of rage and hate. How could she hide all this from him, for more than two years?

By now, all at the Palace knew about the twins and Memientes, and he knew that all his friends wanted to beat Kamatary up, but yet, he had to let her explain, for as much as it hurted.

He knocked at the door, and soon enough Sergio came open it. Without a word, he left Van in. The first thing he saw, was Kamatary, looking extremely hill, sitting on her bed. Even if he felt bad for her state, he completely dismissed that, after all she was the reason for all his suffer, why should he care about her?

She looked up at him with sad eyes, but yet had the strength to smile. - "I know why you're here, and before you jump to conclusions, please hear what I have to say!" - Van nodded and sat down on a chair. Sergio walked up to the bed, and sat next to his wife. - "You and everybody else knew that I always felt like a different person inside Marta's body. She knew that, and so she sacrificed the power of her pendent to give me a different body, so that I could live my own life, separated from her. I thank her so much for that! But something went wrong in all the process, despite what everybody else thinks. The powers that should've been mine, were divided, and Marta stayed with the great majority of it all, and above all that, I remained only with the memories of my infancy, and when I was fighting along with Zardus. All the years I lived on Earth were erased from my mind, staying in hers. It was not meant to be that way, we should both stay with all the memories, and not divided. The kids also stayed with her, because she was in control when they were made, if you know what I mean?" - Van blushed a little at that. - "I was upset yes, but never did I hate her because of any of it. It was not her fault that I could not bare a child. Although she always told me that she should be the one, because it was her fault that we had became sterile, in part, but I never felt like that. I cried yes, but I felt happy, because deep down her children were also mine. When we noticed that the pendent had recovered most of its power, we decided to try and get here. I did not know that the pendent would only work once, so I asked her to come first, for no special reason. Before we did so, she looked extremely nervous. I had asked her many times who was the father of your children, but her only answer was that I would have a surprise when we got to Gaea. And now I understand why!" - she smiled and than continued. - "When we arrived to Gaea, we still waited for them to come. But hours went by and they never came, so we just though that she had wanted to stay, after all the kids in part had wanted to stay on Earth, where all their friends were. If I had known that you were the father, I would have done the impossible to bring them back. When I saw her in combat, I was confused, seeing all the hate she had for me, I finally understood that she did want to come, but couldn't. If we knew it before, I swear we would never had hide this from you, I swear!" - she started crying, and her husband came to her and hugged her.

Van just stood there for a while, and than got up, ready to leave. - "I believe you!" - it was all that he said before getting out.

Chris and the others were waiting outside, ready to strike and beat the hell off of her. But Van only smiled. - "It's not her fault!" - and he walked past them, to the room where Satsu, Hume, Maboroshi and all the other kids were playing.

The others just watched and blinked as he walked off.

"What was that all about?" - Chris asked puzzled, sword in hand.

"I guess there will be no fight, after all!" - Sano said to his wife.

"What? No fun?" - Celena said, while mumbling some curse.


As the night took the sun's place in the sky, all in the fortress decided to rest.

Memientes knew what she had to do, and she was relived that this was the last time she would ever have to do something like this. Unfortunately, her task was to get Luktor extremely tired, so that he could get to sleep before midnight (How do you think she will do that? *…*). She growled and sighed. «One last effort! Just one!» - she though to herself and inhaled deeply. As she got to their room she locked the door and smiled at Luktor seductively.

(I'm not going into those details! This is PG-13! Remember?)


1:30 a.m.:

Memientes got up from the bed, silently, as not to wake up the other person in the bed.

She knew that by know, the fortress was surely empty, only the two of them remained.

She dressed up quickly and put the sword belt around her waist. She looked to the bed one last time, and than started walking quietly to the door. As she extended her hand to grab the knob, she heard footsteps behind her. She wanted to turn around, but before she could do so, his voice filled her hears.

"Where do you think you're going my dear!" - she turned around, but at the same time felt a sharp thing dig in her flesh.

She fell to the floor, crying with pain, with looked up. There stood Luktor, completely naked grabbing a small dagger in his right hand.

"Did you really think I wouldn't even suspect your sudden interest in me?" - he asked coldly. She gave a cold glare, and got up from the floor, unsheathing her sword.

"You are an abomination of nature. You deserve to die! And I'll make sure it is tonight!" - Luktor watched, as her wound started diminishing, until it disappeared complexly. He smirked.

"Can you feel it Marta? The poison running throughout your blood! Soon you'll loose taste, and then smell, touch, vision, hearing and finally your life! It wont take long for the Yusish poison to make effect! You know how efficient t is?" - she growled in pain, a she felt the poison travel in her blood.

"Why are you like this? Ureshiu loved you! You two could've been happy! Do you even know she had a baby! I bet not!"

"You would lose that bet! Know she had a baby, and I'm very happy! I also loved her, but she did not understand that I had no choice, but to do all this. Neither does any of you!" - he yelled frustrated.

"You do this because you want! No one is forced into do something so inhuman like!"

"WRONG! I was forced! In exchange for my life, I had to destroy everything that I once loved. You know of what I speak, don't you!" - Marta looked at him with sad eyes, that were soon filled with tears.

"You committed an Ryesen? You made a pact with the demons of the underworld, in exchange for your life? Why?"

"When our village was burned down, I was only a child. A child who knew nothing about the Demons! When I reached the border between Heaven and Gaea, I was received by one of our Gods. He said to me that my life had ended, and that I would join the rest of my ancestors, but I did not wan to die, and soon he God was replaced by another being. He offered me life, and all e asked me was to destroy all that had once been important to me! By then, I thought that what was important to me was my people, and they were all dead, so I would have to do nothing. Only when I arrived Gaea did I understand that Fanelia had once been of much importance to me, as it was to all Healyes. The demons, took over my body, and forced me into do this! You know that there's only one way I will stop this. Whether I like it r not, if I live I will always get a way to destroy it! Do what you have to do!" - she looked at him with sad eyes. She knew that it wasn't his fault. The demons made everything look easy, but then they would take over our body and force us to do things we would never even dream of doing.

"I'm sorry! I wish I could've saved you and all those who died in that day!" - she lifted her sword above her head.

"No one could've done that! I'm sorry for what I've done to you! Unfortunately you'll soon join me! If you still have the time, please tell Ureshiu I'll always love her! Even in death!" - she nodded and than, with a swift movement, she brought her blade down, cutting off his head.

She felt a tingling sensation in her mouth, and knew right away that she lost her taste. The poison was starting to work, and it would soon consume her completely.

She ran off the room, into the roof, where Akai waited for her, piloting her own Guymelef.

"Hurry up, this is going to blow at any second now!" - she climbed up to the Guymelefs hand and they flew off in distance.

She felt tired and sad. She had just killed one of her kind.

In the distance they heard a big explosion, and they new their mission was accomplished. Akai smiled down at her, but soon frowned when she saw her panting for air. - "Marta, what's wrong?"

"Can you please leave me at the village?" - she asked, panting eve more.

"Please tell me what's wrong? You're scaring me!" - she looked up at him with pleading eyes. And he obeyed her silently.

He landed near the statue that Van had mad in honour of all Healyes. Marta just walked up to the statue and sat down on the small stairs, breathing hard.

"Leave! Go t Fanelia, you have a wife and son waiting Akai!" - she said while closing her eyes.

"I'm not leaving without you! Tell me what's wrong!" - he yelled at her, as he climbed down the Guymelef and walked to where she was.

"I didn't succeed in tiring Luktor! He woke up and stabled me with a poised dagger!" - she said with much difficulty, noticing that she was now loosing the capability of smell.

"What poison is it? We can get you an antidote!" - he asked urgently.

"There's no antidote for this one! It's Yusish! There's no hope for me Akai! Just get back please! Tell Hume and Maboroshi that I'm really sorry for not being able to be with them now, that we finally got home!" - he said, tears running down her cheeks.

"No, you're wrong, there's an antidote, but … it only grows once a year, and last month we had a pledge with that poison. All our reserves were out in no time! I guess, there's none left!" - he said with tears.

"Don't cry Akai, just leave me please! Want to die in the place where the rest of my people did. Go now!" - he nodded sadly and kissed her forehead, before getting up and climbing up the Guymelef.

"I'm really sorry, for not being able to help you! I wish none of this had happened!" - he took flight and looked upon her one last time.

Marta sighed heavily, and looked down at her belly. - "I'm sorry baby! You won't even live to see the sun, or the beautiful night sky, with stars and two moons shining up, illuminating all that is beautiful! But, yet, there's still one thing I can do!" - she placed her right hand above hr tattoo, on her left arm, and muttered an incantation, known only by the Healyes. Which in common language granted her Healy powers to whomever she wished. The Fenix took form out of her arm, and it flew around her for about a minute or so. - "I, Marta Costa, hereby give my gift to the rightful owner of this power. Go Fenix, find Kamatary and give her what was always hers. The little image of Fenix flew into the distance, Marta only watched and smiled, and that was the last thing she saw, as complete darkness took over her.


Everyone in the Palace was outside, waiting for the arrival of the two people remained. Two hours ago, many people who had been missing for months, appeared on Fanelia's borders, claiming that they had been forced to battle for Luktor, and saying that it would all end tonight.

Five minutes ago, they had heard a big explosion and the fire in the horizon, meaning that the fortress was destroyed. Now they waited for the arrival of two.

They were starting to despair, seeing as the others had arrived a long time ago and they were the only ones missing. The city had been in frenzy, when the news of the newcomers arrived. Many men had disappeared in the last months, and none appeared, until now!

At 2 a.m. for the first time, the city of Fanelia was completely awake. Such happiness had not been seen for long, and for all, it was a relief and a bless from the Gods.

But the ones at the Palace did not yet have the time to celebrate, for those whom they were waiting for, had yet not arrived.

Yuki started crying in despair, thinking that her husband and her other sister had not survived. Her little baby slept peacefully in her arms, unaware of his mother's sadness and despair.

Van was also starting to loose hope. And Hume and Maboroshi were already crying, for they feared never to see their mother again.

But all that was replaced by happiness, when they heard the sound of a flying Guymelef. Tears were replaced with smiles and jumps from happiness, as they saw the red Guymelef approaching.

The Guymelef landed not too far from them, and they all ran to it, wanting to see the two people they had so long waited for.

The cockpit opened, and Akai jumped to the ground, running up to his wife, crying with happiness.

He kissed her for long, and than looked at the child in her arms, smiling. Words were needless when actions say it all.

Everyone was happy, everyone except Van, Maboroshi, Hume, Christina, Kamatary and Sergio, who noticed something, missing.

"Where's mommy, dad?" - Maboroshi asked now close to tears once again. Van patted her head softly and smiled.

"She's just a little late! She'll be here anytime now!" - but deep down, he knew that she would not. Something in his heart told him that. And his suspicions were confirmed when all their attention was drawn to a shiny light coming their way.

"What's that?" - Mitra asked, while shielding her eyes from the strong light emanated.

The light had the form of a Fenix, and it went directly to Kamatary, stopping in front of her face.

She looked at it, not believing her own eyes. The Fenix-like-thing muttered some words in Healy language, that not many understood. Kamatary's face was stroked with panic, when the Fenix finished what he had to say.

"No!" - but it was too late. The Fenix flew to her left arm, and there it returned to his tattoo form, giving her everything she had ever wished for. Her powers back!

Before anyone could make any question, Van opened his wings and flew above Akai. - "Where is she?" - he asked eagerly.

"The village!" - Akai said sadly. Before they knew it, he was off sight, flying to the village, where she was dying, little by little.

"Can someone just tell me what just happened?" - Chris asked worriedly. All of them turned to where Kamatary was, holding her nephews back, seeing as they wanted to follow their father.

"Marta is dying, and her last wish was to grant me her powers. She was poisoned, and soon will die!" - she said while tears came down her cheeks. She held the children close, in a way trying to comfort them and not letting them go after their parents. Van was probably already too late.


"I'm sorry Luktor, I never managed to tell Ureshiu how you felt!" - she sighed heavily, as she looked around, to find only darkness. And yet, she could still hear. And all she heard were the birds, singing for her one last time. She loved the birds, and since ever they had also loved her back, cheering her up when she was feeling down, making her company when she felt lonely.

She smiled sadly, and asked the Gods for forgiveness for everything she had done during her short existence.

And she silently apologised to Van, for not having the courage to tell him that he was a father, and for having abandoned him, six years ago. But now it was too late. She could no longer see him, or feel him, not even kiss him one last time. The though that of all the men who had had her, he was the one who had her less times, killed her even more. She felt dirty and above all, lonely. Van deserved better than her. She had been of more man that she had ever wished to be. And yet he was the only one who made it all worthwhile. He made her feel happy, because he was the one she loved, and he loved her back.

She heard wings, but not bird's wings. No! These were bigger and very familiar.

"Who's there?" - she asked, as she looked around, afraid.

"It's me honey! It's only me!" - she felt his strong arms surround her and she knew this was the happiest moment of her life. She leaned against his chest, and cried happy tears, like she hadn't done for a long time. - "Sh! Everything is gonna be alright! I would never let you die!" - she wanted to have felt his hands on her face and his lips on hers, but it was long since she had lost her ability to fell.

"I love you Van! I've always had!" - Van smiled, knowing that she could not see him.

"I love you too! I can't imagine my life without you! I lived enough time thinking that you were not mine anymore. I think that was enough!" - she smiled, but she knew there was no hope, Van noticed this and smiled again.

"Do you still have the ring I gave you?" - she gave him her right hand, and he took off her glove, showing her ring.

In reality, the ring was a representation of the plant that was the antidote to the poison that ran in her system. And Van had made sure that the container was filled with it, before he gave her the ring.

He took the ring from her, and opened it, revealing a pinkish substance.

"Open your mouth!" - Van asked her. She did as told, and he dropped it all in her mouth, she swallowed it all. - "You'll fell a little dizzy, but when you wake up, you'll feel as good as new!"

She nodded and smiled, before falling asleep in his arms.


When she opened her eyes, she could not yet seen, and she thought she was dead, and that Van had only been a hallucination. She sighed heavily and started crying silently. She felt a hand wipe away her tears. YES! She felt it!

"Don't cry! Your vision will be back in no time, just like all your others senses!" - she could recognize that voice anywhere. Her tears stopped and she smiled widely. Than she felt two pair of arms around her neck, and she knew exactly whom they were from.

"Mommy! Are you alright!" - they both said between tears.

"Hey, don't cry! Mommy is alright!" - they kissed her all across the face and then rested their heads against her shoulders. - "Is there someone else in the room Van?" - she asked, while hugging Hume and Maboroshi.

"No! They all went to sleep! They'll all come back in the morning, and by then you'll already be able to see them!" - he said cheerfully. Marta felt when the children fell asleep in her arms, and she sighed relieved.

"Van!" - she called out, as to make sure that he was still awake.

"Yes?" - he said as he picked her hand between his, to assure her that he was there and listening.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for never telling you I was pregnant, and for not being here for all these years, and above all, for not having told you when I first returned. I'll understand if you hate me!" - she said with tears in her eyes.

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her full in the lips. - "Silly girl! Do you really think I could ever hate you? Especially after you gave me such wonderful children?" - she smiled and now her tears were from joy. - "My proposal is still on!" - that reminded her of something else.

"Van, I … I'm pregnant!" - they were both silent for a while, and Marta though that he would never forgive her for that. - "I'm sorry, but … Luktor didn't want me only to fight, and I … had no choice but to do what he asked of me!" - the silence was killing her. And worst of all, she could not see how he reacted to it all. He will hate her forever, and she deserves it.

But before she even knew it, she felt something against her belly. - "What do you think it will be? A boy or a girl?" - Van asked smiling. Marta couldn't believe her hears.


"You did it to protect our children! For all I care, this child is mine also! If you still wish to be my wife, of course!" - she was so happy, that she just wanted to hug him close, but the kids were still in her arms.

"Of course I will, silly! I love you even more! And you just proved to me why!" - she felt his arms surround her waist, and soon his lips were on hers. And she knew that from now on everything was going to be alright, and she would finally be happy.


Ah! Don't kill me! *Runs away like crazy* I know it's lame. Not all that lame, but still lame. I wanted it to be so much romantic and tear hearted, but NO! I'm a bad writer, bad, bad!

Anyway, you have to at least congratulate me for the amazing quick update, and specially the 6 pages! It's the first time in this fic.

So? Did you like it? *Of course not* don't say that please!

Leave a review, just please say something. It's the end; I think I deserve a bunch of reviews. PLEASE!




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