Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Gundam Wing or the Weiss Kruez Guys.

Pairings: 1X2 3X4 5X6 Aya X Yoji, Ken X Omi

Note: I decided that Quatre and Trowa are already together.

^_^x Kenshin

Chapter 1

Quatre woke with a gasp. Quickly scanning his surroundings, he tried to figure out what had happened, and where he was. By the wall of whatever room he was in, he saw a figure. It was slightly hazy at first due to sleep worn eyes. "Heero?" He asked as he sat up recognizing the other boy. "Where is Trowa? And Duo?"

"Don't get up to fast. You have wounds, I tended to them while you were asleep, but don't agitate them or they'll bleed again." Heero stopped and mused something while Quatre brought himself into a more comfortable position. Slowly. "I also did some surveillance of the area. As far as I can tell we were separated." He finished as he crossed the distance to sit beside Quatre.

"We need to find them!" Quatre said as Heero helped him up, the blonde's head throbbed under his mane of golden hair, and Heero kept one hand on his shoulder to keep him balanced. "Hn." "Thank you Heero."

"Where are we?" Quatre said as he looked around. Out the window he could see a playground with children happily playing in it. "I don't know." Heero helped Quatre out the door, and on to the street.

"Um…Heero? Where are we going?" Quatre asked as he looked back at the abandoned building Heero had found and brought him to. But Heero did not want to wait. He jerked the other boy's arm to get him to come quickly. "To find a computer," Heero replied. "Not only did I not have my laptop, but Wing Zero too."

"Oh" Quatre smiled. "Where ever we are, it sure is peaceful" he sighed as he looked up at the sky and for once only saw clouds and birds rather than hulking metal contraptions housing people in space. They must have been in a place where they couldn't see the colonies… It was wonderful.

"Hn" was all Heero said in reply.

"I hope we find the rest soon" mumbled Quatre.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&am p;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&am p;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&am p;

Trowa landed in a large bush, and he heard the familiar bell of a school. He groaned in pain getting out, and brushing himself of leaves and twigs. He still looked like hell. "Quatre? Heero? … Duo??" He called as he looked around. There was no sign of them. It was then that he noticed the groups of students passing by him. `If only I could talk to one of them… I could find out where in gods name I am…' He thought to himself as he continued to try and clean himself off. Nearby, he saw a young man getting on to a motorcycle. He was alone.

`I won't cause unwanted attention if I just talk to him…' He thought to himself. "Umm… Excuse me?" Trowa said as he placed his hand on the other boy's shoulder to keep him from taking off. "Yes?" the guy smiled. "Um…this may sound weird but where am I?" asked Trowa.

"At (don't know what school Omi goes to_)" the guy replied.

"I see" Trowa said trying to figure out where that was. "I'm looking for some friends of mine. Maybe you have seen them?"

"Oh well can you describe them? My name is Omi Tsukiyono by the way." Omi smiled extending a hand to shake.

"Trowa Barton" replied Trowa shaking Omi's hand. "I have three friends with me. There's Heero who is… He is very serious and is always glairing at one person or another. He's pretty silent for the most part. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes." Trowa searched Omi's eyes for any shred of recognition before moving on to Duo.

"Duo is … Very unique too. He talks a lot and almost always has a ridiculous, shit-eating grin on his face. He has a long brown braid that goes past his waist… Like a girl's, and almost violet eyes." Again, there was no recognition.

"The last is Quatre who has short blond hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes. He has the sweetest personality and addicting smile, with a sexy body and a cute little …" Trowa realized he was saying too much and blushed slightly. "Sorry" Trowa apologized.

Omi just continued to smile and shook his head. "That's alright. So you lost them? Well I haven't seen them, but maybe one of my friends has. I've been in school all day. You want to come and see if they've seen them?" Omi asked holding out the extra helmet.

"Sure, thanks" he smiled very slightly.

"Well then hop on" Omi said getting on his motorcycle. As soon as Trowa was on the two went to the flower shop where Aya, Yoji, and Ken were working.


Duo screeched in pain as he landed in a large garbage bin just behind some kind of house or shop. Muttering curses he picked thorns out of his legs and side before crawling out. He fell to the ground with a thud. He groaned, cursed, and spat out blood before he even thought to look around him. There, at the back door of a building, there was a short haired young man staring at him as he held another bag of what looked like plant remains.

"…. Hi?" Duo said, his brain still rattled from his fall and `lucky' landing in a bin full of rose thorns. He couldn't come up with anything else.

"Aya… Youji!" He yelled into the shop. Within seconds, while Duo was still trying to figure out what in the HELL had happened, two other men came running out to the back courtyard. Weapons in hand. There was a red head, who held a curved katana, and a tall blonde that had what looked like a piano wire between his wristwatch and right hand. Duo bit his lip. He knew he was still armed, but he really didn't want to hurt anyone. Especially not innocent people.

The red head narrowed his eyes, "Who are you?" he demanded.

Duo thought for a moment and then raised his hands. "I come in peace…." He figured that they were dangerous, but perhaps humor could make them see that he wasn't going to hurt them. Yet before he knew it, the brunette who had found him had gone behind him and now he was wrenching Duo's arms behind his back tightly. "Ow, Ow, Ow, OW!!! LAY OFF!" Duo yelled in pain as he was pulled to his feet. He was about to lay into them on good manners to an unidentified teen that falls in their trash can when the brunette whispered in his ear in a deadly voice.

"Who sent you? Who are you working for?" asked the brunette.

"Working for?!" Duo was confused, minus the weapons these guys just looked like gay gardeners… But as it seemed these men were NOT regular florists.

"Bring him down stairs" the red head said quietly.

The brunette dragged him into the shop, and through a door, and then down stairs, and eventually into a chair in a basement. Where his hands were bound tightly. As if he was some sort of enemy. "I will ask once more." The red head said calmly. "Who are you?" He glared in a way that reminded Duo so much of Heero that he wanted to puke. He held his sword to his throat.

"The name is Duo, Duo Maxwell." He replied, wincing slightly as a flare of pain reminded him that there was still a bullet wound in his side. "Now who are you?" "My name is of no relevance to you seeing as you are the one tied to a chair, and I am the one with a sword. Who do you work for?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Who sent you?" Demanded the red head. He was just as testy as Heero. They could have been twins or something if the red head wasn't older and… A red head.

"I don't work for anyone! Can't we just talk this out? CALMLY? Without swords? I'm just a regular guy!"

"Ordinary? Bullshit. Why the hell were you crawling out of our trashcan?" The brunette leant against the wall facing Duo, and appeared to have donned nifty looking gloves with claws attached.

"I fell in?" Duo tried. Grinning slightly. And then struggled a bit more as the red head shoved the point of his sword into Duo's neck, nearly breaking the skin.

"That's real ordinary to carry so many weapons…" The blond smirked as he knelt in front of Duo, and proceeded to pull out all of the hidden weapons he carried. "So what are these for?" He asked dangling one of Duo's guns from his fingers. "I… Am… Paranoid… They're for protection." Duo felt sweat on his hands. These guys's were serious!

"…" The red head opened up his mouth to yell again when there were footsteps up stairs.

"Aya- Kun? Yoji- Kun? Ken- Kun?" An overly genki voice said up stairs. "I'm home and I have a friend. He's looking for his own friends." The voice said as a small young man came bounding down the stairs. "Oh what's happening?" he asked. His smile falling off his face like an avalanche.

"A spy" replied the red head.

"I'm no SPY!" Duo argued.

"Oh" replied the small young man

"Why did you bring a friend over Omi?" asked the blond man to the small young man.

"Well he's looking for 3 other guys and I thought maybe you have seen them because I was in class all day" replied Omi.

"Oh well ok, well deal with this one later" the brunette said pointing to Duo placing his glove with the claws down.

"What happened?" asked Omi walking over to Duo.

"I found him outside crawling out of the garbage bin. Aya thinks he's a spy. He has all these weapons hidden on him. Says his name is Duo Maxwell," the brunette said.

"Duo?" Omi repeated, "Hey Duo, do you know a Trowa Barton?"

"Trowa? Weird brown hair that covers one of his green eyes?" Duo asked

Omi nodded.

"Oh yeah, he's one of my buddies. Ya know where he is?" asked Duo

"He's up stairs" replied Omi walking back to the stairs.

"Let's go talk to him too then" replied the red head sheathing his sword and walking up stairs. The others followed him.

"Hey!" Duo yelled after them "Aren't you going to let me out?!" Duo asked.

"Maybe" replied Yoji with a smirk then closed the door. Leaving Duo in the dark. "THIS IS NO WAY TO TREAT A GUEST!" He yelled up the stairs. And then he brought himself back to his current situation. "Well this sucks… " He mumbled…

Authors Note: I thought it would be funny if Duo was suspected as a spy and fell into some trash. :P That's all for now. C-Ya