Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Prologue
Disclaimer: I sadly do not own the Gundam Wing or Weiss Kreuz guys.
Pairings: 1X2 3X4 5X6 Aya X Yoji, Ken X Omi
Note: This is the revised version
^_^x Kenshin!
Mobile Doll's rained bullets down from an OZ base in Japan. Their trajectory targets were four Gundams. Wing Zero, Heavyarms, Sandrock, and the Deathscythe. The Gundam Shenlong was not present, being on a mission in Africa.
"Duo, I need backup now!" ordered Heero from the cockpit of Wing Zero. His path was completely blocked by Mobile Dolls, and even his heavy armor could not withstand that kind of punishment.
"Hold your horses I'm here!" Duo grinned as he charged out from behind Heero to blast the Mobile Dolls to pieces.
"There is no bloodshed in this save for mine… I will not back down!" Quatre mused to himself softly, yet as he whispered his words of encouragement he felt the shock waves of a blast from behind render the electric connections in his Gundam useless for an undetermined amount of time. He screamed as his Gundam lost all responses.
"QUATRE!!" Bullets from the Gundam Heavyarms quickly destroyed the Mobile Dolls that had hit his Quatre from behind. The Dolls fell, and Trowa remained close to his lover, who was not getting up. Meanwhile Quatre franticly worked with the wiring in his cock pit trying to get his Gundam to respond.
Rain began to fall. Softly at first, but soon growing into a forceful thunderstorm. Light filled the sky as the rolls and crashes of thunder and lightning sent shock waves through the four boy's bodies. Duo felt a sharp pain in his side as a bullet from a Mobile Doll flew right through him, and his cockpit.
"Duo, status report" Heero ordered, his gundam flying ever so slightly closer to The Deathscythe.
"No problem Heero." Duo grinned as he placed a hand on his side to stop the bleeding. It wasn't serious really, there wasn't a bullet inside him, and… At least he thought that there were no vital organs shot.
Quatre sighed with relief as Sandrock responded to the rewiring he had done so franticly, asHeero slashed his beam saber through one Mobile doll, and realized something very important.
"The Dolls can't function in this weather!" He called to his the other pilots. Though, at that moment, the operators of the Mobile Dolls too realized this, and without even a futile look back, the Dolls retreated.
"Mission complete. Let's go." Heero said. His voice was clipped and short as it always was, but it housed something else…. Something like disappointment. The others nodded in their agreement, and turned to leave.
Though, there was a great green flash of lighting. Larger than anything the boys had ever seen. For a moment even, everything seemed to stop, and four heartbeats united as one with four yells of surprise. They were sucked into some sort of whirlwind, and the last thing that the four sets of eyes saw was that they were out of their Gundams, and they were disappearing fast.
That was fun, you should write longer chapters.