Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Me in Las Vegas ❯ Before they even met... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

$Meet Me in Las Vegas$
a/n: Meet Me in Las Vegas is a charming movie of 1956 directed by Roy Rowland and starred the legs of Cyd Charrise (the guy was forgettable enough) that I once saw in Classic Turner Movies. It had enjoyable songs- I was singing `My Lucky Charm', `Hell Hath No Fury like a Woman Scorned' and that other song days after. I go this info from Amazon.com Video. I watched it twice actually, the premiere and the replay at that cable channel. A musical set in 50's Vegas, concerning a cowboy gambler and an all-work no-play French ballerina crossing paths amidst the flush of slot machines… you can just guess who's playing who…
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Weiss Kreuz… everybody knows that. Nor do I own the rights to the movie Meet Me in Las Vegas, because if I did, I'd be more than 60 by now. All respective owners own their own respective things. There.
$The Vice Versa theory (or, he's just damn unlucky and it's all a coincidence)$
He was a gambling man. IS a gambling man. But try as he might, gambling every night wasn't helping him get out of this damned losing streak. He was just damned unlucky in cards, Yohji Kudou knew. But, as if THAT ever stopped him from gambling.
“Hit me again, Ken.”
Ken, as the dealer was named, looked at the grinning man before him. He shook his head and re-shuffled the deck of cards, ignoring Yohji.
“Aw, come on, Ken, just one more!”
“If you want to gamble and lose your savings away, it will not be with this dealer. Go away Yohji; you've lost enough for tonight. Go home.”
“Ah, you're no fun, Ken.”
Yohji stood and nodded goodnight to his friend then made his way towards the bar. AS he walked, female heads turned to look. He ordered a scotch and leaned his back on the bar, surveying the casino. He was a familiar face to the staff here in the Sands, and the casino manager was a good friend of his. Well, he should, since he kept losing here and letting them make profit from his lack of luck. Not that he always lost, Yohji mused, but this year, particularly this night, he lost every single time. He must have run into some serious sort of bad charm.
“Must be the company.” He said to no one in particular.
He might be unlucky in cards, but he certainly wasn't unlucky in love. That must be it. Lucky in love, unlucky in cards. He smiled at the thought. Well, might as well be lucky in love than lucky in cards. He really didn't have to give dating that much effort, women usually flocked him, but not without reason. At 6”1, with an undoubtedly handsome face and wavy honey blonde shoulder length hair, smiling green eyes, golden skin with a well-kept physique, how could they not have reason? And Yohji's a real lady charmer. Now if he could only find the right girl with the right charm. Taking his scotch, he saunters towards the slot machines to try his luck again. The tables were out of the question, since stubborn Ken won't let him play. A woman catches his fancy, and he goes towards her.
“Hello, mind if I hold your hand? Just for luck.”
He knew he didn't need to smile, but he did anyway, charmingly. The woman quickly offered her hand, and a sexy smile of her own to boot.
$Chance Encounters with Strange Machines (because they have hotels in France)$
He was a ballet dancer. IS a ballet dancer. And his manager, Mr. Crawford, insists that he is or would be a great one. And maybe that's the reason why he's in Las Vegas, away from the comfortable and familiar home theater of his ballet company back in France. And maybe that's the reason why he's standing in the middle of a hotel room with the casino manager, who to his opinion talked too much, listening to the middle-aged man drone on and on with a welcome `speech' and explanation of the facilities. He decided he had had enough of the man and decided to cut in.
“Thank you Mr. Rogers, I think I can handle myself in a hotel room just fine. We have hotels back in France too, you know.”
That left the casino manager with his mouth slightly open, and Ran Fujimiya left him there for Manx to take care of. He took his bags and went to his room, beside Manx and his sister Aya's shared room. Outside, he could hear the faint apologetic voice of Manx and the sound of the door closing soon after. He knew that Manx would be right at his bedroom door, frowning. He also knew that she would never bring it up with him. Sometimes, being premiere ballet dancer had its perks, people usually gave him “allowances”, heck he could even throw a childish tantrum and no one would reprimand him. Ran tried to stop the smug smile creeping on his face, so he looked around his room instead. It was certainly luxurious, with its own bath-tub equipped bathroom to boot. The obsessive-compulsive in him was urging him to unpack his things, and he gave in, for what else was there to do? A mere 20 minutes was all it took, and Ran Fujimiya was out of anything to do. He sat down on the feather-soft queen sized bed, and that was when he noticed the curious-looking contraption sitting on his vanity desk.
“What… is this?”
He stalked towards it, wary, scrutinizing it with his eyes before touching. His right hand found a lever, and curiously he pulled it down, and the thing made a sudden loud noise that made Ran back up from it.
“Congratulations Ran, you just met a slot machine.”
Ran's head snapped towards the door, and there stood his darling sister Aya-chan, who was trying very hard not to laugh out loud. Ran felt a pout coming on, and he held it in and hid it with a look of cool indifference. He shrugged, gave the “slot machine” one last look, and went back to his bed, trying to look busy.
“Oh Ran, stop trying to look busy!”
Aya-chan giggled and lunged at her brother, and the two fell on the bed in a fit of laughter.
“So… stop! Stop… stop tickling… me!!!”
Ran bellowed and caught his sister's hands, Aya-chan kept on laughing, and Ran tried to give her an admonishing look but failed miserably, so he just laughed with her instead. Afterwards the laughter died down.
“Aya-chan… what is a `slot machine'?”
“Oh Ran, you really should go out once in a while.”
“But… I can't…”
“Hmph. Nobody's forcing you to practice 24/7 you know. Just yourself. You have to get out sometimes and have some fun so you wouldn't turn out to be so ignorant of slot machines!”
Ran rolled his eyes and got up. He knew where this conversation was going to. He just knew. A day didn't go by without Aya'chan pestering him to get a so-called social life. One didn't get to be a great premiere ballet dancer by indulging in social life and slot machines… whatever they're for.
“RAaaan…. Don't walik out on me! I'm you're ONLY sister, for God's sake!”
“I'm not walking out on you. I'm simply getting ready for practice.”
“But we just got here!” You can start practicing tomorrow. Manx said you didn't have to practice `till next week. Why don't we go sight-seeing for a while, huh Ran? Could we?”
“Sight-seeing is all well and good for tourists, but I'm not a tourist. I'm here because I have a contract with the hotel to perform. Go ask Manx instead.”
“All work and no play make Ran dull!”
“It makes Ran disciplined.”
“AND boyfriend-less.”
“Where did THAT come from?!”
“You know where it came from Ran. Look at you! Go ahead, look at yourself!”
Aya-chan placed her hands on her hips, stared Ran in the eyes, and commanded him. Ran stood there baffled. What was his sister talking about? Aya-chan took his hand and dragged him to the full-length mirror by the cabinet and pointed towards his reflection.
“What am I supposed to look at?”
(An exasperated sigh) “At yourself Ran. Look at you? Lot's of people would kill to have your looks! You're prettier than most girls, the palest and smoothest skin, you have not even an ounce of fat, and best of all you have the silkiest red hair and the greatest lavender eyes!”
“… and your point will be?”
“OH! Ran you're twenty-one and you've never had a boyfriend your whole life, WHY? Because you never go out and have fun!”
“Who said I needed a boyfriend?”
Aya-chan threw her hands in the air and stomped out of Ran's room, muttering along the way. Ran shook his head and went back to changing into his practice clothes, thinking how he could never understand younger sisters at all.
a/n: There, I've finally typed it! Eh, there are many discrepancies, like open gay persons in 50's America, and what the heck are the boys doing in America? I forgot what those male ballet dancers are called. I found it weird, even in the film itself, that a ballerina would be contracted to perform at the Sands nightly shows. Hmm. Guess showgirls weren't that big yet back then. Old setting, contemporary thought- yes, I know it's a common error but heck, it's a fanfiction. It was such a give away, cowboy equals to Yohji. O.C. social life-less over-achiever equals Ran/Aya. This'd be one light, fluffy romance, I can say as much. There won't be much cuss words, and adult situations. Well, let's see what happens.
For those who likes the movie but would be offended by this fanfiction… well… I'm sorry, but the idea popped into my head.