Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Psychobabble ❯ Psychobabble Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own Weiß. Someone else does.

Note: There is no note just like there is no spoon.


Part 2

I'm back. What? You're surprised to see me?

Oh, I see, you didn't expect me to ever come back. That's a shame; you should always expect the unexpected with me. Besides, I still need to get an answer out of you.

Come now, you should remember this. I asked you a question last time I was here and you lied. Here, I'll refresh your memory. I asked you, if you could have any one wish granted, what would it be? Heh, you're still giving that old worn out lie, eh?

Do I see a flush of anger rising in your cheeks? Aww, don't get angry, friends ask these type of questions to one another. … Ouch, … that hurts me right in my heart. How can you be so cruel to me? Really, you should count yourself lucky that I consider you as one of my friends.

See, that's why you're considered a friend. You have such a sharp, rowdy tongue on you.

Now what was I saying before? That's right. Consider yourself lucky that you aren't one of my enemies. It's really simple my friend. I keep my friends close, but my enemy's even closer, especially one of them and I get the feeling that you wouldn't want to get THAT close to me.

…. No, I don't keep him close in that way. Get your mind out of the gutter. This may be the twenty-first century, but not everyone has homosexual impulses. Thank God, I'm not aroused right now. That comment would have killed my rising sexual desire in a matter of seconds.

Anyway, I keep him close to me. It's a little bit funny actually. He's gay and thinks that he's in love with me. Flattering as it is, you know now that I would never swing that way.

Who is it? Now that's getting a bit too personal for my liking. I know, you have this whole confidentiality thing going on, but guess what, so do I.

Disappointing isn't it?

Here, how about we do it like this. Maybe later I'll tell you about everything. The key word to this though, is maybe. I might decide not to tell you. We'll see how this goes about won't we?

I'm tired of standing, so I think I'll lie down on the big leather couch of yours. Why thank you sooo much for telling me I could! I didn't need you to say that though. No one has ever told me what to do and expected me to do it. Quite frankly, I'm not going to start with you. Oh yeah, I think it's time for you to start thinking about purchasing a new one. This one seems to be worn in places. Let me guess, you were in one of your naughty little phases and decided to have an orgy in here on it? That's too bad, the idea was starting to turn me on.

Anyway, that's beside the point. What is the point? You need a new couch. Yes, you can, it's called a business write off as well as a tax write off, and you do it all the time. Don't worry about how I know about that, I just do.

Again with the colorful language eh? It still amazes me on how you can curse like a sailor. It makes my heart swoon as well. Now, take a deep breath, yes like that, count to ten, good, good. Exhale very slowly; release all that negative energy of anger and tension with the breath. Do you feel better now? Wonderful! That means I can mess with you some more, next time though, since our time is up yet again.

Remember, new couch, not leather though it's so uncomfortable and harsh on my poor back, next time I see you and I expect that you answer me truthfully as well. See ya!

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Author's notes: ^_^ Anyway… I hope you're enjoying this stuff… remember this is someone talking to someone else… not my normal style but oh well I think it's pretty interesting.

Schu: I still want ten dollars

You still aren't getting crap

Schu: … evil hell spawn…

I know.