Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Elements ❯ Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Witch Hunter Robin
"Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
lost in our way of life.
Earth, wind, water and fire,
seems like we've lost our desire,
to fight for what we know is right,
the Elements of life." -Elements by Blue
When I looked up at the stars, I noticed they had paled even more until they were almost invisible. I wonder if I did that. If by letting out my demonic powers it caused the stars to lose their shine. Yeah right, like that could happen. But deep down I knew they could. I knew that even if they didn't disappear altogether, they wouldn't gain back their shine.
I continued on my way. Tonight was going to be my finale. I was going to stop after this one last 'show'. I would. No, I will. So I walked around an even bigger area then yesterday filled with hundreds of people. I knew what would happen when this let out, but would it be stoppable was my question. I had never used this much power in my entire life. This might drain me; I knew that. I could probably be found out, and killed. Anyway, I finished my 'circle' and said the command word. "Ieradiha."
The area was consumed in fire, burning but not killing anyone. It was breathtaking. Nothing could compare to this beauty. The area soon started filling up with water, the fires never letting out even if they were being drenched. People died instantly, but not all. I allowed some to be able to breathe so they could continue to feel the pain. I smirked at that, knowing that I was the one that caused this misery to those innocent lives.
Once the water stopped filling up, a cyclone in the water came up. It separated people's limbs from their body as they were pulled back and forth still aflame. Many more died but not all. I wanted some people to feel the final attack of my wrath. The cyclone stopped., the water drained, and the fires died down. Everyone thought it was over, but innocent people were dead and bleeding profoundly from various spots on their bodies. It wasn't done, oh no, this would be perfect. The earth started rumbling discreetly at first, but then you could see the massive waves in the sidewalks getting bigger and bigger until the buildings toppled down in a cloud of dust. People's screams of terror filled the area and then stopped.
It was done. A large amount of the city was destroyed thanks to me, and I couldn't care less. I could feel the demon possessing me leave and I felt relief. Watching all those innocents startled me, I didn't know I could do that. But now that I knew, could I ever be that way again? I was pulled out of my thoughts when the three from yesterday stopped in front of me.
"Hello again." Robin said to me.
"Hello." I said nodding to them. No one else was in the vicinity, they probably knew I was the one who had done this.
"Why are you here?"
"I heard all those screams and when they stopped, I felt compelled to come see what had happened. If I had known this was what was here I never would have come." I pushed tears into my eyes, I didn't really think that... but that may have been the demon in me smirking happily at the deaths.
"I see. So, are you sure you haven't seen this woman?"
"No I haven't. But, why are you searching for her?" I looked at the picture of the woman. It was my twin, well we weren't identical, but she was still my twin.
"She has something we... need." Robin said to me. I looked up at her.
"Well, I've got to be off. It was nice seeing you again." I turned to leave, but Amon stopped me.
"What is your name? You never said it before."
"Kimiko. My name is Kimiko." I whispered and left.
Thanks for reading!! - U.S.