Xenosaga Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Kisses ❯ Fantasy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Distance proves no barrier between us.

Gaignun was on the edge of the Kukai Foundation as far from the Durandal as you could get and still be on station. Even so, he still reacted to the tendrils of Jr.'s nightmare, handing off the task of overseeing the final repairs of the Gnosis attack to Shelley, almost before he even realized what he was feeling. By the time he had reached the Durandal, he was at a dead run.

Why do you still cry for him?

Jr. was so light, it seemed he barely weighed anything at all in his arms. Gaignun frowned, ever since their mutual brother had disappeared, Rubedo seemed to be getting more and more depressed. During the day, Jr. put on a mask, laughing around with Mary, teasing the 100-series, visiting MOMO or Shion. Was Gaignun the only one who saw that those smiles never reached his eyes?

The red-haired boy struggled, unconsciously trying to free himself from his brother's embrace. "Albedo! Please, don't leave me alone!"

But you're not alone.

Green eyes watched as the smaller boy twisted on the bed, debating whether to let him rest or wake him. Coming to a decision, he shed his shoes and the black jacket before joining the other. Not to his surprise, the other woke up, clouded blue eyes peering up at his face. Small hands clung to the collar of his shirt and pulled him down gently. A soft touch brushed against his face and he let his older brother kiss him, enjoying the moment. The other than fell back and smiled up at him angelically.

"Albedo . . . you're here . . . you didn't abandon me."

Gaignun said nothing, instead closing his eyes and holding the younger looking boy close. He allowed the other to unbutton his shirt and explore.

Who am I kidding? I was never there for you at all.