Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ Xiaolin Showdown :Endless Light: ❯ Chapter Three: Dream and Unanswered Questions ( Chapter 3 )

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Xiolien Showdown
The Endless Light
A Fan fiction
By Sho Blackheart

I do not own Xiaolin Showdown. It belongs to it's creator and WB. Please do not sue me.

May have some confusing moments, and may have character death in later chapters. Be aware that there will be new characters as well as some OOCness in this fan fiction. Also.. This fan fiction was written for fun. Also beware of some serious story line twist. I tend to pull away from the creators original vision of her story and make it my own. Some facts will be wrong, compared to the true TV show. But just ignore those, it's all for the sake of the plot. And characters.

Chapter Three: Dream and Unanswered Questions

“Clay Baily? But why?”

The four dragons sat around a table deep inside the inner sanctum of the Xiolien temple, each one of them lost in thought. The thought of what could have happened to Clay was unsettling. Clay Baily had joined the Haiylin side, and he didn’t even know he had from the way Jack described it.

“Clay… he was tricked into joining them. They used his kind nature to turn him to their side. It truly wasn’t his fault at all.”

The change that had came over Jack a while ago when he was facing Clay had returned. His voice was cool and dark, showing no emotion even though his expression showed irritation mixed with calm. They truly couldn’t figure out his emotion at all. He continued to get more and more confusing, Kimiko noted. He leaned back, and stared up at the ceiling.

“How do you know all this?”

He once again looked at Kimiko with a warm, but somewhat dark expression on his face. For a moment he didn’t answer, but took a moment to gather his thoughts. Finally he spoke. “I know I’ve told you before that I had been in Chase Young’s hideout for two years but, that isn’t completely true. I got out, but not for long, when Chase moved his base to a better location. I got out but Wuya captured me again quickly.”

Raimundo nodded his head. “So in that short time you saw…”

“Clay get consumed completely.”

“He said you had broke up their meeting four months ago. That wasn’t too long ago.”

He nodded, a few strands of his red hair falling into his eyes before he brushed them away. “It wasn’t.” He then brushed away some sweat from his forehead. He was beginning to look paler then he normally did. Almost sickly. Kimiko was growing more and more worried with every passing second.

“You alright?”

He nodded. “Of course I’m alright. But let’s not worry about that and let’s focus on what’s in front of us. We have to take down that order.”

“And how do we do that?”

For a moment Jack didn’t say anything but then he rose his hand. “We work together. That is the only way.”

They all nodded. It was a pressing matter and besides they wanted to save Clay. Even if they didn’t know exactly how they were going to do it. In the past though they had always winged it and that was exactly how they were going to do it this time. For a moment Jack shut his eyes and went quiet, and when he opened them again he didn’t say anything. Instead he stood up and walked over to the window. He seemed back to himself now, though he looked a little sad. Finally he said;

“So, we’re winging it again?”

The others nodded as he turned back around, leaning against the window frame. Kimiko noticed that he still looked sad, and there was another emotion present there. That emotion passed away too quickly for her to see what it was and he looked calm again. He suddenly though turned away and walked towards the door.

“We might as well begin training, this is going to be a hard quest.”


The golden rays of the sun reflected against the cool pond, and Jack felt the warm of the sun against his pale skin. He liked the way the sunset seemed to turn the whole blue sky into a fiery blaze, with touches of pink and purple. He also liked the sunrise, but he was normally asleep when the run rose. As he watched the sun fall behind the violet mountains, his mind reflected on things that happened that day.

“Jack, what are you doing up here?”

He looked over to see Kimiko walking over to him, her red robe looking almost orange in the light. Her eyes scanned his face before she sat down by him.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what happened in Chase’s stronghold. I haven’t gotten a chance till now.”

“Why do you want to talk about that,” he asked. He looked back towards the setting sun and grinned. “It’s such a strange topic.”

“I just want to know. It had to be a horrible experience.”

“Then why do you want me to talk about it?”

I suppose I just have a fascination with all things horrible.” She smiled at him and he shook his head.

“There is nothing really to talk about,” he said as he watched the sun. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I understand why,” Kimiko watched him as he put his arms around himself protectively. “But perhaps it would make you feel better if you told someone.”

Jack nodded his head and leaned forward. “It was rather, I mean, it was a rather tough way to live. The consent experiments, and the pain I went through everyday. I still don’t know what they were trying to do. I think they were trying to unlock something inside of me but I don’t know for sure. It could be anything.”

“So they basically experimented on you for years,” she asked, looking disgusted.

“Basically. Wuya did all of the stuff, while Chase looked on.”

“So he was a supervisor?”

“It was painful to stay there,” Jack said tonelessly as they sun began to sink fully behind the mountains, “but even more painful to try and escape. I got help from someone who was also trapped inside the stronghold. I have no idea how I got here alive.”

“Your lucky you did. If you would have collapsed in the forest you wouldn’t be here now.”
Jack smiled for a moment before it slipped. “I am very lucky.”

The sun had set, and the fiery light created by the sunset began to fade. The air grew cold as the wind picked up slightly. Kimiko shivered in the cold, her thin robes offering no protection against the cold. Jack stood up and without saying a word, he took off his jacket. He draped it around her shoulders before he jumped off the roof. She was left confused but she smiled slightly as she stood up herself and made her way off the roof. How strange…


Jack Spicer strolled down the gray stone walkway inside his own mind, as the noise of a passing phantom storm roared over head. As he reached the red gate he knocked on the door and waited. There was a low rumble of metal grinding against metal and the door opened. He walked through the open pathway and headed down the hallway, torches lighting his way. He didn’t really need them though. He then came to a stop in front of a gold steel door, and on the front of it was an engraving of a dragon. He knocked on the front of the door and called in;

“Is it alright to come in?”

For a moment he heard nothing but then a cool, calm voice greeted his ears, slightly muffled because of the thickness of the door. “Come on in Jack.”

The door opened and he walked in. The room was slightly lit, giving the room a gloomy look. It was richly furnished, even though there was no need for it. In the corner of the room, in a dark green chair, sat Chase Young. In his hand was a glass of wine, and there was a smile on his face.

“What was up with that thing with Clay?”

Chase smiled slightly and said in a short of amused voice, “I knew you won’t be able to handle it.”

He slightly narrowed his eyes and shook his head before saying. “I could have handle it.”

“Of course.”

“But then again, I guess I could of used your help. I really have nothing else to say besides that.”

“Well, I do.” Chase got up and put down his wine glass on the counter in front of him. As he walked over to the book case, Jack watched him in confusion. He walked over to the book case and grabbed a read leather bound book. “What do you think of Kimiko?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you like Kimiko?”

He thought for a couple of minutes before he replied, “Yeah, I like her. What of it?”

“Just a natural curiosity,” he replied calmly as he opened the book. “I was just wondering if you still had a crush on her.”

Jack felt himself blush slightly and he looked away. “I don’t… I don’t have to comment about that.”

Chase smirked and showed the book to him. “I know what you think about her. It’s all here.”

Jack blushed even brighter and tried to grab the book out of his hands. “Give me that! You have no right to read my mind!”

He laughed and put the book up before pulling out a black book. “This on the other hand is maybe even more interesting then the other book. “This on the other hand is maybe even more interesting then the other book. Why is this book completely blank?”

He handed the book to Jack and he opened it, flipping through the pages. It was empty, just like Chase said it was. But he understood why. Handing it back to him, he shook his head.

“I don’t have any memories of my childhood. That is why it’s blank.”

Jack didn’t seem at all effected by what he had seen, and Chase was slightly impressed. But he could feel everything he tied to hide. He understood that. He knew that Jack was trying to seem stronger then he actually was, like he wasn’t a weakling anymore. He didn’t want to seem like he needed anyone to hold him up. But he knew better then that.

“I might be able to handle solving the problems of you memories. I do believe I can help you remember you past.”

Jack nodded and leaned against the wall. He didn’t really care what he found out about him. He actually didn’t want to know what had happened back then. There was a reason that he didn’t remember and he didn’t really know if he wanted to remember.

“Your going to wake up soon. I’ll begin working on your memories for a while. Have a great day.”

It was find of funny to hear him say that. It made him seem so… normal. It made Jack want to run away screaming. Suddenly the whole room went smoking and he felt dizzy for a moment before his eyes opened.



Kimiko woke up with sun in her eyes, and the soft pink blanket she wrapped around herself barely covering her. Yawning she set up and stretched. She got up and walked to the mirror. Her long black hair was out in all directions, sticking up so much that she quickly grabbed her brush and tired to tame it. As she fixed herself up she though about her very interesting conversation with Jack. She had always known that there was more to him.

When she first met him he was just another villain to her, another bad guy trying to take over the world. But as she got to know him, from a distance, she realized that he was just a big goofball. Yes he wanted to be an evil villain but he was just too. How could she describe it?

It was like his heart wasn’t in is at all.

For a brief time had joined their side so they could defeat Wuya she gotten to know him a little better. But he was very distance, and even when he did talk is was wither sarcastic of some odd thing. That reminded her, he still owned them ice-cream.

But then two years ago he disappeared and they were left in peace. At least now she could get to know him better. She couldn’t wait to figure out the puzzle that was Jack Spicer.

The end!