Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Only in Words ❯ Wings of Black and White ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Wings of Black and White

Part: II of Only in Words

Series: Yami no Matsuei

Category: Poem, shounen-ai/ yaoi, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Tsuzuki x Muraki

Author: Requiem Duindain

e-mail: r_duindain@hotmail.com

Homepage: requiemharmony.cjb.net ~still in progress !~

Author's notes: It's part II of Only in Words. It's now Tsu x Mu. Also, I would like to tell you all that Only in Words is a challenge to all fanfic writers out there. I don't care what kind of fanfic you write but it still goes out to you. I want you to try and write a fanfic or original story that can match the emotions I put into my poems. I look foreward to it!

Disclaimers: Yami no Matsuei belongs to Matsushita Yoko.

Don't…ahh, so rough

Not desperate yet needy

Wanting to the extent of hurting

And my own pride cast away for this

Degraded and pitiful, self pity arises

Fear creeping near

Yet unable to escape

Knowledge of the power possessed

The tricks that could be done

Undesiring more deaths

Knowing so many that have died

And complete surrender

Without remorse but with pain

Crying silently within

Pondering those words that echo,

"How I longed to touch you…"

Ignoring the truth

Believing this is merely lust

Punishment for the sins

Thought this was lunacy

Yet in actuality desiring truth

Pain, guilt, sin, all these things

Reminders of the blood spilled

Unable to fight

Yet too proud to run

Simply staring heavenwards

Imploring for forgiveness

Yet no voice replying

Frozen forever in my mind

An image I can not forget

Gently falling from above

Fragile feathers

From wings of black and white.

--Tsuzuki Asato