Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and Owls! ❯ Escape? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gomen gomen gomen for the late update!!!

Leoth: Why thank you! Glad you liked the idea!

DarkSapphireDragon: You did? I fund the scene hard to figure out… You'll soon read about Hisoka's reaction to the cat and his name!

Night Fox Hiten: Yay! Thank you for telling me!

Eh, I forgot: Don't worry about it! I got threatened a while go that if I didn't update I would get a stick up my a--… you know what I mean!

Aisha Felina: You know Muraki… He wanted to plant his brother's head on Tsuzuki's body so why not name his cat after one of his victims?

Krymson Tyde: You can't have my puppy, but you can get this nice Tsuzuki-inu plushie!


Puppies and Owls!

Chapter five: Escape?


"Are you telling me that you can't open the door?" Tsuzuki asked as he looked up at the owl on the handle.

Watari jumped with all his might and then shook his small head. "That's right. I m a bird! I only weigh a few grams! Oh! What was that?!" he asked and looked around the room.

Tsuzuki tensed as he listened. Watari was right. There was something moving in the apartment. The light rustle came from behind him… from the bedroom… "Oh no! It's Muraki! Watari jump down from there!" he hissed as he stood on his hind legs and leaned on the door.

Watari didn't ask as he jumped down on the pup's head. "What are you going to doooo…!!!" he asked when Tsuzuki suddenly jumped into the air. The small owl almost tumbled of the pup but got a hold of the collar and held on for dear life.

Tsuzuki grabbed the handle with his front paws and forced it down as he fell to the floor. The door clicked open as he landed with a thud on the floor and creaked open a few centimetres. "Got it open!" he said just as the light in the bedroom switched on. Clawing at the small spring, he tried to open the door.

"Tsuzuki-san?" Muraki's voice was heard from the bedroom. The doctor sounded tired and a bit confused.

Tsuzuki clawed harder at the spring. "Come on, come on! Open up for Tsuzuki…." He begged as he heard footsteps coming their way. After a few seconds, the door slid open. "Yes! Hold on to me, Watari! We are so out of here!" he said and dashed out from the apartment.

Muraki exited from the bedroom. He saw the tail of the pup as he vanished into the stair case. "Tsuzuki-san! It is rude to leave without telling your host…. Oh well. I'll find you soon enough" he said as he picked up the newly awoken cat that stumbled along the floor like a drunk. Stroking the yellow fur, he turned back to the bedroom. "Let's get changed before we go Tsuzuki hunting, ne, Kurosaki?"


"S-slow d-down, T-Tsuzuki! I c-can't h-hold on!" Watari said just as his win slipped from the collar. The small owl was flung into the air before falling to the floor. The small feather ball rolled along the floor and soon reached the edge of the staircase and rolled under the railing. "It didn't hurt that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…………."

Tsuzuki came to an halt as he watched as his friend fell of the age and fell down. He ran to the edge and popped his head between the bars and watched Watari as he fell. "WATARI!!" Tsuzuki yelled and raced down the stairs. `Let him be alright, let him be alright! We just escaped from Muraki only to have Watari be squashed from falling from the top floor!' Tsuzuki thought. The pup had such a fast speed from racing down the stairs so when he reached the ground level, he couldn't stop himself and he slammed into the wall with a loud bang! The world spun as he lifted himself up. "Watari! Where are you? Are you ok or are you as flat as a pancake?" he asked as he stumbled over to the stairs again.

"I m ok! My feathers dampened my fall. That was great!" the yellow owl said as he hopped over to the pup. The huge glasses had almost fallen of the owl's beak but he corrected them. "What happened to you?" he asked as he saw that Tsuzuki held his head with his front paw.

"He didn't check his speed as he came down the stairs, lunch"

Tsuzuki snapped his head up. "The only one that would call Watari `lunch' is Kurosaki!" he growled and turned around. Behind him sat Kurosaki. "Why you….."

"Behave, Tsuzuki-san. You don't want to hurt innocent people, or in this case, animals, right?"


Muraki chuckled when he saw the stunned looks the pup and owl gave him. "Surprised to see me?" he asked sweetly. He scooped up the small cat and stroked the soft ears.

"How did you come down here so fast? I didn't see you on the way down!" Tsuzuki said as he slowly made his way over to Watari.

Muraki chuckled and held one hand over his mouth. "How dense can one man be? I used the elevator of course" he said and nodded his head in the direction of the closing metal doors. "Now, what are you doing? Talking a night walk?" he asked as he stared to walk over to the two.

Tsuzuki felt his pulse rise as the doctor got closer. He didn't know where to go except up, but that meant that he would be back in Muraki's apartment. Hearing a small noise from the main door, he quickly grabbed Watari with his mouth and turned around. He spotted an old lady that was opening the door. as soon as she had opened it enough so that he could get through, Tsuzuki dashed outside.

Muraki was a bit surprised when the pup suddenly ran out the door. Shaking his head he stared after the dog and owl only to be stopped by the lady.

"Ahh, Kazutaka-kun. I wanted to talk to you. It is about that scabby cat of yours… it is clawing at the walls and it starts to irritate me since I live next to you……"


Tsuzuki sprinted down the sidewalk with Watari still between his teeth. "Be bade id, Watare!" he tried to shout.

Watari was horrified. "Tsuzuki! STOP!!" he yelled at the pup.

Tsuzuki stopped and sat down. "Whaf?"

"Let me down" Watari said. when he was finally placed on the ground, he shook himself. "Ewww…. Dog slobber….. sorry for screaming at you but I had your fangs around my neck and I was afraid that if you stumbled or fell… well… I think you can figure the rest out"

"Gomen, Watari! I panicked and didn't think of that. Can you forgive me?" Tsuzuki said and laid down on the ground and placed his head between his front paws. His big amethyst eyes were filled with tears and he whined.

Watari looked at him and sighed. "Of course I'll forgive you. Don't give those eyes you know that they make me feel bad…" he said and wiped his eyes.

Tsuzuki smirked. "Thanks a lot, Watari! HEY! Look over there!!" he suddenly shouted and wagged his tail.

Further down the street the two friends spotted two familiar figures.

"It is Bon and Tatsumi! Tsuzuki we are saved!" Watari piped as he stared to hop over to the two as fast as he could.

Tsuzuki got back on his paws and scooped up the small owl on his nose. "Hold on!" he told the bird and darted over to the two. "Hisoka! Tatsumi! We are so glad to see you!" he exclaimed and jumped up and down.

Tatsumi looked at the odd couple on the ground before them. He then smiled and bent down. "Well aren't you two cute. Hi boy! At least, I think you are a boy…" Tatsumi said and picked up the pup. After checking that the dog was a boy he just held it. "I don't see a leash. I wonder where his owner is"

Hisoka raised one eyebrow and grabbed the owl. "This one looks a lot like 003. The glasses reminds me of Watari…" he said and grabbed said glasses from the owl. "I wonder who could have put these on the poor thing. There you go" he said and placed the owl in a near by tree.

"Ack! I can't see!" Watari yelped and soon tumbled of the branch.

Hisoka lifted the owl once again and looked at him. "Ether it is sick or it is just stupid. I wonder who owns them…."

"Hisoka! It's me! Tsuzuki!" Tsuzuki said from Tatsumi's arms.

Tatsumi looked down at the dog that had suddenly started to bark. "Why are you barking so much? Am I holding you wrongly?" he asked, unsure how to hold a small pup.

Watari snatched his glasses back from Hisoka's pocked as he sat in his hand. "'Barked'? he said that you barked and that means that they can understand us!" he said.

Hisoka looked at the dog and owl that seemed to speak to each other. "I wonder what you are talking about. What?" he asked as he heard another man approaching. Looking up he spotted… "Muraki?!"

The doctor raised his eyebrow as he saw the young blond and the secretary. "The boy and his babysitter… how typical. I don't have time for you right now, boy, so I would like you to give me my dog and bird back" he said as he walked closer to the four.

"Not Muraki! We finally find our friends and you come and ruin it all! Tatsumi! Don't let him take us again!" he whined and buried his head under Tatsumi's arm.

Hisoka frowned at the white clad doctor. "Since when did you have animals?" he asked and held the owl closer to him.

Muraki smiled and tilted his head. "Even I can get lonely. I got a cat a few months back and I thought it would be nice to have a dog that I could take a walk with. I got the owl because they were friends and I would hate to separate them from each other" he told them.

"And might I ask what their names are?" Tatsumi asked as he placed the pup on the ground.

Muraki looked at the blond boy as he answered the question. "The cat is named Kurosaki and the dog Tsuzuki-san and the owl… I figured that he looks a lot like you scientist's owl so I call him Watari. Aren't the names fitting?"

Hisoka blushed hard and Tatsumi choked. "You named your damn CAT after ME?!?! Where the HELL did you get that idea from?!?!" Hisoka exploded. He clenched his fists and went up to the doctor. "TELL ME!!"

Muraki smiled more and closed his eyes. "I found it really cute. The cat has your looks and the same emerald eyes… I couldn't find a more fitting name then that. Would you like to meet him?"

Tatsumi was stunned. "That is just… just… sick!" he said and went up to Muraki. "Doesn't you weirdness ever end?!" he demeaned. As soon as he was within arm reach of the doctor, he felt something in his head and darkness took over. His body fell to the ground and lay unmoving.

"Tatsumi-san! What did you do, Muraki?!" Hisoka snapped when the doctor placed his hand on his forehead.

"Let me show you…" Muraki said and frowned.

Hisoka gasped as picture by picture of dying men and women flashed by in his head. He could smell the blood as it splattered on the ground and he could hear their screams and pleads as they gurgled on their own blood. Hisoka screamed in horror and passed out when it all became too much for him.

Muraki caught the falling bou and lifted him up in his arms. "Sleep well, boy. When you wake up, I'll have a nice surprise for you…" he whispered and nuzzled the blond hair. Glazing down he saw the pup and owl. "You better do as I say from now on, Tsuzuki-san, because now you have to worry about two peoples' lives. Would you risk it?" he asked and turned to go back to his apartment. "Heal, Tsuzuki-san"

Tsuzuki lowered his head as he walked beside the doctor. Muraki was right. He couldn't risk Hisoka's or Watari's lives. He had to do as the doctor said.


The End… na just kidding!