Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon GX: Destiny Stars ❯ Return of the Pharaoh ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Anyway, I've started on this chapter before I've posted the first chapter of my new story. First of all, I would like to thank all of you that reviewed my new story. I wanted to do something a bit unique and I love the new Yu-Gi-OH GX series, so, I thought: Why not? And yes, like I said before, Yugi and the old gang is coming back to battle. Plus, like I said before, I'm not very good with Tarot cards and what their meanings are, so, I based that part on the information on Sartorius I got from the internet. Next, there are going to be some new Sailor Senshi and I'm going to use certain elements from pervious crossover stories that I did, but I can assure that this story is going to be totally different than the other crossover stories that I did. Then I would like to thank and give credit to Fanfiction author, Riana Kaiba, and this author's story, The Rise of White, for the idea of turning Blair into a teenager through Sartorius' power and the idea of Sartorius' power to `increase' a person's age or `maturing' people more quickly all together. Finally, so far, there is going to be Jaden/Alexis, Darien/Serena, Ami/Bastion, and Atem/Tea in this story and I'm not sure about the other romance. If you have any ideas, just please tell me and I will see what I can do. Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh R, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone else that comes from other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This chapter has violence, possible blood, no gore and death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations!
Age of characters:
Blair: originally 9 to 10, but will be aged to 15 by Sartorius' powers
Yugi, Tea, Joey, Tristan, and Duke: 27 years of age
Atem: Physically, 27, but actually millennia in age
Rebecca: 19 years of age
Sailor Moon GX: Destiny Stars
Chapter 2: Return of the Pharaoh
(Two days after the Sailor Senshi and Darien `joined' Duel Academy; One evening)
Right now, we find ourselves in a field of white roses as we see Princess Serenity, age 16 years, looking up into the sky and at the planet Earth from the field of white roses with a great sigh and a slight smile on her lips. This allows us to see and figure out that Princess Serenity is on the moon.
Just then a male voice, sounding similar to Jaden Yuki's, but deeper and more commanding, calls out, “Hey, Serenity, what are you doing?” Princess Serenity looks to see a young man of her age with platinum silver hair in Jaden usual hairstyle, golden crescent moon sigil on his forehead, deep brown eyes, and wearing a black version of Prince Endymon's royal `outfit' with a silver version of Prince Endymon's body armor on him with a brown belt across his waist, silver buckle on the belt that has the crescent moon sigil imprinted in the middle of the belt buckle, and the belt is hold a sheath for a sword that has a beautiful silver hilt. Besides this young man is a real-life version of Jaden Yuki's favorite monster: Elemental Hero Flame Wingman.
Princess Serenity tells the young man, “Judai, you know how mother feels when you summon your personal Shadow Creature, the Flame Wingman, like that?”
The young man, Judai, tells Serenity, “On come on, sis! Mother doesn't need to know about this and besides, he isn't like that nasty jerk Zorc that destroyed King Atem's kingdom in Egypt.”
Serenity tells Judai, “I know that because he is the creature of your strong and pure heart, but Pharaoh Atem was a good friend of our mothers and it was a great loss for her when he had to seal his spirit away to stop Zorc.”
Judai tells Serenity, in a serious tone, “Okay, but don't call him a `Shadow Creature' anymore. Flame Wingman is my partner and I don't like it when you refer to him in that matter.”
Serenity tells Judai, with a smile, “Okay, you are my brother, after all.” Soon after, Flame Wingman vanishes and Judai goes over to Serenity.
Judai asks Serenity, “Looking over Earth, again?”
Serenity tells Judai, with a smile, “Yes, it can very beautiful. Especially from our home.”
Judai tells Serenity, with a sly grin, “Is that the reason or that secret boyfriend, the Prince of Earth, Endymon, that's got you thinking about it.”
Serenity leaps to her feet and asks, quite shocked, “Judai, you know?”
Judai tells Serenity, with a wide grin exactly like Jaden Yuki's grin, “Hey, you aren't that hard to figure out. You have been keeping your eyes on him since his first visit to the Moon Kingdom. Especially since I followed you and Endymon when you snuck out of the palace one night.” Serenity gains a wide blush on her cheeks and Judai tells Serenity, “Don't worry, I didn't tell anymore. Through Princess Ami managed to figure it out and is probably telling the others . . . maybe.”
Serenity tells Judai, with a smile, “It is no surprise that she would figure it out. Sooner or later, I know that Ami would figure out my relationship with my beloved Endymon.” Serenity then asks Judai, “Is this why you wanted to see me?”
Judai tells Serenity, “Actually, mother wants us back in the palace. Queen Sol of the Solaris Kingdom and the Golden Alliance is visiting us with her eldest daughter.”
Serenity gasps in shock and exclaims, “The Queen of the Sun Kingdom is visiting our kingdom?! But why?”
Judai tells Serenity, shrugging his shoulders, “You got me, Serenity. In all of these years that our two kingdoms existed, we had excellent peace between our kingdoms and our alliances, but the people of the sun never visited us. I wonder what the occasion is myself.”
Serenity tells Judai, “Maybe we should go see.” Judai nods his head in agreement and follows Serenity back towards the Moon Kingdom Palace where Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Mars, in their Silver Millennium `forms', were coming out to greet and escort them back. Now, the scene shifts to the inside of the Moon Kingdom Palace, specifically the throne room where Queen Serenity is sitting on her beautiful throne with the Crescent Moon wand in her hands. On the meanwhile, Prince Judai, Princess Serenity, and all of the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi are waiting on the right side of the Moon Queen. Just then a beautiful looking queen with a golden crown on her forehead, with beautiful sparkling golden hair that flows down her back like our Sailor Senshi of Love's hair, a mark on her forehead that looks like a golden and red sun, beautiful cheery lips, light blue eyes, excellent tanned skin, and wearing a dress similar to Queen Serenity's attire expect it is silver and golden instead of mainly white. In her right hand is a beautiful specter with a pearly white staff and a huge golden sun on top of the staff. This mysterious queen was attended by two guards in golden armor and light white royal-type clothing.
Queen Serenity tells the mysterious queen, “Queen Sol, I welcome you to Moon Kingdom.”
The queen does a curtsy in front of Queen Serenity and replies, “Thank you, your majesty. It is an honor to be here.”
Queen Serenity asks Queen Sol, “Forgive me if I sound rude, but your visit is quite sudden and I wish to know why.”
Queen Sol tells Queen Serenity, “You are not rude at all, your majesty. I wished to give you an apology to give my forgiveness at the rash time of my visit. However, your meeting with the Earth Prince and the positive resulted have resulted in my husband's, King Apollo's, action. He has hoped that there are some `good people' on the planet Earth to allow start establishing diplomatic relations and Prince Endymon's first visit and the positive results have given my husband the idea that there is indeed hope for the Terrans. Plus, even through our two kingdoms and our alliances have been allies for many years, we have never seen each other . . . in public and formal matter. My husband wishes for a peaceful unity between the sun, the moon, and the planet Earth itself. So, I have come here with my eldest daughter and her loyal guardians.”
Queen Serenity asks Queen Sol, surprised, “Your daughter is here? And I have rumors of her guardians, but none of us have ever seen.”
Queen Sol tells Queen Serenity, with a kind smile, “Well, allow the honor of introducing my beloved daughter and her loyal guardians to you, your majesty.” Queen Sol makes a motion that says `come forward' and a group of figures entered the room. The first figure was a beautiful princess with sparkling golden hair that looks like it is made of real gold and in the style of Alexis Rhodes, the same sun sigil on Queen Sol's forehead is on her forehead, brown eyes exactly like Alexis' brown eyes, her lips are covered in a sparkling crystal-clear lipstick to make it like her own beautiful lips are sparkling on their own, metallic silver choker is around her neck with a golden sun in the center of the choker, and she is wearing a silver and golden version of Princess Serenity's dress. This princess has her eyes closed and a serious look on her expression. However, what are more surprising to the people in the throne room, minus Queen Sol, of course, are twelve female figures wearing Sailor Senshi uniforms of various colors on them. Two of them are very interesting in this matter since there is one wearing a fiery red uniform similar to Sailor Mars' uniform that looks a lot like Jasmine and the other with a dark yellow uniform similar to Sailor Venus' uniform that looks very similar to Mindy.
Prince Judai states, surprised, “Whoa! They're Sailor Senshi!”
Queen Sol tells Prince Judai, in a kind tone, “Indeed, you are connect, young Moon Prince. Like your sister, my daughter has her own group of guardians that aid in her protection as the eldest daughter to the throne. They are the known as Zodiac Sailor Senshi, twelve princesses drawn from the kingdoms with the constellations of the Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo, and Gemini. As you already know, like your kingdom, we are one kingdom of group of thirteen kingdoms known as the Golden Alliance. Plus, like your kingdom, my husband and I are the head of the council of kingdoms that decide the `fate' of our alliance and the princesses come to our kingdom to serve as guardians of our children and our family. However, unlike your kingdom, Queen Serenity, they are also our elite warriors. During the early years of our kingdom, we fought many battles for our survival and existence and we are a warrior people. Males and females serve equally in our `Armed Services' and discrimination in our military is none existence with the females becoming just as fierce and powerful warriors as their male counterparts. Our Golden Alliance is made for many of the same reasons, but for another reason, for our mutual protection and safety. We have learned that there are strength in numbers and the constellation kingdoms, who have fought many battles themselves for protection and survival, have found a mutual bond in us and that's how our alliance came to be. However, we are not without civilized demeanor and our efforts have turned in protecting all innocence peoples from the evils of the negative forces, which has been the decree of our first ruler.”
Queen Serenity nods her head in understanding and says, “Yes, it is well known that your people have been dedicated to the ways of peace, through not exactly like the way we of the moon, prefer, but your intentions and motives have always been honorable as the purist of the warriors.”
Queen Sol tells Queen Serenity, “However, I would wish for you to know this fact. Unlike your daughter, all female children of the sun are decreed to train with their protectors. Thus, like her Sailor Senshi, my daughter, Princess Arinna of the Sun, has trained with her Sailor Senshi to become a warrior herself. The reason for this decree is twofold. One, we, of the Sun Kingdom royal family, have been the greatest of warriors for many upon many years and only through our hard-work and determination because we want show our people that we are always like them. And as such, members of the royal family are expected to lead and fight with their soldiers in the front lines of battle, which is the practical reason for this training. However, the second reason, is to ensure that equally and peace between all members of the alliance and we believe that through our children, our strong bond will continue to be strong and grow even stronger and we will continue to be equals.”
Queen Serenity tells Queen Sol, “It is a very wise philosophy, Queen Sol. So, dare I say, your daughter is a Sailor Senshi as well?”
Queen Sol nods her head and replies, “Yes, she is. She is the legendary Sailor Soldier of Life, known as Sailor Sun, which has been a duty passed on to every single eldest daughter of the royal family. She gains her power through a compact created by our legendary taiyouzuishou or Imperium Sun Crystal, which was created in a similar fashion to your ginzuishou or Imperium Silver Crystal. You see, this, along others, are reasons why we are known as `sibling kingdoms'.” Queen Serenity nods her head and Queen Sol then says, “However, I believe it is for the best that we tell the reason that we are here. My husband and I wish to establish peaceful relations with Earth as well, but we also wish for both of our kingdoms to know each other better. We would wish for a chance for my eldest daughter, her Sailor Senshi, and some of the best scholars from our alliance to visit your kingdom and meet with the best scholars from your kingdom and the Silver Alliance, so, that we might learn from each other. And we would wish to invite to visit the Sun Kingdom as well. His lordship, King Apollo, believes as I do . . . That only the unity of the sun, the moon, and the Earth will bring true peace to the Solar System and possibly, the universe.”
Queen Serenity tells Queen Sol, with a kind smile, “As I do I, Queen Sol. And I feel that for greater unity and friendship that the sun, the moon, and the Earth must be united as one. We would be honored to take upon your offer to get a deeper understand of your kingdom and your kingdom with ours.”
Queen Sol bows in front of Queen Serenity and tells her, “No, your majesty, the honor is all ours.” Queen Sol then motions for her daughter to come forward and she does so without looking up. Queen Sol tells Queen Serenity, “Next, I would like to introduce my beautiful and strong-willed daughter, Princess Arinna of the Sun Kingdom.”
Princess Arinna opens her eyes, revealing her beautiful brown eyes, does a curtsy in front of Queen Serenity, and says, in a similar voice to Alexis Rhodes' voice, through a bit more mature and woman-like, “It is an honor to meet you, Queen Serenity. I am Princess Arinna of the Sun Kingdom also known as Sailor Sun, the Sailor Senshi of Life.”
Queen Serenity tells Princess Arinna, “It is an honor to meet you, too. Welcome to the Moon Kingdom, Princess Arinna.” When Princess Arinna turns to look at Princess Serenity, her `counterpart' in the Moon Kingdom, she also spots her brother, Prince Judai, and she widely blushes when he looks into his eyes.
Princess Arinna thinks in her mind, “Wow! That must be the Moon Prince! I never through I would think this of anybody, but he look so handsome! He might look a bit like a teenaged child, but his eyes . . . I can see it . . . Such purity, light, and innocence . . . and yet, great strength and determination . . .” When Prince Judai notices Princess Arinna looking at him, Prince Judai widely blushes as well.
Prince Judai thinks in his mind, “Whoa! By the goddess Selene, she might be a `warrior princess', but she is incredible gorgeous like some kind of living goddess or something! But I shouldn't be in her league, so, why is she interested in me all of a sudden?”
Queen Serenity notices this and says, with a smile, “I see that your daughter has met my son. He is Prince Judai, also known as tsuki-no-ouji, and he has many `talents' on him.”
Queen Sol says, with a wide smile, “Yes, it is the many things that we have heard about your children. Your son seems to have many different `talents' and `abilities' within him from what we have heard.”
Prince Arinna goes over to Prince Judai, causing him to widely flush, and Princess Arinna says, doing a curtsy, “Please to meet you, Prince Judai.”
Prince Judai replies, nervously, “Uh . . . It is an honor to meet you . . . Princess Arinna . . .” Prince Judai does a quick bow, which earns a few giggles from Princess Serenity, the nine Sailor Senshi with her, minus Uranus and Pluto, and wide smiles from the two queens, which look at each other and give a silent nod. Soon after, the scene fades out and we find Jaden Yuki nearly jumping out of his bed. He looks up to see Syrus on the middle bunk and Tyranno sleeping on the top bunk.
Jaden thinks in his mind, “Whoa! What a weird dream! Wonder what that was all about?!” However, Jaden returns to sleep and gives off his usual snoring and `sleeping sounds'.
(Inside of the `White Dorm'; around the same time that same evening)
At the same time, we find Alexis Rhodes, clad in a pure white nightgown, jumping up from her bed in her room in the `White Dorm' and in a cold sweat. She looks outside at the half-moon out that night and wipes the sweat from her forehead.
Alexis says, in a low tone, “What was that dream? Who were those people? Why did that girl . . . that princess . . . look like me? That Prince and Princess look like Jaden and Serena?” Alexis then feels a dull ache in her heart and says, lowly, “Why do have a dull ache in my heart when I think that Jaden? He isn't a part of us. He's an enemy. But why . . . why do I get this `weird warm feeling' when I think about him?” Alexis shrugs it off and says, in a plain tone, “When Jaden is defeated and sees the light, this will nothing be more than a memory.” Alexis then tries to go back asleep, but she is restless for a few minutes until she falls fast asleep.
(Late the next morning; inside Duel Academy)
Today, inside Duel Academy, we find ourselves within Obelisk Arena where Mina and another Ra Yellow student, a pretty dashing young 18 year old third year student with black hair and light blue eyes, were dueling during their `free period', which is usually used for studying and `free dueling'. Right now, Mina has two Magician Valkyria (1600/1800) out on the field in attack mode, three face-down cards, and only 600 life-points remaining. On the meanwhile, her male Ra Yellow opponent has one face-down card, one Barrel Dragon (2600/2100), one VW Tiger Catapult (2000/2100), and 2000 life-points remaining.
Her male opponent shouts out, as he draws a card into his hand, “You did good, Mina, but I'm going to get that date!”
Mina tells her opponent, “You are going to have to get me to lose, first, big boy!”
Her male opponent puts one card into the spell/trap slots and exclaims, “Okay, I don't want to hit girls, especially one such as yourself, but you asked for this! I play Fissure! This allows me to destroy the weakest face-up attack monster on your side of the field and since you've only got one kind, I'm taking out one of your Valkyria!” Just a large fissure opens up and swallows one of Mina's two Valkyria, destroying it!
Mina exclaims, “Oh no! Now, I'm open to attack!”
Her male opponent commands, “That's right, Mina! Barrel Dragon, end this!” Just then her opponent's Barrel Dragon prepares to fire on Mina's remaining Valkyria!
Mina calls out, in a serious tone, “I don't think so! I reveal my trap! Draining Shield!” Mina's face-down card is revealed to be the Draining Shield trap card and Mina states, with a wide smile, “Thank, sweetie! Now, I can increase my life-points by your monster's attack points and negate your attack!”
Her male opponent calls out, with a wide grin, “I don't think so, Mina! I reveal my trap! Seven Tools of the Bandit!” His face-down card is revealed to be a Seven Tools of the Bandit counter-trap card. Her male opponent says, with a wide, “As long as I give up 1000 life-points, my trap will negate your trap's effect! Sorry, Mina, but it looks like I outsmarted you!” Soon after, Mina's opponent's life-points drop by 1000.
Mina tells her opponent with a wide grin, “Oh, really?”
Her male opponent then says, worriedly since he knew what was coming next, “Oh, boy.”
Mina calls out, “Now, I use another trap! Trap Jammer!” Mina's second face-down proves to be the Trap Jammer trap card and Mina says, with a sly grin, “Sorry, but when you activate a trap during a battle phase, my little trap can stop it. Sorry, but my Draining Shield is going anywhere yet.” Mina's opponent has his trap card negated and Barrel Dragon's attack is stop by Mina's shield, adding 2600 life-points to her score. Mina tells her opponent, “All right! You are a real doll! Thanks for the life-points!”
Her male opponent then commands, “Well, they won't last long! Tiger Catapult, attack!” Soon after, his VW Tiger Catapult launches an attack on Mina's Valkyria, destroying it, and taking 400 of her-points with it.
Current Score:
Mina: 2800
Opponent: 1000
Mina calls out, as she draws a card, “My move!” Mina then puts the card in the spell/trap slots after she looks at it and declares, “Now, I play my precious Card of Sanctity! Now, with this card, both of us must draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands! You really don't have to thank me!” Both duelists then draw until they have six cards in their hands. Mina then shouts out, as she puts another card in the spell/trap slots, “Oh, boy! Time for Monster Reborn! And now, come on back . . . Dark Magician Girl!” Soon after, Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) appears on the field in attack mode!
Mina's male opponent calls out, “Wait a minute, I didn't send that card to your grave!”
Mina tells her opponent, with her usual smile, “Actually, you did when played your Delinquent Duo spell card! I sent her to my grave, myself, in order to prepare for this!” Mina then puts in another spell card and shouts out, “Now, I play my Sage's Stone spell! When my cute Dark Magician Girl is on the field, I can summon one big Dark Magician from my deck!” Mina goes through her deck, takes out one card, puts it onto her duel disk, and Dark Magician (2500/2100) similar to Yugi Moto's Dark Magician, expect it has dark blue skin and dark blue uniform, comes to the field in attack mode. Mina puts in another card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Next, I play my United We Stand! This card gives me Dark Magician 800 attack and defense points for every monster on the field and since I have two, Dark Magician gains 1600 attack and defense points!” Dark Magician's stats then increase from 2500/2100 to 4100/3700, thanks to Mina's equip spell card! Mina then puts in another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Next, I play my Mage's Power equip spell! Now, with this, my Dark Magician gains 500 attack and defense points for every spell and trap card on my side of the field, face-down or face-up! Want to guess how much stronger he is going to get?”
Mina's male opponent says, in disbelief, “This can't be!” Dark Magician's stats increase again from 4100/3700 to 5600/5200! Mina then puts another card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “And to make sure that I don't lose! I play my Diffusion Wave Motion! Now, all I've got to do is give up only 1000 points and my Dark Magician can attack all of your monsters!” Mina's life-points lower by one-thousand, Dark Magician's staff lights up with a bright light, and Mina calls out, “Okay, Dark Magician, blow his monsters away with Dark Magic Attack!” Dark Magician sends waves of energy from his staff, destroying Mina's opponent's two monsters, and costing him 6600 life-points, ending the duel immediately.
Final Score:
Mina: 1800
Opponent: 0
After the dueling holograms fade away, Mina exclaims, excitedly, “All right! That's five in a row for me!”
Her opponent drops to his knees and says, “Man. She might look like a beautiful ditzy girl, but she is no pushover when it comes to Duel Monsters.” Rei, Serena, and Lita, who are currently aren't having classes until after lunch was watching Mina duel.
Lita calls out to Mina, “Way to go, Mina! That was awesome!”
Mina gives a `V' sign for her right hand and exclaims, “That's Lita!”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “Ah, man! We missed the duel! So, not sweet!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they see Jaden, Syrus, and Tyranno walking into the arena.
Tyranno tells Syrus, “Well, we wouldn't have missed the duel if private here didn't trip over his feet.”
Syrus shouts out, annoyed, “Hey, you tripped me!”
Jaden tells the two of them, “Come on, you, two, cut it out! Now, let's go see Serena and the others.” Jaden and his two friends walk over to Serena, Rei, Lita, and Mina, who are assembling on the floor of the dueling arena. Jaden asks Serena, “What's up, Serena?”
Serena tells Jaden, happily, “Well, Mina won her fifth victory in a row!”
Jaden tells Mina, “That's so sweet, Mina! Great job!”
Mina tells Jaden, “Thanks a lot, Jaden.” Mina gives Jaden a huge `wink' with her right eye and Jaden gives a nervous look at Mina.
Rei tells Mina, seeing what Mina did, “Mina, can't you cut out trying to get every cut boy that you see?”
Mina tells Rei, with a wide grin, “Can't blame a girl for trying? I mean I'm one of the stunning girls in the whole school.”
Serena tells Mina, with a sly grin on her own, “You wish, Mina!”
Lita asks Jaden and his friends, “Where is that friend of yours, Bastion?”
Syrus replies, “He told us he was going to library to study up.”
Serena then states, “That's funny. Ami went to the library to do the same thing.”
Mina then says, with a sly grin on his lips, “Maybe Bastion and Ami have developed a thing for each other, however.”
Serena tells Mina, “No way, Mina! Ami isn't into boys! She is just too shy!”
Mina tells Serena, “Oh come on, Serena! I mean . . . hello! Both of them are very smart, they use their heads, with Bastion in his dueling and Ami with our battles, and Bastion and Ami both study a lot as well as using mathematics and science in their very lives. They are made for each other.”
Jaden then says, simply, “Well, they are a lot alike.”
Syrus tells Jaden, “I don't know, J'. Ever since what happened between Bastion and Tania back when we were fighting her and those other Shadow Riders, Bastion hasn't shown any interested in girls, real or otherwise.”
Jaden tells Syrus, with a smile, “Maybe meeting Ami was what he needs. Let's leave those two alone for now.”
Syrus tells Jaden, “Okay, Jaden.”
Rei tells Jaden and his friends, “Hey, after classes tomorrow, can you meet us in the woods nearest the Obelisk Blue dorms?”
Jaden tells Rei, “Sure, but what for?”
Lita tells Jaden in reply, “We are going to need to figure out what we need to do to free everyone under Sartorius' control and find a way to stop him. The other girls and I are going to get `acquainted' with where they are all staying and figure where to go from there.”
Tyranno says, with a smile on his lips, “Great idea, soldier. Get a lay of the land and figure out the best strategy to attack your enemy. A basic rule in combat.” Lita nods her head in agreement with Tyranno.
Jaden tells Serena and her three friends, “Don't worry, we'll be there.”
Serena tells Jaden, “Thanks.” Soon after, an image of the prince known as Prince Judai appears behind him, through only Serena sees it. Serena rubs her eyes and looks again, but this time the image is gone.
Mina asks Serena, seeing Serena rub her eyes, “Hey, Serena, is something wrong?”
Serena replies, with a kind smile and a calming sounding tone, “No! Nothing, I just had a piece of dirt in my eye.” However, as Jaden and his two friends walk back to prepare for their next class, Serena thinks in her mind, a bit perplexed, “Who was that behind Jaden? And why did he look so much like him and have my crescent moon sigil on his forehead? I wonder: Was I an only child or did my mom have another kid that I don't remember about . . . yet.”
(Later that afternoon; within the `White Dorm')
In the late afternoon hours, we find Sartorius inside of his room in the `White Dorm' shuffling his cards on the table that he uses and looking on them intently.
Sartorius says to himself, “What the cards told me was true. This girl, Serena Tsukino, represents The Moon card and is the new fourth piece that I need for my plan to make the world see the light come to fruition. However, the cards tell me that Jaden Yuki and Serena Tsukino have some kind of mysterious bond that I can't seem to make out, but it seems to be similar to a bond between brother and sister. The cards also tell me that Serena has a power similar to Jaden's, but different in some way. Well, I need to test her power along with Jaden's.” Just then two cards fall from Sartorius' pile of cards and they reveal themselves to be the upright The Lovers Tarot card and the upright The Tower Tarot card. Sartorius says, his eyes widening, “The cards speak. They tell me that girl represented by The Lovers card, who has a `romantic attachment' to Jaden Yuki, is in Domino City. I must return and make her see the light. Jaden Yuki, your next battle is to come . . .” Soon after, Sartorius gives a wide evil grin at this and returns the cards to his pile of cards, beginning to organize them into a pile, once more.
(That evening)
Serena, in her `royal form' as Princess Serenity, looks around to find that she is in the middle of a garden of mysterious white roses and when she looks up, she is amazed to see the Earth in the sky above her.
Princess Serenity says, amazed, “I've returned home.”
Just then a familiar female voice calls out to our Moon Princess, “That's right, my daughter.” When Princess Serenity turns to the source of the voice, she sees her Lunarian mother, Queen Serenity, walking up to her.
Princess Serenity says, a bit speechless, “Mother . . .”
Queen Serenity tells her daughter, “Welcome home, Serenity.”
Princess Serenity asks Queen Serenity, “Did you bring me here mother?”
Queen Serenity replies, nodding her head, “Yes, I did, my darling daughter. However, you are in your `astral form' or `dream form' while your body peacefully slumbers back on Earth.”
Princess Serenity asks her mother, “Why did you need to talk to me, mother?”
Queen Serenity replies, in a plain tone, “You already know, Serenity. The Princesses of Mars and Pluto have already sensed the evil coming from the location on Earth that you currently reside.”
Princess Serenity tells Queen Serenity, “You mean the `host' of this `Light of Ruin', Sartorius?”
Queen Serenity tells Princess Serenity, “Indeed, Serenity. You see, he seeks to destroy all darkness in the universe and in the universe, there is balance. Light and darkness are the two main elements of life, itself, and when one dies, the other will die with it. If Sartorius succeeds with his mission, all life in the universe will wither away into nothing.”
Princess Serenity says to her mother, “That's why you gave Jaden much of the remaining power in the ruins of the Sliver Alliance and the Moon Kingdom.”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, “Yes, that's correct. He is the warrior in the ancient prophecies of the Neo-Spacians that we have in the Moon Kingdom. Using the powers of darkness, he is among the only ones that can bring balance back to the universe and stop the `Wave of Light' and all of its evil powers. I gave Jaden our power to give him the powers of light to add to his darkness powers within himself and his Duel Monsters deck in order to create a greater power than either light or darkness.”
Princess Serenity says, simply, “The power of Life.”
Queen Serenity tells Princess Serenity, “Yes, Serenity. By combining light and darkness, an ultimate power is form, the power of life itself. And if used to its full potential, the `Wave of Light' does have the slightest chance to stop it. And now, you use weld that power as well.”
Princess Serenity asks, perplexed, “What do you mean mother?”
Just then a male voice calls out, “Your mother means us, your majesty.” Princess Serenity and Queen Serenity look to the source of the voice to see another set of Neo-Spacian monsters exactly like Jaden has. A Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, Neo-Spacian Glow Moss, and a new Spacian that hasn't been seen before. This Neo-Spacian was slightly taller than the tallest human being and was similar to an American bald eagle, but it has fiery red eyes, beautiful golden beak similar to the majestic eagle, instead of being bald, it has a flowing fiery red hair, a rainbow colored body, fiery red colored wings, and bright orange legs similar an eagles, but with five toes with five half-a-foot long angelic white curved claws. The seven Neo-Spacians bow down in respect to the Moon Queen and Moon Princess.
Princess Serenity looks at the Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin and says, “I know you. I saw Jaden play you. You are a Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin.”
The Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin says, in a deep masculine, yet, intelligent tone, “Ah, you must have met my brother, Aquos. He is a member of my kind, the Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphins. My name is Aqueous. It is a pleasure and honor to meet you, your majesty. Now, these are my fellow Neo-Spacian.” Aqueous then points to the other Neo-Spacians, expect for the newest one, and says, “These are my allies: Flare, a Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab, Aerial, a Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, Chons, a Neo-Spacian Dark Panther, Ground, a Neo-Spacian Groun Mole, and Glom, a Neo-Spacian Glow Moss.”
Princess Serenity asks about the new bird-like Neo-Spacian, “What about this beautiful bird-like Neo-Spacian?”
The Neo-Spacian says, in a beautiful female tone, “Greetings, your majesty. I insisted that I introduce myself. I am known as Ishtar and I am a rare breed of Neo-Spacian known as a Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix. My kind is the first of the intelligent Neo-Spacians in our history, but unlike my fellow Spacian, never gained the numbers that they have. We have, what you would call, zero population growth, but we reproduce enough to ensure the continued survival of our species. However, we don't reproduce as much as our life-spans extend a lot longer than my fellow Spacians and we were born by the powers of the heavens itself.”
Aerial says, in a female tone, “Indeed. His kind has greater powers than us other Neo-Spacians and has guarded us for many millennia. ”
Princess Serenity asks, “Why did you wish to meet with me?”
Ishtar replies, in a plain tone, “We are here to give you the power of Neo-Spacian along with the Chosen Duelist, Jaden Yuki. In order to fulfill the prophecy and stop the `Light of Ruin' of destroying all life in the universe, he needs a counterpart: A female with a soul just like his own. A soul devoid of hatred and anger, who cares about others above him or herself, and one who is able to open up to others as well as inspire them. A soul as pure as Jaden Yuki's soul is . . . and you, Princess Serenity, hold that soul. Only you can weld the same powers as Jaden can and aid him in his mission to stop the destruction of the universe. You play an important role in his mission and he needs your help, Princess of the Moon.”
Princess Serenity tells them, “You do not need to say anymore, I will help in any way that I can.”
Aqueous tells Princess Serenity, with a smile, “Thank you, your majesty. We knew that we can count on you. Please help the chosen one, use our power to aid, and save the universe.”
Princess Serenity tells them, with a strong and determined tone, “I promise, Aqueous.” Soon after, the Neo-Spacians glow in a bright light and transform into an entire deck of cards into Princess Serenity's left hand.
Queen Serenity tells Princess Serenity, with a smile, “Thank you, Serenity. Now, I have a gift for you.” Queen Serenity puts her right hand on her daughter's forehead and she begins to glow beautiful silver. Soon after, that silver light is transferred into Princess Serenity and she looks over herself, perplexed. Queen Serenity tells her, “This is the last of the power from the Silver Alliance. Your Duel Monsters' decks are now filled with the power of Life like Jaden's deck. Use this power wisely, my daughter.”
Princess Serenity tells Queen Serenity, “Mother, before I go, I need to ask: Did I have any siblings during the Silver Millennium?”
Queen Serenity takes a deep breath and says, in a plain tone, “I see that your memories are returning to you. To answer your question: You did have a sibling. You had a twin brother and his name was Judai. He was the tsuki-no-ouji and you, two, were very close.”
Princess Serenity asks Queen Serenity, “What happened to him?”
Queen Serenity tells her daughter, in a low tone, “When Queen Beryl attacked the Moon Kingdom, she killed him along with his beloved, another princess from a very powerful kingdom. However, all I can say that he was indeed reborn on Earth like you were, but he hasn't been awakened yet. But I can't tell who he is now or say anything more expect that your long lost brother is closer than you think. However, please don't speak about any of this with the others expect for Luna, Atriums, and Pluto. If that knowledge gets out to the enemy, that knowledge could lead to your brother's destruction.”
Princess Serenity tells Queen Serenity, “I understand, mother. I will try to find him on my own.”
Queen Serenity tells Princess Serenity, “Thank you, Serenity. Take care my daughter, find your brother, keep him safe, and know that my love is always with you.” Queen Serenity then kisses Princess Serenity on the forehead and soon after, the whole area is engulfed in a pure silver light. Now, we find Serena, in a pink nightgown, falling off her bed in Ra Yellow and landing on the ground with a loud `thud'. Serena gets onto her feet, gives a big `yawn', and stretches her arms out.
Serena looks onto the nearby table, sees a few new decks on the table with one of them display the Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix, Ishtar, and exclaims, shocked, “Wow! It wasn't a dream!”
Just then Serena hears Ishtar's voice in her mind say, “Of course, it wasn't a dream, your majesty. And yes, I can communicate telepathically to you! So, you aren't going crazy! Sometimes I wonder what life in this human world of this age has done to you, my dear.” Serena goes over all of the new cards that she had been `given' and looks over every single one of them.
Serena says, with a wide grin, “Wow! I can really build an awesome deck with these cards!” Serena then says, gaining a serious expression, “And something tells me that I will need these cards very soon!” Serena looks at her clock, screams out in shock that it is nearly time for class, and she exclaims, “Ah man! I'm going to be late!” Quickly, she bounds off to get in her Duel Academy Ra Yellow uniform along with her bra and panties, gets her duel disk, and is about to bound out the door, when she goes over to her new cards, puts them in a special pouch in her backpack, saying, “Man. I wouldn't want to forget these.” Serena says, with a giggles, “Man. Rei and Mina are going to have fits about the awesome new cards that mom and the Neo-Spacians gave me.” Serena quickly opens her door, closes it, locks it, and runs towards the main building of Duel Academy on Academy Island.
(Within Domino City; Sometime later)
Within the limits of Domino City, we find a familiar white limo driving down the streets of Domino City and when we look inside, we find none other than the leader of the Society of Light, Sartorius looking outside of his window as he takes a bit of wine from a wine cup.
Sartorius says to himself, “The cards told me that the person that represented The Lovers card is here. Based on what I have heard from Alexis, her name is Blair Flannigan and even through she is still in elementary school, she is an expert duelist. The records that Alexis showed me told me so. She would an excellent addition to the Society and the perfect `tool' to make Jaden Yuki see the light.” Just then Sartorius looks to see Blair Flannigan, age 10, walking down the street wearing a simple black shirt, red jacket similar to the red blazer that she wore during her brief time in Duel Academy, modest jean shorts, black belt across those jeans that held a card pouch for Duel Monsters cards, white socks, and light grey sneakers. Sartorius says, with a smile, “I see that she is indeed have a `crush' on the Chosen Duelist. She is trying to mimic the same blazer that he wears at Duel Academy.” Sartorius tells his driver, “Find the nearest parking space and park as quickly as you can.”
His personal driver says, in a plain tone, “Yes, sir.” The driver quickly finds a place to park the white limo, gets out of the seat, goes over to right side door nearest Sartorius, opens it, and Sartorius steps out of the limo.
Sartorius tells his driver, “I won't be long. Wait here until I return.”
His driver bows in front of Sartorius and replies, “Yes, sir, Sartorius-sama.” Sartorius then heads off to follow and meet our young female dueling prodigy with an evil grin on his lips.
(A short time later; Somewhere else within Domino City)
In the large square with the circular fountain that has the pillar in the middle with the clock on top of the pillar where Yugi and Yami/Atem fought the first duel of the Battle City tournament against the first of the Rare Hunters, the one with the Exodia deck, we find none other than Yugi Moto, age 27, standing in the shadows waiting for his friends to arrive. It has been sometime since he and his friends have been together. Ever since Atem returned to the Spirit World and after high school, Yugi and his friends went their separate ways. Tea has gone on to have an excellent singing and dancing career in the United States as well as winning a few Duel Monsters tournaments in the United States and Japan, Joey has become an excellent duelist, winning tournament after tournament with his wife, Mai Valentine, also becoming a famous female duelist, and Tristan moved on to becoming one of the greatest martial artists and fighters in Japanese history, already he is seventh-degree Black Belt. Duke Devlin and his Dungeon Dice Monsters have become nearly as popular as Duel Monsters, but not becoming the world's top sport. However, he has become a multi-billionaire and through still unmarried, he has many marriage proposals `on his belt' as you can say. Rebecca Hawkins has become one of the worlds' great archeologists with her father and soon after the Pharaoh returned to the spirit world, Rebecca became one of the youngest National Duel Monsters champions in Japan and the United States. Finally, Yugi Moto has grown up since that day, he looks exactly like Atem did when he `took over' his body from him, and has still retained the title of King of Games, the world's greatest duelists, for around ten years since Atem returned to the Spirit World, but he knows that he can't be the King of Games forever. However, he hasn't found anyone that could succeed him until the day that he met a teenage duelist who was late for Seto Kaiba's Duel Academy exams, who that had similar to the same beliefs as him with the `heart of the cards'. That duelist was Jaden Yuki and Yugi knew that he was the duelist that could be his successor. He gave Winged Kuriboh to Jaden because he felt a `connection' between that card and our hero. Soon after, Yugi secretly found out the truth about why the cards all over turned blank for a time through the dangerous Sacred Beast cards. His deck along with Jaden's was among the only ones that weren't affected by the evil of the Sacred Beasts and Yugi was very nervous when he heard about the Shadow Riders and the return of the Shadow Games after ten years. That worry didn't even fade after he had learned their defeat by Jaden Yuki and his friends. How did Yugi find out? Well, let's just that even through Seto Kaiba still wants Yugi's title as well, he and Kaiba have become better friends . . . in a way. But now, there were rumors of organization known as the Society of Light that seems to have the same goal as Marik and his evil half had: World Domination. With students at Duel Academy begin brainwashed in ways that are similar to what Marik did with his Millennium Rod. Yugi feared that a new enemy has arrived to take over the world and he hopes that he can get the old gang's help to stop it by investigating.
Yugi says to himself, sounding exactly like Atem, “After all of these years, I thought that I was done with saving the world, but it looks like that my destiny might be far from finished. Hopefully, with the help of my friends, we can find out what's going on and stop this `Society of Light'. Grandpa told me about Duel Academy's trip to my hometown recently and from what I've heard, there were many students mysterious dressed in white and being lead by a man named Sartorius. I heard that he was a profession dueling manager for duelists like Aster Phoenix, but now, I'm starting to hear rumors about him running a powerful organization as well as rumors that these students were brainwashed by this man.” Just then Yugi spots Blair Flannigan and Sartorius near the center of the square. Yugi moves closer in a slow and careful fashion to make sure that he isn't noticed by either of them or someone will recognize him and gave him away to those two.
On the meanwhile, Blair asks Sartorius, who has just `confronted' her, “Yes, what do you want?”
Sartorius tells Blair, “Hello, my name is Sartorius. I'm a professional dueling manager and I've managed many profession duelists. Have you heard of Aster Phoenix?”
Blair gasps in shock and exclaims, “Oh, yes! I have! He is one of the best duelists that I've seen!” Blair then asks, curiously, “But why did you want to see me?”
Sartorius tells Blair, “Well, lately, I've been going to Duel Academy to get some fresh new faces and find new talent. Soon enough, someone told me about you.”
Blair asks, a bit worriedly and curiously, “What did they say?”
Sartorius tells Blair, “That you were among the greatest dueling talent that they've seen. I've heard of your duel with Jaden Yuki and read your records. I have to say that those are impressive and you have incredible talent. You are truly gifted.”
Blair tells Sartorius, with a weak smile, “Thank you. However, I had to leave Duel Academy because I was too young.”
Sartorius asks Blair, “What if I could change that?”
Blair asks Sartorius, curiously, “You could get me into Duel Academy?”
Sartorius tells Blair, “Indeed, I can.”
Blair asks Sartorius, very suspiciously, “What's the catch?”
Sartorius tells Blair, with a smile, “Ah, I see that you are down to business. All right, there is a favor that I need to ask of you, but why don't we talk about this in my car? I'm sure that we can come to an agreement.”
Blair tells Sartorius, a bit concerned in her tone, “I'm not sure. My parents are already worried about me ever since I sneaked into Duel Academy the first time.”
Sartorius tells Blair, “It is no trouble at all. I can call them and tell them all about this, so, there is no confusion about where you are. However, I'm sure that they would want the best for their dueling prodigy, wouldn't you say?”
Blair tells Sartorius, with a smile, “Well, since you put it that way . . . Sure!” Blair and Sartorius then head in the direction for Sartorius' car while Yugi Moto looks on with intense look similar to Atem's stare on his expression.
Yugi says, “So, that's Sartorius, huh? There is something about this guy that I don't like. Even thought I don't have my Millennium Puzzle and Atem with me, I can sense the evil coming from that person. I fear that girl is walking into a trap, but I can't help her right now. We're in public and `making a scene' might cause her more trouble. I had better lay back and wait for my friends. Something tells me that I'm right and the world is in danger once more.” However, what Yugi didn't know is the spirit of the Pharaoh, Atem, is watching him from a nearby rooftop.
Atem thinks in his mind, “You don't know how right you are, my former Aibou. However, I will be back soon. It will be great to see you and my friends, again. However, we need to be together in order to save the universe from destruction and help the one that can do it. Hopefully, Jaden is holding out until we get there. I just hope that he doesn't have to use Slifer the Sky Dragon that I gave him for his protection until my friends arrive and I am revived. There could lead to more problems than my God Card would solve.”
(Back inside of the `White Dorm'; during the early afternoon hours)
Within the `White Dorm', we find Alexis and Chazz making their way to main hallway of the male quarters of the Obelisk Blue dorm to find Sartorius waiting for the two of them.
Alexis tells Sartorius, “You requested for the two of us, sir?”
Sartorius tells them, “Indeed, I did. I wanted the two of you to meet our newest member.” Just then Blair Flannigan comes out into the open in front of Chazz and Alexis, her body has been aged to that of 15 year old with well-developed breasts, sexy and seductive body, with all of the curves and lines in the right places, and wearing a female version of the white uniform similar to what Alexis is wearing with a duel disk containing a dueling deck attached to her left arm. However, instead of her usual bright attitude, she has a cold and hard look in her eyes and evil grin on her lips.
Chazz asks, a bit perplexed, “And who is this Master Sartorius?”
Blair replies, in a teenage version of her voice, but with a cold and sly tone totally unlike her, “Alexis would remember me.”
Alexis gasps as she recognizes Blair and she asks, surprised, “Blair? Blair Flannigan?”
Blair does a traditional Japanese bow and replies, “That's right, Alexis. Like you, I have seen the light. And as a reward, Sartorius-sama gave me a teenage body so I can join body.”
Alexis asks, a bit perplexed, “How?”
Sartorius tells Alexis, “It was the will of destiny that gave her this new body. I was merely a pawn of destiny's power.”
Chazz asks Sartorius, “Master Sartorius, why did you bring her in?”
Blair tells Chazz, “Master Sartorius desires for me to duel Jaden and bring him into the light.”
Chazz asks Sartorius, “Master Sartorius, why are sending this . . . girl . . . against Jaden? She doesn't have what it takes. Forgive me for questioning you, but why her?”
Alexis retorts, in a serious tone, “Why not? She nearly defeated Jaden once before.”
Sartorius tells Chazz, “I understand your doubt, Chazz. However, as Alexis just said, young Blair, when she was just regular child, nearly defeated Jaden with her deck and now, with an older body and the light of truth within her deck, she will be the tool that will finally bring Jaden Yuki into the light.”
Blair asks Sartorius, in a plain tone and sly grin, “Master Sartorius, may I proceed?”
Sartorius tells Blair, with an evil smile on his lips, “Yes, you may. Bring Jaden Yuki into the light.”
Blair replies, with an evil grin, “It will be my pleasure, Sartorius-sama.” Blair then walks off to find Jaden Yuki as Alexis and Chazz watch her head off.
Sartorius asks Chazz and Alexis, “Chazz, can you and Alexis ensure that nothing interferes with Blair finding Jaden and his friends?”
Chazz says, a bit annoyed in his tone, “Yes, Master Sartorius.” Chazz and Alexis bow in front of Sartorius and the two of them leave to follow Blair, making sure she finds her target. Sartorius goes back to his cards on his table, shuffles them around, and then two cards fall from the table, landing face-up.
Sartorius thinks in his mind, “Interesting. The cards wish to reveal something to me.” Sartorius turns the two cards up, finds that they are The Lovers card and The Moon card face-up, and Sartorius thinks, “I see. So, Blair's opponent won't be Jaden, after all. It will be the girl that represents The Moon, Serena Tsukino, who will battle Blair. This is just perfect. This will be Serena's first test. It is time for her to prove me right and show that she has the same powers that Jaden has.”
(Somewhere else within Duel Academy's ground; A short time soon after)
Now, we are outdoors area near the woods within Duel Academy Island and we focus on two female figures wearing female Obelisk Blue uniforms, which is quite rare since the majority of the Obelisk Blue are wearing white since their `whitening' by Sartorius and his brainwashed `servant' and first `convert', Chazz Princeton. One of the girls has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and the other has black hair with light brown eyes with both of them being sixteen years of age apiece. They are Jasmine and Mindy, Alexis' best friends, and two of the only students in Obelisk Blue other than Alexis' brother, Atticus Rhodes, that haven't been brainwashed by Sartorius' power through Chazz. With more students being `converted', Jasmine and Mindy are worried about what's going to happen to the school and to their best friend.
Mindy, the girl with the black hair, tells Jasmine, the girl with the dark brown hair, “It hasn't been the same since Alexis joined them.”
Jasmine exclaims, angrily, “Yeah, that rotten Chazz brainwashed her with some weirdo magic and now, she is `servant' of this Sartorius jerk! And to make things worse, nearly the rest of the Blue dorm is with them!”
Mindy asks Jasmine, worriedly, “What are we going to do? They already are starting to brainwash the member of the Ra Yellow dorm. What's going to happen?”
Jasmine tells Mindy, “I wish that I knew, Mindy. Ms. Fontaine hasn't been brainwashed, thank goodness, but she is practically powerless to help us. And if we aren't careful, we will be next since we are the last of the Obelisk Blue dorm with Atticus. If we get brainwashed, then there is nothing left of our dorm.”
Mindy says, a bit fearful, “Don't even say that. Wearing those white uniforms? Yuck! White is so not my color.” Mindy then asks, solemnly, “Isn't there anything we can do to help?”
Jasmine tells Mindy, solemnly, “I'm not sure, Mindy. Jaden and his friends are trying to hold Sartorius back, but no matter how many victories Jaden wins, it seems that Sartorius is still winning. Soon, the whole school will be on his side.”
Mindy exclaims, worriedly, “Oh no!” Just then the two of them hear rustling in the bushes and Mindy asks, fearfully, “What was that?”
Jasmine tells Mindy, “Oh, it is just the wind.” However, just then they see three figures quickly bounding from tree branch to branch, deeper into the woods.
Mindy asks Jasmine, a bit worriedly and sarcastically, “Is that the wind?”
Jasmine tells Mindy, “No, but I'm going to find out what!” Jasmine then runs deep into the woods while Mindy races off after her.
Mindy exclaims, “Hey, wait for me!” Soon enough, Mindy catches up with Jasmine and the two of them head deeper into the woods to find what or who those figures are.
(Deep within the wooded areas of Academy Island; A bit later into the afternoon)
Deep inside of the woods within Academy Island, we find Jaden, Bastion, Tyranno, and Syrus with Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Pluto, Tuxedo Mask, Luna, and Atriums deep inside of the woods. Soon after, the three figures that Jasmine and Mindy saw earlier jump down from treetops and they are revealed to be Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Uranus, and Super Sailor Neptune.
Sailor Neptune tells everyone, “Sorry that Uranus and I are late. Our classes ran a bit longer today than we thought.”
Sailor Moon asks them, “No problem. Did you find Hotaru? Or at least a way in?”
Sailor Uranus shakes her head and says, in her usual plain and serious tone, “Neither. This Sartorius guy has those two dorms sealed tight with security guards made from the student body posted in every entrance.”
Syrus says, simply, “He is treating the Blue dorms like they were fortresses.”
Bastion tells Syrus, “And why not, Syrus? They are the best made dorms in all of Academy Island and they are built to last. And if used in a certain way, they make excellent fortresses.”
Sailor Mercury says, nodding her head in agreement, “Bastion's right. We're not going to sneak in to stop Sartorius. And busting in is out of the question because we don't want to make a commotion or for any innocent people to get hurt. Remember, those students are like what I was when under Sartorius' control, they definitely don't know what they are doing.”
Sailor Jupiter slams her fists together and exclaims, annoyed, “Man! I hate this! Just moving around and trying to figure a way to stop him while he continues to brainwash more and more people for his sick plans.”
Tyranno tells Sailor Jupiter, “I know how you feel, ma'am, but one of the rules of combat is to figure good plan of attack before matching into battle. Without a good plan, we are more or less sunk.”
Sailor Jupiter tells Tyranno, “Yeah, you are right. I just feel so helpless with Hotaru in his clutches.”
Soon after, Winged Kuriboh's spirit appears besides Jaden, Jaden looks at his `spirit partner, and asks, mentally, “What do you think Winged Kuriboh?” Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Uranus are surprised to see Winged Kuriboh through Sailor Pluto, who also sees Winged Kuriboh, isn't surprised at all.
Sailor Moon points to Winged Kuriboh and asks Jaden, “Hey, Jaden, what is that?”
Sailor Venus asks Sailor Moon, “What is what Sailor Moon?”
Sailor Moon asks Sailor Venus, “Don't you see that Winged Kuriboh by Jaden's head?”
Sailor Mercury asks Sailor Moon, “Are you sure that you aren't seeing things, Sailor Moon?”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Mercury, “I don't think she is because I see it, too.”
Sailor Uranus says, surprised tone in her voice, which is a rarity, “Same here.”
Jaden asks the three Sailor Senshi, “Huh? You, girls, can see Duel Monster spirits like I can?”
Sailor Jupiter asks, “What are Duel Monster spirits?”
Sailor Pluto replies, “Duel Monster spirits are real-life incarnations of Duel Monsters also known as Shadow Creatures. They live within a `spirit world or worlds' that's slightly out of phase with our world, but they can easily cross over from their world to ours. However, they can only come a `spirit or astral form' and they usually can't harm anyone, but the majority of `Duel Spirits' as they are also called are quite peaceful, through there are exceptions to this `rule'. They are unusually unseen expect to a certain group of individuals. They either have to have a powerful spiritual awareness or connection to the world of the spirits in the universe or they have deep connection to the ancient Shadow Games or the modern-day incarnation of them: Duel Monsters. As you should already figured out, I have the ability to see Duel Monster spirits because of my training as Guardian of the Gates of Time. So, I can see the Winged Kuriboh besides our young `Chosen One'.”
Sailor Neptune asks Sailor Pluto, “How do you know about this?”
Luna replies, “The knowledge of Shadow Creatures and their homes has been around for many years even before the Pharaoh Atem sealed the evil god, Zorc, away. It has even been known in the Moon Kingdom.”
Sailor Mercury then asks, “Okay, but how can Serena, Rei, and Amara see them and we can't?”
Sailor Pluto replies, “That's because Rei and Amara have powerful spiritual awareness and our princess has a deep love for the game of Duel Monsters as well as a deep bond with it. These are the reasons that they can see Duel Spirits like Jaden can and you can't.”
Sailor Jupiter states, excitedly, “That's right! Rei is a miko and Amara has some kind of spiritual awareness of her own!”
Sailor Venus exclaims, annoyed, “But why can't I see Duel Spirits and Serena can?! I love Duel Monsters as much as she does!”
Atriums says in reply, “I'm not sure how to answer that Mina. The ability to see Duel Spirits is a rare gift that not just anyone can have and I'm not sure how to explain why Serena has it or you don't.”
Sailor Mars asks, in a serious tone, “I wonder if this ability will help us in the future. Do you think so Trista?”
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Mars, “It may not seem like it at first, but this gift will indeed aid us in the future.” Winged Kuriboh flies over to Sailor Moon and happily chirps around her causing her to giggle.
Sailor Moon says, with an excited tone, “Well, I think this is great. Able to see real-life cuties like this one is so awesome!”
Luna tells Sailor Moon, “Serena, this ability is not to be taken lightly! It is a rare gift and you should appreciate it!”
Sailor Moon tells Luna, in an annoyed tone, “Yeah! I know! I know!”
Jaden tells Luna, in his usual manner and tone, “Come on, don't give her a hard time! Let Sailor Moon enjoy this!”
Bastion tells Jaden, “Actually, Jaden, it is a good idea to get back to our dormitories and rest. We are going to need our energy for tomorrow.”
Sailor Mercury nods her head and says, “Yes, that's a good idea. If we are going to figure a way to save Hotaru and stop Sartorius, we are going to need plenty of rest.” Soon after, Tuxedo Mask transforms back into Darien and the Sailor Senshi reverse their transformations to turn back into Serena, Ami, Rei, Lita, Mina, Amara, Michelle, and Trista. However, what they didn't know is that Mindy and Jasmine watched the whole thing from a nearby bushes.
Mindy whispers to Jasmine, “Did you see that?”
Jasmine tells Mindy, in the same whispering tone, “No kidding, Jasmine. These new teachers, Darien Shields, Trista Meiou, Amara Ten'ou, and Michelle Kaiou, are Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune of the Sailor Scouts of Juuban along with that hunky Tuxedo Mask, and the new students, Serena, Ami, Rei, Lita, and Mina, are Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. We have actual have super-heroes in our school.”
Mindy says, amazed and in a whisper, “This is so awesome.”
Jasmine then says, whispering, “But we had better get out of here before they find us.” Jasmine and Mindy slowly moves their heads out of the bushes while moving back to start to leave, but Mindy steps on a twig and snaps it in half causing a sound loud enough for Amara, Lita, and Rei to hear with their good and focused ears.
Amara looks to where Mindy and Jasmine are and exclaims, “We're not alone! There is someone in those bushes!”
Everyone else, minus Trista, gasps and Serena asks Amara, “Are you sure?” Amara nods her head to answer Serena's question and everyone focus their attention towards the bushes that Mindy and Jasmine are in.
Lita goes over to the bushes and exclaims, in a serious tone, “All right, come out of there or we'll coming in!”
Jasmine and Mindy stand straight up in perfect view of everyone, hold up their hands, and exclaim in unison, panic in their voice, “We surrender!”
Jaden asks, quite surprised, “Mindy? Jasmine?”
Michelle turns his head towards Jaden and asks him, “Friends of yours?”
Jaden nods his head and replies, “Actually, they are Alexis' best friends. Their names are Mindy and Jasmine and they are the only members of Obelisk Blue that haven't been brainwashed by Sartorius last time that I checked.”
Rei asks, in a serious tone, “How can you be sure that they aren't brainwashed now?”
Jasmine roars out, angrily, “Hey, there is no way that we would work for that jerk who brainwashed our best friend!”
Mindy then says, in her serious tone, “Besides, white is so not my color.”
Tyranno says, in a plain tone, “They're not brainwashed soldiers. I haven't been hear long, but I've been here enough to know that.”
Syrus, Bastion, and Jaden nod their heads in agreement with Tyranno and Syrus says, simply, “I agree.”
Jaden asks the two of them, “What are you, two, doing here?”
Jasmine says, “We just had to get out of that awful place that was once our dorm. All of our friends in there, including Alexis, are just like brainwashed robots, exactly like Atticus said, and they keep talking about `seeing the light' and such. It was giving me and Mindy a headache. We didn't know what to do and we're not sure it is safe to stay there.”
Tyranno tells Jasmine, “No way, it isn't ma'am. You have to high-tail it out of there before you end up like Alexis. Until we figure out a way to stop Sartorius, you aren't safe there.”
Bastion tells the two girls, “Plus, you had better get Atticus out of there, too. He might be the key to saving Alexis.”
Mina asks Bastion, “Who is Atticus?”
Syrus tells Mina, “Atticus Rhodes, Alexis' older brother. The two of them share a powerful brother and sister bond and he is the only male student in Obelisk Blue that we know that hasn't been brainwashed by Sartorius last time that I checked.”
Mindy says, “Last time, we were there, Atticus was just fine. Atticus is staying within his room inside of the `White Dorm' and avoiding any duels with `White Students' at all costs.”
Jaden tells the two girls, “Well, it is for the best that you get him out of there. If he is brainwashed, any hope of getting Alexis back might be gone.”
Jasmine tells Jaden, “Good idea. But where will we go?”
Mindy tells Jasmine, “Right now . . . Anywhere, but there.”
Amara asks the two girls, seriously, “How much did you see about what just happened?”
Mindy replies, nervously, “We didn't mean to find out your secret identities. We just heard rustling in the bushes and three figure just `fly' into the woods. Jasmine and I can to investigate and well . . . we found all of you.”
Michelle says, in her usual manner, “They must have seen Lita, you, and I go through the woods, Amara.”
Amara asks, a bit perplexed, “But how they see us more that fast?”
Mina shrugs her shoulders and says, “I don't know, but does it really matter now? They know who we are.”
Jaden tells the two girls, “Which is why you have to get out of `White Dorms' as soon as you can. You have to promise us that you won't say a single word about what you just saw.”
Mina then adds, “On your honor as duelists and Duel Academy students.”
Jasmine tells them, with a smile, “Sure!”
Mindy nods her head in agreement and replies, with a smile and excited tone, “Same here. But can you tell us how you made those cats talk? It was so awesome.”
Atriums sweatdrop and says, “Well, I think that we had found Duel Academy's version of Mina.”
Mina yells at Atriums, annoyed, “What's that supposed to mean?!”
Just then Rei sense a negative energy aura and says, seriously, “We've got more company and it isn't the pleasant kind.” Rei then looks to her left and everyone else does the same to see the new teenage Blair come out of the shadows of the woods into the clearing.
Tyranno says, annoyed, “Oh, great. Another brainwashed member of Sartorius' group.”
Syrus says, beginning to recognize Blair, “Hey, that girl looks familiar to me.”
Jaden nods his head in agreement and says, “Yeah, she does.”
Blair then says, in a cold tone and sly grin, “Don't you recognize me, Jaden-sempai? I know that I look different, but you should remember me. Remember that transfer student to Duel Academy last year that was an elementary school girl?”
Jaden and Syrus gasp in shock and Jaden exclaims, stunned, “Blair?! Blair Flannigan?”
Tyranno asks Jaden, “Who?” Syrus and Jaden quickly explain about Blair and what happened last year, much to amazement of the others.
Bastion says, shocked, “Hold on! If that's Blair, she should only be ten years old at the most! And that girl looks to be fifteen years old!”
Ami tells Bastion, “Remember when you last saw Hotaru? She looked one year older than she truly is.”
Tyranno then says, in a serious tone, “Then he must have done to her what they did to your friend.”
Blair says, in a cold tone and sly grin, “Yes, Master Sartorius used his powers to give me this new body and enter Duel Academy. Now, I will do my duty and begin Jaden Yuki into the light.”
Jaden tells Blair, “Blair, you have got to wake up! Sartorius has brainwashed you! He doesn't care about you! He wants to use you to destroy the whole universe!”
Blair replies, still with the cold tone and sly grin, “I'm not surprised that you don't see the truth, Jaden-sempai. Sartorius will save the world by destroying all darkness in the universe. Now, please come with me, you love doing good for the universe.”
Jaden roars out, in a serious tone, “He isn't doing good for the universe, Blair! Don't you see that he is just using you?”
Just then Serena hears Ishtar's, the Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix's, voice from her dueling deck say in her mind, “You know there is only one way to free this innocent from the control of the `Light of Ruin's' control, Princess of the Lunarian Kingdom!” Serena nods her head, goes over to a nearby set of bushes, takes out a duel disk, and inserts her newest dueling deck inside.
Lita asks Serena, “Serena, what are you doing?”
Serena activates her duel disk, it displays 4000 life-points, and says, “The only one to get through to Jaden's friend is the way that he freed Ami. By dueling her.”
Rei tells Serena, “Hey, Meatball Head, if you lose, you might become brainwashed like she is already! We can't afford to lose you or the Silver Crystal!”
Serena tells Rei, in a confident tone not seen in her before, “Don't worry, I don't intend to lose today.” Everyone else, expect for Trista and Blair, is surprised by Serena's confident tone as she steps up to face Blair. Serena tells Blair, “I challenge you to a duel, Blair! I don't want to fight you, but I see that it is the only choice to bring you back from this evil.”
Blair activates her own duel disk, it displays 4000 life-points, and she replies, in a cold tone, “As you wish. Master Sartorius will be pleased to bring you into the light along with Jaden Yuki.”
Serena tells Blair, “We'll see about that!” Both duelists then draw five cards from their respective decks.
Syrus says, “I hope she knows what she is doing.”
Tyranno tells Syrus, “You and me both, soldier.”
Lita nods her head in agreement and replies, “Ditto.”
Serena and Blair yell out in unison, “Let's duel!”
Starting Scores:
Serena: 4000
Blair: 4000
(Classic Yu-Gi-Oh GX dueling music starts)
Blair draws one card from her deck and says, plainly, “I will go first.” Blair looks at her hand, puts one card on her duel disk, and states, “I play Maiden in Love in attack mode.” Soon after, Maiden in Love (400/800) appears on the field in attack mode.
Syrus says, worriedly, “Oh boy. That's Blair's classic monster.”
Blair then puts two cards in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk and states, “I place two cards face-down and end my turn.”
Serena tells Blair, as she draws one card from her deck, “My move.” Serena looks at her hand, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and exclaims, “I play Polymerization! This card allows me to summon a fusion monster as long as send the fusion material monsters from my hand or field to the grave!” Serena then displays one Elemental Hero Clayman (800/2000) and one Elemental Hero Sparkman (1600/1400) card and exclaims, “I will fuse Elemental Heroes Clayman and Sparkman to summon my big bad Elemental Hero Thunder Giant to the field!”
Jaden, Syrus, Bastion, Tyranno, Jasmine, and Mindy are shocked by this and Syrus asks, a bit stunned, “She's got Elemental Heroes, too?!” Soon after, the two said monster appear on the field, go into a fusion vortex as Serena discards the two monsters card to the grave, takes one fusion monster card from her fusion deck, puts it on her duel disk, and Elemental Hero Thunder Giant (2400/1500) appears on the field in attack mode.
Serena then tells Blair, “Now, Thunder Giant can automatically destroy one monster on your side of the field with less original attack points than its own! And guess who's got to go?”
Blair exclaims, knowing the answer, “Oh no!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Thunder Giant fires a blast of electrical energy from its right palm that destroys Blair's Maiden in Love without much effort.
Serena puts another card on her duel disk and exclaims, “Next, I summon my Etoile Cyber to the field in attack mode!” Soon after, Etoile Cyber (1200/1600) appears on the field in attack mode.
Bastion says, in his logical tone, “Ah, I see that she is trying for a `One Turn Kill'. Thanks to Etoile Cyber's special ability, when she attacks an opponent directly, her attack power increase by 500 more attack points.”
Ami states, agreeing with Bastion, “Which would make Etoile Cyber's attack power at seventeen hundred and with Thunder Giant's twenty-four hundred, Serena would do forty-one hundred points of damage, one hundred more than her life-points.”
Mina exclaims, excitedly, “All right! She's going to win this battle with one turn!”
Ami tells Mina, in a serious tone, “Don't be so sure.”
Bastion nods his head in agreement and states, “Yes, Mina. Don't forget Blair's two face-down cards. I'm sure one of them is a trap.”
Serena then thinks in her mind, “Ami and Bastion have got a point, but I can't miss this chance!” Serena calls out, “Thunder Giant, give this a girl a shock to her system! Molten Thunder!” Elemental Hero Thunder Giant fires a blast of electrical power from its hands at Blair.
Blair shouts out, in a serious tone, “Not so fast! Draining Shield!” Blair's face-down card is revealed to be the Draining Shield trap card and a shield surrounds Blair that negates Thunder Giant's attack. Blair tells Serena, with an evil grin, “Not only does this card negate your attack, but it gives me life-points to your Thunder Giant's attack points. Thanks for twenty-four hundred more life-points.” Blair's life-points then increase by 2400 more, thanks to her Draining Shield trap.
Serena calls out, “But I'm not done, yet. Etoile Cyber, attack her directly! And thanks to her special ability, she gains 500 more attack points when she attacks someone directly!” Etoile Cyber rushes forward, her stats increase to 1700/1600, she spins around, and gives one powerful kick to Blair's right shoulder as she loses 1700 life-points.
Blair states, in an evil sly tone, “Thank you. You've allowed me to activate my Damage Consider trap!” Blair's other face-down card is revealed to be the Damage Consider trap card and she says, explaining, “This trap allows me to summon a monster from my deck with the same or less attack points as the damage you gave to my life-points.” Blair goes through her deck, takes one card out, puts her deck back into her duel disk, puts the card on her duel disk, and exclaims, “Now, I summon another Maiden in Love!” Soon after, another Maiden in Love (400/800) appears on the field in attack mode.
Lita asks, perplexed, “Huh? Why did she summon that monster?”
Amara says, in a plain tone, “She's up to something.”
Serena puts two cards in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk and states, “Okay, I place these face-downs and end my turn!”
Current Score:
Serena: 4000
Blair: 4700
Blair draws another card from her deck, puts it into the spell/trap slots, and states, “Now, I play my Pot of Greed! This spell allows me to draw two more cards from my deck!” Blair draws two more cards from her deck, gives a wide evil grin, takes one card from her hand, shows it to be a spell card with a picture of Maiden in Love in a white light, and exclaims, “Next, I play this! My White Maiden's Light spell!”
Serena asks, perplexed, “What does that do?”
Blair replies, in a sly tone as she puts the card in the spell/trap slots, “Simple! This card allows me to sacrifice my Maiden in Love to summon this!” Just then Maiden in Love in bathed in white light as she is sent to the graveyard while Blair puts another card on her duel disk and calls out, “My White Love Maiden in attack mode!” To replace Maiden in Love, a beautiful young adult woman version of her appears with deep blue eyes, beautiful red lipstick, and her dress in purely white. Plus, the gang sees that she is a level seven monster with stats of 2400/1800! Blair then says, “Now, it is time for her special ability.”
Syrus says, worriedly, “Uh oh. Something tells me that we aren't going to like this.”
Blair then calls out, “Now, go, Maiden: Siren's Song!” Just then White Love Maiden begins to sing a beautiful song at Elemental Hero Thunder Giant causing him to blush and start to get woozy.
Serena asks, confused, “What's happening to my Thunder Giant?”
Blair tells Serena, “He has become the unfortunate victim of my Maiden's song. And like what happens in the myth of what happens to Greek sailors when they hear the songs of the Sirens, my Maiden sends your Giant off to an early grave. Bye.” Just then a chasm opens up below Thunder Giant and the huge monster is swallowed by the chasm, destroying it.
Tyranno says, worriedly, “Oh boy. Those goes a vital part of her frontline.”
Blair tells Serena, “Now, it gets worse. For this one turn, your destroyed monster's attack points are added on to my Maiden's attack power.” Soon after, White Love Maiden's stats increase from 2400/1800 to 4800/1800!
Mina exclaims, worriedly, “Her attack points totally doubled in power!”
Rei tells Mina, drolly, “We can see that Mina!”
Blair calls out, “Now, my Maiden, attack her Etoile Cyber with White Love Chorus!” Blair's monster launches a wave of musical notes at Etoile Cyber with her voice and destroys it with a huge explosion. Blair then says, with a sly smirk, “That will take care of most of your life-points and soon, you will join us in the Society of Light.”
However, when the smoke clears, Serena's life-points only register that she lost only 360 life-points and Serena says, with a sly grin, “Don't count on it.”
Blair exclaims, shocked, “Hey, what's going on here?!”
Serena points to a hologram of the trap card Reduction Barrier and says, “This is what, Blair! I used my Reduction Barrier trap to reduce my damage to only 10 percent of what I would have gotten! So, I only lost three hundred and sixty life-points instead of thirty-six hundred.”
Jaden tells Serena, excitedly, “Good move, Serena!”
Darien tells Serena, happily, “Good job, Sere'!”
Bastion says, with a smile, “I've got to say that she is good. I wasn't expected that.”
Rei says, “I'm surprised that Meatball Head can actually do correct math.”
Luna nods her head and says, “Indeed.”
Serena yells at Rei and Luna, “No help from the `Peanut Gallery', please!” Serena then calls out, “Next, I reveal my other trap! Hero Signal!” Serena's other face-down is revealed to be Hero Signal. Serena tells Blair, “This trap card allows me to summon a monster with `Elemental Hero' in its name from my deck to the field when one of my monsters are destroyed as long as it is level four or below.” Soon after, one card comes out of Serena's deck, she puts into her hand, and says, “However, I'm going to summon a new breed of Elemental Heroes now.”
Syrus asks, perplexed, “What does she mean by that?”
Jaden replies, just as confused, “I wish that I knew, Syi.”
Bastion tells his friends, “Don't look at me.”
Serena puts the card on her duel disk and exclaims, “Meet my Elemental Hero Cosmic Venus in attack mode!” Soon after, a hologram of monster that looks similar to Sailor Venus appears in front of Serena. However, this Sailor Venus `look-a-like' looks similar to Sailor Venus in her `classic uniform' with a silver bodysuit, bright orange lipstick on her lips, silver bow in the rear of her scalp, and silver high-heeled shoes. This new monster is a level four monster and has stats of 1500/1500!
Mina asks, confused, “What the?! When were there Duel Monster cards made of us?”
Trista says, with a smile, “I believe I know where those cards came from.”
Blair asks, perplexed and serious tone in her voice, “Hey, I never heard of that monster!”
Serena tells Blair, with a sly smile, “Let's just say that they are the new heroes or should I say, heroines, on the block. Meet my Cosmic Heroes and let's just say that they are more than pretty faces.”
Blair puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, “This will end my turn!”
Current Score:
Serena: 3640
Blair: 4700
Serena draws one card from her deck, smiles, displays it to be a spell card with a picture of the Golden Crystal, and exclaims, “Now, I play this! My Golden Crystal spell!”
Blair asks, confused, “What does that do?!”
Serena replies, with a smile, “Simple. You can say my Cosmic Heroes are also `level monsters' as well as Elemental Heroes, but not in the usual sense. They have three different `levels': Cosmic, Star, and Eternal. With this card, when I have an Elemental Hero with the word `Cosmic' in his or her name, I can sacrifice her to summon the next level from my deck. Serena puts the card into the spell/trap slots, Elemental Hero Cosmic Venus is bathed in golden light as it is sent to the graveyard, Serena takes another card from her deck, puts it onto her duel disk, and shouts out, “Now, meet my Elemental Hero Star Venus in attack mode.” To replace her former monster, a new monster that looks similar to Super Sailor Venus appears in front of Serena, expect this one has a golden bow in the rear of her scalp, ruby red lipstick on her lips, silver bodysuit, golden bow on the rear of her orange mini-skirt, and golden high-heeled shoes. This new monster is a level six monster with 2400/2400 stats! Serena then calls out, “Now, I activate her special effect! Go, Venus, Love Circle Encircle!” Just then Elemental Hero Star Venus leaps into the air and she creates an energy heart chain that wraps around White Love Maiden, entrapping her.
Blair calls out, shocked, “What's going on?! What did you do to my Maiden?”
Serena tells Blair, “Once during every one of my turns, my Elemental Hero Star Venus can reduce the attack points of one of your monsters by 500 and this effect lasts for the duration of the turn!” Soon after, White Love Maiden's stats go down from 2400/1800 to 1900/1800, thanks to Elemental Hero Star Venus' special effect.
Blair exclaims, stunned, “Oh no!”
Serena shouts out, “And now, I dedicate this attack to my best friend who really knows what love is all about! Mina! Venus, blast that overgrown doll with Love and Beauty Shock!” Elemental Hero Star Venus then performs Super Sailor Venus' special attack through her energy hearts were sparkling ruby red in color. The attack hits White Love Maiden, destroying her, and costing Blair 500 life-points.
Mina exclaims, excitedly, “I love the dedication, Serena! Way to go!”
Blair calls out, in a serious tone, “This isn't over! I reveal my Soul Rope trap!” Blair's face-down card is revealed to be the trap card known as Soul Rope. Blair then says, “This trap costs me one thousand life-points, but it will allow me to summon any level four or below monster from my deck whenever one of my monsters are destroyed.” Blair goes through her deck, takes out one card, puts her deck back into her duel disk, slaps the card on the duel disk, and calls out, “Now, I call my Kaiser Sea Horse to the field!” After that, Kaiser Sea Horse (1750/1600) appears on the field in attack mode to replace the destroyed White Love Maiden.
Tyranno says, in a serious tone, “That's a bit of a waste. Losing one thousand life-points for that monster and putting it in attack mode for that matter.”
Bastion tells Tyranno, in his logical tone, “Don't be so sure, Hassleberry. Kaiser Sea Horse's special ability is when you summon a Light attribute monster, the monster card counts as two sacrifices instead of one.”
Tyranno exclaims, knowing what Bastion is implying, “Sam hill! She is going to use that monster to summon a much more powerful one to her front line!”
Current Scores:
Serena: 3640
Blair: 3200
Blair draws one card from her deck and says, with a sly smirk, “Exactly. Now, I sacrifice my Kaiser Sea Horse and use its special ability!” Kaiser Sea Horse vanishes in a bright light as it is sent to the graveyard, Blair puts another card on her duel disk, and exclaims, “Now, meet one of my most powerful monsters! My White Light Phoenix in attack mode!” Just then a huge phoenix the size of Slifer Red dorms in height with pink eyes, yellow beak, and totally white feathered body appears on the field. The new monster, White Light Phoenix, is an eight star monster with 3000/2000 stats!
Rei exclaims, shocked, “That bird is going to burn Serena's new warrior away!”
Blair points to Serena's Elemental Hero Star Venus and exclaims, “That's the point! Phoenix, destroy her Venus with White Flare Assault!” Blair's monster launches a wave of white flame energy and Elemental Hero Star Venus screams as she is destroyed, reducing Serena's life-points by 600.
Mina says, pouting, “Ah, man! I really like that card!”
Lita tells Mina, “Mina, there are more important things to worry about!”
Serena then calls out, “My Venus doesn't go the graveyard without leaving something behind! When she is destroyed, I can summon two Cupid Tokens in defense mode to take her place.” Two spheres of light appears on the field and transform into two cute cupids with blond hair and blue, little white wings, and little bow, arrow, and arrow quiver on his back. These Cupid Tokens are level four monsters with 0/0 stats.
Mindy says, amazed, “Wow! They are so cute!”
Blair tells Serena, “Like I care! Your move!”
Current Score:
Serena: 3040
Blair: 3200
Serena draws another card from her deck, puts the card in the spell/trap slots, and states, “Now, I play my Graceful Charity spell! I draw three cards from my deck and discard two from my hand!” Serena draws three cards, looks to see that they are Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000), Elemental Hero Bladedge (2600/1800), and Card of Sanctity spell card. Serena thinks in her mind, “I need more cards in my hand and I know that these two will come in handy later.” Serena discards his Elemental Hero Neos and Elemental Hero Bladedge monster cards, puts the Card of Sanctity card in the spell/trap slots, and says, “Next, I play Card of Sanctity! Now, both of us draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists then draw from their decks until they have six cards in their hands. Serena then puts one card on her duel disk and exclaims, “Now, I summon my Cyber Petite Angel to the field!” Soon after, Cyber Petite Angel (300/200) appears on the field in attack mode.
Bastion tells his friends and allies, “I think I know what she is planning. I believe that a Cyber Angel is about to appear.”
Serena takes one card from her deck, adds it to her hand, and says, “Thanks to her special ability, I can put my Machine Angel Ritual into my hand.” Serena then puts the card that she mentioned into the spell/trap slots and shouts, “Next, I play my Machine Angel Ritual and sacrifice my two Cupid Tokens and my Cyber Petite Angel to summon this!” The three monsters vanish from the field in bright lights as Serena puts another card on her duel disk and she calls out, “Now, I call my Cyber Angel Serenity to the field!”
Everyone gasps in shock and Jasmine asks, perplexed, “Who?!” Just then another humanoid female looking similar to Eternal Sailor Moon, expect her hair is pure silver, the spherical jewels in her hair are deep cerulean blue, beautiful golden colored lips with ruby red eyes, her fuku is pure silver in color, her mini-skirt has tutu neatly and perfectly attached to it, and she has six huge white fluffy angel wings coming out of her back with a huge pearly white staff in her hand that has silver eight-pointed star crystal attached to the top of the staff. This new monster is a level ten monster with 3000/3000 stats.
Serena then says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Now, I play my Kishido Spirit! This Continuous Spell card allows my monsters to attack your monsters with the same attack points and not get destroyed!” Serena then commands, “Now, my Cyber Angel, destroy her Phoenix with Silver Star Blast!” Cyber Angel Serenity fires a silver energy beam filled with energy stars at the Phoenix and destroys it without being destroyed herself, thanks to the Kishido Spirit Continuous Spell card.
Blair calls out, “Now, you activated my Phoenix's special effect! When it is destroyed, once per turn, it can automatically revive itself!” Soon after, the ashes of the destroyed monster rise up, reform, and White Light Phoenix (3000/2000) returns to the field in attack mode.
Serena puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, “Now, I place two cards face-down and end my turn!”
Blair draws one card from her deck, gives an evil sly smile, and says, “You have played well, Serena, but destiny is on my side. The true meaning of love is helping the whole world see the light and this card will give me my victory.” Blair puts another card from her hand into the spell/trap slots and calls out, “But first, I play my Oozaki spell! This card automatically takes 800 of your life-points away!” Just then Serena screams out as she is blasted by a huge explosion around her, taking 800 of life-points away.
Darien calls out, worriedly, “Serena!”
Blair puts another card into the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Next, I play this! My White Aurora Light spell! This card cuts my life-points in half, but for this turn, my Phoenix's attack and defense points are doubled!” Just then White Light Phoenix's stats increase from 3000/2000 to 6000/4000 as Blair's life-points are cut in half.
Ami says, worriedly, “Oh no! That monster has enough power to wipe Serena's monster and her life-points!”
Blair calls out, as she puts another card into the spell/trap slots, “Finally, the card that will give me victory! White Veil! I told you it was only a matter of time!”
Bastion calls out, shocked, “Great Scott! That Equip Spell will destroy Serena's spell and trap as soon as her monster attacks!” Blair's White Light Phoenix gives a bright white glow as it is equipped with White Veil.
Blair then shouts out, “Now, Phoenix, destroy her monster and the rest of her life-points! Show her the light with White Illuminating Flare!” White Light Phoenix attacks, Serena's spell card and two face-down cards are destroyed by White Veil, and Blair's monster destroys Cyber Angel Serenity with a huge blast of white energy covering Serena in smoke.
Jaden says, in disbelief, “Oh no! This can't be! She . . . She lost!” However, when the smoke clears, Serena gives a wide sly grin as her life-point didn't go down one point from the attack.
Bastion calls out, shocked, “She didn't lose a single life-point! She's still in the game!”
Blair asks, in disbelief, “But how?!”
Serena tells Blair, with a sly grin, “My Cyber Angel Serenity, that's how! Thanks to her special ability, of course! When she is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, I can reduce damage from one of your attacks to zero . . . even the one that you just launched! So, your attack failed! Plus, when Cyber Angel Serenity is sent to the grave, I can summon these! My Princess Tokens!” Soon after, two holograms of beings that look exactly like Princess Serenity appear on the field in defense mode. The `Princess Tokens' are level four monsters with 500/500 stats. Serena then points below her and says, “Plus, take a look at this.” When Blair looks behind the Princess Tokens, there were two face-down cards, much to her shock.
Blair says, surprised, “Wait! My Sacred White Veil should have destroyed all your spell and trap cards!”
Serena takes a card from her graveyard, displays a Calling Magic spell card in her hand, and says, “Not exactly! Thanks to my little Calling Magic spell card, I got to replace this with two spell cards from my deck since it was one of the two face-downs that you destroyed.”
Lita exclaims, excitedly, “Awesome, Serena!”
Blair puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and states, in a serious tone, “You are just delaying the inventible! I place two cards face-down and end my turn!” Blair's White Light Phoenix's stats return its regular 3000/2000, since the effect of her spell card, White Aurora Light, is done.
Current Score:
Serena: 2240
Blair: 1600
Serena puts her hand on her deck and then Ishtar, the Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix, calls out in her mind, “Young Princess, it is time!” Serena is surprised by this and slowly draws her card. When she does, she finds that the card is a monster card with eight stars, with 2000/2000 stats, is a Divine attribute monster, and has the picture of Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix on it. Serena then hears Ishtar speak into her mind by saying, mentally, “Remember, like Jaden, you have the power of Neo-Space along with the Silver Alliance and your kingdom in your deck! As long as we are by your side, hope shall remain! It is time to awaken my power and combine it with the power of Neos!”
Serena nods her head and calls out, “Now, I reveal my face-down! Feather of a Phoenix!” Serena's first face-down card is revealed to be the Feather of a Phoenix spell card and Serena states, “Now, I can take any monster, spell, or trap card from my deck and add to my hand as long as I discard one card from my hand!” Serena displays her Elemental Hero Selene (3000/3000) monster card, discards to her graveyard, retrieves her Card of Sanctity spell card, and says, “So, I discard my Elemental Hero Selene to retrieve my Card of Sanctity spell card!”
Tyranno exclaims, perplexed, “Hold up! That's one very powerful soldier!”
Syrus says, also confused, “Hassleberry's right! Jaden used that card in his last duel! That card protects all Elemental Hero and Neo-Spacians from the effects of enemy spell, trap, and monster cards!”
Amara says, in a serious tone, “Serena has a plan.”
Serena puts the card that she retrieved from the graveyard into the spell/trap card slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my Card of Sanctity! Now, both of us must draw from our decks until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists then draw until they have six cards in their hands and Serena then calls out, “Next, I reveal my other spell card! Harpie's Feather Duster!” Serena's other face-down card is revealed to be the Harpie's Feather Duster spell card and Serena declares, “This spell destroys all spell and trap cards on my opponent's side of the field!” Just then a huge feather storms comes onto the field and destroys Blair's White Veil and two face-down cards, Waboku and Mirror Force, two trap cards.
Jaden exclaims, excited, “Sweet move, Serena!”
Blair roars out, angrily, “How dare you destroy my Sacred White Veil?! You will pay for that!”
Syrus winches back and says, “Wow. She is scary when she gets mad.”
Serena puts another card in the spell/trap slots and says, “If you think that's bad, wait until I use my O-Oversoul spell! This card allows me to summon one Elemental Hero from my grave as long as it is a `Normal' monster. Say hello to Elemental Hero Neos!” Just then a bright light comes from Serena's graveyard and Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000) returns to the field.
Bastion says, surprised, “Hold on! I thought that only Jaden held that monster!”
Jaden tells Bastion, pretty surprised, “Not anymore.”
Blair calls out, “Wait! I didn't send that monster to your graveyard!”
Serena tells Blair, “But I did when I played my Graceful Charity spell! However, my big cosmic hero is back and he's ready to fight!” Serena then puts one card in the Field Spell slot and exclaims, “Now, I activate the Field Spell: Neo-Space!” Soon after, the whole field is covered in a rainbow aurora-like energy and Serena explains, “This card increase the attack points of my Elemental Hero Neos or any fusion monster that has Elemental Hero Neos as a fusion material monster by 500 attack points.” Elemental Hero Neos' stats increase from 2500/2000 to 3000/2000!
Blair then says, with a sly evil grin on her lips, “However, his power only rival my Phoenix, but my monster can revive itself while yours can easily be destroyed since your Kishido Spirit spell is gone.”
Serena tells Blair, “It won't matter when I put this card into play. Now, I ditch my two Princess Token . . .!!” Soon after, Serena's two Princess Tokens vanish in bright lights as they are sent to the graveyard and Serena puts one card on her duel disk. Serena yells out, “This sacrifice allows me to summon this . . . my Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix!”
Everyone gasps in shock and Jaden asks, perplexed, “Who?” Soon after, flames come out of the monster card that goes into the air, the flames take shape, and then Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix (2000/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.
Bastion calls out, shocked, “My words! A brand new outer-space hero!”
Syrus exclaims, awe-struck, “It's awesome!”
Mindy says, just as amazed, “Beautiful!”
Jaden thinks in his mind, “Whoa! That's some sweet monster, but why haven't I heard of this Neo-Spacian before?”
Just then the spirit form of Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird appears on Jaden's right side and tells him, telepathically, “It is because that is a rare and powerful Neo-Spacian! The Neo-Spacian Celestial Phoenix have existed for nearly as long as Neo-Space has existed and they were the first Neo-Spacians to evolve with intelligence that match or exceeds human-kind. They have guarded all of Neo-Space for generations and are among the most powerful of us. However, they are very rare and not many have seen them, even among the rest of us of Neo-Spacian! It seems like they along with other Neo-Spacians have given the Moon Princess the power of Neo-Space as well, but the Celestial Phoenix, sensing her purity of heart and soul, have also decided to give her their power. This means only one thing: That your mission and her mission are one and the same. Our fellow Neo-Spacians gave her their power, the power of Neo-Space, in order to allow her to aid you complete your mission! They, the Sailor Senshi, are your allies, especially the moon princess, and you must work together to save the universe!”
Jaden tells Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird, mentally, “No problem, there, pal! I'm glad for the help and this is pretty awesome! I get to see this sweet monster in action!”
Serena tells Blair, “This Neo-Spacian is a very rare monster and powerful for a few reasons. First and foremost, it is a rare Divine Attribute monster!”
Everyone gasps in shock and Bastion exclaims, “A Divine Attribute monster?! The only other monster of that Attribute are Yugi's legendary Egyptian God Cards! I can't believe it! That monster is the same Attribute as the legendary God Cards!”
Serena tells Blair, with a sly smirk, “However, Phoenix's special ability allows it to be counted as all of the other Attributes: Light, Darkness, Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth.”
Bastion says, in his logical tone, “That is one powerful special ability.”
Ami nods her head in agreement and says, “That's right. It can allow you use any enhancement spell cards that designate certain monster attributes on it.”
Serena then tells Blair, “Plus, my beautiful phoenix has another ability. Once, during my turn, I can take one monster card from my graveyard and equip it, like an Equip spell card, to it. Once that happens, my phoenix gains the attack points and any special effects that monster has.”
Blair says, worriedly, “Oh no!”
Serena calls out, “However, that isn't my plan! I plan to use Contact Fusion! Now, I fuse my Elemental Hero Neos with my Celestial Phoenix!” Serena then shouts out, “Neos, combine with Phoenix to form the Elemental Hero . . . Celestial Neos!” Elemental Hero Neos leaps into the air and Celestial Phoenix transforms into a rainbow colored flaming bird, flying after Elemental Hero Neos. When the flaming bird version of Celestial Phoenix `collides' with Elemental Hero Neos, they are bathed in a rainbow light. When the light fades away, we find a monster similar to Elemental Hero Neos floating down in front of Serena. This new monster had Celestial Phoenix's head like a mask on Elemental Hero Neos' forehead and scalp, his body covered in rainbow colored feathers, his chest jewel has become a heart-shape and turned from dark blue into beautiful gold, his gloved hands are now pure silver instead of black, he has Celestial Phoenix's claw-like feet over his boots, which are silver in color, and he has two beautiful fiery-red and fluffy wings made of pure flames coming out of his back. This brand new monster, Elemental Hero Celestial Neos, is a ten star monster with 2500/2000 stats.
Tyranno exclaims, stunned, “Sam hill! Now, that's what I call a monster!”
Lita tells Tyranno, also amazed about Elemental Hero Celestial Neos, “You can say that again.”
Jaden exclaims, excitedly, “Awesome! Now, that's what I call a Hero monster! That's so sweet!”
Serena tells Blair, “Meet Elemental Hero Celestial Neos! Like Celestial Phoenix, he is a Divine Attribute monster who's special ability allows him to be counts as all of the other attributes. Plus, in this form, Neos can take any effect monster from my graveyard, equip to himself like an equip spell card, and gain that monster's special ability. However, you have, yet, to see his incredible and most powerful special ability. But first, he gains 500 attack points from my Field Spell card, Neo-Space, since Celestial Neos was created from Elemental Hero Neos.” Elemental Hero Celestial Neos' stats increase from 2500/2000 to 3000/2000!”
Blair says, in a serious tone, “He's still weaker than my monster!”
Serena tells Blair, with her usual `cheeky' grin, “Not for long, Blair. Did you forget about my hunky monster's final special ability?” Blair looks on confused and then a bright light comes both of their graveyard as images of all of the monsters from their graveyards, Elemental Hero Sparkman, Elemental Hero Clayman, Elemental Hero Thunder Giant, Etoile Cyber, Elemental Hero Cosmic Venus, Elemental Hero Star Venus, Elemental Hero Bladedge, Cyber Petite Angel, Cyber Angel Serenity, and Elemental Hero Selene from Serena's graveyard with both Maiden in Love, White Love Maiden, and Kaiser Sea Horse appear on their respect owner's side of the field.
Blair asks, perplexed and demanding tone in her voice, “What's going on here?! Why are all of our monsters that we sent to the graveyard returning to the field?!”
Serena tells Blair, “This is my Celestial Neos' special ability! He gains half of the attack and defense points of every single monster in our graveyard! This means your monsters along with mine are giving my Celestial Neos power!”
Blair exclaims, shocked, “No way!” Just then the images of the destroyed monsters turn into light and head right into Celestial Neos causing him to gain a rainbow-like aura and his stats quickly rise up to 14,875/13,700!
Bastion exclaims, shocked, “Oh my! Now, her monster has nearly fifteen thousand attack points!”
Syrus says, excitedly, “And with no trap or spell card to help her, this duel is over!”
Serena calls out, “You heard Syrus! Celestial Neos, attack her overgrown fake! Finish this duel with Celestial Cosmic Flare!” Elemental Hero Celestial Neos gathers rainbow colored energy into his right hand and launches it as a large comet-like attack that slams into Blair's White Light Phoenix causing her to lose nearly twelve thousand life-points when it is destroyed in a tremendous explosion, ending the duel immediately.
Final Score:
Serena: 2240
Blair: 0
After the duel ends and the last holograms slowly fade off the field, Serena tells Celestial Neos, in a whisper as he fades, “Thank you.” Celestial Neos nods his head before he fully fades away and then Blair collapses onto the ground on her back as she faints with the duel's end.
(End of Classic Yu-Gi-Oh GX dueling music)
Jaden calls out, worriedly, “Blair!” All of our heroes and heroines rush over to the fallen duelist and Jaden and Serena help her into a sitting position in their arms.
Mina asks, worriedly, “Is she all right?” To answer Mina's question, Blair gives a loud groan as she slowly opens her eyes to look at the group looking straight at her.
Blair asks, weakly and perplexed, “Jaden-sama? Where am I?” Blair then looks down at herself and she asks, pretty surprised, “Ack! And what happened to me? I'm a teenager! And why I wearing this weird outfit?”
Jaden asks Blair, “You don't remember anything that happened to you?”
Blair shakes her head and replies, “No. No, I don't. The last thing that I remember is some kind named Sartorius coming up to me when I was visiting Domino City. With my parent's permission, we came to Domino City to experience Duel Monster's history with Yugi Moto's and Seto Kaiba's hometown. I was allowed to go off by myself as long as I be careful. Soon after, Sartorius came to me, he told me he was a manager of profession duelists, including the famous Aster Phoenix, and he saw talent in me. He told me that he would help me get into Duel Academy if I did him a favor. He brought me to his car to discuss it and Sartorius told me that if I dueled someone from Duel Academy that he would use his influence to get me in even through I wasn't old enough yet. I was so excited that I didn't ask him who I would duel and when I took his hand to shake it, everything went . . . blank. And now, here I am, wearing this weird white uniform and in a teenage body.”
Syrus tells Blair, “You were brainwashed, Blair. Sartorius is bad news.”
Jaden tells Blair, “Seriously. Blair, Sartorius is dangerous. He holds some kind of evil power in him and he wants it to destroy the universe. This power allows him to brainwash people when they come in contact with him or when they lose a duel with him or someone that he has already brainwashed. Alexis and the whole of the Obelisk Blue, expect for a few students, are under his mind-control.”
Blair asks, curiously, “So, Sartorius did this to me, Jaden?”
Syrus tells Blair, “Yeah, Blair. Sartorius wants to brainwash Jaden for some reason. For some reason, Sartorius feels that Jaden is one of the `keys' to starting his destruction of the world and the universe. He must have found out about what happened between you and Jaden during your last visit her and brainwashed you in order to defeat Jaden and being him into his `Society of Light'.”
Jaden then points to Serena and tells Blair, “But our new friend, Serena, beat you in a duel and freed you from Sartorius' mind-control.”
Blair tells Serena, “Thanks a lot, Serena.”
Serena tells Blair, with her usual smile, “No problem, Blair. I'm glad to do it. I just hope that you will be okay.”
Blair gets to her feet and says, “I'll be okay, but I don't know what I'm going to tell my mom and dad about this.”
Ami then says, “And who knows if it is permanent. It could `wear off' at anytime or when Sartorius is defeated.”
Jasmine asks Ami, “Can't you girls find a way to tell if or when Blair turns back into a kid or she is stuck as a teen?”
Bastion then states, “And we, including Blair, don't know if Sartorius' influence is still inside of her.”
Serena looks at her friends and says, “There is a way, but we have to . . . you know.” Darien and the other Sailor Senshi look at each other for a few minutes and then they look back at their leader.
Michelle tells Serena, “We aren't sure that we should tell her, Serena. But if you agree to it, you will follow you the whole way.”
Mina then states, “Besides, those two already know.”
Rei tells Mina, annoyed, “Not helping, Mina.”
Blair asks the group, “What are you talking about?”
Serena tells Blair, “Well, this might come to you as a shock, but have you heard of the Sailor Senshi?” When Blair nods her head, Serena and the others start to explain about themselves, but what everyone didn't know or see is Chazz and Alexis walking away from all of them while they head back to the `White Dorm'.
(Back inside of the `White Dorm'; Sometime soon after)
Returning to the `White Dorm', we find Chazz and Alexis in front of Sartorius, who has his back towards them, sitting down in front of his white table, and shuffling his Tarot cards. Chazz and Alexis finish telling about what happened between Serena and Blair with their duel.
Sartorius tells Chazz and Alexis, “Very interesting.”
Chazz tells Sartorius, “Master Sartorius, why did you send her? She was beaten by that other girl.”
Sartorius tells Chazz, “Don't be so surprised, Chazz. That girl is Serena Tsukino, one of the new students, and the legendary Sailor Moon.”
Chazz and Alexis gasp in surprise and Alexis says, shocked, “The girl, Serena Tsukino, is the legendary Sailor Moon of Juuban?”
Sartorius says, in a plain tone, “Indeed. Her friends, Mina Aino, Lita Kino, and Rei Hino are Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars. The new teachers, Amara Ten'ou, Michelle Kaiou, and Trista Meiou are Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto. With Mr. Darien Shields, he is Tuxedo Mask. Plus, our newest member, Hotaru Tomoe, is Sailor Saturn and our former member, Ami Mizuno, is Sailor Mercury.”
Alexis asks Sartorius, “How do you know this, Sartorius-sama?”
Sartorius tells Alexis, “Hotaru and the cards told me. It is no accident that they came to Duel Academy. It is destiny that we meet and like all of you, they will see the light.” Sartorius then says, “However, there is something that interests me even more about Sailor Moon.”
Chazz asks Sartorius, “What do you mean master?”
Sartorius tells Chazz and Alexis, “You see, why I want Jaden is because he holds a great power within him. No one was able to defy destiny until Jaden. You see, during his third duel with Aster with Jaden's new monsters and during his duel with my lawyer, X, the cards predicted that he would lose, but instead, he defied destiny and won incredible victory. You see, Jaden has the power to defy destiny.”
Chazz says, shocked, “But Master Sartorius, that's impossible! No one can defy destiny!”
Sartorius tells Chazz, “My dear pupil, you should know that in life, nothing is impossible. Jaden has this power and that's why I need him to see the light.” Sartorius then holds the Tarot card, The Reaper of Souls, upright in front of him and says, “But it seems that Sailor Moon also holds the same power, the power to defy destiny. The cards predicted defeat for her against Blair, but instead . . . well, you saw the result.”
Alexis says, simply, “Unbelievable.”
Sartorius tells Alexis and Chazz, “Thank you for reporting this to me. Your jobs might seem unimportant, but they are vital to our mission and I thank you for your aid. I hope for your continued works to come in our cause.”
Chazz tells Sartorius, “It is a pleasure, master.”
Alexis tells Sartorius, in a annoyed tone, “What Chazz means, Sartorius-sama, is that it is no problem to help the cause. And soon enough, they will see the light.”
Sartorius tells Alexis and Chazz, “Indeed. You can please leave me now.” Alexis and Chazz bow in front of Sartorius and slowly walk away from the room. When they are gone, Sartorius looks at The Moon Tarot card and says, silently, “Well done, Sailor Moon, you have indeed proven my theory about you. You hold very much the same power that Jaden Yuki does, through slightly different. However, I don't know why you hold this power like he does. However, I will find out and when I do, you will finally see the light. It is only a matter of time, Sailor Moon.” Sartorius gives a wide evil grin and snickers in a evil fashion.
(Inside of the Slifer Red dormitory; early evening hours)
Inside of the Slifer Red dorms, we find our teenaged Blair Flannigan with Ami, Rei, Mina, Lita, and Serena inside of the huge hot spring that Chazz added to the Slifer Red dorms when he `re-designed' the Slifer Red dorms to make them more `livable' to the rich duelists when he wasn't brainwashed by Sartorius. All of them were totally nude and their bodies were mainly submerged in the spring water expect from the top portion of their breasts to the top of their scalps. The Sailor Senshi decided to reveal themselves to Blair, only because they needed to figure if Sartorius' power over her is gone and his `aging effect' is only temporary. Blair was quite surprised that Serena was none other than her female idol, Sailor Moon. Anyway, Ami used her Sailor Senshi computer to figure out that the effects of Sartorius' power were indeed permanent, but they came with a `side-effect'. Since Sartorius aged Blair a total of five years to turn her into a fifteen year old version of herself, her `aging processes', the body's `ability' to `mature' and `growth rate', were `slowed down', so, Blair, now, only ages one-fifth as fast as `regular' humans do. So, for every year that passes, Blair will only age a total of seventy-three days, which means she will only be physically sixteen years old in a total of five years. However, Ami assures everyone that when those five years have passed, Blair will start to age normally again like any other human on Earth.
Anyway, the girls were enjoying the hot springs that Chazz installed in the Slifer Red dorms and Mina says, relaxed, “Hey! I've got to say that this Chazz guy might be easy to brainwash, but his taste in hot springs is great.”
Rei nods her head and replies, with a smile, “No joke, Mina. This is great.” Serena gives her usual wide smile and nods her head in agreement with her friends.
Blair tells the five girls, “I really want to thank you for saving me from that jerk. I can't believe that I allowed him to use me like that.”
Serena tells Blair, “Don't worry about it, Blair. You didn't know the truth about Sartorius.”
Blair looks over her new teenage body and says, “Well, I can say that he did me a favor. Now, I can attend Duel Academy.”
Ami tells Blair, “Well, remember, Blair, we know it is permanent, but you have to remember that you will slowly age for the next five years.”
Blair says, a bit depressed, “I know. It's still hard to believe that I won't an adult until seven years from now.”
Mina tells Blair, with a smile, “Well, hey, don't worry about it. I mean he still took one year off of the time that you need to be an adult and plus, you can hang with us now.”
Blair says, with a smile, “I just can't believe that I'm in a hot spring with my favorite super-heroes.”
Rei tells Blair, “Just make sure that you don't blabbing it out. We already have enough people knowing our secret.”
Lita tells Rei, “Speaking of: Don't you think that Sartorius guy knows about us since he had Ami under his control and he still has Hotaru under his control?”
Ami nods her head and says, in her logical tone, “It is most likely that he figured it out since he can see the near future and he had me and still has Hotaru under his control. But I don't remember if Hotaru, I, or both of us told him about us or not.”
Mina tells Ami, “Hey, Ami, don't sweat it! It doesn't really matter! We're going to get Hotaru back and kick this guy's butt!”
Lita says, “Problem is that he has nearly half this school's students under his control and thus, a great influence in Duel Academy, so, we can't use our usual tactics.”
Ami says, in a plain tone, “This is why we have to work with Jaden and his friends. He holds the key to Sartorius' defeat and we need to make sure that he is out of Sartorius' control until he can fully use his `hidden powers'.”
Lita asks, curiously, “Does he have any hidden powers?”
Rei tells Lita in reply, “I'm not sure, but I do sense that there is something different about him than other students and other humans on our planet Earth here. Plus, believe it or not, I get this weird feeling that all of us met him before.”
Serena tells Rei, surprised, “You, too? I've got this weird feeling that we do know Jaden from somewhere.”
Ami tells her fellow Inner Sailor Senshi, “Well, remember what Luna said, Jaden might a reincarnation Lunarian since Queen Serenity paid him a visit.”
Blair tells the girls, defense tone in her voice, “And don't you girls get any ideas about him!”
Mina tells Blair, teasingly, “Oh, really, Blair? I mean Jaden is quite the hunk. No wonder he attach the ladies and since you are a teen with a body now . . .”
Blair blushes in embarrassment and says, embarrassed, “Hey! I like Jaden . . . I mean he is nice and all, but I wouldn't think of him in that matter!”
Mina says, in a teasing tone, “Oh, I see our `little Blair' is a lot more mature than she lets on!”
Ami tells Mina, a bit scolding tone in her voice, “Oh, Mina, cut it out.”
Blair yells at Mina, in a proud tone, “I have you know that before I was turned a teenager, I was promoted from primary school after last year into high school!”
The five girls gasp in shock and Rei states, amazed, “A ten year old going to high school?”
Blair says, in a proud tone, “That's right. On my last intelligence exam, my grades were high enough to match a regular tenth grader, so, I was quickly promoted to high school and I started my year with Bs and a few As in fact.”
Lita says, with a smile, “Well, I say that we have a little genius that's not so little anymore!”
Blair tells Lita, with a proud smile and tone, “You know it, girlfriend!”
Mina `swims' over to Blair and says, tauntingly, “Since you are already so mature for your age, maybe you should start `flaunting' your `stuff'.” Mina then pinches Blair's right breast nipple and she gives a loud `winch' in pain.
Blair exclaims, annoyed, “Hey! That wasn't nice!”
Mina says, in a bit of taunting tone, “I guess that Blair isn't so mature as she thinks she is.”
Blair tells Mina, “Oh, yeah! I show you!” Blair then splashes Mina with the spa water and Mina responds in kind.
Rei yells at the two of them, “Hey, you, two, cut it out!” However, Mina and Blair splash with the spa water and she roars out, angrily, “Okay, you, two, asked for this!” Rei then attack them and pushes their heads under the water, but they escape Rei's grasp and start splashing her with the spa water, getting the other girls in the process. Soon enough, all six girls in the spa were screaming and laughing as they splashed each other with the spa water and having a bit of a good time.
(Later that evening; Some distance from Duel Academy Island)
Out in the open seas some distance from Duel Academy, we find a huge cruise ship heading in the direction towards Duel Academy Island and when we board that cruise ship, we find Yugi Moto himself looking out into the sea and has a look of wonder in his eyes.
Yugi thinks in his mind, “It was good of Kaiba to arrange our arrival and `new jobs' at Duel Academy. However, the news that I hear isn't good. Based on what Kaiba has told me, nearly half of Duel Academy's students are under his control and he seems has an obsession with my chosen protégé, Jaden Yuki. His sister dueled him and famous Pro League Duelist, Aster Phoenix, inside of Kaibaland's Virtual Reality center when two of his friends were captured. Based on what Grandpa told me about what happened, Aster and Jaden won the duel and freed their two friends, but Mizuchi, Sartorius' sister, become trapped within the Virtual World since Sartorius designed that duel to be so. Sartorius is one dangerous person and even through my Millennium Puzzle is long since gone, I can tell that he had some kind of evil force when he met that young lady. I just hope that young one didn't fall into his evil spell. Soon after, Yugi Moto hears someone walking up behind him and when he turns to the source, he sees Tea Gardner, age 27, walking towards him. She is wearing yellow shirt that covers chest and waist until it reaches three inches from her navel, black jacket over the shirt, ruby red fingernails on her hands, light maroon colored lips, golden jewels in her ears that are shaped like the Eye of Horus act as her earrings, dark blue jeans that goes up until it is one inch from her navel and with the shirt, leaves some mid-drift, brown belt across her jeans with a pouch for Duel Monsters cards, white sneakers, and a duel disk similar to what the students at Duel Academy use attached to her left wrist.
Tea asks Yugi, “Is anything wrong, Yugi? Joey and the others are getting worried about you. Why are you out here?”
Yugi tells Tea, “Just thinking, Tea.”
Tea asks Yugi, “You are thinking about the new enemy that we might be facing, aren't you?”
Yugi nods his head and replies, in a serious tone, “Yes, I am.”
Tea sighs and says, “No surprise. I thought we were done with this stuff around ten years ago when . . . when Atem left our lives.”
Yugi tells Tea, “I miss him, too, Tea. I wish that he was here. We might need the help.”
Atem's voice then booms out, “Actually, you need a lot more help than you think, Yugi.” Tea and Yugi gasp in surprise and turn to the source of the voice to see the spirit of the former Pharaoh walking up to the two of them.
Yugi and Tea exclaim at once, “Atem!”
Atem smiles and tells his two friends, “It is good to see you, again. However, I cannot touch you, much less accept a hug in my `condition'.”
Yugi asks Atem, “What are you doing here, Atem?”
Atem tells Yugi, “You already know that answer, my former Aibou.”
Yugi tells Atem, “It is this new evil, isn't it?”
Atem replies, “Yes. You are facing an evil power that hides under illusion of good since this evil uses the power of light.”
Tea asks Atem, “Light? I thought that light could only be used for good, not evil.”
Atem shakes his head and replies, “No, Tea. Light and darkness are the main elements of Life and as darkness can be used for good when Yugi and I used the power of the Millennium Puzzle and the shadow powers within to stop enemies like Marik's evil side and Zorc, light can be used for evil purpose as well. And this power is even greater and more powerful than the dark powers of the Orichalcos itself and has been around a lot longer.”
Yugi and Tea gasp in shock and Tea asks, perplexed, “How are we supposed to fight against that?”
Atem tells Tea in reply, “There are already people on Duel Academy fighting against this evil and this evil has the same ability as Millennium Necklace, which is the power to see into the future. However, there is someone, a student, in Duel Academy with the power to overcome the future that this evil is setting forth.”
Yugi asks Atem, “Who is that?”
Atem tells Yugi, with a smile, “You already know him, Yugi. He is the successor that you chose around one year ago. The budding duelist that you gave Winged Kuriboh, too.”
Yugi asks, pretty shocked, “You mean Jaden Yuki?”
Tea tells Yugi, “You told me about him, Yugi. Wasn't he a young kid that was trying out for the Duel Academy exam?”
Yugi tells Tea, “Yes, he was. When I met him, he was a young duelist with great talent and had a great respect for the heart of the cards. I knew then and there, he would be my successor to the King of Games, but I didn't know that Jaden had any special powers.”
Atem tells Yugi and Tea, “Jaden is more special than you know, Yugi. But you will see his full powers, one day, however, for now, I'm here to tell you that I will be returning to aid you in the fight against this new enemy.”
Tea and Yugi give another round of gasps and Tea asks Atem, “How are you going to come back Atem?”
Atem tells Tea and Yugi, “It won't be easy. You are going to need two items. One is the possession of Jaden Yuki and it is known as a Shadow Charm.”
Yugi asks Atem, “Shadow Charm?”
Atem nods his head and replies, “Yes, it is. Jaden Yuki will give you the story as soon you meet with him, but you will need something else. When you arrive at Duel Academy, you will find a group of new students and one of them possesses a jewel filled with the great power of light. She will be with the rest of the new students, which are mainly young teenage girls, and a group of four new members of the facility, three young women and one young man. You will need to go up to a young girl with blond hair in two odango or meatball-shaped pigtails, her name is Serena Tsukino, and tell her that you need to inquire about a jewel known as ginzuishou.”
Tea says, “Ginzuishou? That's Japanese for `Silver Crystal'.”
Atem nods his head and replies, “That's correct, Tea. When they ask you, probably a bit defensively about it, tell them that `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' I know that's strange, but say those words and you will be just fine.”
Tea tells Atem, “Okay, if you say so.”
Atem tells Tea and Yugi, “If you excuse, I must leave for a moment and return to the spirit world to prepare for my return to the mortal world. I will meet in Duel Academy later.”
Tea tells Atem, “Atem?” When Atem looks towards Tea, he sees her eyes were beginning to water and she says, happily, “I can't wait to see you, again, Atem.”
Atem tells Tea, with a smile, “As I can't wait to see you, Yugi, and the others again, Tea.” Atem then goes through rainbow colored `spiritual gateway' and it closes behind him when he is through. Tea sniffs to clear her nose and wipe her tears from her eyes as Yugi smiles at this. The two of them dated for a white, but Tea's heart for Yugi's ex-`spirit partner', Atem, so, they gently broke up and went on with their lives. However, it doesn't mean that Yugi is jealous of Atem. In fact, he can't wait to be dueling with his first best friend in the whole world again and help protecting the same world that they love.
(The next morning; within the `White Dorm')
Inside of the `White Dorm', we enter into Sartorius' room as he shuffles and shifts through his Tarot cards for more `visions' into the future. Just then a card falls to the floor and lands in the upside down position and when Sartorius turns that card over, he finds it is The Wheel of Fate Tarot card in the upside down or reverse position.
Sartorius says, with a greatly interested tone, “The cards tell me something or someone that I would not usually expect is coming to Duel Academy.” Sartorius says, with a slight evil smirk, “This shall prove an interesting day indeed.”
(Later that morning; Inside of the main building of Duel Academy)
Inside one of the classrooms within Duel Academy, we find Jaden, Syrus, Tyranno, Bastion, Serena, Rei, Mina, Lita, Ami, and Blair inside their seats within the classroom. Blair was transferred into Duel Academy as Blair Aino, Mina's cousin from another district of Tokyo, because with her body in this current state, they couldn't say she was Blair Flannigan since she was officially ten years ago and now, Blair's body has been `matured' to that of a fifteen year old. When she transferred in, she was allowed to join Jaden and his friends within the Slifer Red dorm as a new member of the Slifer Red dorm. They decided that since Chazz is currently brainwashed by the enemy, Blair could live in the room that he designed for himself within the `re-designed' Slifer Red dorm. After the usual introductions were done by Crowler, the current chancellor of Duel Academy, she was given her seat. However, Blair is sitting in a different seat that's a good distance from Jaden.
Blair thinks in her mind, disappointed, “Man! This really stinks! I really wanted to sit by Jaden-senpai.”
Soon after, Chancellor Crowler turns on the microphone and calls out into it, excitedly, “Students, I have an incredible announcement to make today! We have some brand new teachers coming in to aid our current facility and this is a real treat!”
Syrus says, not impressed, “What so impressive about new teachers?”
Chancellor Crowler calls out, in his excited tone, “As you well know, Yugi Moto is the legendary King of Games, the best duelist in the world. His duels are well-known throughout the whole world! And today . . . he's coming to Duel Academy!”
Everyone gasps in shock and Jaden says, surprised, “Yugi is coming here?!”
Chancellor Crowler exclaims, “You heard me right! Yugi Moto is coming here! But he isn't just coming here . . . Oh no! He has decided to become one of teachers for Duel Academy during this semester! To teach a new generation the ways to become the next King of Games!”
Another set of gasps came through the crowd of students in their seats and Mina exclaims to her friends, excited tone in her voice, “Awesome! The legendary King of Games is coming here! This mission is the bomb!”
Serena states, also in an excited tone, “No joke, Mina! This is the greatest!”
Rei tells Mina and Serena, “Calm down before the two of you blow a nerve or something!”
Chancellor Crowler then exclaims, “Actually, I made a mistake when I said he was coming . . . He is already here! Now, give a Duel Academy welcome for the legendary King of Games himself . . . Yugi Moto!” Just then Yugi Moto, Joey Wheeler, age 27, Rebecca Hawkins, age 19, Duke Devlin, age 27, Tea Gardner, age 27, and Tristan Taylor, age 27, walk into the room, much to awe of the students. Chancellor Crowler says, “With him are none other than famous duelists, Joey Wheeler, best friend of Yugi Moto and one of the top duelists in the world other than Yugi Moto and Seto Kaiba, Tea Gardner, one of the world famous singers and dancers as well as excellent female duelist, Duke Devlin, creator of the legendary Dungeon Dice monsters game and top ranking duelist himself, and Rebecca Hawkins, a professor in archeology and the ancient origins of Duel Monsters as well as one of the youngest Duel Monsters regional champions when she was just a young child. With them is Tristan Taylor, one of Yugi's friend, through not an excellent duelist, is one of the best martial arts in the world and plenty of dueling expertise. Professor Hawkins will be aiding Ms. Meiou in the Duel Alchemy and exploring the origins of Duel Monsters from ancient times in our Duel Monster's history class, Mr. Taylor will heading our new dueling marital arts classes, which will aid students with focus and concentrating abilities that are also vital in dueling as in marital arts, Mr. Wheeler will be teaching strategy classes of our fine school and aiding Mr. Shields in the running of the Slifer Red dorm, Ms. Gardner will be aiding Ms. Kaiou in the dueling arts classes, Mr. Devlin will be aiding in the designer classes for future game designers, and finally, Mr. Yugi Moto, himself, will be teaching the advanced dueling strategy and tactics courses as well as holding a important place in the school board. Now, I want them to be treated with the utmost respect. These people are among the world's best in the `functions' of the world, if not the world of Duel Monsters.”
Bastion looks intensely at Yugi and his friends and thinks, “The world famous King of Games comes here to become one of our teachers? I'm not buying it. There has to be more to his `visit' than he is letting on. I wonder: Does this have to do with that `Pharaoh' character that Jaden told us about? The one that was once Yugi Moto's `alter ego' during his `early years' in the world of Duel Monsters?”
Yugi and his friends give a friendly greeting to the whole school and Yugi moves his eyes to look at Jaden Yuki and thinks, “You have grown since I last saw you, Jaden Yuki. I can see it in your eyes. You have become more powerful duelist and are one step closer to succeed me as `King of Games'. However, you and I need to talk about some important business.” However, Yugi Moto then notices Sartorius with an amused smirk on his lips in the stands with the students and gives a serious look. Yugi thinks in his mind, “There you are! You don't fool me, Sartorius! I know that you are up to no good! And soon, I will find out what you are up to and find a way to stop you! Atem said that Jaden is the key to stopping you . . . Well, I will make sure that he will! On my honor as a duelist!”
Sartorius thinks in his mind, “So, the world famous King of Games himself and his friends have come to Duel Academy. This is indeed unexpected, but this doesn't change my plans. So, even Yugi Moto and his friends will see the light as will Jaden Yuki and Sailor Moon!”
(Later that afternoon; Somewhere on the ground of Academy Island)
After our heroes and heroines get through their important classes for the day, we find Jaden, Syrus, Tyranno, Bastion, Jasmine, Mindy, Blair, all of our Sailor Senshi in their civilian form, Darien, and the two guardian cats somewhere slightly inside of the forest in Duel Academy Island.
Mina exclaims, excitedly, “This is so cool! The King of Games himself is here in Duel Academy!”
Jaden nods his head and states, “You got that right, Mina! This is so sweet!”
Mindy says, with a dreamy look in her eyes, “Wow, he is quite the cutie.”
Lita says, in a plain tone, “Through he does look a bit smaller than he does on television.”
Bastion then says, in a serious tone, “Well, I'm not sure that Yugi Moto and his friends, who are mainly world famous duelists, would come here just to teach us to be excellent duelists.”
Jaden asks Bastion, “What do you mean Bastion?”
Bastion tells Jaden, in his logical tone, “I can't say for sure, but I have a theory that Yugi Moto and his friends are here for another reason.”
Syrus asks, perplexed, “What would that be?”
Ami asks Bastion, “Do you think that they would be here to fight Sartorius?”
Bastion tells Ami, in a logical tone, “That could be a good possibility, Ami. Yugi Moto and his friends could have discovered that Sartorius is a major threat and plans to stop him. Remember, based on what you have been told by this `Atem' character, Jaden, Yugi and his friends have experience fighting the forces of evil.”
Just then a familiar male voice shouts out, “You got that right, pal!” Everyone gasps out in shock and turns to the source of the voice to see Yugi Moto and his friends in front of them.
Jaden asks Yugi, “Mr. Moto, what are you doing here?”
Yugi tells Jaden, in a plain tone and smile, “Oh, just checking up on an `old friend'.” Yugi then extends his hand to shake Jaden's hand, Jaden takes Yugi Moto's hand, shakes it, and says, “It has been a while since we last met, Jaden. I see that you are doing well.”
Jaden tells Yugi, blushing a bit, “That's right, Mr. Moto. And plus, I've been taking care of Winged Kuriboh that you gave me! In fact, it was thanks to him that I got into Duel Academy in the first place!”
Yugi tells Jaden, “Like I said before, I knew that card belong to you. And I knew that I was right.”
Joey tells Yugi, looking at Jaden, “So, this is the kid that you met around a year ago, Yug'. I've got to say that he is quite impressive . . . based on what I heard from the kids at the Slifer Red dorm.”
Jaden tells Joey, with a smile, “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Wheeler.”
Joey tells Jaden, “Oh, don't go around with that `Mr. Wheeler' stuff. Any pal of Yug' is a pal of mine. Just call me Joey.”
Syrus asks Yugi, nervously, “Um . . . Ah . . . Mr. Moto . . . how did you and your friend find us?”
Tea tells Syrus in reply, “Let's just say that a group of students with four teachers following them isn't too hard to miss.” However, Mindy and Jasmine rush forward with autograph books in front of them.
Mindy tells Tea, “I'm a real fan of yours, Ms. Gardner! Can I have your autograph with Mr. Moto and all of his friends? My name is Mindy!”
Jasmine exclaims, pleadingly, “Please! Me, too! Make it out to Jasmine!”
Jaden, Tyranno, Bastion, Blair, Syrus, and Bastion sweatdrop at this and Syrus says, embarrassed, “Oh brother.”
Tyranno tells Syrus, “You said it solider.”
Just then they see Mina go over with her autograph book and says, “Hey, don't forget about me! I'm Mina Aino!”
Rei, Ami, Lita, Serena, Luna, and Atriums sweatdrop at this and Atriums thinks in his mind, embarrassed, “Oh, Mina . . .”
Rei says, in a low and blushing in embarrassment, “Oh, brother.”
Blair tells Rei, in a low tone, “You got that right, girlfriend.”
After Yugi and his friends were done giving autographs to Mina, Mindy, and Jasmine, Bastion goes over to the group and asks them, “Mr. Yugi Moto, may I ask you a question?”
Yugi tells Bastion in reply, “Yes, of course.”
Bastion tells Yugi, “What is the real reason that you cam to Duel Academy? I don't believe that you didn't come to Duel Academy just to teach. I know that there is a deeper reason for your arrival here. Can you please tell us?”
Tristan says, in a plain tone, “Man, are we that obvious?”
Duke tells Tristan, “Obviously, Tristan.”
Yugi tells Bastion, “You are right to saying that we came here more to teach. The point is: We came because we believed that someone is endangering the world's safety and is using Duel Monsters to do it. When I came back to Domino City shortly after you left, I had heard from my grandfather into what happened between you, Aster Phoenix, and Sartorius' sister, Mizuchi. That's when I decided to investigated when I started to get information from Seto Kaiba.”
Bastion replies, in a plain tone, “That's how you found out about the Society of Light.”
Yugi nods his head and says, “Yes, when I heard about what was happening in Duel Academy. It was too similar to events that happened to me and my friends around ten years ago. I knew that the world and even more could be in grave danger from Sartorius and this `Society of Light'. So, my friends and I came to Duel Academy to investigate and possibly stop this Sartorius, but based on what we learned, this might not be possible without some help. I heard some `rumors' that Jaden Yuki and his friends are Sartorius' and the Society of Light's main opposition, so, I decided to come to you.”
Jaden tells Yugi, “Wow, Mr. Moto, I-I'm really honored.”
Yugi tells Jaden, “Actually, I would prefer you and your friend to call me just `Yugi' from now on.”
Jaden replies, excitedly, “Sure, Mr.-I mean Yugi, sir!”
Yugi looks at Serena and her friends and asks, “I see that you have made a lot of friends, here, in Duel Academy.” Jaden then introduces all of his friends to Yugi and his friends.
Michelle tells Tea, “It seems like you and I will be working together.”
Tea tells Michelle, “It seems so. I heard a lot about you and you are quite famous. I hope that we can work well together.”
Yugi asks Jaden, “Jaden, can I ask you and your friend, Serena, something?”
Jaden replies, nodding his head, “Sure, what is it?”
Yugi replies, “My friend and I would like to acquire about an item that you've `gained' during your first year, here. A Shadow Charm, I believe it is called?”
Jaden, Bastion, and Syrus gasp in shock and Syrus asks, stunned, “How does Yugi Moto know about Jaden's Shadow Charm?”
Yugi then says, “Yes, I do. I would also like to inquire about an item within Ms. Tsukino possession. Do you know something about a jewel known as . . . the ginzuishou?” Every one of our heroes and heroines, minus Yugi and his friends, gasp in shock from Yugi Moto's question.
Joey tells Yugi, “Something tells me that they know, Yug'.”
Amara asks Yugi, demanding tone in her voice, “How do you know about that?”
Tea replies, “A friend told us about it and he told us to say when you asked about how we know. We are supposed to say: `The former nameless Pharaoh of Egypt, Atem, and the great queen of the moon and descendant of Selene, Serenity, inquired you about it and Queen Serenity, by the authority of the Lunarian Kingdom, orders the guardians of the Moon Princess to listen and take heed.' And that's it.”
Trista motions for Amara to `lower her guard' and says, with a smile, “I see. You must have been sent by spirit of the former Nameless Pharaoh to us.”
Every one of Yugi's friends as well as Yugi Moto looks at Trista confused and Joey asks, a bit defensive in his tone, “Hey! How do you know about Atem?”
Just then Atem's voice rings out, “It is because that the Princess of Pluto and I are `old' friends, years ago, Joey.” Everyone looks to the source to see the spirit of the Pharaoh walking towards them and stopping in front of them.
Serena, Mina, Mindy, and Jasmine jump back in fear and Serena asks, a bit fearfully, “Who or what is that?”
Trista gives a wide grin and tells Atem, “You must forgive our princess' actions, Atem. She doesn't remember you and she has human `phobia' with ghosts.”
Atem tells Trista, “Well, that's very understandable.”
Jaden tells Atem, “Hey, Atem, it has been a while!”
Joey asks Jaden, “You met Atem, too?”
Jaden replies, in his usual tone, “Yeah! He helped me get these sweet new cards for my deck that I use in my duels these days!”
Atem says, “Indeed, I have helped Jaden with his already powerful deck gain the power that it needs to battle with Sartorius.”
Trista says, nodding her head, “So, that's why you left the `spirit world', Atem. You sensed the evil from our new enemy and you wish to help.”
Atem replies, “That's right, but I'm going to need the power of your princess' jewel and the power of Jaden Yuki's Shadow Charm. They alone have the power to revive me into this world.”
Jasmine then states, in a perplexed tone, “Excuse me, can anyone tell me what's going on here?”
Rei says, “Yeah, I would like to know that myself.”
Atem says, in a plain tone, “I believe it for the best to explain our stories and get to know each other better.”
Trista tells Atem, “A wise idea.” Soon enough, our heroes and heroines began to explain about themselves, their adventures, their `battles', and what their `purpose' for being on Duel Academy is, but what they didn't know is that Chazz and Alexis were watching all of them.
Chazz thinks in his mind, “What is that dork and his loser friends doing with the King of Games and his friends? Master Sartorius would love to know about this.”
(Late that evening; On the path towards the abandoned dorm)
During the evening hours of night, we find all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Yugi Moto and his friends, as they headed down towards the abandoned dorm with the intention of being Atem back to life. We find Jaden has his Shadow Charm that he used to protect himself and his friends from the Shadow Powers of the Shadow Riders during the battles for the three Sacred Beast cards. Jaden has kept his Shadow Charm to remind him of the battles, but he never had to take it out and use it . . . until now that is. We find that Jaden has his `old' Shadow Charm hanging around his neck.
Rebecca says to Mina, “Wow. So, you, girls, are the world famous Sailor Senshi. You are well-known from even far away from Japan, but there are plenty that consider you, girls, just myth and legend.”
Lita tells Rebecca, “Well, we are quite real.”
Syrus asks, curiously, “So, what is this ritual that we are doing again?”
Trista says, in a plain tone, “Life is made up of two components: Light and Darkness. In order to bring Atem back into this world, we need to use the powers of Serena's Silver Crystal, which is filled with the powers of light, and the power of Jaden's Shadow Charm, which contain the powers of darkness. Through not as strong of the seven Millennium Items, it is strong enough in order to revive Atem and restore his body. However, we need somewhere filled with mystical and supernatural powers and those connected him to this modern day because the power of that `place' and the `bond' with those that care about him are vital elements of what we need to bring the former Pharaoh back to life.”
Jaden asks, nervously, “Um, do you come with a translation?”
Bastion tells Jaden, “I will try to explain it later. Right now, in simple terms, we need your Shadow Charm, the Silver Crystal of Sailor Moon, the abandoned dorm, and Yugi and his friends because their `bond' or `connection' with Atem in order to bring him back to life. Through I would believe that it is impossible to bring the dead back to life . . . I must say that I saw plenty of `events' and `things' that can't be explained by logical thinking, which include your Neo-Spacian monsters, Jaden.”
Joey says, plainly, “Well, I just can't wait to see good `old' Atem, again! It will be just like the olds days when Yug' and he were together with us saving the world from evil psychopaths.”
Yugi tells Joey, “Remember, Joey, this one is different than the ones we faced. He holds the powers of light instead of darkness, even through his power is evil. And even through we faced villains that used brainwashing and disguises himself as respected member of society before, he has good amount of control of his school through the students and a lot more innocent people under his control.”
Tyranno stops in his tracks, his eyes widen, and he says, in a serious tone, “Speaking of which . . . We've got trouble soldiers.” When everyone looks to where Tyranno is looking at to see none other than Missy, the female duelist from Obelisk Blue that Syrus dueled in his `promotion duel', blocking their path. However, she is glad in white, including white high-heeled shoes and white colored lips.
Jaden asks, perplexed, “Isn't that Missy? Isn't she the female bug duelist that has a major crush on Zane and that Syi dueled in his promotion duel to be promoted to Ra Yellow?”
Bastion tells Jaden in reply, “Indeed, Jaden. However, it looks like she had a change in wardrobe.”
Missy tells the group, “Going somewhere boys and girls?”
Tyranno and Lita yell out in unison, “What is it to you?!”
Missy tells them, while activating her duel disk, “I can't allow you to do that . . . At least, until you see the light. I'm under orders from Master Sartorius.” Missy points towards Syrus and says, “And now, you, shrimp, it is time that you see the light. Thanks to the power of the light of truth from Master Sartorius, you will join the rest of us in the Society of Light.”
Syrus says, a bit nervously, “Oh, great. I was hoping that she would forget that defeat that I handed her.”
Tyranno, however, straps on a duel disk, inserts his dueling deck inside, and tells him, “Don't worry, soldier. This brainwashed gal is mine.”
Everyone gasps as they look at Hassleberry and Jaden asks Hassleberry/Tyranno, “Are you sure, Hassleberry?”
Hassleberry tells Jaden and the others, “Look, I don't know much about spirits, magic, saving the world, and stuff. What I do know is stopping that pale faced freak is our mission and this `Pharaoh' guy is our vital reinforcements. And you, soldiers, need to be there for him to come here and give us a hand. Plus, remember, my dino DNA inside protects me from Sartorius' brainwashing powers. So, I'm the best soldier for the job, so, all of you needs to go and get to that abandoned dorm.”
Bastion tells everyone, “Hassleberry's right. The Sailor Senshi and Yugi Moto and his friends need to be there for this `Pharaoh' to be revived with Jaden's Shadow Charm and Serena's Imperium Silver Crystal. And with that dinosaur bone inside of his leg fusing dinosaur DNA with his human DNA, creating some kind of force that makes him immune from Sartorius' evil power, he is the best duelist to face Missy right now.”
Syrus tells Tyranno, “Good luck, Hassleberry.”
Tyranno tells Syrus, “No worries, there, private. Now, get going.”
Lita tells Tyranno, “Be careful.”
Tyranno smiles and tells Lita, “Don't worry, ma'am. I will be just fine.” The others then head off towards the abandoned dorm while Tyranno prepares to face off against Missy.
Missy asks Tyranno, “Okay, hun, ready to see the light?”
Tyranno activates his duel disk and says, “Sorry, `ma'am', but I'm not joining your club this century or any century. Now, prepare for combat!” Soon after, both duelists draw five cards from their decks as the duel is about to begin.
“Duel!” both duelists shout out in unison.
Starting Scores:
Tyranno: 4000
Missy: 4000
(Classic Yu-Gi-Oh GX music starts to play)
Tyranno draws one card from his deck and states, “I'll start things off!” Tyranno looks at his hand, puts one card on his duel disk, and exclaims, “Gilasaurus, report for duty!” Just then Gilasaurus (1400/400) is summoned to the field in attack mode. Tyranno tells Missy, with a sly grin on his lips, “Sorry, Missy, but this dino counts as a special summon, thanks to my soldier's special effect. So, I can summon a new solider to the field. Gilasaurus, I'm sorry to say that you are dismissed!” Gilasaurus vanishes in a flash of light as he is sacrificed and Tyranno puts another card on his duel disk, calling out, “Dark Driceratops, attention!” In Gilasaurus' place, Dark Driceratops (2400/1500) appears on the field in attack mode. Tyranno puts one card into the spell/trap slots of his duel disk and states, “Now, I place one card on the field and it's your move!”
Missy draws one card from her deck and says, plainly, “Fine by me!” Missy looks at her hand, puts one card on her duel disk, and states, “First, I play my Pinch hopper in attack mode!” Soon after, Pinch Hopper (1000/1200) appears on the field in attack mode.
Tyranno says, with a wide grin, “Ha! What's that little bug going to do?! It doesn't have as much power as my dino!”
Missy tells Tyranno, as she puts one card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, “You will see, hon. Now, I play my Multiplication of Ants! This card allows me to sacrifice my Pinch Hopper in order to summon to Army Ant Tokens to the field!” Pinch Hopper leaves the field as it is sacrificed and two Army Ant Tokens (500/500) take its place.
Tyranno states, in a simple and annoyed tone, “Oh, great. I've seen this tactic before.”
Missy then puts a card on her duel disk and says, “Then you know that my Pinch Hopper allows me to summon any insect monster from my deck. So, meet the diva of my deck! Insect Princess!” Soon after, Insect Princess (1900/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Missy says, “Since I know that I'm going to win, you should know that my Insect Princess gains five hundred attack points for every insect monster that she crushes.”
Tyranno tells Missy, “Do you have pollen in your brains, ma'am? My deck is full of dinos, not bugs.”
Missy opens her Field spell slot of her duel disk and says, “Not when I play my Insect Garden Field spell.” Soon after, the whole field changes into one huge flower garden.
Tyranno says, annoyed, “Just perfect.”
Missy then says, “Now, all level four or below Insect monsters on my side can be transferred to your side. So, my insects would love to see your side of the field.” Just then Missy's two Army Ant Tokens on her side of the field moves to positions on Tyranno's side of the field and on both sides of his Dark Driceratops.
Tyranno says, annoyed, “Pesky bugs.”
Missy then puts another card in the spell/trap slots and says, “Now, I activate my equip spell! Insect Pheromone! Now, when my Princess destroys a monster in battle, it can force one of your insects to rumble with her highness.” Soon after, Missy shows the final card in her hand, displaying a White Veil spell card, and says, “Recognize this little beauty?”
Tyranno growls in anger, his eyes turn into dinosaur-like slits, and says, “Wish that I didn't remember that cheating card.”
Missy puts the card in the spell/trap slots and exclaims, “Now, I equip my princess with light of truth with my White Veil spell card!” After she plays the card, Insect Princess' body turns pure white and her eyes dark emerald green. Missy then command, “Okay, my princess, destroy one of his ants!” Insect Princess move in to attack the first Army Ant Token and Missy says, with a evil grin on her lips, “And thanks to my sacred White Veil, all of your trap and spell cards are destroyed.” Tyranno's face-down card is destroyed and Insect Princess moves in to destroy the first Army Ant Token, taking 1400 of Tyranno's life-points with that card. On the meanwhile, Insect Princess' stats increase to 2400/1500! Missy then says, “Now, thanks to my Insect Pheromone, your other ant token must throw down with her royal highness.” Soon after, the other Army Ant Token rushes towards Insect Princess, which destroys it, and taking another 1900 of Tyranno's life-points while Insect Princess' stats increase to 2900/1500! Missy then says, with a sly smile on her lips, “That will end my turn, dino boy. However, with only a small amount of life-points, it won't be too long until you see the light.”
Current Score:
Tyranno: 700
Missy: 4000
Tyranno tells Missy, in an angered tone as he draws his card, “We'll see about that! Time for battle!” Tyranno looks at his hand, puts a card into the spell/trap slot, and shouts out, “Now, I play my Earthquake spell! Time to shake things up! Now, all soldiers on the field in attack mode switch to defense mode!” Insect Princess and Dark Driceratops are switched to defense mode. Tyranno puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, “Next, I play my Mystic Wok spell! This card allows me to dismiss one soldier from my frontline and regain life-points to that monster's attack points. So, Dark Driceratops, you are dismissed!” Tyranno's Dark Driceratops vanishes from the field and Tyranno regains 2400 life-points. Tyranno puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, “Next, I play my Card of Reversal spell! This card allows me to draw cards from my deck for every single face-up spell, trap, and monster card on your side of the field! And since you have four face-up cards, I gain four new cards!” Tyranno exclaims, as he draws four new cards, “Troops, this is your Sergeant speaking!” Tyranno looks at his cards, puts one on his duel disk, and exclaims, “Archaeopteryx, front and center!” Soon after, Archaeopteryx (300/1300) appears on the field in attack mode.
Missy says, in a taunting tone, “What is that little birdie going to do to me? He only has three hundred attack points.”
Tyranno says, putting one card in the spell/trap slots, “He might be too weak, but now, I play my new Ultra Evolution Pill spell! This card allows me to sacrifice my Archaeopteryx to summon a dino back to my field! Archaeopteryx, you are dismissed! It is time to get a dinosaur back in my platoon!” Archaeopteryx glows in a bright light as it sent into the graveyard, Tyranno puts a card on his duel disk, and exclaims, “Black Tyranno, attention!” To replace Archaeopteryx, Black Tyranno (2600/1800) is summoned to the field in attack mode. Tyranno then opens his Field spell, puts in a card, and says, “And just to take care of your overgrown flower garden, I play my Jurassic World Field spell!” Soon after, Insect Garden is destroyed and is replaced by a huge jungle like world with a huge volcano in the distance. Tyranno tells Missy, “Thanks to this Field spell, my troops are safe from your trap cards and gain three hundred attack and defense points!” Black Tyranno's stats then increase from 2600/1800 to 2900/2100! Tyranno then commands, “Black Tyranno, attack her princess! Forward march!” Black Tyranno stomps towards Insect Princess and one swipe of its tail, it is destroyed without much trouble.
Missy then says, not impressed, “So, what? My Princess was in defense mode, so, my life-points are safe.”
Tyranno says, with a sly grin, “Wrong, Missy! Thanks to your own White Veil spell card, you lose life-points to your monster's attack points since it was destroyed while equipped with that cheating card!” Missy then screams out as she is burned and loses 2900 life-points, thanks to the negative effect of White Veil.
Current Score:
Tyranno: 3100
Missy: 1100
Missy draws one card from her deck and says, angrily, “You will pay for that!” Missy puts the card into the spell/trap slots and exclaims, “Now, I play my Card of Sanctity! Now, both of us draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists then draw from their decks until they have six cards in their hands. Missy then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and states, “Then I play my Pot of Greed! Giving me two more cards from my deck!” Missy draws two more cards from her deck, puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and exclaims, “Next, I play my Monster Reincarnation! I discard one card from my hand in order to return one monster card from the graveyard to my hand!” Missy discards one card to the graveyard, gets back one card from the graveyard, puts that card on her duel disk, and states, “And I choose my Pinch Hopper! Now, he returns to the field in attack mode!” Pinch Hopper (1000/1200) is then summoned to the field in attack mode. Missy then puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, “Now, I play another Multiplication of Ants! Sacrificing my Pinch Hopper for two new Army Ant Tokens!” Pinch Hopper then leaves the field as it is sent to the graveyard, once more, with two new Army Ant Tokens (500/500) taking its place.
Tyranno says, annoyed, “Not this tactic, again! Can't you come with something original?!”
Missy replies, as she puts a card on her duel disk, “You are just jealous because destiny is on my side, hon. Now, I activate Pinch Hopper's special effect and summon Insect Queen to the field!” Soon after, Insect Queen (2200/2400) comes to the field in attack mode.
Tyranno says, a bit creepy out, “Yuck! Ugly!”
Missy says, sarcastically, “You should know.”
Tyranno thinks in his mind, annoyed, “All right, brainwashed or not, this gal is really asking for it!”
Missy tells Tyranno, “Next, my Insect Queen gains two hundred attack points for every insect monster on the field and since there are three, she gains six hundred more attack points.” Insect Queen's stats then increase from 2200/2400 to 2800/2400!
Tyranno then says, “Ha! That overgrown bug is still no match for my dino!”
Missy puts another card in the spell/trap slots and states, “Not when I play my Mystical Space Typhoon! Say `bye bye' to overgrown jungle, dino for brains.” Just then a huge wind destroys Jurassic World, which lowers Black Tyranno's stats down to 2600/1800, once more. Missy then puts another card in the spell/trap slots, “By the way, hon, I use Monster Reborn to bring her Royal Highness back to the field!” Soon after, Insect Princess (1900/1200) returns to the field in attack mode and Missy says, with an evil grin, “And thanks to her, Insect Queen gains another two hundred attack points.” Soon after, Insect Queen's stats increase to 3000/2400! Missy then says, “Now, I sacrifice one of my Army Ant Tokens to allow my Queen to attack!” Soon after, one of the Army Ant Tokens vanish from the field, lowering Insect Queen's stats down to 2800/2400, and Insect Queen fires a blast from her mouth, destroying Black Tyranno, taking 200 of Tyranno's life-points with it. Missy then says, “And when my Insect Queen destroys a monster on your side of the field, she creates an Insect Token to increase her power.” Soon after, a small egg, an Insect Token (0/0), appears on the field in attack mode and Insect Queen's stats increase back up to 3000/2400! Missy then exclaims, “However, your powers are not done, yet! Direct attack!” Soon after, Insect Princess and the other Army Ant Token attack Tyranno's life-points directly and he yells out as he loses 2400 more life-points. Missy puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, “Finally, I place this face-down and end my turn! The end is near dino boy. It is time to join us in the light.”
Current Score:
Tyranno: 500
Missy: 1100
Tyranno tells Missy, with a serious tone to his voice, “Wrong, Missy! Like Sarge told me, this duel isn't over until the last card is played!” Tyranno draws one card from his deck, looks at his hand, and says, with a wide smirk, “Like right now for instance.” Tyranno puts one card in the spell/trap slots and exclaims, “The first rule of combat: When attacked, you always counterattack! Now, I play my Double Spell! This card allows me to use one of your spell cards as long as I discard one from my hand!” Tyranno discards his Dynastamp spell card into his graveyard and calls out, “Now, I play your Mystical Space Typhoon! So, I'm dismissing your face-down card!” Another huge wind blows, but this time, Missy's face-down card is destroyed.
Missy says, annoyed, “Like I care.”
Tyranno says, as he puts another card into the spell/trap slots, “You should be since I play my Ultimate Evolution Pill! Phase one: I remove my Dino Base and my Black Tyranno from play!” Soon after, Dino Base (0/2100) is removed from his hand and Black Tyranno (2600/1800) is removed from his graveyard, with both cards be removed from play. Next, Tyranno goes through his deck and says, “Phase two: Now, I search through my deck and summon a dino! Now, which one shall it be!” Tyranno then takes one card from her deck, returns his deck to his duel disk, puts the card on his duel disk, and exclaims, “Excellent! Super Conductor Tyranno, front and center!” Soon after, Super Conductor Tyranno (3300/1400) is summoned to the field in attack mode.
Missy says, worriedly, “Oh no. That monster's strong enough to wipe me out. This can't be.”
Tyranno exclaims, seriously, “That's exactly what it means! So, much for Sartorius' `destiny' crap, huh?!” Tyranno's eyes turn into dino-like slits once more and he exclaims, pointing at Insect Princess, “Fire!” Super Conductor Tyranno fires a beam of energy from his mouth, destroys Insect Princess nearly instantly, and costing Missy exactly 1400 life-points, brings her life-points down to zero.
Final Score:
Tyranno: 500
Missy: 0
Missy then faints from the final attack, the final holograms vanish from the field, Tyranno gives a military salute, and says, with a wide grin, “Game over, Missy!”
(End of classic Yu-Gi-OH GX dueling music)
Missy groans as she slowly opens her eyes, goes into a sitting position, and asks, weakly, “Where am I?” When she looks over herself, she screams out, annoyed and surprised, “And what am I doing these weirdo white clothes?!”
Tyranno tells Missy, “Wish I could tell you, ma'am, but I've got to get to a little `magic ritual'. Just don't go back to the Blue barracks! Later!” Tyranno then runs off towards the abandoned mansion, leaving a perplexed and confused Missy in her wake.
Missy stands on her feet and says, “Whatever, weirdo.” Missy then walks into the night, still pretty confused about what happened to her.
(Inside of the abandoned dorm; Sometime soon after)
Deep within the abandoned dorm, in the `arena' where Jaden and Alexis dueled against Titan, one of the seven Shadow Riders, through he wasn't a Shadow Rider when he dueled Jaden, we find Serena, holding her brooch in her hands, and Jaden, with his Shadow Charm in his hands, in the center of the `arena' while the rest of the Sailor Senshi, in their Sailor Senshi forms, are surrounding the two of them. Surrounding them on the four corners of the arena are Yugi, Joey, Tea, and Tristan with the rest of our heroes and heroines on the sides.
Jaden tells Serena, “This might sound like a stupid question, but what we doing?”
Sailor Pluto replies, “In order to use the Shadow Charm's power at its fullest for this ritual, it has to be used by the last person to weld it or the person that welded it the most. Since Jaden Yuki fills both criteria, only he can use the Shadow Charm for this ritual. Our powers will allow our princess to handle using the energy of the Silver Crystal for this ritual and Yugi Moto and his friends are surrounding us in the four corners of `arena' is because they have the deepest connection with King Atem and if he is to return to this world, only those who have the most feelings for him, as friends or otherwise, can participate in this ritual.”
Tea asks, curiously, “So, what are the four of us supposed to do?”
Sailor Pluto says, simply, “You have to pray with all of your hearts and souls for Atem's return. This ritual not only requires a lot of power, but it requires a lot of emotion connected to the person that we are trying to revive. If you really wish for Atem to return, then believe in all of your heart and souls and the Silver Crystal and the Shadow Charm will grant that wish.”
Yugi tells Sailor Pluto, “We understand.”
Sailor Venus asks Sailor Pluto, “Are you sure that we will have enough power without Saturn?”
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Venus in reply, “Without Sailor Saturn and her powers of darkness balancing out our powers of light, we will not be at full strength, but we will have enough power for this.”
Sailor Mars asks, in her usual tone, “Okay, ready to get this over with?”
Just then Tyranno's voice calls out, in a bit of a panicky tone, “Hold on! Don't start without me!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they find Tyranno running inside of the room.
Jaden asks Tyranno, “How did the duel go Hassleberry?”
Tyranno smiles and tells Jaden, “Well, Sarge . . . `Dueled enemy and got crushed by my dinos the same'!”
Bastion nods his head and tells Tyranno, with a smile, “Nice work, Hassleberry.”
Tyranno replies, with a smile, “No problem, private.”
Sailor Pluto tells Serena, “Okay, my princess, it is time.”
Serena nods her head, takes a deep breath, and says, “Well, here goes nothing.” Serena holds her brooch into the air, it opens up to reveal the Imperium Silver Crystal, her brooch vanishes, and Serena then transforms into Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.
Jasmine, Mindy, Blair, Tyranno, Bastion, Jaden, Syrus, and Yugi, along with his friends, are awe-struck by Serena's transformation and Blair asks, amazed, “What happened to her?”
Luna replies, “This is Serena's true form . . . as Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.”
Mindy says, awe-struck, “She's so beautiful.”
Tyranno says, just as amazed, “Sam hill! Now, I really have seen everything.”
Rebecca states, in an amazed tone, “In my research, I have seen ancient records about legends of a kingdom on the moon and a beautiful princess on the moon, but I've always thought that they were just myth and legends.”
Atriums tell Rebecca, “I can assure you that she is real and she is the heir to the throne of the Moon Kingdom.”
Duke says, in a plain tone, “Alien princess, super-powered girls, mystical powers, and evil beings that want to take over the world. Just another day in our lives.”
Jaden is awe-struck by Princess Serenity, then he receives a vision in his mind about Princess Serenity's brother, Prince Judai, Princess Serenity, and their mother, Queen Serenity, in his mind, and Jaden thinks, surprised, “What was that all about?”
Princess Serenity asks Jaden, “Ready, Jaden?”
Jaden replies, a bit nervously, “Sure, your majesty.” Princess Serenity raises the Imperium Silver Crystal into the air and Jaden's Shadow Charm does the same causing the two of them to glow with bright lights. The Sailor Senshi crosses their arms across their chest and the heart jewels on their bodysuits begin to glow causing their tiaras to vanish and their planetary symbols to appear on their foreheads. Soon enough, the Sailor Senshi's heart jewels send energy into the Silver Crystal and Jaden's Shadow Charm causing a huge sphere of rainbow colored energy to form above it. But then sparks began to spring out from everywhere around the sphere and Jaden, Princess Serenity, and the Sailor Senshi begin to groan out in pain.
Syrus exclaims, shocked, “What's going on?!”
Atriums replies, “They are starting the ritual!”
Luna calls out to Atem's four best friends, “Now! Close your eyes and pray with your souls for Atem's return!”
Yugi nods his head and asks his three friends, “All right! Ready?!”
Joey tells Yugi, “Ready as we will ever be pal!”
Tea exclaims, in a serious tone, “Come on, everyone! Pray for the Pharaoh's return!” Yugi and his three friends close their eyes, puts their hands in front of their hearts, and all of them pray with their very souls for Atem's return to the Real World. Soon enough, energy begins to send energy into the sphere causing a figure to appear inside of the sphere.
Bastion says, plainly, “Someone is appearing inside of the sphere!” Yugi, Tea, Joey, and Tristan continue to pray with all of their hearts while Jaden, Princess Serenity, and the Sailor Senshi gave their hearts and souls into providing the energy for the ritual.
Joey thinks in his mind, praying, “Come on, Atem! It's time to come back!”
Tea thinks in her mind, praying, “Please, Atem! Please come back to the world of the living! I wish that I could hold you in my arms once more.”
Yugi thinks in his mind, praying, “Silver Crystal and Shadow Charm! Please hear our prayers! Return Atem to us! Please!” Soon after, a familiar male voice begins to call out in pain from the sphere and soon enough, the whole room is covered in pure rainbow colored light, forcing everyone else to cover their eyes. After around one minute, the bright light fades away and everyone is able to open their eyes. What they see is a familiar figure on all fours and having an old fashion duel disk, like the ones used Battle City, attached to his left arm in-between Princess Serenity and Jaden.
Tea asks, wondering, “Is it him?” When the figure slowly rises to his feet, Jaden and Princess Serenity give him room to get to his feet and when the figure is fully revealed, it was none other than Atem, himself, wearing the same clothes that he wore during his `Ceremonial Duel' with Yugi and he has the duel disk and dueling deck that he used in the same duel with him.
Jaden asks Atem, “Atem?”
Atem looks over himself for a few minutes, smiles, and tells Jaden and Princess Serenity, “Thank you, Princess Serenity and Jaden Yuki. I'm back.”
Jaden tells Atem, “Hey, no problem!”
Tea then calls out, happily, “Pharaoh!” When Atem turns to the source of Tea's voice, he is embraced by Tea, who has tears in her eyes. Tea says, happily, “Oh, Atem, I'm so glad that you are back!”
Joey, Tristan, and Yugi come over to them and Joey tells Atem, “No kidding, pal!”
Tristan tells Atem, “Welcome back to the land of living, Atem!”
Atem gently releases from Tea's embrace and tells his friends, “It is good to be back, my friends! I have missed you a lot!”
Jaden takes Slifer the Sky Dragon (X000/X000) God card from his card pouch, holds it out to Atem, and tells him, “Thanks for loaning me your sweet God Card. I really didn't need it, but it was pretty awesome just to hold it.”
Atem takes back Slifer the Sky Dragon and says, “I knew that you could use it, Jaden. I just hoped that you didn't need to use. Slifer isn't an ordinary card and he can be very dangerous at times. However, I knew that you need protection. Maybe when you are ready, you will be able to use it along my other two God Cards.”
Yugi asks Atem, “You brought Obelisk and Ra with you?”
Atem takes two cards from his deck, displays them to be Obelisk the Tormentor (4000/4000) and the Winged Dragon of Ra (?/?) God cards, and replies, “Yes, I did. We are going to need them and even through I don't know how, they play an important role in this battle.”
Princess Serenity, on the meanwhile, stumbles back a bit, Darien goes over to keep her on her feet, and Darien asks her, “Are you okay, love?”
Princess Serenity smiles and replies, “I will be fine. It just will take a while to get back my energy, that's all.”
Jaden tells Atem, with a smile, “Great to have your help, Atem! But remember, when this is over, you've got to give me that duel you promised!”
Atem tells Jaden, with a smile on his own, “It would be my honor to duel you, Jaden.”
Joey tells Atem, “However, we need to get you set up with the latest duel disks and some information on some new cards that you might be interested in! I should know! My deck has changed over the years and even through it is mainly the same, it is even stronger than before!”
Atem nods his head and replies, with a smile, “I can be sure of that, Joey. And I can tell that you are a stronger duelist than before.”
Joey tells Atem, “You got that right, pal!”
Yugi thinks in his mind, with a smile, “It is good to have Atem back with us, again.” Yugi then thinks in his mind, seriously, “We are going to need him and the three Egyptian God Cards. Sartorius is a very powerful and very evil person. If we are going to stop him and this `Light of Ruin', we are going to need all of the friends and all of the power that we can get!” When Yugi looks at Jaden, he thinks, in a serious tone, “According to Atem and the Sailor Senshi, Jaden is the key to victory. Jaden has some kind of power that can stop Sartorius and powerful new cards known as Neo-Spacians in his deck. These creatures are actual Duel Monsters from outer space and have given Jaden the powers of darkness in order to balance out the evil light of Sartorius. Hopefully, we can figure out Jaden's power and how we can use it to defeat Sartorius. I just hope that we don't figure it out too late.”
Next time in Chapter 3: Awakenings and Rebirths: After Atem returns to the land of the living, he comes to Duel Academy under the guise of `Atem Moto', a cousin of Yugi Moto that looks exactly like him, and he will be assistant teacher to Yugi in the Duel Monsters' advanced strategy and tactics. On the meanwhile, our heroes and heroines continue their plans to figure out and stop Sartorius' evil plans. However, Rei gets attacked by a few of students in the `White Dorm', but before they force her to duel, Aster Phoenix, still looming around Duel Academy on his own plans to stop Sartorius and find the rare card stolen from his `lost' father, steps in and uses his Elemental and Destiny Heroes to stomp this `White Student' into submission. On the meanwhile, Sartorius, knowing of our Sailor Senshi's identities, wonders how to fight them and defeat our Moon Princess along with our Chosen Duelist, Jaden Yuki, knowing their powers. But then he gains a `premonition' from his cards about some kind of `rebirth'. Soon after, Jasmine and Mindy, while by themselves, are attacked by another female student from the `White Dorm' and Jasmine is forced to duel to ensure Jasmine's safety. Unfortunately, Jasmine was proving on the losing side of the duel until some kind of power awakened within her. With some kind of mysterious new cards in her deck and mysterious new strength, Jasmine cuts her opponent down to size. Soon after, Jasmine takes up all of her stuff and abandons the `White Dorm', moving into the Slifer Red dorm with Blair. Sartorius then summons some kind of powerful creature of light against the Sailor Senshi and our girls have to stop this creature before it can do some damage. However, the creature proves to be too strong for our Sailor Senshi until a brand new Sailor Senshi shows up! Calling herself Eternal Sailor Aries of the Zodiac Sailor Senshi, she gives our Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi the power boost that they need to win. And when the battle is over, Sailor Pluto, Luna, and Atriums reveals about the `sibling kingdom' to the Moon Kingdom known as the Sun Kingdom and about the Zodiac Sailor Senshi, the Sailor Soldiers from the Sun Kingdom. However, the greatest shock of all comes when Eternal Sailor Aries is revealed to be none other than Jasmine herself! Whoa! How did she gain her Sailor Senshi powers?! What will happen between our Sailor Senshi of Mars and our welder of the Destiny Heroes? You are going to have to `turn in' to Sailor Moon GX: Destiny Stars next time to find out!
Well, this is it! The second chapter of my brand new Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu-Gi-Oh GX crossover! This was a longer chapter that I expected, but I'm glad that I got it down in a timely manner! How did you like the return of Yugi, Atem, and their friends?! What did you think of Blair's and Serena's duel? Tyranno's and Missy's duel? What about the new cards? Please read and review and tell me what you think! Next, I would like to announce that I've decided on a few more romances. Based on the personalities of the characters, this story is also going to have Lita/Tyranno, Mina/Atticus, and Aster/Rei along with the romances I've already decided on. Finally, I would like to say to one reviewer of my story that I did some research on the internet and found that you were originally right about Silent Doom spell card only revived Normal Monsters, but based on the information, the real Silent Doom card revives all types of monsters, not just Normal monsters. Sorry if I sound nasty, but I found out that my `version' of Silent Doom spell card was right. Anyway, I would like for you to keep read and reviewing because your reviews keep stories like this going! I will read your reviews as soon as possible and catch you on the flip side, Crossover Fans!