Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Life in the Pro League, or Lack Thereof! ❯ The "Party" ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: I’m going to leave out the quotation marks around Monkey’s name from now on. I think everyone gets the point.

Disclaimer: Still don’t own anything.

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It was the time of day when the mail arrived.

As soon as it did, Monkey snatched all the mail up. Oh sure, he SAID he was checking it for anthrax, but it was obvious he was reading all of it before Ryo did.

Finally, Ryo managed to pry the mail out of Monkey’s hands. There was a lot of junk mail, some fanmail (he got most of it via e-mail), and what looked to be an invitation of some sort.

Ryo had one spot where all the invitations he got went. That spot was the trash. He detested parties of any kind. This was especially true now that he was famous.

When Ryo finished thinking this, he was in the kitchen. The instant the invitation left his fingertips to fall in the trash can, Monkey dashed all the way from the living room to the kitchen, managing to catch the letter before it reached the trash can!

How did he DO that?

By the time Ryo had opened his mouth to protest, Monkey was already on his cell phone, making arrangements for the party.

It turned out that the invitation was for a charity event. So basically, Ryo would have to pay a hundred thousand yen to go to a party he didn’t even want to go to in the first place!

That didn’t seem fair. But there was no arguing with Monkey.

The day of the party found Ryo in a terrible mood. Of course, he was never exactly cheerful, but he usually didn’t scowl this much on a normal day.

Monkey had only let him have a cup of tea for breakfast.

“If you eat too much, you won’t fit into your clothes properly!” Monkey had whined.

Aha. Ryo hadn’t known that it was popular to faint in the middle of an event from low blood sugar. Well, he’d seen weirder things.

He just hoped he wouldn’t actually faint.
Then he had had to get another haircut. The stylist had insisted that Ryo try out the new hair-cutting technique that was so popular in America.

This technique apparently involved cutting every strand of hair individually with a tiny and blunt razor.

It was lunchtime before Ryo walked out of that place.

Lunch turned out to be more tea and three crackers.

Monkey explained that all the tea was “to flush out all the toxins”.

Oh, toxins? Like Monkey, for example?

That one was just so obvious, Ryo didn’t even bother saying it aloud.

Then they had to go pick up Ryo’s suit from the store. Apparently, it was the BEST SUIT EVER. Not to mention that it looked exactly like any other suit that Ryo had ever seen.

It was now 4:00, and the event would start at five. Ryo and Monkey got in the limo (luckily, not the Demon Car this time), and drove off.

Hey, wait a minute. This wasn’t the way to the address on the invitation! Ryo pointed this out, but Monkey just smirked.

Eventually, they stopped at an all-too familiar place. This was the street where Ryo’s so-called “date” lived!

Well, it looked like she’d be his date again.

This time, he asked Monkey what her name was. It was “Sakura”, just like he’d thought.

Sakura exited her house almost immediately. She’d dyed her hair again. This time, it was blonde with pink streaks.

When she got in the car, Ryo sarcastically said, “I don’t think you’re wearing enough makeup.”

He had forgotten for the moment that sarcasm was wasted on fangirls. Sakura immediately said, “I was worried about that! Here, let me put on some more!”
If Ryo had been holding a paper fan at the time, he would have definitely hit himself in the face with it.

No one said anything else until they got to the event.
There were many other cars pulling up, but no cameras were focused on them. Oh no. It was only Ryo’s car that was worth photographing.

Sakura smiled brightly at the cameras. She had such a tight grip on Ryo’s arm, it was a wonder that his shoulder wasn’t being dislocated.

Somehow, they reached the door to the building where the party was. Ryo gave the door attendant his ticket. Or rather, Monkey took the ticket from Ryo’s hand and gave it to the attendant.

Sakura was too busy posing to notice any of this.

The party turned out to be boring, boring, and more boring still.

There was no one his age there (other than Sakura, but she didn’t count). It was all old people who were droning on and on about the stock market.

What was more, the wives of all those boring old men kept pinching Ryo’s cheek.

Then it was time for dinner. At least Ryo could now occupy himself by eating. But the food wasn’t worth note either. There didn’t seem to be any actual food. Most of the plates were taken up by garnishes.

Monkey didn’t eat anything. He spent the whole meal doing his usual hovering and “neck-breathing”.

After the meal was finally over, there was more discussion of the stock market, interrupted at one time for an auction of artwork that Ryo didn’t want.

Monkey managed to obtain a wood-carving of some demon or other during the auction. It just figured.

There was even more boring chatter, and then the party was finally over. It was about time, too-past midnight, in fact!

Sakura had to be dropped off at her house. Ryo suddenly realized that he had never seen her parents. The again, he didn’t really want to see them.

As soon as Ryo got home and managed to escape Monkey, he commenced to prepare some REAL FOOD! In other words, ramen.

A/N: Okay, one story updated, two more that I might get to!