Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ enter the new dorm ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Bijou and Oxnard managed to come back around and give well assurance to the rest of the crew. "That Destiny Board is quite the killer..." said Dexter.
"True, but it'll take more than a message to put me out." said Oxnard.
"Ditto." agreed Bijou.
"Bijou... I really messed up, didn't I?"
"It couldn't be helped, Oxnard. Ze Rexchus are targeting all of us as duelists. It just proves zat none of us are safe."
"Speaking of us," Sandy Began, "aren't we missing someone?"
"Jam went to Seamore's." said Boss.
"No, I mean.... since we got the boot, I haven't seen Snoozer the entire time."
"Hmm... you have a point there."
"Please. We don't need to worry about Snoozer, he's probably in the park sleeping." said Howdy. "We haven't seen him because he's probably hidden somewhere safe from cats and birds and well out of the way. I remember one time when we went to the beach, Snoozer was sleeping on the sand. And when we got back, Snoozer was right next to a rock aside quite the view."
"Well, let's go back to the park and find Snoozer. I am a bit worried about him." said Pashmina.
Hamtaro and the gang went back to the park and began looking for Snoozer. Twenty-five minutes passed and no one found him. "Anyone have any luck?" asked Hamtaro.
"I got nothing." answered Oxnard.
"He's not even in the trees." said Stan.
"Or in the tall grass." said Boss.
"Well, we better keep looking." said Hamtaro.
As the four hams walked off, Stan managed to trip over something in the sand. "What the hell..." he trained off.
"You okay, Stan?" asked Hamtaro.
"I tripped over something."
Before anyone else could say something, Snoozer sprang up from the sand. This made Boss, Hamtaro Oxnard and Stan jump away as it scared all of them. Snoozer tilted his head to the right. He then knocked his head so the sand would come out of his right ear, then repeated the process with the left ear. "You really should watch where you step...." was all he said before he turned over on his belly and submerged into the sand like a crab.
Howdy walked over to his four friends as he just noticed Snoozer's actions. "See, I told you. And you hams were getting worried about Snoozer..." he said.
The other hams scurried over. "Hey, did you guys manage to find Snoozer, we didn't have any luck?" asked Cappy.
"Snoozer's sleeping in the sand." Boss answered with a sweatdrop on his cheek.
"I told you that we didn't have to worry about him, Sandy." said Howdy.
"Well like, excuse me for showing some concern." Sandy said while lifting her nose like an aristocrat.
"Pull together, hams. We have other things to worry about." said Boss.
"Well allow me to take one of those worries away."
The hams look to see Panda coming over to them. "And where were you at?" asked Oxnard.
"The fun park working on the mainframe of the dueling grid." Panda answered. "Luckily for me, I managed to get the lowdown on the cards for the new set. Now if everyone's ready, I can upgrade the duel disks properly."
"Upgrades, you upgrade the duel disks?" asked Petal.
"Of course I do, we don't use standard duel disks like you do, Petal."
"Well what about Jam and Snoozer?" asked Cappy.
"I already upgraded Jam's duel disk and I'll get to Snoozer later, but for now..."
"Agreed." said Boss. "You know the drill, everyone. Time for a boot up."
It took one hour, but all of the duel disks were upgraded. "Now I want to caution everyone that even though you have the upgrade, the duel disks need to configure the data, so you won't be able to operate them for a while." explained Panda. "So until then, we'll have to duel the low-tech way."
"I'll take this time to look at the cards I got from Jam in accordance to my new deck." said Cappy as he began to see what was left of his old deck.
"You mean you haven't done that yet?" asked Sandy.
"Nope." Cappy looked at his cards and just about to panic. "Nooo, it's not in here. I can't believe I didn't get him back..." he fought back tears.
"What are you talking about?" asked Penelope.
"My rarest card, I don't have my rarest card...."
Petal pulled Bijou to the side. "What is Cappy talking about, his rarest card..." she said.
"Sengenjin." Bijou answered.
"What about it?"
"Zat card was Cappy's first duel monster. When he found zat card, he didn't know how rare it was until Jam looked it up. Turns out, Sengenjin comes is a World Championship Series card."
"World Championships?"
"Oui, yes. From ze 2005 World Championship Series if memory serves me right. A duel monster from a high scale of dueling platform is a very rare card. It's ze strongest monster in Cappy's deck."
"Strong and rare.... no wonder he's having a fit over it."
"Speaking of fits, young lady..."
"Yes, Bijou?"
"In a sense, you are right. One understands monsters differently from duelist to duelist. I was wrong to improperly judge you, even if your passion is misplaced."
"I.... I understand."
"Well, I do believe you have some work to deal with."
"Relax, There are stronger beast monsters you can get a hold of." said Boss.
"But I didn't get any of my heavy hitters, Boss." said Cappy. "No Sengenjin, no Behemoth, not even my Big Koala. I have nothing powerful in my deck now, including the one in process!"
"You act like you need powerful monsters that bad." said Stan.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You obviously forgot about your duel with Roc Solid. It takes a lot of skill to win a duel with low level monsters, but it took even better skill to win without sacrificing a monster. But you did that, Cappy."
"My theory about Jam doing this to everyone of you is so you all force yourselves to be better duelists."
"That does make sense." said Penelope.
"Also, it forces you to try new approaches to your deck types. Remember, Jam has... I believe three different decks at his disposal, so don't limit yourselves to just one deck."
While all of this is taking place, Hiei and his crew all gathered up to discuss things on their side of the duel. "It would be nice to be our clan again in all honesty, but none of us have the skills to win against Jam." said Tyrone.
"At least you aren't cursed." said Hilde. "My dragons still won't listen to me."
"Why don't you try listening to them for a change..."
"Stop your bickering." said Hiei. "We need to think about how we will restore our name."
"Now Hiei, don't tell me that you're still stuck in the past."
Hiei and the others turned to see Pegasus. The card creator simply posted up next to Rufus. "So what are you doing here, Pegasus?" asked Hilde.
"Simple, I have a proposition for you duelists. One that you would be foolish to ignore." Pegasus began. "You all know of the three houses of the many Duel Acadamies, right?"
"Obelisk Blue, Ra Yellow and Slifer Red." all of them answered.
"Well, Hamtaro and crew were outcast from these dorms and in the process, started their own dorm which is known as Forbidden Brown. Now to my point; I need duelists to duel for me, so I figured that I would present this to you and your former clan first, Hiei."
"Why should we duel for you?" questioned Hiei.
"Because I can give you a 'House' to duel under.
"I know the mettle of your dueling skills, just as I know the mettle of the Forbidden Brown decks. Duel for me and I will give you a 'House' to duel under. The only catch is that your forget about your past as duelists of the Shadow Clan."
"Sounds like two catches, Pegasus." said Jewel.
"Duel for you and purge the Shadow Clan from our lives? All in exchange for a 'House'? And just what 'House' are you talking about?" asked Blaze.
"The 'House' named after the being that even the gods couldn't take down." Pegasus answered.
"One condition:" said Hiei. "This Gladiarot's Assault set is on its way to be distributed, so all of us should get our own box from it."
"One box of Gladiator's Assault for each of you?"
"You act like that's too much to give from the creator of the game, not like it's much. And besides, this levels the bargaining field so each of us give two things: We give up our past dueling name and duel for you; you give each member of us our own personal box from the new set which each of us can pick out for ourselves, and a new.... and possibly powerful 'House' to duel under."
"Agreed, but let's draw up tangible evidence of this proposition. This way, none of us can say that either party was cheated."
It didn't take long for this to happen, Croquet wrote up the agreement albeit dictation. Then both parties read the contract over and everyone signed in red ink. It was a done deal. "Pegasus, for the game's creator, you're quite all right." said Max.
"Of course I am, I did create this game." said Pegasus.
"Good, now it's time to rise again, fellow duelists." said Hiei and each of the former Shadow Clan members began to put on their black cloaks, even Kerin had one.
"No, no, no, that's not acceptable." said Pegasus. "Remove those at once."
"Remove our cloaks, what for?" questioned Jewel.
"Those cloaks are remnants of your past as the Shadow Clan, a past that you all agreed to leave behind as stated in the contract."
Jewel and company turned to Hiei. "Take them off, everyone. But we will not discard them like trash, Pegasus, as to remember our history." he told Pegasus.
"I won't have you throw them away, but they will be, just as all of you will be, upgraded."
"Upgraded?" all of them ask.
"Yes, now come with me. It's time to show you all to your house... and time for you to collect your boxes of Gladiator's Assault."
Ten days have passed since then, and Hamtaro and company were at Seamore and Barrette's picture shop. "So, is anyone having luck with their new decks?" asked Maxwell.
"I'm just about complete with mine, though I do have forty cards in it." answered Dexter.
"No luck for me." answered Cappy.
"I'm still searching for cards." answered Penelope.
"I've finished making imporvements on my deck." said Panda.
"Well, get ready to make some more improvements, people." Howdy said as he walked in with some tote. "I got some Gladiator's Grab Packs for everyone."
"Finally, they're out." said Cappy.
"Actually, I found out after I got these that the set was out for at least a day or so. No matter, we're in business."
"I guess that means that all the cards from the sneak preview are now legal for play." said Oxnard.
"You got it."
Rei was changing channels on the TV. "Man, there's nothing on." she said and changed the channel to see Pegasus on the tube. "Guys, I got something, gather 'round."
"Crank up the audio, sister." said Stan.
Rei turned up the volume of the tube and the hams listened in on Pegasus. "Time has come once again for another new set of Duel Monsters to open up and play." Pegasus began. "And I'm glad to hear that this new set is selling like sweet sunflower seed. I have a major announcement to make, but before I do, I want to remind everyone that you still have time to vote for the next release of rare cards. As you should know, I'm taking twenty special monsters and creating them as cards that will be ready and sanctioned for play, but I will release them five at a time. And if you have forgotten about these cards, you can visit my personal site and view them. I will begin releasing these cards January of 2008, so keep an eye out for them.
"Now for new reguarding the dueling world. As you all should know, there are dorms of duelists out there, so let me remind you all who they are and who they come from: First there is the dorm name after the Egyptian God of the Earth, Obelisk the Tormentor; the dorm named after the Egyptian God of the Sun, The Sundragon Ra; the dorm named after the Egyptian God of the Sky, Slifer the Sky Dragon; next is the group that changed the dueling game, named after Exodia himself, Forbidden Brown."
Hamtaro and the gang cheered their announcement. "Yeah, we rock baby." said Stan.
"Now I will introduce to you all a new 'House', one named after the very force that threatened the world in the past all those years ago. This monster's name was Zorc, so now I will introduce to all of you, the duelists of... Necrophade Black!"
The hams watched as the curtain lifted, but their awe turned into dismay as they saw who this new dorm was. "I can't believe this, Pegasus' new dorm is being run by the Shadow Clan." said Hamtaro.
"Those jerks want another beatdown, then they'll get one." said Howdy.
"Hiei.... You asshole." said Stan.
"How about a round of appaluse for Necrophade Black." said Pegasus and everyone at the press meeting applauded them.
Rei turned off the TV. "Well everyone, looks like we got more to worry about than just the Rexchus." she said.
"Yeah, unfortunately..." said Boss.