Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Kaiba’s Experiment Gone Wrong ❯ More Mishap ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh or Pokémon. Wish I did though. Do you know what I'd do if I did? That series of mine would be soo true...
Oh boy, it gets weirder… hopefully in a good way…

Part Two: More Mishap

Brock woke up in a big strange bed. "What's going on here?"

"Mr. Kaiba, Mokuba wants to see you." Then a black-haired boy jumped onto his bed.

"Good morning big brother!" he said with a big smile.

"Huh?" Brock was confused. He wasn't Mr. Kaiba and this Mokuba boy wasn't his brother. Mokuba had eyes! Then he noticed that his voice sounded different… more evil sounding or something.

"Seto? What's wrong? Don't you remember that you have a big duel against Yugi today?" Mokuba asked. The little boy seemed to be as confused as Brock was.

"Who's Yugi and what's a duel?"

"You know who Yugi is! Don't you?" Now Mokuba was even more confused. Then it clicked. "Uh-oh. My brother's experiment screwed up."

Brock didn't know what to say. "What kind of experiments does this Kaiba guy do?! Do they involve people switching bodies? Is he some kind of sick freak?"

"He was testing out this new dueling devise when something weird happened. There was an electrical overload. I guess it switched people's bodies." Mokuba looked concerned. "I hope Seto's ok…"

* * *

Ash walked down the stairs. There was an old man with hair similar to his (Yugi's) who looked confused.

"Where's my lab?" he asked.

The boy knew of one old man back home with a lab… "Professor Oak?"

"Huh? How do you know my name?"

Ash explained himself. The old man understood.

"This is bad. I have research to do and a date with your mom!"

The boy was horrified. "Professor Oak is going out with my MOM?" he thought.

Then Yugi's friends walked in. Two had the classic "I'm so confused" look on their faces, which meant that they weren't the only ones to switch bodies. There was a girl with brown hair who looked quite mad.

"I still don't understand how people can switch bodies!" She turned around. "Hey Yugi!"

"Ash! Switch to me!" Yami said (well, in his head.)

"How?" He had been told about the whole switching thing.

"Uh… just shout 'yu-gi-oh' I guess." Yami couldn't explain how to switch to Ash for some reason. Maybe it was because of the fact that this wasn't Yugi.

Ash did as told and was able to switch. Yami explained and switched again.

"Why didn't you stay out?" Ash asked.

"Because it isn't a duel."

"Whatever." Yami confused him.

"So who got switched?"

"Ah! I have a horrible Brooklyn accent! It's worse than Meowth's!" a blond-haired teenage boy yelled. His hair was everywhere it seemed. "I'm Gary."

"Gary?! NO FAIR! You're taller and cooler!" Ash complained. Why was he always ahead of him in everything?

"Hey guys!" a teenage boy with white hair said. He sounded slightly like Tracey. "I'm Tracey."

Oh. That explained it.

"Hello Tracey. No research today," Professor Oak said.

Everyone looked at each other, confused.

"I just hope Marik doesn't decide to attack today," the girl said.

That's when he walked in. He was also confused.

"Where's my base? Where's my Persian? What is this?" the Marik poser asked, holding up a golden rod with a round top with some wing-like things on the sides and a pointy end. "And why in the world am I in a lavender belly shirt!?"

"Looks like Marik switched with someone," Professor Oak said.

"I need a phone. Someone's got to tell those idiots up at HQ what to do!" the man posing as Marik yelled.

"Use the rod you dummy," the girl mumbled.

"What, this piece of metal?" The man then looked for a dial pad on the rod. Everyone fell over.

Ash shrugged. Who could this guy be? Whoever he was, he'd been switched with someone and he had people to command. Maybe he was that Boss guy Jessie and James seemed to talk about.

* * *

Joey was in the middle of nowhere with six cheerleaders and a car. So what if the girls thought that he was this Gary guy? He had cheerleaders!

"Gary, let's go!" one said.

"Ok!" So what if he had these Pokémon… monster… things? He had cheerleaders!

One of the girls hopped in the driver's seat and drove off.

Now all he needed was a six-pack and he could call it a day!

* * *

Grandpa Motou was with Bakura in a big lab. There were weird monsters everywhere.

The two of them had talked and knew that they had switched bodies. Now what? A woman with long blue hair walked in.

"Why don't you take care of the Pokémon?" she asked.

"Uh, okay." The two then set off to take care of them. Bakura couldn't help but notice Grandpa looking at the aid a lot…

* * *

Brock had made Mokuba breakfast. He was fixing the dueling devise.

"How is it going?"

Mokuba grabbed a pancake. "I don't know what went wrong…" He ate the pancake. "Wow! This is good!"

While the little boy worked on the device, an important looking man walked in. "Yugi Motou wants to cancel the duel today."

"Whatever," Brock said. "We have work to do." The man left, and Mokuba kept working on the machine…

* * *

The guy in Marik's body had found a phone. He dialed a phone number.

"Hello, can I help you?" someone asked.

"How's operation 72-B going?" he asked. Everyone else in the room cracked up. He thought he could call his underlings? This was going to be good…

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," the person on the other end said.

"Is this Team Rocket base 17?"

"Uh… no," the person said. "I haven't a clue who those Team Rocket people are."

"Oh." The man hung up the phone. He growled and pounded the table. "Someone is going to pay…"

The others laughed.

* * *

The real Marik was in a base of some sort. "Where am I? Where are my Rare Hunters? And where's my Millennium Rod? I have work to do, people to control and Egyptian God cards to win!" he thought.

A man wearing black (except for a red R on his shirt) ran in. "Giovanni! Base 17 is under attack!"

"Why do I care? Where's my rod?"

"Oh crap… he's drunk again…" the man said while leaving.


Oh crap, am I really misspelling stuff? Sorry!

I don't know why I put Professor Oak and Delia going out in here. I'm not much for that relationship. Well, I won't fight it, but it's not my favorite.

See, it got weirder. I'll have to explain how I did the who should switch thing.
Let's see...

Ash and Yugi: well, they're the main characters of their respective shows. Actually, this was only going to be them at first, but it went a little out of hand...
Brock and Kaiba: voice actors. They're done by the same person and sound a lot alike. I could not resist!
Professor Oak and Grandpa Motou: Old guys. And you'll see why else later.
Joey and Gary: I'm not too sure. Maybe I just wanted rivals together since I already have Yugi and Kaiba in the same area...
Bakura and Tracey: Again, voice actors.
Marik and Giovanni: They're bad guys. That, and I though it'd be fun.