Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Kaiba’s Experiment Gone Wrong ❯ Yugi vs. Kaiba… Pokemon style! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon or Yu-gi-oh. It'd be fun if I did. Now if they they'd only sell them or something... I'd try to buy Pokémon...

Note: if the Pokémon speak, I'll put some translations.
And beware... Yugi's doing some preaching.

Part Three: Yugi vs. Kaiba… Pokémon style!

Kaiba was fighting with Yugi on the road… again.

"I bet my Pokémon could beat yours!" Kaiba yelled.

"Really?" Yugi asked. He didn't want to be in a Pokémon battle. What would he do?

"I challenge you, Yugi Motou!" Kaiba said while pointing at him. Then Kaiba found the pokéballs that Brock kept in his pocket [that's where they are, right?]. "Go Pokémon!"

A big rock Pokémon came out and roared. Yugi was startled; it was huge. The Pokémon had to be at least taller than his house…

"Uh… go Pokémon?" Yugi pulled out a pokéball from his belt and hoped it was strong enough to beat it.

"Maybe if I believe in the heart of the pokéball, it'll be a good Pokémon…" he thought.

But it appeared that the "heart of the pokéball" had failed him; the Pokémon that came out was a little monster with slants for eyes. Then flames came out of its back. "Ok, attack that… thing, little Pokémon!"

The little Pokémon looked at him, confused. It said something that sounded like "Cin cin da quil cin cin." [That meant "Ash must be having a bad day or something."] Then it followed Yugi's request and shot out some flame at it. The rock snake-like thing didn't get hurt. After that, the Pokémon hit it with its big tail a couple of times. Yugi's Pokémon then fell to the ground and its eyes turned into swirls.

"Recall it! Just point the ball at it and say 'return'," Misty said.

"Uh, return!" Yugi said, doing what Misty had told him. The Pokémon went back to the ball.

Kaiba smiled. "Ha ha. You're good at Duel Monsters, but not at Pokémon!" Kaiba then laughed some more.

Yugi took a different pokéball. "Heart of the pokéball… guide me…" he thought. He threw it and a crocodile Pokémon came out. It jumped up and did its little thing. Again Kaiba laughed; he thought the thing was a joke.

"Attack that Pokémon!" Yugi yelled.

The crocodile Pokémon nodded and shot some water out of its mouth. The rock snake fell down, swirls for eyes. "Yes!" Yugi yelled.

"Return!" The Pokémon went back to its pokéball. He then (flamboyantly) pulled out another pokéball and let the Pokémon out. This Pokémon was a fox-like one with six tails. "Attack!"

Too bad the crocodile hit it first. Soon it was done like the rock snake.

After that, Kaiba sent out a blue bat. The crocodile hit it a couple of times, then the Pokémon was out like the other two.

"Does this Brock guy train his Pokémon much? This is just pathetic…" he thought.

Kaiba sent out the only Pokémon left. It was a floating bolder with two arms. That was easily taken out in one hit from the crocodile's water attack.

"This Brock guy sucks," Kaiba said.

Yugi hugged the crocodile Pokémon. It had won the battle!

"Do you know why I won? I believed in the heart of the pokéball, and the heart of the Pokémon!" Yugi announced.

"Won't you ever stop that 'heart of the whatever' thing?!" Kaiba yelled.

"Heart of the Pokémon? Man, I need Ash back," Misty mumbled. "At least he doesn't say things like that." She rolled her eyes at Yugi's comment.


Sorry so short; wanted to separate this part from the next one.