Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Kaiba’s Experiment Gone Wrong ❯ Ash and Gary Duel ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ok, please forgive me. Duels take thought, and I had a little fun with this. And I cannot spell Slipher the Sky Dragon right… is that right? Well, if it isn't, I'm sorry… I'm stupid like that.
Good thing that I watch Yu-gi-oh so much and have some of the cards…
And today, Yami's in italics… always. And look at Ash respond in italics… ^_^ I like italics. Maybe that's why these notes are in them...

And yes, this is short again. Next part shouldn't be.

Part Four: Ash and Gary Duel

Ash and Gary were at each other's throats. Everyone else was watching.

"I bet my deck's better than yours!" Gary said, turning his head away.

"Is NOT!" Ash yelled. He was pissed off. Why did Gary have to rub in that he was superior?

"Then prove it!" Gary had put on the duel disk this morning. He thought he was interesting, and it looked cool. Yami made Ash put his on earlier.

"All right! It's time to duel!" The duel disks set up the holograms. All of the people that had switched bodies were surprised by this new technology. The opponents shuffled decks, then went to start the duel. Both of the boys started with 4000 life points. They each drew five cards.

"You can go first," Gary said. "Maybe if I watch him, I'll get some of this," he thought.

Ash had Giant Solder of Stone, Remove Trap, Dark Magician, Monster Reborn and… Change of Heart?

"I added it yesterday," Yami told Ash.

"Uh, why do I care?" Ash asked him. "What do I do?"

"Okay Ash, put the Giant Solder of Stone sideways on the Duel Disk. That means it's in defense mode. It has a high defense, and most low-level monsters can't destroy it. It keeps us safe for now."

Ash did as he was told, and told Gary. Gary didn't have such a good time. He tried summoning Jinzo, but the disk beeped and the card flew off. "What?! Why didn't it go on the field?" Poor Gary didn't know about the sacrificing rule. He didn't have a Yami to help him… "This is a bunch of crap!"

Next turn, Ash drew Mystical Elf. He played it safe and summoned it in defense mode. After that he ended his turn. "Can I summon Dark Magician next turn? he asked Yami.

"Yes, if you sacrifice both of the monsters on the field. Just look at the stars on the card. If it's anything above five, you sacrifice," Yami said.

Gary managed to summon a monster: the Time Wizard. "Hmm… an effect…" he said, reading the card and smiling.

"Uh-oh," Yami said.

"Go! Do… whatever you do!" The Time Wizard did the Time Roulette. Luckily for Ash, it landed wrong, and the monster was destroyed. Gary gurred. "No fair! Can't a cut a break in this game?"

Ash drew a card: Card Destruction. Under Yami's guidance, he put it on the field facedown. After that, he sacrificed his two monsters and summoned the Dark Magician.

"All right! The Heart of the Cards is on our side!" Yami said.

"The wha?" Ash asked.

"Never mind. You wouldn't understand."

"All right!" Ash yelled. "Soon I'll win!"

Gary groaned. He tried summoning Insect Queen, but again he couldn't. "What's wrong?!" he asked. Again, he didn't get the rule.

Next, Ash drew… Slipher the Sky Dragon?

"Oops, forgot to take it out. Use Card Destruction once you put Monster Reborn on the field," Yami said.

Ash did as told by Yami. Then, Ash and Gary drew new cards. Gary was pissed; he had two good monsters in his hand!

Yami had an idea. "Use Monster Reborn on his Jinzo! That way, we can win in one shot!"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Ash said. He did it and saw that his total attack of the two monsters on the field was over 4000; more than enough to wipe Gary out, just like Yami had said. Both of the monsters attacked, and Gary was done!

"All right!" Ash said. "I won, all thanks to Yami!"

"If it were a Pokémon battle, I would have won!" Gary yelled, getting up.

"Whatever. I would have won that too!"


So, was it good? I tried my best…