Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny's Path ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Destiny's Path: Chapter 3
By Archangel Nightshade Bloodraven

Ranma was shocked out of his drug induced slumber by an elbow to his gut. He rolled back as Hotaru flailed wildly and scrambled back as Xian Pu dragged him to his feet. "Feisty, isn't she?" She murmured in his ear as she slid back into her purple dress.

"No kidding Xian Pu- Xian Pu! What-"

"Later, Ranma. Let's wake sleeping cutie up before she hurts someone."

Ranma rummaged through his pack and produced a canteen. "Back up Xi chan." Ranma said spinning the top off and upending it over the sleeping brunette who sat up sputtering.

"What the hell was that for?" Hotaru screamed.

"You were kicking my ass in your sleep!" Ranma exclaimed.

"Ranma," Xian Pu snickered. "You do realize you just admitted that your student was kicking your ass? In her sleep no less?"

"Look you, I'm sure you got in a few good hits on Ku Lohn."

"Yeah, but I was usually awake and trying!"

"I'm sorry Ranma. I was... having a nightmare."

Ranma was silent for a long while. "It all started when my father took me on a decade long training journey..."


The three settled down and talked long into the night telling their respective tales, of a martial artist, an Amazon Warrior and a feared magical girl. Hotaru nodded appreciatively throughout the battle with Saffron. Ranma shivered a little as Xian recapped the chase from China to Japan. The both marveled at the craftsmanship of the Silence Glaive and quivered as Hotaru retold her time as Mistress 9.

"That's what you were dreaming about wasn't it?" Xian said slowly when she finished. "Well let's go to sleep for a few hours and then I may be able to help you both." This being said she curled up on her side and fell asleep.

"She doesn't find this weird?" Hotaru said in amazement.

"'Taru, between the Nekohanten, Tendo Dojo and Furinkan High, the two of us have lived at ground zero of weird for two years." Ranma yawned pulling the other brunette down to the sleeping bag. "You being a magical girl who can heal people and destroy the world in the same sitting is really low on the Freaky McWeird meter. Sleep well Hotaru," he whispered as the Senshi of Silence dozed off and snuggled closer to him. "And may your dreams be untroubled."


Ranma awoke the in the morning to a tight hug from the still slumbering Hotaru, and the cheerful humming of Xian Pu as she warmed some water over a fire.

"Good morning Ranma." The Amazon girl said coating her arms with soap almost to the shoulders. "I um, thought I better tell you what I was planning."

"You don't need to. The Xi fa xiang gao?"

Xian nodded. "I can use it to dull the memories of your Neko Ken training, and Hotaru's time as Mistress Nine. But I won't do it if you don't want me to."


"Why tell? Because... I need a friend... someone who will trust me. Can't really expect that from you with my track record, but... If you're willing to make a fresh start, then I am too."

Ranma gazed down at the still sleeping Hotaru. "I'll do it, but you'll have to explain exactly what's going to happen to her when you do this, so she can decide for herself."

"Decide what?" The sleepy brunette murmured, slowly coming awake.

Xian Pu explained exactly what the technique consisted of as best she could and Hotaru gnawed her lip thoughtfully. "So what do you think?"

"I- I don't want to forget. Mistress 9 was terrible, and made me do terrible things... but she was still a part of me."

"I don't understand." Xian Pu said in confusion. "It brought you so much hurt..."

"Xian." Ranma said abruptly. "Do you know why none of us can get rid of our Jusenkyo curses?"

"Because there's no cure?"

Ranma shook his head and ran his hands in the clear water allowing the change to take place. "Anything that can be done, can somehow be undone. There are times I see myself this way I want to laugh or cry or break something or.... I dunno. But Ranko here is as much a part of me as my own heart and soul. Deep down, I think I'd miss her if she was gone."

"I think... I'd miss my ne- other form too. Lying on a bed is great, but there's something about curling up in a sunbeam that's pure heaven. Well, I can do it. It'll take a little longer, but I can do it."

"All right." The young brunette stretched and stripped down to her underwear before wading into the frigid river water as Ranko leaned up against a nearby tree and opened the envelope from Kasumi.

My dearest Ranma.

Here's a little something to start you on your new path. I hope you find true happiness and that our paths cross again soon.

Always in my thoughts,

Ranko laid the note aside and counted out several crisp 10000 yen notes that Kasumi had obviously been saving for some time, possibly for her nursing classes. Quite a sacrifice. "Thanks Kas-chan, and I hope I see you soon as well."

The other enveloped was embellished with a black rose entwined with a ribbon.

Hail Ranma, and your crimson tressed soulmate.

You didn't really think I was that clueless, or that crazy did you? Though hard to believe, news of your... condition reached me. Sasuke then confirmed the rumors, that you and the red head are one in the same. I found myself at quite a loss. To reveal that I knew of your curse would do considerable damage to my own 'deranged noblewoman' act, which I have my own reasons to maintain. However I do applaud your decision to live your life on your own terms. If you're going to start over, it would be... unbecoming of you to steal like a rat, and unwise to remain as you are. I have certain resources at my disposal that may be of some use to you and your female friend. (This last was hastily added in pen) I wish you the best in all things.

Kuno Kodachi

"'Dachi. I never thought I would consider you an ally. This is unusual." Ranko mused.

"It's a new start, Ranko." Xian Pu said leading a slightly unsteady Hotaru out of the water. "Only a fool squanders that."

"How are ya feelin Hotaru?"

"Refreshed... and a little dizzy."

Xian laughed. "It happens. Some of the shampoo's ingredients have... mood altering properties. Just sit here and get yourself together while I give Red here a quick scrub."

Ranko shook her head and laughed. "Can't you Amazons do anything without drugs or violence?" She asked stripping off her pants and untying her hair

"Depends. Can you do anything without involving Martial Arts?"

"Okay. You got me there." Ranko laughed. "I can't believe this. I'm in a freezing cold river laughing with someone who wanted to kill me."

Xian Pu smiled as she began massaging Ranko's scalp. "Sometimes, things have to change."


"How in the name of the ancestors can someone fall asleep on their knees?" Xian Pu mused, heaving the now sleeping Ranko from the stream and propping her up next to Hotaru, who was also fast asleep. She turned to reach for a sleeping bag and found that the two girls had somehow entwined in each other's arms the moment her back was turned making them look, if possible, even more adorable. With a slight chuckle she covered them both as a plump white duck flew into the clearing. "Ah, hello Mu Tsu. I imagine you'd like to change back." The duck nodded and waddled over to peer at the two sleeping girls before pulling a wing over his beak and quacking in a way that sounded more than a little like a snicker.

"Mu san! Behave!" Xian chided gently, as she scooped up the mirthfully vibrating duck while waiting for the water to grow warm enough to change.

"Mmm... Peking Duck with Honey glaze sounds great Michi mama." Hotaru mumbled in her sleep, curling closer to Ranma. A certain boy turned duck fell silent almost immediately.

"I don't think Hotaru chan would eat you, but lets get you changed back before that can happen." Xian said pouring the warm water over the duck's head transforming him into a tall dark haired youth in voluminous robes. "Now why is it that the rest of us change nude, and you always have those robes?" The female Amazon asked.

"That my dear, is as secret as your fluency in Japanese." Mu Tsu said producing his thick glasses and a scroll from his sleeve. "I'm afraid it's finally happened."

"The council banned us?" Xian Pu said.

"Yes. We three have been stripped of our rank and position as Chinese Amazons. Of course..." Mu Tsu grinned. "Since the day Ranma left Elder Ku Lohn asked permission to form a tribe of Japanese Amazons, the messages probably passed each other in transit."

"Well, Ranma ought to be happy to know that my claim was lost with my status. Hopefully the petition to form a new tribe will be accepted."

"Are you scared?"

"As an Amazon, I fear nothing. As a warrior, I fear nothing. As a person... If the petition is denied, we all could be executed, you, me, hibachan, Ryoga, Ranma... I do not fear death, but I do not wish to face it."

"I know the risks as well as elder Ku Lohn. The Hibiki boy is nearly impossible to find on a good day, and virtually indestructible. Ranma... He's fast, adaptable, and too damn smart for his own good."

"You forgot devilishly handsome." Ranko yawned stretching a little.

"And modest." Hotaru murmured, uncoiling herself before nuzzling up to Ranko again. The small brunette closed her eyes a moment and then sighed in contentment before opening her eyes and beckoning the purple haired Amazon closer and kissing her forehead.

"How do you know the Amazon kiss of gratitude?"

Hotaru blinked. "You're kidding right? I was just gonna say that."

"Amazon's are very affectionate. They have a kiss for almost every occasion. That you happened to know the right kiss for this situation surprised me."

"So why the long faces? All I got was the impression of some vague threat." Ranko asked.

"We've been disowned, Ranko." Xian Pu said. "Our status as Chinese Amazons has been rescinded, along with my claim on you. The problem is, even though Ku Lohn has petitioned the Council to allow us to form a 'tribe' of Japanese Amazon's, if the petition is denied, we and anyone we have trained in the Amazon ways can be tracked and killed." The purple haired girl grabbed Ranko by her shoulders. "Promise me, Ranko, that you won't put anyone else in danger with what you know! You mustn't teach anyone else the techniques you've learned, not even Hotaru!"

"I understand Xian. And Hotaru, no trying to imitate me either. I doubt the hunters will care whether I actually trained you, or if you just picked it up. I'll teach you anything else you want, but this is out of my hands, so don't ask."

"I... understand Ranma. I don't like it, but... I understand."

"Thank you, imouto chan." Ranko said pulling the smaller girl closer. "I just met you and I don't want to lose you over something so stupid." The tears running down the redheads cheeks silenced any retribution from the two Amazons.

{"She must have really gotten to him in so short a time."} Mu Tsu whispered in Mandarin.

{"Yes. I never expect to see Ranma cry over a girl."} Xian Pu murmured thoughtfully. {"And he called her little sister. Their bonds are surprisingly strong "}

{"Ranma needs someone who cares about him, and this girl seems to be the one."}

"Are you two done talking about us?" Hotaru asked softly wiping the tears away from Ranko's eyes.

{"Or want Ranko guess what Ramen girl and duck boy say?"} Ranko said in pidgin Mandarin.

"That's a surprise, to say the least." Xian looked up in shock.

"I started learning the language when I was gung ho for a cure. I figured that China was a good place to start, so I ought to speak the language." Ranko said with a shrug. "You should be happy Mu Tsu. You win."

"Ranma, I never wanted to oppose you." Mu Tsu said. "It was purely professional. I was a suitor, you were a reluctant suitor. A rivalry was expected."

"Mu Tsu and I have always been the closest of friends." Xian Pu said. "He would protect me from jealous rivals and power hungry suitors, but as between he and you... certain expectations arose. But really," She paused and waved her hand around. "this is the prize we've all won."

"Freedom." Mu Tsu said.

"Freedom." Hotaru mused.

"Freedom." Xian Pu agreed.

"Freedom." Ranko grinned. "To be whatever or whoever we want to be."

"Speaking of which Ranko, you might want to think about a new name, and a change of exterior."

"Indeed. If I wanted a battle everyday I'd have stayed in Nerima."

"Ranko," Hotaru spoke softly. "When you called me little sister, did you mean it?" She blushed and lowered her head. "Because that would make a great cover and-"

"Taru chan," Ranko said silencing her with a gentle finger on her lips. "I can think of no greater honor than to have you as my little sister."

"Ranko, 'Taru. There was more than just your... physical ordeals to your anxieties."

"You mean there was more to my fear than being tossed in a pit of cats?" Ranko said.

"That's exactly what I mean. You're greatest fear was never cats. It was-"

"Being alone." Hotaru whispered, looking at Ranko. "You lost your mother, and then your father, who you thought would always be there for you..."

Xian Pu gasped in surprise. "That... You started loosing respect for your father after the cat fist, didn't you."

"Well, yeah..." Ranko mused quietly. Then she exploded into a torrent of tears. "Wouldn't you?" She sobbed. "That fat bastard should have-" She dissolved into incoherent babbling interlaced with sobbing as Hotaru and Xian Pu wrapped their arms around the distraught martial artist.

"Ranko." Hotaru raised the boy turned girl's eyes to meet her own. "I'm your family now, and you will never be alone again, not while I'm still breathing."

"Everyone says that." Ranko sniffled morosely.

"But I mean it. I give you my word, on my honor as a warrior, I'll always be here for you." Hotaru squeezed the trembling red head more tightly to her.

"You're not the only one who was hurt, Ranko. Hotaru was never given a choice in her life. She was Mistress 9. She was Sailor Saturn. She was gifted with her healing abilities. She never asked for this, just like you." Xian Pu said solemnly.

"W-well, that's gonna end right now. No matter how infuriating it may get, I'm gonna offer you as many choices as I can see." Ranko sighed scrubbing the tear streaks from her face. "That's MY promise."

"Ranko, I want to give you a gift, though I suppose it would be better suited for Ranma." Hotaru brushed a few stray red hairs out of Ranko's face. "I... I doubt my healing gifts are enough to cure your Jusenkyo curse, but I may be able to cure you of the Dragon Whisker."

"Oh Taru chan, you don't have to do that."

"No, but I want to. That's my choice. You promised to let me me make my own choices, and I don't want to railroad you or manipulate you, but I want to do this. You've already done so much for me, I want to do this one little thing for you, please?"

"Okay, 'tou chan. If it means that much to you, I'll let you do this thing."

"Are you sure Ranma? I won't-"

"You want to do it, and I'm not all that opposed. In fact I'm rather glad you asked what I wanted at all."

"Ranko... I just noticed something. You way of speaking..."

"Surprised that I actually have proper grammar skills, Mu Tsu?" The red head grinned. "I'm so much more than I let on. I reserved my proper speaking skills for those I respected."

"And your mother?" Mu Tsu arched an eyebrow.

"If your mother let go on a training journey with someone insane enough to insist- no trick- you into signing a suicide pact when you're five and then even contemplate fulfilling that insane pledge? It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say I bear a tiny bit of resentment towards my mother."

"All right, enough gabbing!" Hotaru laughed with a broad smile. She rubbed her hands together and with a deep breath laid her hands upon Ranko's head.

Usually Hotaru's healings were marked by a soft glow and nothing more. Of course when adding the Ranma Factor, usual goes straight out the window. THIS particular healing was marked by purple lightening, red hair glowing silver, and a massive crack as both girls were thrown backwards, unconscious.

"Something tells me that wasn't normal." Xian Pu murmured.

"Of course it wasn't." Mu Tsu said drawing a long black thread from the hand of the sleeping red head, before using it to tie Hotaru's now silver hair into a loose ponytail. "Ranma was involved." Mouse gazed towards the horizon where the sun was sinking low on the horizon. "Seems our travelers have lost a day."

"It was worth it." Xian Pu said, rearranging the still made camp with a yawn. "Besides most of the moron squad are going to expect Ranma to be farther along by now. However I think it would be best for us if we got some sleep."

"Yes, and I should get back to the restaurant. Any idea of... when you'll be back?" Though the young Amazon male desperately wanted to know where his sometimes friend, sometimes adversary would end up, but he knew that would be the worst thing for all of them.

"As soon as I can Mu kun." Xian Pu said tiredly. "As soon as I can."


Weeks later three travelers stood on a ridge overlooking a bustling metropolis. "Shampoo guess this is goodbye."

"Not goodbye." The platinum haired girl said tossing her waist length braid forward over her shoulder, and removing her black mirrored sunglasses. She smoothed the wrinkles from her white long sleeve shirt with a split silver heart on the left shoulder and the Kanji for heart breaker on the right before dusting the dirt out of her black cargo. As she clipped her glasses onto the pocket of her gray vest, her hazel eyes took in the the city below her, her new home, and a faint smile crossed her face. "Goodbye's are forever. This is merely... a brief parting."

"Ho- er, Kioko's right, Xi chan. This isn't the end." The white haired youth in his flowing blue pants and silver silk shirt with green dragon motif ran his fingers through his short cropped mane. "As long as your friends are in your heart, it's never goodbye."

"Kiyoshi is too too wise." Xian Pu said softly, as she stroked Kiyoshi's face with one hand, causing him to blush and push his glasses up his nose.

"We should go," Kioko said, her voice breaking slightly as she shouldered her pack. "Before we lose the light."

"Go." Xian Pu said giving the pair a gentle shove towards the city as she turned and walked past the sign marking the Domino City Limits. "Go, and be happy with the life you've chosen."