Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Live Without You ❯ Yami's Changed Mood ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Karenu-anime: Well, here's the 2 chapter!! Voila! *sigh*

Yugi: Will I be appearing in this fic? *blinks cutely*

Karenu-anime: In the very end, Yugi, don't worry. Oh, before, I forget…….why did you lights leave me with your yamis?

Hikaris: *fidgety* Um…..could we just get on with the story????

Karenu-anime: Fine. Who's going to do all the disclaimer stuff??

Ryou: I'll do it!! Karenu-anime does not own Yugioh and all the other mojo.

Karenu-anime: Thank you, Ryou. Now, on with the fic!!

Chapter 2:

Ring!!! Yami was getting up very slowly. He still had on his leather attire and he wondered how. Then everything came back to him in a crash. He fell back down. <<Yugi……why did you have to leave me? >>, Yami thought, <<Why am I so stupid. I should have seen my love for you in the beginning. It's too late now…..>>.

Yami got up and made breakfast for himself. Yami stopped for a moment to look around. It was quiet. Yami felt alone, really alone. He didn't know why he felt this way. He knew he should have gotten over it, but he didn't. Then it was like there was a light bulb on top of Yami's head. <<Perhaps, if I go back to Egypt I can find some spells somewhere. >>, Yami thought excitedly, <<and I can resurrect Yugi!!! >> He quickly went out the door with French toast still in his mouth. He knew exactly where to go. To Seto Kaiba's house. He could always get him to pay for it since he didn't have enough. He got onto his motorcycle and sped off (Karenu-anime: Don't you just love that phrase?? Yugi: Get back to the story and away from la, la, land!!).

When he arrived at Kaiba's house (Karenu-anime: Understatement!! It's a mansion!!), he rang the oh-so-lovable bell. Seto was very surprised at Yami's arrival. After what seemed like twenty hours of persuasion and "begging", Seto finally agreed. Soon a happy Yami went out the door and started speeding off singing a happy tune to himself.

He stopped by the cemetery where Yugi was buried. He looked down sadly at his dead hikari's grave. He smiled a true sincere smile for a long time. <<Soon Yugi, you'll be back where you belong.>> Yami thought, <,You're probably in heaven right now, since angels do deserve to go to heaven.>>. He slowly walked away from the grave, smiling a sad smile and sped off. He once was lost, but now it seemed that he had a road to go.

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Karenu-anime: So, how do you like it?? Sorry, my chapters are soooooo short, but I can't seem to write long chapters yet.

Ryou: It'll take time, don't worry.

Yugi: Yeah, you'll probably be a wiz when you finish this story.

Karenu-anime: Really?? Thanks!!!

Malik: Your reviews will do very nicely. If you're wondering where our yami's are, they are at a café store because…………..

Karenu-anime: Let's just say I threatened them, with the help of my fabulous hikari friends!!

Yugi: You know the drill. Press on that nice at the bottom to review. Just press it and give us your comments. Flames, as you know, will be given to Bakura. Which Ra knows what he's going to do with them. Please review!!!