Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Do you Dream of Me? ❯ My Reasons ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Dawn, please hold on!!" Kaiba said, as he held onto me. The cliff's side was beginning to weaken even more, while Kaiba was on the ground.

"Kaiba, you gotta let go!" I said. "Otherwise we'll both end up falling in!"

"Don't be stupid!" Kaiba snapped back. "I'm not--letting--you go!!!" But the cliffside was becoming weaker by the moment, and Kaiba could feel that it wasn't long now until the portion of it would be completely gone. It's either now or never! Kaiba thought ot himself. And with that, he used all of his strength in his one arm to begin to pull me up, but it was only making the situation worse.

"Oh no! I can't look!" Anzu said, closing her eyes, and covering her face with her hands.

"Kaiba! Dawn!" Yugi shouted. Finally, the cliff portion had collapsed. Everyone closed their eyes, unable to watch anymore. After a moment of not looking, they opened their eyes once more to see that no one was there, and began to spaz.

"No!" Jounouchi said. They all ran over to to the end of the cliff and saw that no one was there.

"Oh, my goodness....!" Anzu said, feeling tears come down.

"There's no way anyone survived that fall..." Hiroto said, and then turned away/

"........." Yugi then looked down at the ground. He then saw something that caught his attention. He looked farther over to see that both Kaiba and I were on another part of the cliff that was wide enough to hold the both of us.

"Hey, look!" He said. Everyone looked down even further, and it brough smiles in relief to them. Kaiba had made sure he got under me, and let himself break the fall for me. He landed hard on his back, but none the less, he was still holding onto me tightly. My eyes were closed the whole time, expecting something to happen, but when I had opened them up, I could see that my faces was just inches away from his. He was squinting in pain, from the fall impact on his back.

"Kaiba...." I said in a low, soft tone. He opened his eyes slowly.

"Ar.....are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah....and you?"

"I dunno....I guess.....but boy are you stupid.....standing on a weak edge like that so I have to come and save your butt." He replied with a grin. I looked at him, and then smiled.

"I assume....if you can make comments like that, than you're definitely all right." I said.

"'EEEEEEEEEY!!! KAIBA!! DAWN!!!" Yugi shouted. We both looked up to see the others at the top.

"You guys okay??" Bakura asked.

"We're fine for the most part." I replied.

"Okay! Stay right there! We'll look for something to hoist you guys up." Hiroto said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I did what you told me!" snapped Bandit Keith, when he went back to see Pegasus, after his brutal attack from Kaiba. "You said to get the girl, knock her out, and then bring her to the hotel and make it look like something happened. You NEVER said that Kaiba'd be there!"

"YOU knew that Seto Kaiba was alive....hence you should have been ready for anything....even an attack such as what you recieved." Pegasus replied. "However, you did get the job done. Not only did you put Ms. Grayson under some shock and disbelief, but you also did the same to Kaiba himself...which was exactly what I wanted."

"That's right! So give me what I came for!" Bandit Keith said.

"You wanted a duel with me, correct?" Pegasus said, walking closer to Keith.


"Very well....Gentlemen?" Pegasus said, and then called over a couple of guards.

"Now that's more like it...." Bandit Keith said, under his breath. Both men grabbed him by the arm rather tightly, and showed him over to a door. They opened it to only show that there was nothing there except for the outside. They were on the edge of a cliff, with no where to go, and they just pushed him out the door. Bandit Keith then let out a long scream all the way down at the bottom, unable to catch onto anything. Pegasus then took a sip of his wine, typically.

"Maybe you should wait until I feel like challenging a loser like you..." He said, feeling like he was still talking to Bandit Keith, and then smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Man, Dawn, you got some nerve!" Hiroto said to her when they got back to the hotel room. "you made us all die because of that stunt you pulled!"

"I'm sorry..." I said, lowering my head. "It just seemed right from how things have been going for me...With everyone and everything dying around me...I just don't seem to have much left." The room was completely silent. Kaiba did nothing but look down at the ground.

"Guys..." He said in a low tone. "You need to leave...."

"Why do we have to leave?" Yugi asked.

"Because this has nothing to do with you anymore. This is just for me and Dawn, understand? I can't risk anyone else."

"Hey! We're apart of this too ya know!" Jounouchi said. "We deserve to help a LITTLE. Geez! We have a right to know what else is going on!"

"Jounouchi...let's go...Seto and Dawn need to be alone anyways.." Anzu said as she tugged on his arm and they left to go into the other room. Once they closed the door, Kaiba then turned to me, who was still staring at the ground. I didn't know what to say....I mean, after all that has happened, I had so many questions....and yet nothing came out.

".....Dawn....?" Kaiba then spoke in a soft tone. That was the first time I could ever hear his voice like that, and it seemed kind of.....nice....but I knew that the conversation was going to be serious.

"Look, I, uh..." Kaiba began. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen....I didn't mean to get you involved in this....If I wasn't involved with KaibaCorp...none of this would have had to be." I remained silent.

"But it's not like I wanna be in this anymore. I want to break away...but I can't. I don't have a choice in the matter."

"There's always a choice, Seto." I said, looking away. "You just can't walk away from all that power that you have, can you?"

"......................No, I guess I can't." Kaiba admitted, looking down. "But I also have to support Mokuba. How else would I be able to do that? Get a normal job, making no pay, just so we could have nothing, and watch as Mokuba is taken away from me because I can't support him?? I don't want that to happen, okay? What do you expect me to do? I've already lost enough people in my family. I can't lose anymore. Not Mokuba...and not you."

"Seto...." I began. "Like you said before: we're older now. I can take care of myself."

"Oh really?" Kaiba replied, scoffing. "Is that why you ended up in bed with a guy like Bandit Keith??"

"Oh, don't you even go there with me, Seto!" I snapped.

"Well, it seems like to me you actually LIKE lechers like him."

"Yeah...I love them." I said in my sarcastic tone. Kaiba then looked up at me, taking my comment seriously. "....I'm kidding." He then shook his head.

"That's not funny to me, Dawn." Kaiba said.

"Well, it seems that you're a little short on fun these days anyways...." I said. "So I'm not surprised that you took it seriously."

"Hey, that was low..."

"Well, so was your remark!" I said. "Do you think yours was any nicer??" We looked at each other, and then finally Kaiba finally sighed.

"This isn't getting us anywhere by fighting....." He said.

"You're right...." I agreed. "Geez.....ever since this engagement thing....everything has been nothing but hell......"

"......." Kaiba was silent. "Have you hated this whole engagement thing THAT much?"

"Um....well.....it's never been my first thing on my favorites' list..." I admitted.

"Oh...I see." Kaiba said.

"Why? Why do you ask?" I asked him.

".........There's something you have to know about the engagement...." Kaiba began, looking at me. I was a little confused. What was it that I didn't already know about it? I mean, our parents arranged it...it was as simple as that....right? "Our engagement wasn't REALLY set up by our parents."

"...What? Whot set up by then if it wasn't them?" I asked, with my confusion becoming greater.

"...Me." Kaiba said. I opened my eyes wider, surprised.

"You??? But you were too young to even CARE about that stuff."

"I was a lot more mature than I let on, Dawn. I asked my step-father about it. And then he had a talk with your parents.....they finally agreed to it."

"Then why did you act like you were against it the whole time?!"

"Because I was just lying the whole time! I thought over time....you'd end up liking me. It's not like I had many friends anyways........................."

"Seto......." I said. I was unable to believe that it was HIM who wanted this. After this whole time, all lies.....But he just drove me nuts with all his stupid lies, and insults! GARH!!!

"I-I have to get some fresh air." I said as I got up and go outside. Kaiba then grabbed me by the arm.

"What would you say....I....if I kissed you?" He asked. I could see that his face was beginning to turn a bit red, but my face was feeling a little flushed myself. Why would he ask me that NOW?? Ah...I get it. He's just setting me up for some kind of fall, like he has been before. God, I've been down this road one too many times. Seto's just trying to embarass me. I'm not going to fall for it again!

"OK..." I said. "Kiss me." Kaiba was stunned to hear that come from me. He then got closer, and I just looked away, waving my hand. "Just kidding....I mean I know you wouldn't do that Seto, with that kind of personality you have....I mean, it'd be completely out of your character-!" Just then, he grabbed both of my shoulders, pulled me in, and kissed me on the lips!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Man...what's taken them so long?" Jounchi said, becoming antsy. "How long does it take to TALK things out?"

"It's probably really serious..." Yugi said, sighing. "I could imagine that they have a lot of things to say to each other."

"Yeah. Yugi's right. With all the things going on between them, they must have so much on their minds." Anzu added. She then looked at the rest of the group. "Do you think he ACTUALLY has feelings for her? "

"I highly doubt it." Jounouchi immediately butted in. "The way he treats her from what I saw, he's got no feelings for her whatsoever."

"I don't know about that, Jounouchi..." Bakura, sitting back in his seat. "When you told Kaiba that you kissed Dawn, he seemed pretty mad. And the hit you took seemed pretty hard from the looks of it on your face."

"That has nothing to do with it! He just wanted a reason to hit me in the first place!" Jounouchi snapped.

"Or maybe someone's just a little jealous..." Hiroto replied.

"Me?? JEALOUS?? Why would I be jealous of a SLEEZBALL like him??" Jounouchi said as he walked over to a wall. "I mean..not only is he rich and famous.....he's also got one of the cutest girls on the lot...willing to do almost anything for him....and he could care LESS about her!" He then punched the wall pretty hard, almost going through it.

"It just isn't fair sometimes....Some jerks just have it all..and they don't even realize it..." Jounouchi's eyes began to water up, but then he held them back.

"Jounouchi...." Yugi said, in a sad tone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My whole body must have gone numb. When his lips touched mine...I felt like everything around me was just making me feel weak. Of all things for Kaiba to do, THIS was something that COMPLETELY threw me off. He finally let go and stared into my eyes, while I stared into his. My first reaction was to slap him real hard, but I just couldn't bring myself to doing it. It's like out of no where, I began to see this new side of Kaiba that I haven't seen in YEARS...well I mean, as far as being nice. Even with that, I've never seen him like this.

"Forgive me...." Seto said apologetically.

"S-Seto......."I began, but then I pushed him away. "We can't do this. This isn't the right time for it. I just can't do this." Kaiba then pulled me back towards him and held me tightly.

"Just let me have this moment....I might not be able to get something like this ever again..." Kaiba said, hugging tighter.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, but he said nothing. He let go once more and then kissed me once more.

"I wish it doesn't have to be this way," murmmered Seto, his eyes falling to the floor, "I only want whats best for you and Mokuba. But...I need you to do something for me...something that I will regret asking you to do."

"Kaiba, what's going on? What do you need me for?" I asked.

"Pegasus....He-" Kaiba said and created a pause for himself. "HE wants me to bring you back to him so you can become one of his allies..."

"Pegausus??? Why are you with that creep?? He shot you, if you don't recall....!"

"Yeah, but he also gave me life. But in exchange for it, I have to bring you in. If I don't, he'll take away Mokuba...but if I do...I'll lose you. Either way, I feel torned between the situations."

"So, wait. Lemme get this straight." I began. "Pegasus revived you so you can do his dirty work in fetching me. If you didn't bring me to him, he is going to hurt Mokuba...and if you bring me, he might end up using me as one of his SlAVES?"

"Believe me, Dawn. I don't like either way....I'm so lost...and I don't know what to do." Kaiba said. He then looked away and I looked down. I didn't want to go see that creep, but....Mokuba had to be saved somehow.

"Then take me to him, Seto....." I said in a soft tone. Kaiba then looked back at me.

"You're willing to risk your freedom to go get him?" He asked. "I mean, for all we both know, it could be a trap."

"We got no choice, do we?" I said. "We'll go there and then we'll think of something, okay?"

"Okay....Let's go..."