Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Deck ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Duel Deck: Deck II

Card 06: Angelic Darkness

Ryou's Point of View

The darkness... What became at one point my only fear, for all other fears of a mortal are nothing compared to it. The darkness, the thing I hated the most at one point of my life. Are you still here darkness? Are you still haunting every corner of my mind? Or have you left forever? Have I finally been set free from you?

"I'm here light," I don't fear, I'm relieved. The darkness is still with me, terrifying my soul and protecting it at the same time. The one thing I hated the most and the one thing I care for the most. The only thing I had, the only thing I have that understands me.

My friends don't like the darkness, I don't blame them, they don't know him like I do and they don't know me like they think they do. Everyday comes and goes and ends the same way. The darkness is still here and I no longer expect him to leave. I have accepted that such a day will never come and I no longer want it to come.

Don't ever leave me, my darkness, "only if you stay my light."

I sometimes used wonder how the world around me is. What things are like, what faces look like, but I only used to get a small glimpse from afar because the darkness is always in control, keeping me alive. Don't you know? I already died but the darkness keeps me alive with energy from the Shadow Realm and the power of the Millennium Ring. The darkness knew I would die and saved me. I like to think that was his goal all along, I don't always believe it, but I like to think that way.

I remember the day of my death, so sudden and unexplainable, but he knew. He felt my heart grow weaker by the day and kept me away from the pain. Was this your goal all along or did it become your goal somewhere along the way? You don't tell me, but that's okay.

That night, that lonely night, all was dark as the sun set and the day ended. I sat alone in my Soul Room and the darkness was all around. Then he came to my room. I was scared at first, but then I noticed that look in his face.

The darkness looked sad as he came closer. He said it was time and I did not understand. He let me take over and then I suddenly knew. I felt life slipping away from me inevitably. When death was about to claim me, the Millennium Ring glowed and the darkness gave me energy. My life is no more, but my vessel still stands, even if my heart doesn't beat and my blood doesn't flow.

Don't get me wrong I'm not a walking dead nor am I a living zombie, my vessel is preserved exactly as it was when I was alive or maybe better. I look the same and time is endless for me now. I'm a sprit with a vessel, not a human being. I was human once, but now I'm more like him. Even so, I'm still the light and he is still the darkness, we complete each other.

My room is so dark, much like his Soul Room, nothing like mine. I've been there, I go there when I wish I was alive and I talk to my darkness. He's nicer to me now. Was he just preparing me for what was to come before? Oh, yes, this situation of my staying here when I'm not alive upsets destiny itself.

The Reaper hunts for me every day but the darkness sends him away. Even the Ripper fears him, but if I am to feel fear when the Reaper comes I will fall. Was my darkness just preparing me so that I could escape death itself and stay here in this world? Is this the way it's meant to be? Tell me, my darkness, is this what you want things to be like?

"Yes," I smile in the darkness of my room. I didn't think he would answer that and I'm glad he did.

I stand up from my bed where I have been laying and look out my room's window. I feel pain that only mortals feel but I'm not a mortal anymore. This can only mean the Reaper is back. I see him standing outside my door, a black shadow with a scythe. The Millennium Ring glows and the darkness, my darkness, scares him away with just a deathly glare.

The Reaper can't come into this house. He fears the one I learned not to fear. I'm safe here and as long as he's with me, I'm safe out there as well. I let my energy flow freely letting my true form show. My vessel becomes a spirit and I'm surrounded by a golden glow. White wings are on my back and a halo on my head. I hear the skies call with a beautiful song but I'm not ready to leave yet. Not until he can come with me, for I will not leave him here.

You are my darkness and I am your light and we need each other to survive. One day I'll follow that beautiful music into the skies, one day when he can come.

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Card 07: Heaven is Waiting

Ryou's Point of View

A lot of things have changed in the past few months. One of those things is Bakura, he saved my life. Well I'm not really alive, but I'm here on Earth as if I was alive. I look like I always did, but my true form is that of an angel. Things are not that simple however, I'm not supposed to be here. I can see the Reaper hunting for me, only those who don't belong in this world can see him. The spirits of the Millennium Items are protected by the ancient magic, but the Millennium Ring was meant to hold the spirit of Bakura, not mine. This vessel has no heartbeats, blood doesn't flow, but I look the same as I always did thanks to the magic.

"Ryou," I hear a voice calling me while I walk to Yugi's house. No one knows I'm dead, I didn't tell them. They think that Bakura and I are finally getting along and it's true, but they don't know why. Than again, Yami might have figured it out, but he hasn't said anything to avoid worrying everyone over something they can't change. "Ryou," that voice sounds familiar but I can't quite tell who it is. Then I see her, a girl who looks like my dead sister, Amane. "Hello my brother."

"Amane," I speak in a whisper. People walk by and they walk through, as if she wasn't there; because she isn't, she isn't a part of this world and neither should I. "You're here..."

"I've always been here Ryou. I've always been watching over you, but I could not interfere with your life. Now you can see me. I'm happy to know that you and the spirit of the Millennium Ring are getting along so well. You've come to care about each other and I wish you could continue being this happy. But I'm afraid that watching out for the Reaper isn't your only worry," Amane looked sad as she said this. What bad news could she bring?

"What's wrong?" To anyone passing by, I must look crazy talking to thin air, they can't see her.

"Time is running out," Amane looks into my eyes. "Ryou, the doors of Heaven will not stay open for you forever, you must enter now!"

I think I know what the problem is but I ask anyway. "What about Bakura, the spirit of the Millennium Ring?"

"I'm sorry, he will have to stay in the ring," Amane knows what my answer to that will be.

"I can't leave him," as I say this, I hear his voice in my mind in protest.

"Ryou, you have to go!" I can't believe he's telling me this.

"I won't leave you!" I insist, speaking to him on our mind link.

"One day the Millennium Items will be no more, one day I'll have to leave also. But what will happen to you then? Ryou, if you don't go when your time comes, you become a lost soul. This is your time, mine will come eventually." But will we end up going to the same place, Bakura?

"Amane, will I meet Bakura again?" My sister only looks down and slowly shakes her head. "Are you sure?" I ask again.

"I don't think so, but I don't really know. There might still be hope." I'm not sure if Amane believes this or if she's just trying to cheer me up enough to convince me to go.

"I'll go only if Bakura comes with me," Amane knows I won't change my mind.

"Very well, it is your decision," there are tears in her eyes. "I must go, good bye my brother." She hugs me, then extends her beautiful wings and flies to the Heavens above.

I sigh sadly and continue walking. A few random people are looking at me strangely because I just hugged someone invisible to them, but I don't care. Bakura is trying to convince me to go, saying it's for my own good, but I'm ignoring him. I walked pass the Game Shop and into the Domino City park without even knowing it.

"You should have gone when you had the chance boy," I've been walking around for so long the sun has gone down and the park is deserted, but I know that voice.

"Show yourself Reaper!" I demand.

The Reaper comes from the shadows; a skeleton, a black cloak and a scythe. "Are you ready to become a slave of my world?"

I glare at him and prepare to take my true form. My vessel falls motionless at my feet as my soul leaves it and I stand here surrounded by a bright light; white wings on my back and a golden halo on my head. Then suddenly I'm no longer an angel, I'm a ghost. Frightened by my new transparent appearance I return to my vessel.

"Foolish mortal! Your ability to be an angelic creature will only last while you're tied to Heaven. But the doors will be closed for you soon," the Reaper threatens.

"Go Ryou, if you go now, you can still come to visit later with a special permission, but you must enter Heaven at least once before you can really be an angel," I heard Bakura's voice in my mind.

"I'm not leaving you! You know it won't be the same if I go, I will no longer be the holder of the Millennium Ring." If I'm not angelic then I can't fight the Reaper. It is my angelic form that scared him away before, but I'm defenseless against him as a ghost. The Reaper, surrounded in a dark aura, tries to attack me with his scythe. There's something wrong, he must have done something because I can't move.

When the scythe is about to hit me, the Millennium Ring begins to glow and I'm protected by it. Bakura appears in front of me in a ghostly way. "The Millennium Ring will protect one soul, first mine and now yours. When the Millennium Items are no more, to Heaven you shall find the doors."

"Bakura!" He's gone; he's really gone, the Reaper took him. Now he'll be captured forever and I can't do anything about it. The Millennium Ring recognizes me as its spirit now.

"Let him go!" I hear my sister's voice again. She holds a bow and arrows, glowing with Heavenly light. Amane shots an arrow at the Reaper, the dark creature screams horribly. "Release the spirit now!" Having no choice, the Reaper brings Bakura back and disappears into darkness. "There has been a change. Bakura you've proven that you're not the evil spirit of the Millennium Ring but good spirit now. You were willing to give up everything to save my brother, even your very soul. You may both enter Heaven together." Amane was smiling and so were Bakura and I as we followed her into the skies..

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Card 08: New Year, New Hope

Ryou's Point of View

Winter is here and with it comes Christmas vacation. This is the happiest time of the year for some, but for me it's the worse. I won't be able to escape my yami at school, indirectly escape him anyway. Even during the school hours I can feel him in my mind. He talks to me sometimes and what he says isn't nice. The good side of it is that he won't come out, he won't attack. I know he won't try anything, not while the others are around. They protect me without knowing it, my friends. But even friends can't save me when I go home and am left alone with him, the spirit of the Millennium Ring.

Another thing about Christmas that people enjoy is presents, but of course I don't get any. Sometimes, my father sends me something, but he's never around for the holydays. Even so I can't help it but to be relived when a package arrives, it means he has not forgotten I exist. I wish I knew what my father sends me; Bakura takes the packages away. I can't hide anything from him, that's why I know he'll find me.

This year has been colder than any other. I've been sitting out here alone for quite some time. I left the Millennium Ring at the house; I can't really call it home. However, I'm still linked to Bakura, he will come. I'm not sure how far I am, but I know this isn't Domino City. I ran right out of the city into an endless snow covered field. I'm weak and tired from running and very cold. Maybe I'll get so cold I won't even feel pain anymore.

I got snowed in with Bakura last year and didn't want it to happen again this year. It's too bad I can't go to Yugi's New Year party like I said I would. It was a mistake to accept the invitation knowing Bakura can read my thoughts. He won't allow me to go; he was quite clear on that.

I wonder how I managed to get away from him in the first place. He must have known I was going to run away and never return. Maybe he thought I would come back when I start to feel cold, tired and hungry, or maybe he just didn't care. Either way I'm glad he didn't stop me. I'll just stay here, resting in the snow, letting the white falling from the skies cover me. I feel so cold yet I'm more comfortable now than I've ever been before. Did it just get darker? I'm so tired... I need to sleep.

"Ryou..." How long have I been sleeping? "Ryou!" Whose voice is that? It sounds familiar but it's so far way. "Ryou! Wake up!" I open my eyes and see him, Bakura, he came to find me after all. Why must he wake me from my peaceful rest?

"Leave me," I'm trembling from the cold.

"No," he picks me up and tries to carry me in direction to Domino city.

"Leave!" I yell as loud as I can, trying to make him drop me, but I'm too weak to even move.

"You'll freeze to death out here," Bakura argued.

"Why would you care?" I yell back. He is silent for a moment, what a stupid question. He wants me alive so he isn't trapped in the Millennium Ring.

"Don't ever do this again," Bakura warned. "Besides, if you stay here and freeze, you won't be able to go to your friend's New Year party." I don't know what made him change his mind, but suddenly despite all he has done, I can't help it but to smile and let him carry me back home. For once I have something to look forward to, not just a happy new year, but also whatever good changes the new year will bring.

End of Ryou's POV

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Card 09: Good OC's Monologue


Hello, I'm an original character, a good original character to be specific. I wasn't when I was created, but I slowly evolved into a weakling over time. Well not exactly a weakling, I do have some strengths, but I also have weaknesses.

It became official on that day when I signed my good OC contract. Strange things began to happen since that day. My powers were gone and I was stuck in Japan with absolutely no idea how to speak Japanese. Then, after I realized my presence in Japan made no sense, since I'm not Japanese and didn't have a real reason to be there, I was teleported back to America. I stayed there for a while, living as an ordinary girl that no one knew existed.

Finally my creator thought of a suitable purpose for me and I was sent in an adventure with some of my favorite bishounen. However, it was them that came to America instead of me going to Japan. Well okay, I'm exaggerating, I didn't go on an adventure with anyone, but I did get to visit Kaiba Land along with the billion other people in that freaking endless line.

You might think it was fun, but it was actually a drag. My personality, the way I was designed, I hate traveling and waiting. Sure there were bishounen, but I was forced to keep my distance. I couldn't glomp them or anything, because I always ran face first into an invisible force field.

Stupid Seto Kaiba! I loved you but now I... actually I still love you, except you don't know me. Either way, there is one up side to the situation. I was designed to prefer machines to people so I won't miss him too much.

Why am I angry at him? Is it because I want to glomp him but can't? No, that's not it. It's because he tricked me and I hate being tricked. I was foolish and that's not even supposed to be one of my characteristics. I guess I got cocky from all the power, even if I wasn't supposed to be cocky, but sometimes when you're a bad OC, you forget yourself and your personality becomes random.

Seto made me sign the contract. He said he was making me his personal assistant, with emphasis on the personal, and now I can't lay a finger on him. The contract prevents me from doing anything that is considered a Mary Sue action.

On the bright side, I remember who I am. My personality is no longer random. My feelings aren't hurt because I'm supposed to be cold and distant. I was meant to keep emotions bottled up until I can disregard them, or until they fade away.

In fact, why did I care about him in the first place? I was meant to admire him from afar, but think relationships are too troublesome. Laziness is one of my main traits.

Enough about the negative, I tend to be optimistic at times though I also give up easily. Ironic isn't it? But it's a possible combination. Look at this it way, if I give up, what's the worse than could happen? There you see, I'm giving up easily and staying optimistic at the same time.

You know what I can do? It's pretty cool, I can read machine language, yes ones and zeros. I don't know why I didn't lose this skill when I lost the power to fly, super strength and all that other stuff. I guess it's because my creator believes it's humanly possible and it is because she can do it. I'm good at stuff like xhtml, css and things like that.

You know what else I inherited from my creator? An exaggerated bad sense of direction! At least some people think it's exaggerated, but if my creator has it then it's humanly possible.

I remember when I used to fly, shoot lasers from my hands and made Obelisk, Slifer and Ra look like wimps. Those were the days. Then again, if I had to live with myself on one of those days, I would end up hating me.

I'll admit I've felt tempted to find a way to break my contract and be free to be ridiculously powerful. Not for the same reasons of before however. This time I plan to be selfish with my powers and also to keep them quiet because I strongly dislike attention. Ironic isn't it? Sues just love attention. I don't want to take over the world, I just want to live an easily life. Let's not forget I was meant to be lazy.

Does being a good OC mean not enjoying being around the main characters? My creator thought they could do without me being there and with my newly developed schizoid personality I was thankful to miss out.

For every flaw there's a counter. I'm not super pretty but I'm not really ugly. I'm not skilled in dance, sports or driving any kind of vehicles, but I couldn't care less. Actually driving space ships would be nice since there's not much to crash into in space, but I tend to not care about things I can't easily obtain, so it's okay that I don't have that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not your average angsty girl who thinks the world sucks. I think the world has good things and bad things. I'm just indifferent to pretty much anything that doesn't affect me directly; I guess that's my selfishness.

Okay, let's see, I'm selfish, lazy and have a bad sense of direction. On the other hand, I'm smart, though not a genius, but still pretty smart. I'm also emotionally strong, even if it sometimes turns into cold indifference.

I was going to be a spoiled brat but that didn't work out. My creator thought it would be bad for me to have everything without lifting a finger. I would really like it if I did, I don't care if everyone says I'm a Sue because my life is perfect. Idiot author not spoiling me enough. I'm lazy, that's how I am and I place no importance what so ever in what others think of me. Live and let live, mind your own business. Maybe I am brattier than I thought.

I bet you hate me now, but I don't really care. I'm nice only if you're nice to me first. I won't fight though. I'm not exceptionally strong anymore and average isn't strong enough to win without effort and I don't like effort.

But enough of that, like I said, I'm nice if you're nice. I'm helpful as long as the favor you need isn't time consuming. You could be the most evil of villains and if you did nothing to me, I have nothing against you. I guess it's a good thing when you look at it in a certain way. I don't judge people by what a third person says. I reserve judgment, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to befriend someone whom I've heard several times is a serial killer simply because no murder has ever been attempted on me. Yeah I'm sarcastic too, but just sometimes.

You know what? Maybe I'm not such a terrible OC. Teenagers rant, it's not that rare. Girls like me, okay, fan girls like me, tend go on random rants so maybe this fits. You know what? I really am a good OC. Do you know why? It's because I don't exist. I live only in my creator's mind and don't exist in the world of fandom. I shall remain here until the day my creator finds a purpose for me. That time I visited Kaiba Land? It was never written. If there is no written record of me, then I don't exist. I was vanished from the world by the contract Seto made me sign, then he forgot all about me because I never existed. I shall return as a good OC with a true purpose someday, maybe...

What else can I say about me? I love cats and dislike dogs. I like bunnies too. Just don't make me clean after any of those animals, I only like to play with them. Water is unpleasant, so obviously I never learned to swim.

I could continue ranting, but my laziness is getting to me. Maybe I'm not a good OC, or not good enough, but I'm not that bad, I'm not perfect, I'm not a Mary Sue, a fangirl and a Mary Sue are different. Ironic, isn't it? A Mary Sue's perfection is her biggest flaw.

Maybe I entertained you with my useless drabbles, but it's time to go now. Yes, go do something useful and stop wasting your time with me; don't forget I prefer to be alone. Go on now, shoo.


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Card 10: Guardian Snow Angel

"When there's no one around, I see my Guardian Snow Angel. I feel at peace when he's with me. When no one else is there, he's the way he used to be. You bring me a feeling of happiness so nice that no even death makes me sad, because you're still here in another way. Thank you for always taking care of me, my guardian snow angel. Even if the snow claimed you, you never left my side or my heart." Seto closed the story book having finished reading to Mokuba.

It was one of those stories that came out in Christmas. One of the main characters died, but he stayed in the story as the guardian snow angel. According to the book, all the lived claimed by snow during Christmas, regardless of how the snow took their lives, would become snow angels. Mokuba wanted a Christmas story and Seto had gotten quite a few books for him.

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He just had to go to that meeting. No matter if he promised his little brother he would stay home because it was so close to Christmas, a few days away, he had to go. Seto was the one who called the meeting anyway. Against his promise to Mokuba he spent the previous night working late and needed to meet with some of his employees before his new project could go to the next step. Seto Kaiba was not one to wait. Of course he was also not one to let his little brother down.

After leaving Mokuba with his new videogames to keep him busy, Seto snuck out and hoped in his helicopter for speed. He would be out and back in the Kaiba Mansion with time to spare before Mokuba noticed. Normally Seto was better at making decisions, but this was a horrible one. Helicopters and snow don't mix. The next thing he knew, all he saw was the white snow.

Seto arrived at home late that night. Mokuba must have noticed and might have gotten worried, but it's not like he could call. His cell phone wouldn't have a signal in the storm and either way he was too busy piloting his helicopter then. One thing was for sure, Seto Kaiba would never get on anything that flies during a snow storm.

Seto didn't know why but he had a strange feeling. As if he couldn't remember all the day's events very well, yet he remembered memories from a long time ago so clearly. It was odd to remember all his life that well, yet not remember things that had happened minutes ago, like when he landed his helicopter. He didn't like that feeling at all. He felt as if there was something wrong. To convince himself that nothing too tragic was going on, he quickly went to find his little brother.

Mokuba was in his room, hugging his pillow while crying. "Mokuba," Seto called him.

"Big Brother!" Mokuba immediately glomped Seto and cried some more.

"I'm sorry I left Mokuba," Seto tried to make Mokuba calm down and stop crying. Looks like his little brother got a bigger scare than he thought.

"You're here, you're okay, you're alive!" Had Mokuba really gotten worried to the point that he thought something life threatening happened to him? Seto hugged his little brother feeling guilty for giving him such a big scare.

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The next few days went by quickly. Seto spent all his time with Mokuba and actually managed not to work (too much) during that time. All was happiness in the Kaiba Mansion until he came. Seto and Mokuba were in the living room playing chess when he arrived, a lawyer that worked for Kaiba Corporation, for some reason he had a key.

"Mokuba we have a bit of a situation here. With Mr. Kaiba gone, everyone is out to get Kaiba Corp. You're still too young so someone will have to help run things until you're old enough to do it yourself," the lawyer explained.

Mokuba looked at the lawyer, then at Seto. "But that was all a mistake, my brother's right there." He pointed at the empty space in front of him.

The lawyer sighed, poor kid. "Look Mokuba, I'm not good at such subjects, my job is to preserve the company to the name of a Kaiba and I'll lose that job if you lose Kaiba Corp. as my contract states."

"What are you talking about?" Seto got no answer, as if the only one who could see and hear him was Mokuba.

"He's right there, don't you see him?" Mokuba started to get teary eyes.

The lawyer waved his hand around the empty space where Seto was supposed to be and he would have hit him but nothing happened. He was there, but he was like a hologram.

Mokuba stared in disbelief. How was it that he could do that? Mokuba took a chess piece and threw it at Seto, who tried to catch it, but it landed on the floor behind him going through his hand, his ability to interact with solid objects weakened in the presence of someone other than his brother.

Mokuba looked right at Seto. "Why didn't you tell me?" He was trying to hold back more tears.

"Tell you what?" The lawyer thought the question was directed at him, being the only other person there.

"Why did you lie to me Seto?" After yelling that question Mokuba, ran upstairs and locked himself in his room.

Seto quickly followed. "Mokuba what's wrong? I know something is happening!"

Mokuba looked at his brother with tears in his eyes. "I heard the helicopter crashed and you were hurt, killed. But then you came and I thought you survived and got better, but you didn't. I'm sorry I yelled at you, I understand now you didn't know, maybe I always knew but didn't want to admit it."

"I didn't make it?" Deep down Seto knew, the memory finally surfaced.

"At least you're still here in another way," was all that Mokuba could say, while he made himself smile and felt that magical peace that only snow angels bring.

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Card 11: My Point Of View

Seto Kaiba's Point of View

Now I realize just how much I miss him. Why Mokuba? Why did you do this to me? Have I not been a good enough brother for you? I know I haven't been the perfect sibling, but I've done my best, yet I failed.

You're gone, I lost you and I miss you. Somehow, I've lost the will to live. Right now I would normally be working, but I can't concentrate. My mind is filled by only one thing: a question. This questing is: Why? I still don't understand why this happened and with Mokuba none the less.

I would never imagine something like this would happen to me, but that's the way it is; you think you're immune to these things. You think it just can't happen to you until it does. Accidents happen to everyone, just like death.

It hasn't been long since I lost someone very important to me and I miss him so much. I still remember what it's like to hug him so clearly. I'm afraid I'll forget.

I failed, I failed and it ended in tragedy. I should have done something, I know I could have. I knew there was something wrong with the helicopter, well I didn't really know, but I suspected it. I shouldn't have ignored it, I could have saved him.

Mokuba, why? Everyone thinks I overreacted, being so depressed over this loss. Yugi and I were dueling when I received the news. The helicopter I sent to Mokuba, my little brother...

I didn't believe it at first, but then the truth sank in. Yugi tried to be his normal cheerful self and tried to tell me that it would be okay. But it's not okay; Yugi doesn't understand, he has never lost anyone like I have. I guess I shouldn't blame him for not knowing, it's something no one wants to learn about first hand.

I must have done something horrible in a past life to deserve this, if there is such a thing. If so, I'm sure Ishizu is wrong in all her little predictions, my real past self must have been more evil than she could ever imagine. Then this is my punishment? No, if it was, then I would have suffered the accident, not him.

I'm losing my mind, there's no such things as past lives. I'm just a total failure who couldn't protect someone he cares about., I can't live with myself, not like this, I can never get over this, never. I want this to end, this terrible pain. I can't stand it, not even I, Seto Kaiba, can deal with this loss.

No, only I carry his true memory. He wouldn't want me to be sad. I know he wouldn't, then why am I sad? I know why, because he's gone and I can't do anything to change that.

I try to get more comfortable in the couch where I've been laying for a while now, thinking of depressing thoughts. There is an object on a small table next to the couch that catches my attention. What is that doing there? It's almost 11:30 pm, outside its dark and the lights are off.

I stare at the object I saw and reach out for it. Then I just stare at it some more. It's like I'm in a trance with no control over my actions. All I want is for this pain to end. Why Mokuba? Why?

The next thing I know a few drops of red liquid fall. I'm holding my hand out and the liquid keeps falling and falling like deadly raindrops staining the carpet crimson.

I close my eyes. It's over. There's nothing I can do to fix this. No matter how hard I try, I can't change the past. He's gone, never to return, he's gone and that's all there is to it. I couldn't save him, it's the end. "I'm dying!"

"No you're not." I hear a gentle voice and open my eyes then I see it, a creature of light, like an angel that has come to me. The beautiful light gently takes the object from me and cleans the red substance on my hand and wrist. "Come," the light extends her hand to me.

I take the light's hand and we go up. Then I see him, Mokuba! He's standing there with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry big brother, I'm really sorry about what happened."

"It's ok it wasn't your fault," I hug my little brother. "That helicopter, I should have..." I don't end my sentence, there's no point in doing so.

The one that led me up here opens a door and a bright light comes from inside. Mokuba and I enter together and then I see something that ends all my pain and restores happiness to my heart.

End Seto's POV

That was the story from Seto's point of view, now read it from my point of view and it will all become clear.

When I found Seto, he was laying on the couch with a pitifully sad expression and a ketchup bottle in his hand, letting the red liquid stain the carpet. I cleaned his hand and wrist, which were covered in ketchup and took the bottle away from him before he made a bigger mess.

Earlier, Mokuba was playing with the toy helicopter Seto gave him and accidentally knocked his plushie out a window. Seto loves his Blue Eyes White Dragon plushie. He's been laying there all depressed while Mokuba ran to hide in his room.

I got the plushie that had fallen in the yard and cleaned it up. Then I got Seto to go upstairs where he found Mokuba and forgave him. I opened the door to his room, the lights inside where on but the lights in the hall where off, so it was kind of bright with the sudden light. Seto and Mokuba went to his room and Seto was very happy when he saw his plushie sitting on the bed all cleaned up.

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Card 12: Perfect Little Boy

'Run perfect little boy; run towards your only escape. The tall walls will not let you out, so instead you must find your escape within yourself.'

"You think you're doing this for my own good? All this pressure? I'll tell you what is good for me... peace!" What have you done perfect little boy? You are no longer perfect. Maybe you could be modified somehow.

Gozaburo Kaiba virtualized Noa's mind. He erased certain memories, but even then, he could not turn Noa into the perfect little boy he wanted. So he found another perfect little boy.

Little Seto sat alone in his room. How frustrating can life be when he cannot be who he really is. Gozaburo wanted him to be a perfect little boy and used Mokuba to pressure him.

"I'll give you food, a house and any materialistic desire, TV, videogame, money you name it, but you must be a perfect little boy. I'll pretend to care, but all I care for is myself. I'm so proud of you perfect little boy, make me proud. I don't care if you hate what you're doing, I don't care if you are someone else, I don't like who you are, so I will turn you into something else. My perfect little boy you shall be."

Seto was different from the other children, he wanted to beat Gozaburo at his own game and he did.

'Very good, perfect little boy.'

So another story ends of a child pressured to be perfect. Surrounded by people who criticize him, as if the world will end by his fault, at the slightest glance of his true self. Those who want to turn him into someone else. Hypocrites, more selfish than you know. I don't trust you, you just want to change me and I may be trapped, but not forever.

Oh perfect child, you must get good grades. Oh perfect child you must have good friends. Oh my perfect little child, be superficial with friendship for appearances are everything. If I don't like that boy or girl, neither must you. Go talk to the boring kids, be as much as a hypocrite as them.

Oh perfect child, be nice to the teacher and never tell him or her when they are wrong. Oh perfect child be nice to the hypocrite family members that hardly know you exist, show them you're better than their kids.

Oh perfect child, don't you know your purpose in life is for me to brag about you? I'm a failure, so you must do what I'm too stupid to do. My dear perfect child I know you're smart, why do you not use that how I want you to?

'Tell me, are you trapped? Do they want to change who you are? My perfect child don't worry, you shall live longer, you shall be so much more, then you'll laugh at their face in the glory of your freedom. Oh perfect little boy, thank you for helping this perfect little girl be free, just like you.'

Seto stood there staring at the spirit in front of him. This room had been sealed since before he came to the Kaiba Mansion. Now he finally managed to open it and to his surprise found a girl's ghost trapped inside.

'Evil Gozaburo, one time he wanted to have the perfect daughter, but I was never perfect enough. Then Noa came to take my place and back to the orphanage I thought I would go, but I didn't. Locked away in my room I died from lack of food, trying to accomplish the perfection that is impossible. But you beat Gozaburo at his own game, you may not be perfect , yet you beat him none the less. Good bye!'

The spirit faded away and Seto just stood there for a few moments trying to erase the recent memories from his mind. He eventually convinced himself that there was no ghostly little girl and that it was all his imagination because he was working to hard. Thus the almost perfect boy went on with his life.

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Card 13: A Brother's Promise

There was a mixture of darkness and light, a combination of cold and hot. The world around him made no sense and he couldn't remember why. Seto slowly opened his eyes. He wasn't sure what was going on and didn't remember ever going to sleep, but one thing was for sure he had a killer headache.

He tried to get up, but the dizziness made him lay down again. He rested for a few moments before trying to get up again, slowly this time. He recognized his surroundings as his room, but it looked a bit different, nothing too significant, just a few details out of place.

The large windows where opened letting the bright sunlight in. He wasn't sure if he felt cold or hot, it was a mixture of both. He touched his forehead and concluded this strange sensation was due to the fever he had. Was it just a common cold, or maybe something more?

Still confused and somewhat disoriented, Seto examined his surroundings. A knife stained with blood lay beside him near a blood stain on the bed sheet. He reached for it and felt pain as he did. He noticed a deep cut in his right arm and wondered how it got there. He got up and headed to the bathroom to find the first aid kit and treat his wound.

As he walked, Seto noticed empty bottles and small jars scattered on the floor. Clearly the bottles were once filled with a drink containing alcohol and the small jars contained some kind of nonprescription medicine, like headache medicine, which he needed badly now. All those objects on the floor confused him very much. He truly had no idea of how they got in his room, his memory was blank. His surroundings were hard to understand, he was still very dizzy and lost.

Seto got to the bathroom and washed his cut. Upon doing so, he noticed the bits of dry blood that stained the floor and the tub, leaving a small trail out of the bathroom, but his cut was dry, so that must have happened before. Somehow, Seto knew it was his blood, but he couldn't remember what exactly happened. He finished cleaning his cut and took a shower, noticing other cuts as he covered himself in soap. The warm water felt good, he was beginning to feel more awake now.

He got dressed in clean clothes and went back to his room to pick up the bottles and jars from the floor. This worried him. Did he get drunk and try to poison himself? No, of course not. He wouldn't do that, right?

Suddenly, Seto remembered his little brother and panic took over. He dropped everything and ran to Mokuba's room but Mokuba was not there. "Mokuba!" Seto ran around the entire Kaiba mansion yelling out his little brother's name, but he received no answer.

Seto ran outside hoping that he would find Mokuba in the yard. "Mokuba!" Still he got no answer. He continued running and searching until he saw Mokuba up ahead. He calmed down and took a deep breath.

Seto still wasn't sure about what happened, but his little brother was safe, so everything would be okay. "Mokuba, don't disappear like that."

Mokuba quickly stepped back, not allowing Seto to hug him. This of course this surprised Seto, since usually Mokuba is the first to jump on him and glomp him. "You promised to be happy!"

Seto just looked confused. "I am happy," was the only thing that Seto thought of saying, yet somehow he didn't believe himself.

"Don't forget me but don't remember me that way," Mokuba insisted. Seto had no idea what he was talking about.

Mokuba smiled, "promise not to be sad, promise to go on and live your life happily, reach your goals and dreams. Don't forget me, but don't remember me in sadness. Always remember the good times big brother! It's the only way I can rest." Seto just nodded not knowing what to say. "Tell me that you promise," Mokuba requested.

"I promise," Seto answered without thinking about what he was saying.

"Keep your promise big brother!" Mokuba began to walk away, slowly disappearing.

"Mokuba!" Seto ran after him, but Mokuba was gone. He continued running until he came to what appeared to be a tombstone in the middle the garden. Why didn't he remember that being there before?

Seto came closer to read the name written on the tomb. "Mokuba Kaiba," his memories slowly returned, flooding his mind with pain and sadness. He remember now what happened, he did want to die, he did try to commit suicide but the alcohol and pain killers made him loose consciousness before he made the final cut.

Once again Seto wanted to be dead. The pain of losing his little brother was too much. But now he couldn't die. Now he had a promise to honor and this time he would keep his promise, or at least he would try as hard as he could.

"Why did you made me make such a promise, Mokuba?" Seto didn't question if what he saw was real or not, either way, he knew that this was a promise Mokuba would want him to keep. He stood there for a few minutes looking at the tombstone with tears. "Rest in peace little brother; I'll do my best to keep my promise this time."

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Card 14: Midnight Call

Seto Kaiba's Point of View

A quick glance at the clock on the bottom right corner of my computer tells me that it's almost midnight. I continue typing rapidly; I must have this finished by tomorrow.

Tonight Mokuba is with Yugi and his friends, sleeping over at the Game Shop. I can't help it but to feel a slight worry, yet I know Mokuba is okay. Still, there is something going on, a certain sadness hanging in the air threatening to fall any minute.

My cell phone, which is next to my computer, begins to ring. Who could it be, calling me at this hour? I look at the small screen and recognize the number; it's from Yugi's place. Has something happened?

I shouldn't jump to conclusions; maybe it's just Mokuba who stayed up late, as people always do in sleep overs, if they even sleep at all. Maybe he just wants to say good night, since he knows I'm usually awake until after midnight.

"Hello?" I feel as if I'm expecting bad news, the kind of bad news that can't wait until tomorrow morning.

"Kaiba?" Yugi's voice trembles and I can hear crying in the background, yet I somehow know Mokuba isn't the reason for that, he's alright, I know he is.

"What happened?" I sound nothing like my usual cold self, or maybe I'm not like that after all.

"I know it's late, but please come pick Mokuba up, or I can tell Joey or Tristan to take him home, it's best if he's not here right now." I can't understand the rest, just crying and a few words mixed in.

His grandfather wasn't feeling well that afternoon. "Yugi... I'm sorry."


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Card 15: Chocolate Parfait

Mokuba's Point of View

When Ryou borrows something he always gives it back, Bakura doesn't. The other day Bakura borrowed my chocolate parfait. He borrowed it without asking and when I went to get it in the refrigerator, it was gone and not too far from there, I found Bakura holding the empty cup. I told him not to eat my chocolate parfait ever again and he promised he wouldn't.

The next day I knew I had another delicious chocolate parfait made especially for me by my brother waiting in the refrigerator. Bakura said he wanted to look at it, only look at it, so I let him, but he ate it. It's not fair, that was my special chocolate parfait that Seto made just for me!

I started crying after that and Bakura didn't know what to do. He kept complaining about Ryou making him baby-sit to prove he's not evil anymore and about Seto running off to do who knows what. Seto says he working on Kaiba Corp stuff but Bakura laughed when I told him that. I don't know what's so funny about it, it sounds perfectly normal to me.

The next day, I made sure to eat my chocolate parfait before Bakura got to it. He couldn't steal it, I didn't let him. I'm satisfied I finally ate my chocolate parfait all by myself. The coolest part is that today I didn't have to go crying to my brother about it. Bakura says I do that too often and that I can't do stuff on my own, but I showed him!


End of Deck II

Disclaimer, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

About Card 06: Ryou died of a genetic heart disease (I don't know if there is such a thing I just randomly made that up). Bakura used the energy of the Millennium Ring and the Millennium Puzzle (Remember when he put a portion of his spirit into it during Battle City?) to give Ryou the ability to preserve his vessel so that he didn't turn into a zombie after he died and stayed in his vessel. Ryou is now angel but he doesn't want to leave this world because of Bakura, who is still in the Millennium Ring, can't go with him. About Card 11, mikari translates to beautiful light. There was a time in the past when writing YGO angst was the in thing. XD