Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Duelist's Souls ❯ Introduction: Duelist's Souls ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
KS: I'm starting another story that won't be finished ever, just like my other four stories. Just joking. I'll get around to them... Eventually. If you read my other story of Yu-Gi-Oh!, The Eighth Millennium Item, then don't get that confused with this one please. This story also has Shadow in it, but she might be a little different, and it also contains some new characters and some not knew.


Introduction: Duelist's Souls

A new discovery had been made; in Cario, Egypt heiroglyphs mentioning the Shadow Realm, the many monsters, the nameless Pharoah, a Princess, and a Guardian had been dug up. Unfortunatley, the story behind the heiroglyphs was to remain a mystery. Although the all indicated these people, no one could translate.

So they would remain a mystery.... But not for everyone.


"So what do you think of Egypt, so far?" Shadow asked, drawing a card. It was the Dark Magician, she placed it down.

"Oh, I'm screwed!" Alexandra, more commonly known to everyone as Alex, exclaimed. "That's the third time in a row that you kicked my ass!"

"It's magic," Shadow stated, covering the moutpiece of the phone. "Duel?"

Alex nodded 'yes' at the same time, her sister, Jen, decided to answer, "It's very beautiful here, Shadow. And are you dueling again?"

"Yes," Shadow replied, and drew five cards at exactley the same time as Alex.

"Good freakin' lord," Jen exclaimed, "You were just in Egypt for the past three months for a dueling tournament and before that you were in Italy, with Alex during her two month tournament. Don't you ever get enough of dueling? I mean, you're superglued to your cards, both you and Alex. Actually, you two are superglued together and your cards just got tangled in their, when are you two ever apart from each other and your cards?"

By this time, both Alex and Shadow had each had five turns. "You know she has a really big mouth," Alex commented. "Listen to her complain. I'm going to get some chips and sodas." Alex got up and left for the kitchen.

"You're right, Jen, but dueling is just my thing. Anyway, enough about me. Is Gran alright?"

"Gran? She's the same as usual," Jen stated. "A nut case. How did she ever become..-what is that word again?- You know, the one that means digging up places and finding things."

"An archeologist?" Shadow asked, as she rearranged the cards in her hands.

"Yep, that's the word I'm looking for."

Alex came back in with two Pepsis and a bag of chips. She tossed a Pepsi to Shadow, who caught and mouthed a "Thank You". "Still not off the phone with your sister, I see," Alex stated.

"Duh," Shadow muttered. "Listen, I'm gonna go, Jen. You're coming back next week, right?"

"Yep, see you then." And then Jen hung up.

"I'm thankful that I don't have a sister," Alex muttered, placing a card in defense and then placing a card a trap card underneath. Shadow laughed, and stated, "Oh the joys of being a sister!" She raised her Pepsi can and so did Alex, and the clanked it together, making a toast.

Alex had Shadow as a best friend for so many years now. They had been together for everything and it was almost if they knew each other in a previous life. A doorbell snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Who the hell comes to a house at ten at night?" Shadow asked, light blue eyes blinked in confusion as she stood up and stretched; her blonde hair started to fall out of the loose ponytail she had put it in earlier. But now standing up instead of curled up in a sitting position, a white T-shirt that revealed a Toon Dark Magician Girl and a Toon Dark Magician were shown along with a pair of light blue pants with the back of Duel Monsters cards on them.

"Dressed for any special occasion?" Alex asked. Shadow just gave her a look as she headed for the door. "No slippers!?"

"Go look at yourself in a mirror!" Shadow exclaimed. Alex didn't need to look in the mirror to no exactley what she looked like: Tri-color hair - blonde, purple, and black - with bright purple eyes. PJs?- Gray boxers and a large red T-shirt with the words "DUELING BABE" in big black letters. And of course, the small black rimmed glasses. In her own words: A freak.

Shadow decided to come back at that moment with a brown package in her hands. It was slightly big, but not to big. The only thing Alex could say was- "What the hell?"

"I don't know," came Shadow's reply, "It was just sitting there." Shadow and Alex opened the box carefully. Inside were two gold boxes with the Eye of Horus on them. Almost identical, except for the heiroglyphics that mentioned a princess and a guardian.
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